Records of the Watson family of Barnard Castle deposited on long-term loan: 2 November 2001 Acc: 2801(D) 27 November 2007 Acc:3438(D) INTRODUCTION This is a catalogue of the family papers of the Watsons of Barnard Castle which date from the late 18th to the late 20th century. The papers relate primarily to members of the Watson family and to those families related through marriage including the Seniors, Longdens, Milvains, Jobsons, Mitchells and Haslewoods. The Watsons had a solicitor’s practice in Barnard Castle from 1817 to 1985. This was founded by William Watson senior (1794-1883) Spring Lodge in the Newgate area of the town, which was the Watson family home from 1825 to 1989, was also built by William Watson senior. The family played a very active role in the social, political and cultural life of Barnard Castle. For more detailed biographical information see the headings to the individual sections of this catalogue. These papers were in the possession of William Innes Watson (1906-1988) at the time of his death. A large number of the papers relate to him and his hobbies and interests. CATALOGUE ARRANGEMENT SECTION HEADINGS The catalogue has been subdivided into 34 sections. Section 1 contains items which relate to several generations of the Watson family. Section 2 contains items relating to the siblings of William Watson senior (although not to William Watson senior himself) and also to earlier generations of the Watson and related families. Sections 3 to 28 relate to individuals and family groups within the Watson or related families. The order of sections 3 to 28 is determined according to the position of the individuals or family group in the Watson family tree ( see Watson family tree for key to order of sections.) Section 29 relates to items which definitely relate to members of the Watson family but it is not possible to identify the individual or individuals. Section 30 relates to members of the Watson family who do not fit into any of the earlier section headings. Section 31 relates to Messrs. Watson solicitors; although the family solicitors was actually only known by this name in the time of W.I. Watson the firm has been referred to by this name throughout the catalogue for the sake of simplicity. Section 32 refers to items relating to Spring Lodge, including the gardens and art works and antiques formerly contained in the house. Section 33 contains items relating to Barnard Castle most of which have a connection with the Watson family. Section 34 contains items which do not fit under any other section. 1 Papers relating to several generations of the Watson family 2 Early Watsons 3 William Watson senior 4 Louisa Watson, née Senior 5 Senior family 6 Mary Watson, née Longden, and Longden family 7 Charlotte Maria Innes 8 William Watson junior 9 Anne Elizabeth Longden, née Watson, and Thomas Longden 10 William James Watson 11 Margarette Louisa Watson, née Jobson 12 Jobson family 13 George Watson 14 Innes Watson 15 H.C. Watson 16 H.C. and Lila Watson 17 Lila Watson, née Haslewood, and Haslewood family 18 Ada and Gertrude Watson 19 Children of H.C. Watson (items relating to the children of H.C. Watson as a group rather than as individuals) 20 W.I. Watson 21 W.I. and Anne Watson 22 Anne Watson, née Milvain 23 Milvains 24 Kathleen Marshall, née Mitchell, and Mitchell family 25 H.B. Watson 26 J. Merryne Watson 27 Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, and family 28 Rupert and Julian Watson 29 Unidentified Watsons 30 Other Watsons 31 Messrs. Watson solicitors 32 Spring Lodge 33 Barnard Castle 34 Miscellaneous SUB-SECTIONS Each section as listed above can be divided into a number of possible sub-sections. A full list of all sub-sections is shown below. The sub-sections will always follow the order laid out in this list. As can be seen there are a large number of possible sub-sctions but none of the sections will use all of them. Family history FAMILY TREES FAMILY COATS OF ARMS FAMILY HISTORY AND HERALDRY: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS FAMILY SCRAP AND CUTTINGS BOOKS (INCLUDING CORRESPONDENCE AND ENCLOSURES) FAMILY HISTORY AND HERALDRY: MISCELLANEOUS Births, deaths and marriages BIRTH, BAPTISM, MARRIAGE DEATH AND BURIAL CERTIFICATES AND ENTRIES WEDDING: PHOTOGRAPHS COURTSHIP AND WEDDING: CORRESPONDENCE WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS WEDDINGS: MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE NOTIFICATIONS OF DEATH AND DESCRIPTIONS OF CIRCUMSTANCES OBITUARIES ORDERS OF MEMORIAL SERVICES BURIALS AND MEMORIAL TABLETS: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS BURIALS AND MEMORIAL TABLETS: MISCELLANEOUS Wills, settlements and trusts WILLS, SETTLEMENTS AND TRUSTS AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE General diaries and reminiscences (see also military and travel) GENERAL DIARIES AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) GENERAL REMINISCENCES Keepsake books KEEPSAKE BOOKS (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) Visitors’ and address books VISITORS’ BOOKS TELEPHONE AND ADDRESS BOOKS DINNER PARTY BOOKS {Childhood and school SCHOOL: PHOTOGRAPHS (for general photographs of children see general photographs) CHILDHOOD AND SCHOOL: CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL REPORTS CHILDHOOD AND SCHOOL: MISCELLANEOUS Business and legal GENERAL BUSINESS INTERESTS: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS: GENERAL BUSINESS INTERESTS: MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL: APPOINTMENTS AND ADMISSIONS AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL: CASES, OPINIONS AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE SALE OF LEGAL PRACTICE: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS LEGAL: MISCELLANEOUS APPRENTICESHIP INDENTURES Public service and politics PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLITICS: APPOINTMENTS AND AWARDS AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLITICS: PHOTOGRAPHS PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLITICS: CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLITICS: MISCELLANEOUS Charities CHARITIES: AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES CHARITIES: MISCELLANEOUS Property CONVEYANCES, RELATED PLANS AND CORRESPONDENCE SALE PARTICULARS ESTATE MAPS PROPERTY: GENERAL PLANS AND PLANS RELATING TO IMPROVEMENTS PROPERTY REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS: BILLS, ESTIMATES CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS PROPERTY: MISCELLANEOUS Personal finance PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Military WAR DIARIES AND JOURNALS WAR REMINISCENCES AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE MILITARY: PHOTOGRAPHS WARTIME CORRESPONDENCE MILITARY COMMISSIONS AND RELATED PAPERS MEDALS MILITARY HISTORY AND MUSEUMS: VOLUMES, MANUSCRIPTS, BOOKLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS MILITARY HISTORY AND MUSEUMS: CORRESPONDENCE MILITARY: MISCELLANEOUS Church and religion FAMILY BIBLES, PRAYERS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS WORKS (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) PEW SALES AND RELATED PLANS CHURCH: PHOTOGRAPHS CHURCH: BOOKLETS CHURCH AND RELIGION: MISCELLANEOUS Art and antiques (including family portraits) ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS SILHOUETTES INVENTORIES OF ART, ANTIQUES, SILVER AND CHINA (WITH RELATED CORRESPONDENCE AND ENCLOSURES) ART AND ANTIQUES: CATALOGUES, BOOKS AND BOOKLETS ART AND ANTIQUES: MISCELLANEOUS Architecture ARCHITECTURE: BOOKLETS ARCHITECTURE: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS ARCHITECTURE: MISCELLANEOUS Travel TRAVEL JOURNALS TRAVEL AND HOLIDAY: PHOTOGRAPHS TRAVEL AND HOLIDAY: CORRESPONDENCE TRAVEL AND HOLIDAY: MISCELLANEOUS Sports and country pursuits GAME REGISTERS (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) SPORTS AND COUNTRY PURSUITS: SCRAP BOOKS AND CUTTING ALBUMS (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) SPORTS AND COUNTRY PURSUITS: PHOTOGRAPHS: GAME FAIRS: CORRESPONDENCE AND RELATED PAPERS SPORTS AND COUNTRY PURSUITS: MISCELLANEOUS Hobbies and interests HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: SCRAPBOOKS HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: PHOTOGRAPHS HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: CORRESPONDENCE HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: MISCELLANEOUS Gardens and gardening GARDENING ALBUMS GARDENING NOTES AND NOTEBOOKS GARDENS AND GARDENING:CORRESPONDENCE: GARDENS AND GARDENING: MISCELLANEOUS Household RECIPES DRESSMAKING: CUTTINGS AND NOTES HOUSEHOLD: MISCELLANEOUS Local history LOCAL HISTORY: BOOKLETS: LOCAL HISTORY: MISCELLANEOUS Agriculture AGRICULTURE: PRIZE CERTIFICATES AGRICULTURE: MISCELLANEOUS General photographs (including family photographs) GENERAL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS (INCLUDING ENCLOSURES) GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS General correspondence GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS: PLANS MISCELLANEOUS: SEALS MISCELLANEOUS: PRINTING PLATES AND NAME PLATES MISCELLANEOUS. For records in this catalogue check the section below.
ref no. | D/Wn | ||||||||||
Date | 1818, 1992 | ||||||||||
Era | 20th Century (1901 to 2000), Late 20th Century (1967 to 2000), Hanoverian (1714 to 1837) | ||||||||||
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Watson family of Barnard Castle – Sections 24-34 records
id | title id | ref | sorting number | level | title | type | category | covering dates | access | item physical | item accession no | item image | description | |
D/Wn 24/ | KATHLEEN MARSHALL, née Mitchell, AND MITCHELL FAMILY | Kathleen Marshall, nee Mitchell, (1888-1966) married Henry Roland Milvain (1880-1960) in 1912. She was his second wife and was mother of two daughters, Anne Watson (1914-1974) and Juliet Bewicke (1916-1999). She divorced Henry Roland Milvain and later married Walter Marshall in 1931. She was particularly fond of making and exhibiting model theatres. Her grand father, Charles Mitchell (1820-1895), was born in Aberdeen. After serving an engineering apprenticeship, he moved to Tyneside in 1842. In 1852 he set up his own shipyard in Low Walker. He then merged his business with that of Sir William Armstrong in 1882 to form Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co. This was a massive concern and employed, at its height, 15,000 men. He was a noted philanthropist and financed the building of many public buildings, most notably St. George ‘s Church, Jesmond. He was also a patron of the arts and collected over 400 works of art. He married Anne Swan in 1854. They had three sons, two of whom died in infancy. Charles William Mitchell (1855-1903) was the only surviving child of Charles Mitchell (1820-1895). He was an artist who painted in the pre-Raphaelite style. He studied as a painter and had work exhibited in the Royal Academy. His painting ‘Hypatia’ is exhibited in the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was also a businessman and became a director in his late father’ s shipbuilding company. He married Elizabeth Highat Watson in 1878. They had a son, Charles Mitchell, and two daughters, Annie Mitchell (later Belfield), and Kathleen Mitchell (later Milvain, then Marshall) (1888-1966) | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/1-2 | FAMILY TREES | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/1 | 1 paper | Notes, with rough pedigree, relating to Eliza Highat Watson, mother of Kathleen Marshall, née Mitchell, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/2 | 1 paper | Photocopy of draft copy of the Mitchell pedigree, from late 18th. c. to 1977, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/3(1-3) | 2 papers | Historical notes compiled by ‘S.B.’ relating to the Mitchell family who lived at Nether Careston from probably before the 16th or 17th century until 1882, mentioning the various agricultural and domestic innovations for which the family were noted, 6 October [19]60 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/4(1-4) | 4 papers | Family histories, with description of family arms and also family charters of the Highats of Chapelhouse, Dunlop, Ayrshire and the MacIntyres of Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland [taken from an unidentified reference book of 1865], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/5 | 1 paper | Copy extract from the baptism register of St. George’ s church, Newcastle, of the baptism of Kathleen Highat Mitchell who was baptised 16 October 1888, copy made 8 December 1964 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/6 | 1 paper | Marriage certificate of Walter John Marshall and Kathleen Highat Milvain, née Mitchell, 24 June 1931 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/7 | WEDDING: PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/7 | 1 black and white photograph, 9.3 cm. x 11.9 cm. | Photograph of Charles Mitchell and other guests at the wedding of Juliet Milvain and Calverley Bewicke, n.d. [ c.1936] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/8 | 1 card | Postcard from ‘ Bill’ [W.I. Watson] to [Kathleen] Marshall, Stamfordham, Northumberland, sent from his honeymoon in Sweden, postmarked ’25 August [19]47′ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/9 | 1 paper | Letter from ‘ Bill’ [W.I. Watson], Grandhotel, Saltsjobaden, [Sweden], to K[athleen] Marshall, thanking her for making the wedding arrangements, n.d. [August 1947] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/10 | 1 card | Postcard from [Anne Watson], Sweden, to [Kathleen] Marshall, Blackheddon Hall, Stamfordham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, [Northumberland], advising that they had a good flight and are looking forward to the rest of their stay [on honeymoon], postmarked ’22 August [19]47′ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/11 | 1 card | Postcard from [Anne Watson ] on train for Stockholm, Sweden, to [Kathleen] Marshall, Blackheddon Hall, Stamfordham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, [Northumberland], advising how much she is enjoying herself [on honeymoon], n.d. [August 1947] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/12 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, Eglingham, Northumberland, to ‘my dearest darling mum ‘ [Kathleen Marshall], thanking her for ‘all my happiness’ , [probably written shortly before or after her marriage to W.I. Watson], [1947?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/13 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne [Watson], The Berkeley, Berkeley Street, London, to ‘ my dearest darling mum’ [Kathleen Marshall], mentioning how much she and W.I. Watson had enjoyed their wedding day, n.d. [August 1947] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/14 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne [Watson], Saltsjobaden, Sweden, to ‘my darling mum’ [Kathleen Marshall], describing their flight to Sweden [on her honeymoon], also advising that she and W.I. Watson are compiling a book of recollections about their wedding day and would be grateful for contributions, also mentioning that she was happy with her own and the bridesmaids ‘ appearance at the wedding, also enquiring after Walter [Marshall’ s] health, n.d. [August 1947] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/15 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne [Watson] to ‘ mum darling’ [Kathleen Marshall], sent to enclose a nail brush, also mentioning how happy she has been since her marriage, n.d. [1947?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/16 | VISITORS’ BOOKS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/16 | 1 volume, leather bound | Visitors’ book [of Kathleen Marshall], later used at Bannamoor, Eglingham, Northumberland, 1929 – 1980 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/17 | 1 paper | Letter from R[osemary Milvain], Clavering, [Alnwick, Northumberland], to Julian [Watson], enclosing D/Wn 24/18, 20 October [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/18 | 1 paper | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 24/17, newspaper cutting from The Journal containing an article entitled ‘Landmark of a man who lived for ships’ , concerning the centenary celebrations of St. George’ s church, Jesmond, which had been built by Charles Mitchell, 15 October 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/19(1-8) | 8 papers | Extracts taken from T. Crawford, Notes on Walker , published 1904, concerning the life and career in shipbuilding of Charles Mitchell, and also the life and career of Charles W. Mitchell, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/20(1-8) | 8 papers | Duplicate of D/Wn 24/19 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/21 | 1 paper | Cutting from unidentified newspaper containing article concerning the history of Northeast shipbuilding containing many references to Charles Mitchell, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/22 | 1 booklet | D.F. McGuire, Charles Mitchell; 1820 – 1895, Victorian Shipbuilder , Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Library and Arts, 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/23 | 1 paper | Transcript of ‘Drakes Prayer’ [in the hand of Kathleen Marshall], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/24 | 1 volume, paper bound | Catalogue produced to accompany the exhibition at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne entitled Pre-Raphaelites, Painters and patrons in the North East , with introductory essays, (see page 92 item 73 for reference to painting by Charles W. Mitchell, 1854-1903, and also page 128 for short biography of Charles Mitchell, 1820-1895, shipbuilder and art collector), 14 October 1989 – 14 January 1990 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/25-26 | ART AND ANTIQUES: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/25(1-4) | 4 papers | Notes [by Anne Watson] on Charles Mitchell (1820-1895), also listing some of the paintings of Charles W. Mitchell (1855-1903), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/26 | 1 paper | Rough notes by Anne Watson relating possibly to portraits painted by C[harles] W. Mitchell, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/27-28 | TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS: CORRESPONDENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/27/1-12 | 12 cards | Postcards from Royal Mail Lines to [Kathleen] Marshall, Buckland House, Buckland Newton, Dorset, carrying a copy of a news message received from R.M.S. Atlantis outlining the position of the ship, onshore excursions undertaken and onboard activities, 3 February [19]37 – 17 March [19]37 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/28(1-6) | 6 papers | Letter [from Anne Milvain, later Watson, to Kathleen Marshall?], describing her visits to Miami, Nassau, Puerto Rico and St. Lucia and also all the onboard activities, 6-7 March [1937] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/29 | HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: SCRAPBOOKS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/29 | 1 album, card bound, pages secures by ribbons | Album compiled by Kathleen Marshall containing cuttings, photographs, W[omen’ s] I[nstitute] prize certificates and Dorset Arts and Crafts Society medals and other items relating to her miniature theatre with dancing figures, 1935 – 1948 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/30-51 | HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/30 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.9 cm. x 14.9 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature ballet theatre, with five dancing figures, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/31 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 11.5 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 24/30 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/32 | 1 black and white photograph, 4.9 cm. x 5.8 cm. | Photograph of miniature dancing figure in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/33 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.7 cm. x 8 cm. | Photograph of miniature dancing figure in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/34 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 9 cm. x 4.9 cm. | Photograph of two miniature dancing figures in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/35 | 1 black and white photograph, 16.3 cm. x 20.4 cm. | Photograph of miniature dancing figure in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/36 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.2 cm. x 16.1 cm. | Photograph of two miniature dancing figures in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/37 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.7 cm. x 13.8 cm. | Photograph of miniature dancing figure in ballet costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/38 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 13.7 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 24/37 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/39 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 8.9 cm. x 5.5 cm. | Photograph of two miniature dancing figures in Latin American costume, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/40 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.1 cm. x 11.2 cm. | Photograph of male miniature figure in evening dress, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/41 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.3 cm. x 16.3 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with nine figures, with matchbox to show scale, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/42 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.3 cm. x 16.3 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with nine figures, with matchbox to show scale, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/43 | 1 black and white photograph, 12.7 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with nine figures, with matchbox to show scale, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/44 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.8 cm. x 11.2 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with eight figures, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/45 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 14.6 cm. x 6.9 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with eight figures, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/46 | 1 black and white photograph, 14.6 cm. x 6.7 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with eight figures, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/47 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.9 cm. x 16.5 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with eight figures, with [Kathleen Marshall ‘s] hand adjusting one of the figures, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/48 | 1 black and white photograph, 19.8 cm. x 15.4 cm. | Hand painted photograph of Kathleen Marshall’ s miniature theatre showing a Christmas interior scene, with eight figures, with [Kathleen Marshall ‘s] hand adjusting one of the figures, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/49 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.2 cm. x 16.3 cm. | Photograph of a table top miniature shop interior with four figures [made by Kathleen Marshall], with match box to show scale, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/50 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.8 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of a table top miniature shop interior with four figures [made by Kathleen Marshall], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/51 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.8 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of a table top miniature shop interior with four figures [made by Kathleen Marshall], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/52/1-6 | 6 papers | Letters from J.M. Jones, Hammond’ s [Department Store] Ltd., Hull, to K[athleen] Marshall, Buckland House, Buckland, Dorset, concerning the purchase and hire of some dolls from her for use in Hammond ‘s Christmas attractions, 22 November 1935 – 21 November 1936 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/53 | 1 paper | Letter from Hubert M. Medlycott, The Manor House, Sandford Orcas, Sherbourne, Dorset, to [Kathleen] Marshall, thanking her for her excellent performances [of her puppet theatre at a local W.I. exhibition?], 31 July 1938 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/54 | 1 paper | Greetings telegram from ‘Audrey’ [Belfield], Kensington, [London], to ‘ the dancing figures … St. William’s College, York’ [Kathleen Marshall] containing message ‘ best wishes for a ver[y] successful Christmas party’, 24 June [19]57 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/55 | 1 paper | Greetings telegram from the Bewickes to ‘the dancing figures, Fitzwilliam’s College, York’ [Kathleen Marshall], containing message ‘best wishes for a successful season’ , 24 June [19]57 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/56-64 | HOBBIES AND INTERESTS: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/56 | 1 paper | Handbill advertising performances of the K[athleen] M[arshall] Ballet miniature dancing figures as part of the Home Arts and Industries Association Exhibition at Dorland House, Lower Regent Street, London, 23 November 1936 – 28 November 1936 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/57 | 1 paper | Cutting from unidentified newspaper containing article concerning Queen Mary’ s admiration of K[athleen] Marshall’s puppet theatre, n.d.[November 1937?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/58(1-3) | 3 papers | Notes [by Kathleen Marshall] concerning the praise received [on the exhibition of her model theatre], November 1938 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/59(1-2) | 2 papers | Cutting from the Dorset Daily Echo containing article a picture entitled ‘ Dorset puppet show that fascinated two Queens; ingenious portrayal of Christmas evening in Victorian days ‘, concerning Kathleen Marshall’s puppet theatre, 3 December 1938 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/60 | 1 paper | Handbill advertising a Grand Bazaar in aid of Dorset County Hospital, including ‘first showing outside London of [Kathleen] Marshall’s famous dancing figures’ , 23 February n.y. [1939?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/61 | 1 paper | Cutting from unidentified newspaper concerning [Kathleen] Marshall of Black Heddon Hall, Stamfordham, [Northumberland], and her hobby of miniature puppet shows, n.d. [1940s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/62(1-11) | 11 papers | Cuttings from various unidentified newspapers and magazines, concerning the Women ‘s Institutes’ exhibition at the York Festival entitled ‘ Our Yorkshire Heritage’ and held at St. William’ s College, York, some of the cuttings contain references to a model theatre exhibited by [Kathleen] Marshall of Skeeby Women ‘s Institute, 23 June 1957 – 14 July 1957 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/63 | 1 card | Postcard of St. William’ s College, York, n.d. [c.1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/64 | 1 paper | Cover page from the guide brochure for the Women’s Institute ‘ Our Yorkshire Heritage Exhibition’ at St. William’ s College, York, 24 June 1957 – 13 July 1957 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/65 | 1 ring bound photograph album, plastic bound, 5 colour photographs and 46 black and white photographs | Album containing photographs of a house and gardens [at Skeeby, North Yorkshire], inscribed ‘ to Mrs. [Kathleen] Marshall with good wishes from the members of Skeeby W[omen ‘s] I[nstitute, North Yorkshire]’, n.d. [late 1950s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/66 | 1 paper | Originally enclosed in D/Wn 24/65, a page of signatures [of members of Skeeby W.I., North Yorkshire], n.d. [late 1950s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/67(1-17) | 17 black and white photographs | Originally enclosed in D/Wn 24/65, photographs of a house and garden [at Skeeby, North Yorkshire], n.d. [late 1950s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/68-76 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/68 | 1 black and white photograph, 17.9 cm. x 22.6 cm. | Photographic portrait of Kathleen Marshall in middle age, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/69 | 1 hand-coloured photograph, 8.4 cm. x 10.8 cm. | Photographic portrait as in D/Wn 24/68, but with hand-colouring, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/70 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 25.4 cm. x 33 cm. | Photographic portrait of Kathleen Marshall as an elderly woman, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/71 | 1 colour photograph, 8.4 cm. x 12.6 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall in old age in her garden at Riding Mill House, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/72 | 1 colour photograph, 8.9 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Kathleen Marshall in old age in her garden at Riding Mill House, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/73 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 25.3 cm. x 20 cm. | Photograph of ‘ Uncle’ Charles Mitchell in the woods at Pallinsburn, Northumberland, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/74 | 1 black and white photograph, 16.2 cm. x 11.3 cm. | Photograph of Charles Mitchell seated at his desk at Pallinsburn Hall,, Northumberland, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/75 | 1 black and white photograph, 16.2 cm. x 11.3 cm. | Photograph of Pallinsburn Hall, Northumberland, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/76 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.8 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of the gardens at Pallinsburn Hall, Northumberland, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/77-79 | GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/77 | 1 paper | Invitation from Lady Medlycott, The Manor House, Sandford Orcas, [Sherbourne, Dorset], to [Kathleen and] W[alter] Marshall to meet Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Medlycott, n.d.[1930s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/78(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from Anne [Watson], Spring Lodge, [Barnard Castle], to ‘ my dear darling mum’ [Kathleen Marshall], describing a shoot which W.I. Watson had recently attended, also announcing that she is expecting a baby in April and is rather overcome at the prospect, also mentioning that she does not wish to tell her mother-in-law [Lila Watson] about her pregnancy for another few weeks, also recounting a recent visit by Charles [Mitchell] which they greatly enjoyed but seemed to cause some annoyance to [Lila] Watson who ‘was not in good form’, also giving other news, 2 [September 1948] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 24/79(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Anne [Watson], Spring Lodge, [Barnard Castle], to ‘ my dear darling mum’ [Kathleen Marshall], thanking her for her recent letter which served to allay many of her fears over her impending motherhood, also mentioning a forthcoming local art show and a recent visit to Seahouses, [Northumberland], n.d. [September 1948] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/ | H.B. WATSON | Harry Boulby Watson (1908-1979) was second son of Harry Crawford Watson (1864-1934) and his wife, Lila Watson, née Haslewood, (died 1952). He served with the Queen’ s Regiment during First World War reaching the rank of major. He married Phyllis Hounslow in 1933. They had one daughter, Margaret Diana (later Maynard). | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/1-2 | SCHOOL: PHOTOGRAPHS | (for general photographs of children see General Photographs) | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/1 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.2 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of H.B. Watson at Aysgarth, 1920 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/2 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of H.B. Watson in [officer cadet?] uniform, 1925 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/3-4 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/3 | 1 black and white photograph, roughly cut to oval shape, 6.6cm long | Photograph of H.B. Watson as a baby, in a pram wearing a bonnet, n.d. [c. 1908] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 25/4 | 1 black and white photograph, 4.2 cm. x 12.2 cm. | Photograph of H.B. Watson, 1915 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/ | J. MERRYNE WATSON | J[ohn] Merryne Watson (1910-1994) was third son of Harry Crawford Watson (1864-1934) and his wife, Lila Watson, née Haslewood, (died 1952). After graduating from Oxford he spent many years in the Civil Service in East Africa and Fiji. He was awarded an O.B.E. in recognition of his work. He was a very keen family and local historian. Most of the papers in this section relate to his family history research. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1 | [J.] Merryne Watson’s scrapbook on Rev George Watson (1787-1815). The scrapbook is in loose leaf form and contains a number of disparate items. Each separate item has been catalogued individually as follows: | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/1 | Copy typescript of the journal of Rev. George Watson as in D/Wn 2/34, also bibliographical notes on Rev. George Watson by J. Merryne Watson, also including notes by S.G.P. Ward on the contents of the said journal, n.d. [1980s] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/2 | Letter from J.O. Mennear, Museum and Art Gallery Curator, Maritime Museum, Borough of Hartlepool, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that he is unable to assist with his enquiries about George Newby as their records do dot extend as far back as 1814, also suggesting further areas of enquiry, 27 June 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/3 | Letter from S.G.P. Ward, Haslemere, Surrey, to [J. Merryne] Watson, giving details of the career of Rev. George Watson as an army chaplain with Wellington ‘s forces in the South of France and in America, 15 February 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/4 | Letter from Stockton-on-Tees Museum Service to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that they hold no information relating to a ship called Agamemnon, 12 March 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/5 | Letter from J.Ware, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising of the information held in Lloyds Registers relating to a ship called Agamemnon (see D/Wn 26/1/1, page 26),7 April 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/6 | Letter from Ralph Nye, Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Bagshot, Surrey, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that they hold very few records on army chaplains prior to 1816, 11 May 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/7 | Letter from Devon Record Office, Exeter, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that no reference to the ordination or institution of Rev. George Watson is held at the Record Office, 14 September 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/8 | Letter from Durham County Record Office to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that his enquiry relating to ordination records has been passed on to the Department of Palaeography, University of Durham, 23 September 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/9 | Letter from Department of Palaeography, University of Durham, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that Rev. George Watson does not appear in the calendar of Durham ordination papers, 28 September 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/10 | Letter from [S.]G.P. Ward, Haslemere, Surrey, to [J. Merryne.] Watson, giving his opinions and interpretation of the information gathered by J. Merryne Watson on Rev. George Watson, 2 October 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/11 | Letter from C. Roy Huddlestone, Hove, Sussex, President of Cumbria Family History Society, to [J. Merryne] Watson, advising him that he is able to provide very little information on Rev. George Watson, 5 October 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/12 | Letter from [S.]G.P.Ward, Haslemere, Surrey to [J. Merryne] Watson, answering various questions put to him by J. Merryne Watson in a previous letter regarding Spanish currency and the significance of various locations during the Peninsula War, 20 October 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/13 | Letter from Cheshire Record Office, Chester to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that no trace of Rev. George Watson can be found in the Chester Diocese Bishop ‘s Act Book, 23 October 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/14 | Letter from Devon Record Office, Exeter, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Yorkshire, sent to accompany items D/Wn 26/1/15-16, 10 December 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/15 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/1/14, photocopy of page from a register of curate ‘ s licences showing that Rev George Watson was licensed to the parish of Huxham, Devon, 4 October 1812 [photocopy made 1987] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/16 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/1/14, photocopy of part of a parish map of Devon, with Huxham highlighted, n.d. [photocopy made 1987] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/17 | Letter from Ralph Nye, Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Bagshot, Surrey, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, [Yorkshire], advising that Rev. George Watson would probably have been ordained before joining the army, 14 December 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/18 | Letter from Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, York[shire], advising that no trace could be found of Rev. George Watson in the relevant ordination lists, 23 December 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/19 | Letter from [S.]G.[P.] Ward, Haslemere, Surrey, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, concerning the journal [of Rev. George Watson], 5 January 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/20 | Letter from [S.]G.[P.] Ward, Haslemere, Surrey, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond,Yorkshire, giving some observations on the journal of Rev. George Watson, 18 February 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/21 | Letter from ‘Pat’ , Parkhill Road, London, to [J.] Merryne Watson, advising that she has been unable to find any reference to Rev. George Watson during her recent visit to [Public Record Office], Kew, but this was primarily due to the fact that there were too many documents of possible relevance to look through in the limited time available to her, 12 August 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/22 | Letter from Somerset Record Office, Taunton, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, [Yorkshire], advising that a note of the ordination of Rev. George Watson on 11 August 1811 by the Bishop of Bath and Wells is to be found on a dimissory from the Bishop of Exeter, 11 October 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/23 | Letter from Somerset Record Office, Taunton, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, [Yorkshire] advising that no record can be found of Rev. George Watson serving in a parish in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, 21 October 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/24 | Letter from Ralph Nye, Museum of the R[oyal] A[rmy] Ch[aplains’ ] D[epartment], Bagshot, Surrey, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, [Yorkshire], thanking him for the information previously sent to him concerning Rev. George Watson, 14 December 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/1/25 | 1 volume | Photocopy of a page from Alumni Cantabrigiensis , showing an entry relating to Rev. George Watson, n.d. [photocopy made c.1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2 | Scrapbook of J. Merryne Watson, containing items relating to Spring Lodge, the Hutchinson connection and members of the Watson family. The scrapbook is in loose leaf form and contains a number of disparate items. Each separate item has been catalogued individually as follows: | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/1 | Front cover from the sale particulars of Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/2 | Back cover from the sale particulars of Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/3 | Invitation from Julian [Watson] to [J.] Merryne Watson to a buffet lunch on 3 September [1989] at Spring Lodge to mark the forthcoming sale of the house by the Watson family, n.d. [1989] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/4 | Cutting from Darlington and Stockton Times containing article concerning the various items on sale at Spring Lodge on 18 September 1989 when the house and contents are to be auctioned, 2 September 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/5 | Price list of lots to be sold at auction by Christie’ s of Scotland at Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, 18 September 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/6 | Cutting from Darlington and Stockton Times containing article concerning the sale of Spring Lodge and its contents, 23 September 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/7 | Letter from Diane Raper, Librarian, Law Society, London, to J. Tilly, Hartlepool, solicitor, sent to enclose D/Wn 26/2/8-9 relating to William Hutchinson, solicitor [and Durham historian], 28 August 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/8 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/2/7, photocopied extracts from Richards Roll giving biographical details relating to a Mr. Hicks of St Ives, Cornwall, St Ives historian, and William Hutchinson (1732-1814), solicitor and Durham historian, n.d. [early 20th c., photocopies made 1987] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/9 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/2/7, photocopied extract from Gentleman ‘s Magazine vol. 84, part 1, containing an obituary detailing the historical works of William Hutchinson, and also mentioning papers of the Wharton family which had come into his possession, n.d. [photocopy made 1987] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/10 | Memo from ‘T.H.T.’ to J.T[illy, Hartlepool, solicitor], concerning some research done by ‘T.H.T. ‘ on J. Tilly’s behalf on the matter of William Hutchinson’ s admission as a solicitor, 7 September 1987 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/11 | Hand written notes [by J. Merryne Watson] concerning the connections between William Hutchinson and William Watson [senior], n.d. [ c.1987] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/12 | History of the solicitors’ firm of Messrs. Watson, Barnard Castle [written by W.I. Watson], with some annotations by J. Merryne Watson, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/13 | Cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing the obituary of Arthur H. Nicholson, a former member of staff with W.J. and H.C. Watson, 2 January 1946 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/14 | Cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing an article entitled ‘The top trio’ concerning the three leading candidates in the recent Barnard Castle Urban Council elections, W.I. Watson being one of the three, 14 May 1958 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/15 | Cutting from Darlington and Stockton Times , containing an obituary of W.I. Watson, 30 July 1988; also cutting from unknown newspaper containing an obituary of W.I. Watson, n.d. [1988] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/16 | Order of service for the memorial service for W.I. Watson, held at St Mary’ s church, Barnard Castle, 4 August 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/17 | Cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing obituary of W.I. Watson, 10 August 1988; also an extract from ‘ The Friends of the Bowes Museum Report’ containing an obituary of W.I. Watson, 1988 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/18 | Letter from Durham County Record Office to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising him about the various Church of England and Methodist records held at the Record Office, 1 September 1989 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/19 | Receipt issued by Durham County Record Office to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, for an additional deposit of papers belonging to [W.I.] Watson, 19 September 1990 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/20 | Order of service for the funeral service of Harry Boulby Watson, held at St. Mary and the Holy Cross church, Milstead, [Kent], 28 December 1979 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/21 | Cutting from unknown newspaper advising that the wedding of John [Jack] Cooke-Hurle and Margaret Louisa Watson is being brought forward to 18 December 1935 due to the groom ‘s forthcoming army posting to Egypt, 18 December 1935; also cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing an article on the wedding of John [Jack] Cooke-Hurle and Margaret Louisa Watson, 3 January 1936 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/22 | Cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing a report on the reception held by [Lila] Watson at Spring Lodge to welcome back her daughter and new son-in-law, Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, and Jack Cooke-Hurle, 8 January 1936; also a cutting from an unknown newspaper showing a photograph of three bridesmaids [at the wedding of Margaret and Jack Cooke-Hurle] n.d. [1935]; also on reverse, cutting from unknown newspaper showing Margaret and Jack Cooke-Hurle leaving the church after their wedding, n.d. [1935] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/23 | Cutting from unknown newspaper showing J[ack] and Margaret Cooke-Hurle outside the church after their wedding, n.d. [1935], also cutting from unknown newspaper showing portraits of Jack and Margaret Cooke-Hurle, n.d. [1935] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/24 | Order of service for the memorial service for Jack Cooke-Hurle, held at Holy Trinity church, Startforth, 9 February 1979 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/25 | Cuttings from Teesdale Mercury , containing obituary of H.C. Watson and report on his funeral; also tributes by the local coroner and Greta Bridge Magistrates; also a short report on the death of Ada Mary Ford, née Watson, sister of H.C. Watson, who died, by coincidence, on the same day as her brother, 28 March 1934 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/26 | Cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing obituary of [Lila] Watson and report on her funeral, 14 March 1951 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/2/27 | 1 volume | Photocopy of a cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing obituary of William James Watson, 16 June 1920 [late 20th c. photocopy]; also photocopy of cutting from Teesdale Mercury , containing report on the funeral of William James Watson, 23 June 1920 [late 20th c. photocopy] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3 | Scrapbook of J. Merryne Watson concerning [Dr.] John Jobson, (c .1810-1889) containing the following items: | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/1 | Cover of scrap book, mentioning that Dr. John Jobson was the father of Margaret[te] Louisa Jobson, wife of William James Watson, n.d. [ c.1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/2 | Photograph of J[ohn] Jobson in uniform of 4th (Bishop Auckland) Durham Rifles Volunteers, taken while he served at the rank of captain, c.1861-1863 [20th c. reprint] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/3 | Notes [by J. Merryne Watson] on the family history and career of John Jobson, n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/4 | Letter from Durham Record Office, Durham, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, concerning John Jobson and sent to enclose items D/Wn 26/3/6, D/Wn 26/3/9 and D/Wn 26/3/11, 12 June 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/5 | Letter from Durham Record Office, Durham, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, concerning John Jobson, and sent to enclose item D/Wn 26/3/7, 17 June 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/6 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/4, photocopy of I[nternational] G[enealogical] I[ndex] for Northumberland entry for the christening of a John Jopson, who was wrongly identified as John Jobson in D/Wn 26/3/4, [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/7 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/5, photocopies of I[nternational] G[enealogical] I[ndex] for Northumberland entries for the name John Jobson, [photocopies made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/8 | Letter from Durham Light Infantry Museum, Durham, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, concerning John Jobson ‘s service in the 4th Durham Rifle Volunteers, 29 January 1990 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/9 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/4, photocopy of part of page of Auckland Chronicle , containing the obituary of [John] Jobson, 30 August 1889 [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/10 | Transcript of the obituary of John Jobson taken from the Auckland Chronicle , 30 August 1889, n.d. [1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/11 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/4, photocopy of burial entry for John Jobson, buried 26 August 1889, aged 79 years, [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/12 | Letter from Robinson Library, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, concerning records relating to the cholera outbreak in Gateshead in 1831 which may or may not contain references to John Jobson and Dr. Frost, 24 July 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/13 | Letter from Robinson Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that a member of staff, J.A. Metcalfe, is willing to undertake research relating to John Jobson ‘s involvement in the Gateshead cholera outbreak of 1831, 8 August 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/14 | Letter from Robinson Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, confirming the research arrangements as set out in D/Wn 26/3/13, 15 August 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/15 | Letter from J.A. Metcalfe [to J. Merryne Watson], concerning the terms of her research as in D/Wn 26/3/13, 12 August [19]91 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/16 | Letter from J.A. Metcalfe to [J. Merryne] Watson, advising that her research has been fruitless so far but that she is willing to do further research in Newcastle and Sunderland if required, 28 August [19]91 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/17 | Letter from J.A. Metcalf to [J. Merryne] Watson, advising that her research on his behalf has been entirely fruitless, 27 September 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/18 | Letter from Shirley Lenderyou, genealogical researcher, Central Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, giving the results of her research into John Jobson and his uncle, Samuel Frost, also sent to enclose items D/Wn 26/3/19-21, 4 October 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/19 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/18, photocopy of page of Durham marriage bonds, containing the entry for Edward Jobson and Dorothy Frost, [parents of John Jobson], 4 September 1807 [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/20 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/18, photocopy of a page from an index of birth, death and marriage announcements in the Newcastle Chronicle , containing a reference to an entry of 12 September 1807 concerning the marriage of Edward Jobson and Dorothy Frost, [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/21 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/18, table of information concerning John Jobson and family extracted from the censuses of 1841 to 1881, n.d. [1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/22 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Yorkshire, to [Shirley] Lenderyou, thanking her for her research concerning the Jobson family on his behalf and also asking that she continue them, 12 October [19]91 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/23 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Yorkshire, to [Shirley] Lenderyou, enquiring as to whether she had made any further advances in her research on the Jobson family on his behalf, 17 December 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/24 | Letter from Shirley Lenderyou, [genealogical] researcher, Central Library, Newcastle, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, giving the result of her research into the history of Jobson family, also sent to enclose D/Wn 26/3/25-28, 3 January 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/25 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/24, photocopy of page from the 1851 census showing an entry for a household headed by Thomas Jobson in West Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, [photocopy made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/26 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/24, photocopy of page of an [unidentified] trade directory of Newcastle and neighbourhood, 1861/1862, showing various entries relating to members of the Jobson family, [photocopy made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/27 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/24, photocopy of a page of an [unidentified] trade directory of Newcastle, 1847, showing entries relating to two members of the Jobson family, [photocopy made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/28 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/24, photocopy of a page of an [unidentified] trade directory of [Newcastle], 1844, showing an entry relating to a member of the Jobson family, [photocopy made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/29 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, to [Shirley] Lenderyou, thanking her for her researches on his behalf, also asking for her to do further research into John Jobson and siblings, 11 January 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/30 | Letter from [Shirley] Lenderyou, genealogical researcher, Central Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising of the results of her research into the family history of John Jobson, also sent to enclose D/Wn 26/3/31,21 February 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/31 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/30, table of information relating to Edward Jobson, father of John, and family extracted from the 1841 census, n.d. [1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/32 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, to [Shirley] Lenderyou, thanking her for the research she has been doing for him, and also asking that she now concentrate on finding details of the date and whereabouts of the birth or baptism of John Jobson, 12 March 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/33 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, to [Shirley] Lenderyou, enquiring as to the result of her research into John Jobson, 15 September 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/34 | Letter from Shirley Lenderyou, genealogical researcher, Central Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, advising that she has been unable to find the baptism of John Jobson, 2 October 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/35 | Photograph of the drawing room of [John] Jobson’ s house in Market Place, Bishop Auckland, n.d. [mid-late 19thc.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/36 | Note [by H. C.Watson] describing the photograph D/Wn 26/3/35, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/37 | Photograph of John Jobson, n.d. [20th c. copy of late 19th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/38 | Letter from Julian Watson, Belfast, to [J.] Merryne Watson, sent to accompany photographs D/Wn 26/3/39-45, also giving details of the said photographs, 28 April 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/39 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of Margarette Louisa Jobson (later Watson) with hat on her lap, taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/1, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/40 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of John Jobson holding book, taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/2, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/41 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of John Jobson wearing hat, taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/3, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/42 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of Mary Jobson, taken c .1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/4, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/43 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of Mary Jobson with hand resting on her chin, taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/5, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/44 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of John Francis Jobson, with horse and groom, taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/6, [reprint made 1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/3/45 | 1 volume | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/3/38, photograph of Margarette Louisa Jobson (later Watson) and unidentified young woman (on left), taken c.1860, reprinted from D/Wn 12/10/7, [reprint made 1992] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4 | Scrapbook of J. Merryne Watson concerning Dr [Samuel] Merryne Frost (1790-1879), William Watson [senior] (1794-1883), Frederick Watson ( c .1808-1855), William Watson [junior] (1817-1892) and Henry Watson (1791-1826), containing: | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/1 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning Dr. S. Merryne Frost, uncle of John Jobson, n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/2 | Letter from Northumberland Record Office, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to [J.] M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that he contact Newcastle Central Library and Tyne and Wear Archives service concerning his enquiry on Dr [S.] Merryne Frost, 12 February 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/3 | Letter from J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, to Northumberland Record Office, Newcastle, enquiring as to the address of Tyne and Wear Archives Service, 9 May 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/4 | Letter from Shirley Lenderyou, genealogical researcher, Central Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, giving the result of her research into the history of Samuel Merryne Frost, also enclosing D/Wn 26/4/5-11, 22 May 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/5 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of a portrait of S. M[erryne] Frost taken from unidentified volume, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/6 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of a page of an index of birth, death and marriage announcements in the Newcastle Courant , containing a reference to an entry of 18 October 1819 concerning the marriage of S[amuel] M[erryne] Frost and Jane Donkin Hymers, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/7 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of an page of a [microfiche?] index of surgeons, apothecaries and other medical professions, containing a reference to ‘S.M.Frost, medic, Newcastle upon Tyne’, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/8 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of a page from a chapter entitled ‘The Charity for the relief of poor women’ , taken from an unidentified book, containing a reference to S[amuel] M[erryne] Frost, who was a lecturer on midwifery and the diseases of women and children at [Newcastle] College of Medicine from 1851 to 1862 and was inventor of Frost ‘s forceps, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/9 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopies of two pages of transcripts of monumental inscriptions at Jesmond cemetery, containing an entry relating to the headstone of the grave of S[amuel] M[erryne] Frost and family, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/10 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of a page of an index of birth, death, and marriage announcements in the Newcastle Courant , containing reference to an entry of 21 August 1813 concerning the marriage of Samuel Merryne Frost to Maria Ann Doeg, n.d. [photocopy made 1991) | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/11 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/4, photocopy of a page of an index of birth, death and marriage announcements in the Newcastle Courant , containing a reference to an entry of 23 December 1815, concerning the death of [Maria Ann] Frost, née Doeg, n.d. [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/12 | Letter from Tyne and Wear Archives Department, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, giving the result of their research into the family history and career of S[amuel] Merryne Frost, 20 May 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/13 | Letter from Beamish Museum, Beamish, to J. M[erryne] Watson, Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, concerning Frost ‘ s midwifery forceps which had been invented by S[amuel] M[erryne] Frost, also enclosing D/Wn 26/4/14, 2 July 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/14 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/13, photocopy of two pages from the Brady and Martin Ltd. surgical instrument catalogue, containing entries relating to Frost ‘s midwifery forceps, 1908 [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/15 | Letter from Medical and Dental Library, Medical School, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, advising that they are unable to find any pictures of Frost ‘s midwifery forceps, 18 July 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/16 | Letter from the Librarian, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, to J. Merryne Watson, advising that they are unable to provide any information other than that contained in enclosure D/Wn 26/4/17, 31 December 1991 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/17 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/4/16, photocopy of two pages from Kedarnath Das, Obstetric Forceps: its history and evolution , Calcutta 1908, containing a short reference to Frost’ s forceps, [photocopy made 1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/18 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning William Watson senior, giving some biographical details, n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/19 | Photocopy of an obituary of William Watson [senior] from Teesdale Mercury , 11 July 1883 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/20 | Page with 4 photographs attached; (1) Photograph of a drawing of William Watson [senior] by Innes Watson, n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] (2) Photograph of a painting of ‘Spring Lodge alias Felicity Lodge …'[by William Watson senior], n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] (3) Photograph of a painting of a distant view of Barnard Castle from the east by William Watson [senior], n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] (4) Photograph of a painting of Spring Lodge by William Watson [senior], n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/21 | Photograph of an unfinished watercolour painting by William Watson [senior] of a scene featuring a hill with a tor and a monument of some type, n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/22 | Photograph of a pencil drawing by William Watson [senior] of a harbour with boats, with a castle in the background, n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/23 | Photograph of a pencil sketch of a piper in highland dress and also of a pencil sketch of an man named Isaac Nicholson, both by William Watson [senior], n.d. [ late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/24 | Photograph of a sketch by William Watson [senior] of the bridge and ruins of the castle at Barnard Castle, 15 July 1811 [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/25 | Photograph of a sketch of Brackenbury’ s tower, Barnard Castle, by William Watson [senior], 23 March 1813 [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/26 | Photograph of a pencil sketch by William Watson [senior] of the ‘ rock walk in Rokeby Park’, 22 May 1813 [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/27 | Photograph of a framed watercolour painting by William Watson [senior] of mountains with a house and river in the foreground, n.d.[late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/28 | Photograph of a framed watercolour painting by William Watson [senior] of the High Force waterfall in Teesdale, n.d.[late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/29 | Photograph of a watercolour sketch by William Watson [senior] of a village on the bank of a river with mountains in the background, n.d. [ late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/30 | Photograph of a watercolour painting by William Watson [senior] of a hillside with vineyard and castle or monastery in the foreground and a river and town in the background, n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/31 | Photograph of an unfinished pencil sketch by William Watson [senior], of the same scene as in D/Wn 26/4/30, n.d. [late 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/32 | Notes by J. Merryne Watson describing D/Wn 26/4/33-34, written on envelope, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/33 | Letter, with envelope, from Mary Watson, née Longden, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to ‘aunty’ [Charlotte Maria] Innes, Hyde Park, London, describing her return to Spring Lodge from London following her wedding, also mentioning how she is looking forward to the forthcoming visit to Spring Lodge by Susan [Haggard and Charlotte Maria Innes]; also with short note from W[illiam] W[atson senior] on the inside flap of envelope, 26 August n.y. (envelope postmarked ‘1850’) | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/34 | Letter from William Watson [senior], B[arnard] C[astle], to ‘aunty’ [Charlotte Maria Innes], mentioning how it had been a very eventful year for them both as he had gained a wife and she had lost her husband [Robert Wintle Innes], also advising that she should take comfort in that she had done her ‘duty in the married state’ , also mentioning that his wife is keeping well during her pregnancy, 31 December 1850 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/35 | Transcript of D/Wn 26/4/33, with some notes and comments by [J.] M[erryne] W[atson], n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/36 | Transcript of D/Wn 26/4/34, with comments by [J.] M[erryne] W[atson], n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/37 | Copy of ‘A song for the times. No.2;- to be sung at all pious Churchmen’s tea parties’ , in which verse 4 refers to [William?] Watson [senior?], n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/38 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning Frederick Watson, son of Matthew Crawford Watson, giving some biographical details, n.d. [ c.1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/39 | Notes [by J. Merryne Watson] concerning Fredrick Watson, who died from diseased lungs on 10 December 1855 in King ‘s College Hospital, London, n.d. [c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/40 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning William Watson junior, giving some biographical details, n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/41 | Page with attached cutting, ‘possibly from Teesdale Mercury’ , containing the obituary of William Watson junior, August 1892; also attached cutting from T[eesdale] M[ercury] which states that Mrs.[Mary] Watson, Thorngate House, had distributed coal to the deserving poor of Barnard Castle, Christmas 1890 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/42 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning Henry Watson, [brother of William Watson junior], n.d. [ c.1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/43 | Notes [by J. Merryne Watson] concerning Henry Watson, also mentioning his sons George Newby Watson, Henry Crawford Watson, and grandson Louis Crawford Watson who migrated to New Zealand, n.d. [ c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/44 | Request [to other genealogical researchers] by Moera McNaughton, [New Zealand], for genealogical information concerning Louis Crawford Watson, grandson of Henry Watson, who emigrated to New Zealand ‘possibly after W.W.1’, n.d.[c.1991] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/4/45 | 1 volume | Letter from William C. Watson, Christchurch, N[ew] Z[ealand], to [J. Merryne] Watson, advising that he does not think that he is any relation to Louis Crawford Watson, also including his own family tree, 2 October 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5 | Scrapbook of J. Merryne Watson concerning John Watson junior (1780-1814), John Watson (1747-1800), John Watson of Coverham, [Yorkshire] ( c .1727-1762), James Watson (1791-1826), Rev. David Hick (1789-1874), Mary Watson (1778-1848), Jane Watson (1796-1831), Elizabeth Watson, née Crawford (1754-1834), the Milner family [ancestors of Lila Watson, née Haslewood] and the Laidman family containing: | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/1 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning John Watson junior, with brief biographical details, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/2 | Notes [by J. Merryne Watson] concerning John Watson junior, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/3 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning John Watson, with brief biographical details, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/4 | Photocopy of a pencil drawing of James Watson by William Watson senior, with brief biographical details of subject, n.d. [photocopy made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/5 | Photocopy of pencil drawing of Rev. David Hick by William Watson senior, n.d; also photocopy of pencil drawing of William Crawford by William Watson senior, 3 May 1815, [photocopies made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/6 | Photocopy of pencil drawing of Mary Watson by William Watson senior, 1810; also photocopy of pencil drawing of Jane Watson by William Watson senior, 13 January 1816, [photocopies made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/7 | Photocopy of pencil drawing of Mrs. John Watson, née Elizabeth Crawford, by William Watson senior, n.d. [photocopy made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/8 | Extracts from the catalogue of the Strathmore papers held at Durham County Record Office of those entries containing references to various members of the Watson family, and also of those entries relating to documents which may contain references to the Watson family, extracts made by Sarah Medlam, Bowes Museum, n.d. [1990s?] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/9 | Photocopy of probate copy of will and codicil of John Watson, contents as in D/Wn 2/20; also including a declaration by Elizabeth Watson, widow and executrix of the above, concerning the value of the personal estate and effects of the deceased, 29 December 1800 [photocopy made 1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/10 | Account issued by the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, [to J. Merryne Watson] in respect of the cost of photocopies as in D/Wn 26/5/9, 21 September 1990 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/11 | Letter from [?], 25, Market Place, Barnard Castle, to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, advising that the deeds of 25, Market Place clearly indicate that John Watson never carried on business at that address, also giving details of the ownership of the property from 1769 onwards, 26 September [19]87 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/12 | Notes compiled by J. M[erryne] W[atson], concerning the gravestone and memorial inscriptions of John Watson, died 1800, and Elizabeth, his wife, died 1834, 7 July 1990 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/13 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning John Watson of Coverham, [Yorkshire], with brief biographical details, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/14 | Pedigree [compiled by J. Merryne Watson] of the early Watson family (c .1700-early 19th c.), acknowledging that ‘ the unravelling of the early years of the Watson pedigree is largely due to the work of Theodore Peyton-Johnson … ‘, 15 September 1990 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/15 | Photocopy of will of John Watson of Coverham, [Yorkshire] mason, devising to his son, John Watson, all his properties in Carlton in Coverdale, [Yorkshire], also bequeathing to him his tools and his mare; also devising to Margaret, his wife, and Elizabeth, his daughter, the east part of his dwelling house and the east part of his stable with all household goods and live cattle; also requiring that a yearly legacy of £2 be paid to Margaret and Elizabeth Watson from the income of those estates devised to John Watson, 10 December 1761 [photocopy made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/16 | Photocopy of a declaration by John Stoupe, Richmond, [Yorkshire], surro[gate], in which he swore in Margaret Watson as executrix of the estate of her deceased husband, John Watson [of Coverham, Yorkshire], 10 September 1762 [photocopy made late 20th c.] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/17 | Transcript of D/Wn 26/5/15 [by J. Merryne Watson], n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/18 | Photocopy of a page from an unidentified dictionary of legal terms, highlighting the definition of the term ‘dower’, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/19 | Letter from Theodore [Peyton-Johnson], Ashton-in-Ribble, Preston, Lancashire to [J.] Merryne Watson, enclosing D/Wn 26/5/20, n.d. [ c.1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/20 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/19, photocopied list of christenings, marriages and burials of various individuals named Watson in the parishes of Coverham, Carlton and other North Yorkshire parishes in the early 18th c., n.d. [photocopy made c.1990] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/21 | Cover of section of scrapbook concerning the Milner family, n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/22 | Pedigree of the Milner family of Scargill in Barningham, from early 17th c. to late 18th c., [compiled by J. Merryne Watson] n.d. [1980s?] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/23 | Photocopy of D/Wn 26/5/22, n.d. [1980s] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/24 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne [Watson], Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, to [W.J] Milner, concerning the family history of the Milner family of Scargill, Barningham, and mentioning his own descent, through his mother, Lila Watson, from Thomas Milner of Newcastle, original sent to enclose copies of D/Wn 26/5/25-26, 18 June 1983 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/25 | Notes compiled by J. M[erryne] W[atson] concerning the Milner family tree, n.d.[1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/26 | Copy of list [compiled by J. Merryne Watson] of persons called Milner or similar occurring in the Barningham Parish registers from 1627 to 1755, n.d.[ c.1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/27 | Letter from West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds to J. Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, advising that they hold the wills of Thomas and Jonathan Milner and will provide copies as required, 27 July 1983 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/28 | Photocopy of will of Thomas Milner of Garmanthwaite, Barningham, bequeathing to his wife, children and grandchildren various sums of money, and also bequeathing ‘… household stuff and husbandry goods’ to his grandson Nathan Milner, 13 October 1719 [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/29 | Photocopy of an inventory of the goods and chattels of Thomas Milner of Garmanthwaite in Barningham, deceased, 3 December 1719 [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/30 | 29 December 1719 [photocopy made 1983] (1) John Milner of Garmanthwaite, Yorkshire, and William Milner of Arkengarthdale, Yorkshire (2) Francis, Bishop of Chester Photocopy of bond for the proper execution of the will of Thomas Milner, deceased, and also for the production of an accurate inventory of the goods and chattels of the deceased | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/31 | Photocopy of will of Jonathan Milner of Barningham, bequeathing various sums of money to his wife and children, 21 December 1751 [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/32 | Photocopy of an inventory of the goods and chattels of Jonathan Milner of Stoneclose, Barningham, 3 February 1752 [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/33 | Photocopy of a draft inventory of the goods and chattels of Jonathan Milner of Stoneclose, Barningham, 3 February 1752, [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/34 | Letter from ‘Bill’ [W.J.] Milner, York, to [J.] Merryne Watson, concerning their respective research into the history of the Milner family, also enclosing D/Wn 26/5/35-39, n.d. [1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/35 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/34, photocopy of pedigree of the Milner family, from early 17th c. to late 20th c. [compiled by W.J.Milner], n.d. [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/36 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/34, photocopy of pedigree of the Cranny family, from 1905 to late 20th c., and of Pallister family, from mid 19th c. to 1923, [compiled by W.J. Milner] n.d. [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/37 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/34, photocopy of notes [compiled by W.J. Milner] relating to the sources from which he had discovered the information included in his pedigree of the Milner family, n.d. [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/38 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/34, photocopy of a table of information extracted [by W.J. Milner] from the census returns of 1851 and 1861 relating to the Milner, Ord and Pallister families of Ingleton, n.d. [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/39 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/34, photocopy of extracts [taken by W.J. Milner] from the parish records of Brignall, North Yorkshire, containing information relating to the Milner family, 1755 and 1794, n.d. [photocopy made 1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/40 | Copy letter from [J.] Merryne [Watson], Newsham, Richmond, North Yorkshire, to ‘Bill’ [W.J. Milner], concerning the links between their respective families, also giving more genealogical information relating to the Milner family and also discussing the wills of Thomas and Jonathan Milner, 14 September [19]83 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/41 | Note [written by J. Merryne Watson] giving dates and locations of the marriage of Thomas Milner and the death and burial of Charles [Milner], n.d.[1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/42 | Letter from Doris G. Nicholson, Alston Sub Post Office, Cumbria, to [J. Merryne] Watson, advising that she knows of no place in Cumberland called Ellerby, although there is a place called Allerby, 22 September 1983 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/43 | Notes [compiled by J. Merryne Watson?] concerning the births, deaths and marriages of various members of the Milner family, n.d.[ c.1983] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/44 | Letter from Northumberland County Record Office, North Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to [J.] Merryne Watson, Newsham, Richmond, Yorkshire, giving details of the information referred to in the I[nternational] G[enealogical] I[ndex] for Northumberland and parish registers relating to the children of Thomas Milner, 11 October 1983 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/45 | Letter from ‘Bill’ [W.J. Milner], York, to [J.] Merryne [Watson], advising that he thinks that Thomas and Margaret Milner are their common ancestors, and also giving his opinions on some of the information supplied to him in a previous letter by [ J.] Merryne [Watson] relating to the Milner family, 29 February 1984 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/46 | Photocopy of a descriptive account by Margaret Cook-Hurle entitled ‘ nine sisters on the steps’ , in which she describes a photograph as in D/Wn 26/5/47 of her mother, Lila Watson, née Haslewood, with her eight sisters and mother, 1988 [photocopy made late 1980s?] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/47 | Photocopy of a photograph of Lila Watson, née Haslewood, her eight sisters and her mother, n.d. [late 20th c. photocopy of early 20th c. photograph] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/48 | Cover of section in scrapbook concerning the Laidman family, n.d | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/49 | Letter from Gordon Rowe, Bowes, to [J. Merryne] Watson, enclosing D/Wn 26/5/50, 31 January 1992 | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/50 | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 26/5/49, transcript of memorial inscriptions relating to members of the Laidman family of Bowes taken from gravestones in Bowes graveyard, n.d. [ c.1992] | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/51 | Copy of an extract from George Blundell Longstaffe, The Longstaffes of Teesdale and Weardale , 1907, containing a pedigree of the Raylton and Laidman families, from 1656 to late 18th c., n.d. | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/5/52 | 1 volume | Notes [compiled by J. Merryne Watson] concerning various significant dates relating to the Laidman family, n.d. [ c.1992] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/6-8 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/6 | 1 black and white photograph, 18.9 cm. x 16.4 cm. | Photograph of J. Merryne Watson in a garden with hat and walking stick, n.d. [1918?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/7 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 20.4 cm. x 30.7 cm. | Photographic portrait of J. Merryne Watson as a young man [at Cambridge University?], n.d. [early 1930s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 26/8 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 20.4 cm. x 30.4 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 26/7 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/ | MARGARET COOKE-HURLE, née Watson, AND FAMILY | Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, (born 1912) was youngest child and only daughter of Harry Crawford Watson (1864-1934) and his wife, Lila Watson, née Haslewood, (died 1952). She married John (Jack) Cooke-Hurle (died 1979) in 1935. He served with the Cheshire Regiment during First World War, reaching the rank of major. He was wounded towards the end of the war. He was a farmer and also chairman of Greta Bridge Magistrates for 15 years and was a member of Startforth Rural Council. They had one son, John and two daughters Alison (later Countess of Rosse) and Susan (later Robson). | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/1-5 | WEDDING: PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/1 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.3 cm. x 16.4 cm. | Wedding photograph of Margaret Watson and Jack Cooke-Hurle, n.d. [18 December 1935] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/2 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.5 cm. x 16.5 cm. | Wedding photograph of Margaret Watson and Jack Cooke-Hurle outside the church with onlookers, n.d. [18 December 1935] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/3 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 13.6 cm. | Photograph of Margaret Watson and Jack Cooke-Hurle leaving the church after their wedding, n.d. [18 December 1935] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/4 | 1 black and white photograph, 16 cm. x 21.1 cm. | Photograph of the three young girls who were bridesmaids at the wedding of Margaret Watson and Jack Cooke-Hurle, n.d. [18 December 1935] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/5 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.5 cm. x 16.5 cm. | Wedding photograph of Alison Cooke-Hurle and Brendan Parsons (later Earl of Rosse), with best man, Martin Parsons, pageboy, Viscount Linley, five bridesmaids and guests, the Earl of Snowdon and Princess Margaret, n.d. [1966] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/6-15 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/6 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of Margaret Watson (later Cooke-Hurle) as a young girl [outside Spring Lodge], endorsed ‘1917’ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/7 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 12.1 cm. x 17.1 cm. | Photographic portrait of Margaret Watson (later Cooke-Hurle) as a young girl, n.d. [ c.1917?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/8 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of Margaret Watson (later Cooke-Hurle) as a young girl [outside Spring Lodge], wearing a nurse ‘s outfit, endorsed ‘1922?’ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/9 | 1 black and white photograph, 16.5 cm. x 21.4 cm. | Photograph of Margaret Watson (later Cooke-Hurle) as a young girl [outside Spring Lodge], wearing a hat and with ‘Sandy’ the spaniel, n.d. [ 1922] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/10 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 25.5 cm. x 35.3 cm. | Photographic portrait of Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, by Norman Parkinson, n.d. [1930s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/11 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 25.4 cm. x 35.4 cm. | Photographic portrait of Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, by Norman Parkinson, n.d. [1930s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/12 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 26.7 cm. x 32.6 cm. | Photographic portrait of Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, with her daughter Alison (later Countess of Rosse), n.d. [ c.1940] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/13 | 1 paper with affixed 1 black and white photograph, card mounted and 3 small black and white photographs, 27.3 cm. x 23.7 cm. | Page containing a photographic portrait of Alison Cooke-Hurle (later Countess of Rosse) as a young girl in a garden, n.d. [early 1940s]; photograph of her mother, Margaret Cooke-Hurle, née Watson, n.d.; two small photographs of Alison Cooke-Hurle as a baby in her pram both cut out of larger photographs, n.d. [ c.1940] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/14 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.6 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of [Alison Cooke Hurle?] as a young girl, n.d. [early 1940s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 27/15 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 22.8 cm. x 30.8 cm. | Photographic portrait of Susan Cooke-Hurle (later Robson), n.d. [late 1940s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/ | RUPERT AND JULIAN WATSON | Rupert Watson (born 1949) and Julian Crawford Watson (born 1952) are the sons of William Innes Watson (1906-1988) and Anne Watson, née Milvain, (1914-1974) | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/1-18 | LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/1 | 1 paper | Letter from Mary Clo[s?]e to Julian and Rupert [Watson], offering her sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, n.d. [July 1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/2 | Letter from Councillor R. Pendlebury, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham, to R[upert] W.M. Watson, c/o Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, offering condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, who had died after becoming ill at a function at County Hall, Durham, 26 July 1988 (1 paper). | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/3 | 1 card | Postcard from [C.A.?] to ‘my dear cousins’ [Rupert and Julian Watson], offering condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, 26 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/4 | 1 paper | Letter from Diana Maynard, Saltash, Cornwall, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering her sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, also recounting her childhood memories of ‘Uncle Bill’, 26 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/5 | 1 paper | Letter from Bill Cherry, Barnard Castle, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, 27 July 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/6(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Alan Webster, Norwich, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering his sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, also reminiscing on his acquaintance with W.I. Watson, 27 July 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/7(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from ‘Pete’ [Peter Bainbridge], Piercebridge, to Rupert [Watson], offering his condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, and remembering how helpful he [W.I. Watson] was to him when he began practice as a solicitor, 27 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/8 | 1 paper | Letter from Harry Moses, Aycliffe Village, Newton Aycliffe, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], sending his condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, also mentioning that it was some consolation that he had completed his recordings for the Imperial War Museum [oral history project] before his death, also reminiscing on his visits to Spring Lodge to see him, 28 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/9 | 1 paper | Letter from Dick [Hobson], Gainford, to Rupert [Watson], offering condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, 28 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/10 | 1 paper | Letter from Dr. David Joy, Frome, Somerset, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering his condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, also recounting how they first met in the D.L.I. during the war, 28 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/11 | 1 paper | Letter from Dick Browne-Swinburne, Capheaton, [Newcastle-upon-Tyne], to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering his condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, 30 July [19]88 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/12 | 1 paper | Letter from Evelyn Raine, Fairfield Hall Nursing and Convalescent Home, Lancaster, Lancashire, to Julian [Watson], offering her sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, n.d. [late July 1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/13(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Mark [Barrington-Ward], Oxford, to Julian [Watson], offering his sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, also recounting his memories of W.I. Watson, 31 July 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/14 | 1 paper | Letter from April [Potts, née Bewicke], Eglingham, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering her condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, n.d. [July 1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/15 | 1 paper | Letter from Eileen Thompson, Woodland, Bishop Auckland, to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering her sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, 4 August 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/16 | 1 paper | Letter from Clare [Callan, née Bewicke], Eglingham, [Northumberland], to Rupert and Julian [Watson], offering her sympathy on the death of W.I. Watson, also recounting childhood memories of ‘Uncle Bill’, n.d. [August 1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/17(1-4) | 4 papers | Letter from ‘Dorothy’ , North Shields, Tyne and Wear, to Julian [Watson], passing on her condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, also sending her personal greetings and also enquiring after the future of Spring Lodge; also attached cutting from [a North Shields] newspaper concerning a talk on Charles Mitchell held in North Shields, 17 October [1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/18(1-4) | 4 papers | Letter from ‘Dorothy’ North Shields, Tyne and Wear, to Rupert [Watson], passing on her condolences on the death of W.I. Watson, also sending her personal greetings and enquiring after the future of Spring Lodge, 17 October [1988] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/19 | SCHOOL: PHOTOGRAPHS | (for general photographs of children see general photographs) | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/19 | 1 black and white photograph, 12.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of [Rupert Watson?] in his room [at school], n.d. [mid 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/20(1-2) | 1 paper, 1 envelope | Paper and envelope written on by Julian [Watson] aged 4 3/4, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/21-22 | MILITARY: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/21 | 1 card | Invitation issued by the Chairman of Durham County Council, Councillor R. Pendlebury, and D.L.I. Trustees to Julian Watson to attend the opening of the medal room at the D.L.I. Museum by H.R.H. Princess Alexandra on 11 September 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/22 | 1 paper | Letter from Reggie [Atkinson], Monxton, Andover, Hampshire, to Julian [Watson], advising that he will be travelling up to Durham for the Annual Reunion [of the 6th Battalion D.L.I.?], and asking whether they could meet for supper, 7 August n.y. [late 1980s?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/23 | ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/23 | 1 pastel drawing, on board, 25.3 cm. x 30.5 cm. | Portrait in pastels of Rupert Watson as a small boy, by S. M[y?]ers, n.d. [early 1950s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/24-48 | TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS: PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/24 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.6m | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, on the beach at Bexhill-on-Sea, [Sussex], n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/25 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.4m | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, on the beach at Bexhill-on-Sea, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/26 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6.1m | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting outside a beach hut at the seaside with two other children, with his [nanny?] and another woman in the background, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/27 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6.2m | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, with another child [with his children ‘s nurse and nanny?] sitting outside a beach hut, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/28 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, with another child [with his children ‘s nurse and nanny?] sitting outside a beach hut, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/29 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, at the beach, n.d. [c1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/30 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, at the beach with another child and also two adults in the background, n.d. [ c.1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/31 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, at the beach, n.d. [c. 1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/32 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting in the sand at the beach, n.d. [ c.1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/33 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting in the water with another child at the beach, n.d. [ c.1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/34 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 4 3/4], on the beach at Foxton, Northumberland, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/35 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson and Julian Watson as small children, on the beach, n.d. [ c.1954] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/36 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.7 cm. x 11.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, looking through binoculars at Foxton, Northumberland, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/37 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 9 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/36 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/38 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 4 3/4], and Rupert Watson in the sea at Foxton, Northumberland, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/39 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson as young children, in the sea at Foxton, Nortumberland, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/40 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson as children, on the beach at Foxton, Northumberland, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/41 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 9.1 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson outside a caravan on a holiday at Windermere, Cumbria, n.d. [1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/42 | 1 black and white photograph, 9.1 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson walking by the side of a lake on a holiday to Windermere, Cumbria. n.d. [1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/43 | 1 black and white photograph, 9.1 cm. x 6.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson with a man, woman and a collie dog, sitting among some bracken during a holiday to Windermere, Cumbria, n.d. [1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/44 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, rowing at Windermere, Cumbria, n.d. [1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/45 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.6 cm. x 5.3 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert and Julian Watson sitting at a camping table with a spaniel at their feet, [during a camping holiday to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/46 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.5 cm. x 5.3 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert and Julian Watson sitting at a camping table near their tent and car, with a spaniel at their feet, [during a camping holiday to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/47 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.7 cm. x 5.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson looking through gaps in the parapet of the bridge over the River Lune, Cumbria, [during a camping holiday at Underley, Northumberland], n.d. [August 1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/48 | 1 black and white photograph, 5 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, in his fishing gear with rod [at Underley, Cumbria,] n.d. [August 1959 ] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/49-53 | Miscellaneous holiday photographs | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/49 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of train going over railway bridge near a beach, (using the same location as D/Wn 28/32), n.d. [ c.1954?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/50 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.7 cm. x 5.4 cm. | Photograph of scenery [taken during a camping trip to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/51 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.6 cm. x 5.3 cm. | Photograph of scenery [taken during a camping trip to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/52 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.4 cm. x 5.2 cm. | Photograph of scenery [taken during a camping trip to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/53 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.6 cm. x 5.3 cm. | Photograph of a tent with two adult figures and a child [possibly members of the Watson family taken during a camping trip to Underley, Cumbria], n.d. [August 1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/54 | 1 photograph album, leather half bound, 197 black and white photographs, 7 colour photographs, 2 cards, 1 paper | Album of photographs of Rupert Watson and Julian Watson, 1949-1971 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/55 | 1 sheet photographic contact prints | Sheet of contact prints of Rupert Watson as a young child, n.d. [c. 1950] Enclosed in D/Wn 28/54 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/56(1-2) | 2 sheets photographic contact prints | Sheets of contact prints of Rupert Watson and Julian Watson as children, n.d. [ c.1956] Enclosed in D/Wn 28/54 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/57-154 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/57 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.9 cm. x 5.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a new born infant, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/58 | 1 black and white photograph, 11 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a new born infant, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/59 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a new born infant, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/60 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.7 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as new born infant, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949 ] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/61 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/60 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/62 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, aged two month, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/63 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as an infant, wearing long gown, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/64 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 6.1 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a new born infant, in a pram, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/65 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6.1 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/64 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/66 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.7 cm. x 6.2 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a new born infant, in a pram, n.d.[1949 ] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/67 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.2 cm. x 10.4 cm. | Photograph of Anne Watson and the infant Rupert Watson on his christening day, n.d. [12 June 1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/68 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 10.9 cm. | Photograph of Anne Watson and the infant Rupert Watson on his christening day, n.d. [12 June 1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/69 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.1 cm. x 10.8 cm. | Photograph of Anne and W.I. Watson with the infant Rupert Watson on his christening day, n.d. [12 June 1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/70 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 10.9 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/69 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/71 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.6 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of a nurse holding a young infant, [either Rupert or Julian Watson], n.d. [1949 or 1952/3] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/72 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.8 cm. x 11.3 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson holding a young infant, [either Rupert or Julian Watson], n.d. [1949 or 1952/3] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/73 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of a nanny holding Rupert Watson as an infant, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/74 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of Lila Watson holding Rupert Watson as an infant, n.d.[1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/75 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of a nanny holding Rupert Watson as an infant, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/76 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as an infant, in his pram, n.d. [1949 ] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/77 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.7 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 7 months], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/78 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.8 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/77 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/79 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting up in pram, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/80 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting up in pram, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/81 | 1 black and white photograph, 9 cm. x 6.2 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting up in pram, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/82 | 5 black and white photographs, card mounted | Page containing five photographs of Rupert Watson, [aged c .7 months], sitting up in pram, including duplicates of D/Wn 28/79-81, n.d. [1949] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/83 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.6 cm. x 7.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 11 months], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/84 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.5 cm. x 5.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 11 months], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/85 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.5 cm. x 5.6m | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/84 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/86 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.2 cm. x 5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 11 months], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/87 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.1 cm. x 5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/86 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/88 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 1 year], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/89 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 1 year], sitting up in pram, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/90 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/89 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/91 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/89 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/92 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged c .1 year], with Lila Watson, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/93 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/92 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/94 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/92 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/95 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6.1 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 13 months], sitting on rug in the garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/96 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 5.8 cm. | Duplicate of 28/95 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/97 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.3 cm. x 6.1 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 13 months], sitting on rug in the garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/98 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.2 cm. x 10.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged c. 13 months], sitting on rug in the garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/99 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged c. 13 months], n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/100 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged c. 13 months], n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/101 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged c. 13 months], n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/102 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, in a pram with sun canopy, n.d. [c. 1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/103 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.2 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting on a rug in a garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/104 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting on rug in a garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/105 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.2 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting on a rug in a garden, n.d. [1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/106 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.3 cm. x 10.9 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a baby, n.d. [1950/51] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/107 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a baby, sitting up in a pram, n.d. [1950/51] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/108 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.7 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 1 year 11 months], in a garden holding a stick, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/109 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 1 year 11 months], in a garden standing near some plant pots, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/110 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.8m x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 1 year 11 months], in a the garden holding a spade, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/111 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged c. 1 year 11 months] with his back to camera, [his nurse and unidentified woman] sitting on the grass by a wall with two dogs, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/112 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child in a play pen in the garden, n.d. [1951] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/113 | 1 black and white photograph, 15 cm. x 10.8 cm. | Portrait of Rupert Watson as a small child, wearing a dressing gown and holding a teddy bear, n.d. [1951/2] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/114 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted with paper cover, 19.2 cm. x 14.6 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/113 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/115 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted with paper cover, 18.9 cm. x 14.5 cm. | Portrait of Rupert Watson as a small child, wearing a dressing gown and holding a teddy bear, n.d. [1951/2] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/116 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, standing outside Spring Lodge with Margaret Cooke-Hurle and her son, John, n.d. [ c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/117 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1m x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, [with his children’ s nurse], n.d. [c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/118 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 19 cm. x 14.5 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a young child, n.d. [c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/119 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted with paper cover, 19 cm. x 14.5 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a young child, n.d. [c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/120 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted with paper cover, 19 cm. x 14.5 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a young child, n.d. [c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/121 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child sitting on a wooden horse in a garden, n.d. [ c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/122 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, on a pony with his mother standing beside them, n.d. [ c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/123 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, wearing a cap and shorts, with W.I. Watson outside Spring Lodge, n.d. [ c.1952?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/124 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, in his bathing suit in the garden at Spring Lodge, n.d. [ c.1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/125 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 5.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting at a table in a garden with another child, n.d. [ c.1952?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/126 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, without clothes in the garden [at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/127 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, without clothes in a garden, n.d. [ c.1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/128 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.5 cm. x 7.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting on a chair in a garden, n.d. [ c.1953?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/129 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, in a garden wearing a beret, n.d. [ c.1953?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/130 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.4 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, [in the garden at Spring Lodge] with ‘Bint’ the dog, n.d. [c.1954?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/131 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.5 cm. x 5.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, sitting at the front of a tent outside Spring Lodge with two other children, n.d. [ c.1954?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/132 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a child, sitting in a garden ornament [at Spring Lodge], n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/133 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a child, sitting on a rock at the side of a river, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/134 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 9 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a child, n.d. [c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/135 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert Watson as a child, n.d. [c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/136 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 11.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, wearing Red Indian head dress and costume, n.d. [ c.1957?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/137 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.5 cm. x 7.6 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, waist deep in a hedge in a garden, n.d. [1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/138 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.1 cm. x 5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, standing by a dry stone dyke looking into the distance, n.d. [ c.1959?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/139 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.1 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, with John Cooke-Hurle, both carrying shotguns, with ‘Cora’ the spaniel, at Startforth, n.d. [early 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/140 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.1 cm. x 4.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, carrying a shotgun, [at Startforth], n.d. [early 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/141 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.1 cm. x 4.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a young boy, carrying a shotgun, n.d. [early 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/142 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.2 cm. x 4.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, in light coloured pullover with cricket bat, n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/143 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 11.2 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/142 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/144 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.3 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, with light coloured pullover draped around his neck, also wearing a cricket cap and holding a cricket bat, n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/145 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.2 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, with Calverley Bewicke during a picnic, n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/146 | 1 black and white photograph, 20.2 cm. x 15.2 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, sitting on a garden seat, n.d. [early 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/147 | 1 black and white photograph, 12.4 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Duplicate of 28/146, but endorsed ‘ waiting for the arrival of the ambulance’ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/148 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.9 cm. x 13 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a boy, with arms folded, n.d. [early 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/149 | 1 black and white photograph, 4 cm. x 5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson sitting on the grass [outside Spring Lodge], n.d. [mid 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/150 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.2 cm. x 6.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson sitting on the grass [outside Spring Lodge], n.d. [mid 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/151 | 1 black and white photograph, 12.5 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson standing in a field near a fence, n.d. [mid 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/152 | 1 colour photograph, 8.9 cm. x 12.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson holding a salmon, n.d. [mid 1960s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/153 | 1 colour photograph, 8.9 cm. x 12.9 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/152 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/154 | 1 colour photograph, 9 cm. x 11.2 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/152 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/155-186 | Julian Watson | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/155 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a baby, sitting up in his pram, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/156 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/155 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/157 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a baby, sitting up in his pram, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/158 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/157 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/159 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.3 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a baby, sitting up in his pram, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/160 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson holding the baby Julian Watson, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/161 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.9 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, aged 9 months, sitting up in his pram, with Anne Watson and another woman standing by the pram, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/162 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a baby, sitting up in his pram, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/163 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.7 cm. x 6.2 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson holding the baby Julian Watson by the front steps of Spring Lodge, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/164 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Anne Watson holding the baby Julian Watson, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/165 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.2 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, in a tin bath [in the garden at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/166 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, without clothes [in the garden at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/167 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.2 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, pushing a wheel barrow [in the garden at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/168 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.3 cm. x 6.2cm | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 3.5 years], holding on to a toy cart, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/169 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 3.5 years], standing on a tree stump [in the garden at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/170 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, in a wheel barrow being pushed by W.I. Watson [in the garden at Spring Lodge] n.d. [ c.1956?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/171 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.6 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 3.5 years], sitting on a tree stump wearing a white hat, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/172 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photographic portrait of Julian Watson as a small child, n.d. [c1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/173 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photographic portrait of Julian Watson as a small child, n.d. [c1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/174 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, with a watering can [in the gardens at Spring Lodge], n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/175 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, with a watering can [in the gardens at Spring Lodge], n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/176 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a small child, in Red Indian head dress and costume, n.d. [ c.1957?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/177 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.9 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 4.5 years], feeding doves, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/178 | 1 black and white photograph, 7 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 4.5 years], feeding doves, n.d. [1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/179 | 1 black and white photograph, 7.5 cm. x 11.2 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 5 years], sitting at a desk [in his room at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/180 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 6.4 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/179 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/181 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 9.1 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, [aged 5.5 years], crouched at the side of a river, n.d. [1958] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/182 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.1 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson, as a child, [with Anthony Paterson], playing in a garden with a train set, n.d. [ c. 1959?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/183 | 1 black and white photograph, 20.4 cm. x 15.3 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a child sitting, in front of flower beds in a garden, n.d. [1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/184 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.4 cm. x 7.1 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a child, with W.I. Watson and J. Merryne Watson [on Elsie Cragg, Arkengarthdale, Yorkshire], n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/185 | 1 black and white photograph, 5 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as a child, standing in front of a tree, n.d. [1963?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/186 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.9 cm. x 10.9 cm. | Photograph of Julian Watson as an adult, standing on a cliff with the sea in the background, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/187-206 | Rupert and Julian Watson | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/187 | 1 black and white photograph, 9 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photograph of Anne Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged 3.5 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 2 months], on a garden seat by a window [outside Spring Lodge], n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/188 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.4 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged 3.5 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 2 months] on a garden seat by a window [outside Spring Lodge], n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/189 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged 3.5 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 2 months], [outside Spring Lodge], n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/190 | 1 black and white photograph, 6 cm. x 8.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, and Julian Watson as a baby sitting outside a tent, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/191 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.9 cm. x 5.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson as a small child, and Julian Watson as a baby with a woman and a black Labrador dog, n.d. [1953] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/192 | 1 black and white photograph, 9 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 6.5 years] and Julian Watson, [aged 2 3/4 years ] wearing a cap, playing on a tree stump, n.d. [1955] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/193 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.6 cm. x 6.2 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged 7 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 3.5 years], sitting on a bench with ‘Cora’, the spaniel, at their feet, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/194 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.2 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of W.I. Watson with Rupert Watson, [aged 7 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 3.5 years], sitting on a bench with ‘Cora’, the spaniel, at their feet, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/195 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.9 cm. x 6.4 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, [aged 7 years], and Julian Watson, [aged 3 3/4], on a toy cart outside Spring Lodge, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/196 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.3 cm. x 8.5 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson as young children, playing on rocks at the side of a river, n.d. [1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/197 | 1 black and white photograph, 9 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photographic portrait of Rupert and Julian Watson as young children, n.d. [ c.1956] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/198 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.3 cm. x 10.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson as young children, in Red Indian costumes outside Spring Lodge, n.d. [ c.1957] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/199 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.2 cm. x 7.2 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/198 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/200 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.6 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson, as children, sitting in front of some trees, n.d. [ c.1957?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/201 | 1 black and white photograph, 11 cm. x 8.7 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson with a spaniel [in the garden at Spring Lodge], n.d. [ c.1957?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/202 | 1 black and white photograph, 6.5 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 28/201 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/203 | 1 black and white photograph, 4.9 cm. x 4.9 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson [with ‘Dordie’ at Eglingham Burn, Northumberland], n.d. [15 April 1959] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/204 | 1 black and white photograph, 4.9 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert Watson, looking through binoculars, and Julian Watson, both standing on rocks by the sea, n.d. [c 1960?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/205 | 1 black and white photograph, 5.1 cm. x 4.8 cm. | Photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson with spaniel, n.d. [c1963?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/206 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 6.1 cm. | Photograph of an infant and an older baby, [one of them probably Rupert Watson], on a blanket on the grass, with an elderly woman sitting behind them, n.d. [ c.1949?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/207-231 | GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/207-217 | From Anne to Julian Watson | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/207(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter [from Anne Watson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Julian [Watson], advising that Rupert [Watson] will be coming to visit for a night to attend the Zetland Hunt ball, also extolling the merits of the local Conservative candidate for the General Election, also mentioning an appreciative letter sent by some anglers who had enjoyed fishing on the Kimmer, [Northumberland], 27 February n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/208(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter [from Anne Watson] to Julian [Watson], passing on some general news of friends and relations, also discussing the matter of the best type of shoe [for a visit to Japan], also mentioning that she has had no news from Rupert [Watson], also advising that she has had indigestion ‘on and off’ for months which the doctor thinks is probably caused by anxiety, 7 June n.y [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/209(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter [from Anne Watson] to Julian [Watson], concerning the matter of shoes [suitable for a visit to Japan], also describing a visit to a friend who was ill, 13 June n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/210 | 1 paper | Letter [from Anne Watson] to Julian [Watson], advising that [J.] Merryne Watson could offer no real advice concerning suitable footwear [for a visit to Japan], also mentioning Rupert [Watson], 16 June n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/211 | 1 paper | Letter from [Anne Watson], Basil Street Hotel, London, to Julian [Watson], advising that Rupert [Watson] is now out of hospital, also mentioned that after the initial shock W.I. Watson is ‘bearing up well’ [to the fact that Rupert Watson does not intend to enter the family solicitor ‘s firm], 20 June 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/212 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, describing a visit to [Banna]moor to check it over for incoming tenants and an overnight stay at Tarry, [Eglingham, Northumberland] also mentioning that Juliet Bewicke has been unable to visit her as intended as Gay Bewicke has been ill with appendicitis, also mentioning that W.I. Watson had a successful time at a Regimental Museums ‘ Convention, also advising that Rupert [Watson] has been in touch with family members and staff and is thinking of going to the U.S.A next month and visiting his ‘Milvain cousins’ [in Alberta, Canada] in the autumn, 11 July 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/213 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, thanking him for his recent letter and post card, also expressing her shock at his shoes shrinking, also mentioning an evening at her ‘tea club’ where they all swapped interesting and amusing newspaper stories, also mentioning a friend of his who came to the house for a visit while in the area, 20 July n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/214 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, Darlington Memorial Hospital, to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, advising that she has had some of her stitches out and hopes to get the rest out on Tuesday and to be discharged the next day, also mentioning that she has received 26 bunches of flowers and plants and an equal number of cards, also describing a recent letter from Rupert [Watson] who will have about left the stud farm and will be arriving in Wyoming, U.S.A., in about three weeks before returning to the Milvain ranch in Alberta, [Canada], also mentioning that ‘Romey’ [Rosemary Milvain] visited her last week and that Juliet Bewicke has been staying to help cheer up W.I. Watson, 3 August n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/215 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, Tarry, [Eglingham, Northumberland], to Julian Watson, Sapporo, Japan, enquiring whether he could come home from Japan earlier than planned as W.I. Watson would appreciate some company on his holidays while she is ill, also offering to meet any extra expenses incurred by this change of plan, 30 August 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/216(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Anne Watson, Tarry, [Eglingham, Northumberland] to Julian Watson, advising that Rupert [Watson] came up to [Banna]moor on Wednesday for a visit, also advising that she thinks she may be starting to put on weight, also mentioning that she has had a very bad day suffering from indigestion, also mentioning that Lucy [Potts] has been visiting, also advising that Rupert [Watson] ‘in his usual social whirl’ has had various friends staying, 20 October n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/217 | 1 paper | Letter from Anne Watson, [Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle] to Julian Watson, concerning the death of David Jones, the artist, also mentioning that she has been confined to bed with a slight thrombosis in her leg, 30 October [19]74 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/218-219 | From W.I. Watson to R. and J. Watson | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/218(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], [Banna]moor, [Northumberland] to ‘my dear sons’ [Rupert and Julian Watson], describing an encounter with a fox in the woods, also concerning a forthcoming meeting of those who have stints on Bowes Moor, also mentioning a meeting of the Lords in Trust of the moor, of whom he is one, who are responsible for the sporting side of the moor; also including a small sketch of a fox, 3 February [19]74 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/219(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to ‘my dear sons’ [Julian and Rupert Watson], describing a meeting of the County Landowners’ Association where he met many old friends, also recounting a recent conversation with an Archdeacon Shanks who had lived in Japan for many years, also mentioning ‘the ordeal’ of a forthcoming presentation to be made to him by twenty past and present magistrates to commemorate the last Barnard Castle [Petty Sessions] Court, also mentioning a forthcoming presentation by the Mayor of Durham of some silver bugles to the 2nd Battalion D.L.I., 9 March [19]74 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/220-231 | From W.I. Watson to Julian Watson | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/220(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to [Julian Watson], mentioning that Rupert [Watson] and his flatmate are visiting, also mentioning a meeting of Durham County Council Museums subcommittee, which he attended, at which it was decided to provide the D.L.I. museum with a large display case for uniforms, also describing recent walks at Cold Moss and Cotherstone Moor, 2 March [19]74 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/221(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], advising that R[upert Watson] has ‘become fully fledged’ [as a solicitor] and left his firm last week and has been preparing for his trip to Canada, also mentioning an enjoyable dinner at Durham presided over by Sir James Steel, Lord Lieutenant designate of the new Metropolitan County of Tyne and Wear, also describing the presentation of two hand-painted ducks made to him by magistrates past and present [in honour of his work as Clerk to the Barnard Castle Petty Sessions] on the occasion of the last meeting of the Court, also mentioning a presentation by the Mayor of Durham of some silver bugles to the 2nd Battalion D.L.I. which is due to occur that afternoon, 17 March 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/222(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], advising that Rupert [Watson] will be going to New York in the next week and a few days after that to Alberta, [Canada], where he will be working on a stud farm, also mentioning that he will be going ferreting next week, also mentioning that the parade and service for the presentation by the Mayor of Durham of some silver bugles to the 2nd. Battalion D.L.I. passed of very successfully, also mentioning the Dowager Lady B[arnard] who heard a ghostly pack of hounds outside her home at Hartforth the other day which, so legend has it, are supposed to forebode of a death, 24 March n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/223(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], advising of their plans for the day when they meet on Saturday, also mentioning that he hopes that his [Julian Watson ‘ s] stomach upset has improved, also advising that Anne Watson has had similar problems with her stomach and that he has had a sore back, also describing an unsuccessful day spent ferreting and also a heifer which is able to jump their fence and get into the garden, 31 March n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/224(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Bannamoor, [Northumberland], to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], describing some fishing incidents, also mentioning various social engagements with family and friends and also describing an encounter with some men whom he had given permission to fish on the Kimmer and had enjoyed themselves very much, also advising of two small pictures from Spring Lodge which he had identified by an expert at the B[owes] M[useum], also advising that [J.] Merryne [Watson] and M[argaret Cooke-Hurle] ‘should be on the last lap of their bus trip to Constantinople’ ; also containing a small sketches of fishing scenes, 27 May 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/225(1-4) | 3 papers, 1 envelope | Letter, with D-Day commemorative envelope, from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], mentioning a forthcoming convention of Military Museum curators at which he is to act as Chairman, also describing a recent sighting of the very rare dotterel on the way back from Swaledale in the company of Anne Watson and the bird expert, D. Munro, who they met by the roadside, also mentioning that he has recently completed a painting of Scots firs for inclusion in the Darlington Exhibition; also with small sketch of a dotterel, 9 June 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/226(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], concerning a forthcoming visit to London, describing a visit to a farmer at Kexwith who lived in very poor conditions, also describing how builders found a fossil plant during work at Juliet Bewicke ‘ s house, also mentioning that Rupert [Watson] has been, and may still be, in hospital suffering from severe dehydration and that he does not intend to work at the office [Watson ‘s solicitors] and does not intend to work ‘in this part of the world’ , also advising that Anne Watson has been losing a lot of weight and suffering from ‘nasty tummy pains’ but despite x-rays and examinations no cause can be found, 16 June n.y. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/227 | 1 paper | Letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, mentioning that the Convention of Military Museum Curators which he had organised was a great success, also advising that the open day for the garden at Spring Lodge went very well, also mentioning that his painting entitled ‘Old Scots Pines at Bannamoor’ is properly mounted and framed in preparation for the [Darlington] Exhibition, also advising that a flock of goosanders had been sighted on the river and also that the large furniture van was still parked outside the gates of Spring Lodge, 13 July 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/228 | 1 paper | Letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, describing a visit to Spring Lodge of two of his (Julian Watson ‘ s) friends from Leeds who were very oddly dressed, also describing a visit to Startforth Hall to see John [Cooke-Hurle ‘ s] ferrets, also mentioning an Australian girl who is camping in the grounds of the Hall and appears to have taken a notion for John [Cooke-Hurle], also describing a R[oyal] I[nstitute] of B[ritish Architects] gathering which was held at the Bowes Museum and appeared to have been very well attended, also advising that there is to be a son et lumiere at the Bowes Museum next year, 21 July 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/229 | 1 paper | Letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to Julian Watson, Kyoto, Japan, advising that after many inconclusive x-rays and tests Anne Watson has recently been admitted to hospital in Darlington and had an operation to remove a growth in her abdomen on which a biopsy is being done, also advising that although she is very thin and weak she is determined to recover and appears cheerful and is eating well, also mentioning that Juliet [Bewicke] is at Spring Lodge to look after him but her daughter Gay is in hospital in Newcastle so she has to travel backwards and forwards quite a lot, also stating that he does not want him to cut short his stay in Japan as he will keep him up to date with any news, also describing the amusing incident of Margaret [Cooke-Hurle ‘s] dog vomiting in her car, 28 July 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/230 | 1 paper | Letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to Julian Watson, Sapporo, Japan, advising that Anne Watson is still very thin and eats very little but appears to be slowly improving, also describing a night out at a drinks party with M[argaret Cooke-Hurle] which they both thoroughly enjoyed, also mentioning a dinner with the shooting party at the Bowes Moor Hotel hosted by Robert Thompson whom Rupert [Watson] had stayed with in the U.S.A., also mentioning his [Robert Thompson ‘ s] son who had recently been on a round the world trip; also including a short note by Anne Watson advising that she thinks she is making some progress but that the medication she is receiving is affecting her appetite, 18 August 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/231(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from W.I. W[atson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to ‘my dear Spiggie’ [Julian Watson], advising that ‘ life here is very desolate and lonely although I have had a few visitors’ , also mentioning some visitors and some business relating to the D.L.I. Museum, also advising that he hopes to go to Bannamoor, [Eglingham, Northumberland] on 20 February as some maintenance chores néed seeing to, also mentioning an article in the February edition of The Connoisseur concerning sedan chairs and also a Japanese screen, 9 February [19]75 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/232-233 | MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/232(1-2) | 2 papers | List compiled by Ju[lian Watson] of gifts he would like to receive for Christmas or his birthday, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 28/233 | 1 paper | List compiled by Ju[lian Watson] of gifts he would like to receive for his birthday, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/ | UNIDENTIFIED WATSONS | This section deals with items which definitely relate to members of the Watson family, but it is not possible to identify the particular person or persons with any certainty. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/1 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/1 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 6.1 cm. x 9.3 | Photographic copy of an original photograph of an unknown woman, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/2 | GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/2(1-8) | 8 papers | Transcript in unidentified hand of a letter from Cornelius Harrison junior, London, to his father Cornelius Harrison of Stubb House, mention is made of ‘Mrs. Watson’ who is said to be ‘quite the fine lady’ , mention is also made of ‘Crawford’ and of ‘Little Watson’ , [possibly Mary Watson, Matthew Crawford Watson and William Watson senior],19 August 1802 [transcript made late 20th c.?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/3 | 1 copper printing plate, 9.7 cm. x 6.7 cm. | Engraved copper printing plate for printing calling card of ‘ Mrs. Watson, Spring Lodge’, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/4(1-2) | 1 copper printing plate, 9.9 cm. x 6.7cm, 1 paper | Engraved copper printing plate for printing calling card of ‘ Mrs. Watson, Spring Lodge’, with wrapping paper, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/5 | MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 29/5 | 1 paper, 19.8 cm. x 31.3 cm. | Hand written poem entitled ‘ Roxburghe Ballade’ , with depiction of Watson family coat of arms and crest, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 30/ | OTHER WATSONS | This section deals with members of the Watson family who do not fit into any of the earlier categories | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 30/1 | OBITUARIES | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 30/1 | 1 paper | Cutting from unknown newspaper containing the obituary of Annie Mary Watson of Whitby, [Yorkshire], who died aged 89, widow of the late Henry Crawford Watson, chartered accountant, n.d. [February 1950] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 30/2 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 30/2 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.8 cm. x 13.8 cm. | Photograph of [Charles James] Watson-Munro and [Emmeline Ada] Watson-Munro, née Pixley, on the Promenade at Bournemouth, 27 February 1928 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/ | MESSRS. WATSON SOLICITORS | William Watson senior (1793-1883) entered the solicitor’ s office of William Hutchinson at 10 Market Place, Barnard Castle, as a young man. In 1817 he took over Hutchinson’ s firm, having been admitted as an attorney-at-law and solicitor at Chancery in the same year. Around 1840 his nephew William Watson junior (1817-1892) joined the firm and it became known as W. and W. Watson. Around 1863 the firm moved to larger offices at 8 Newgate, Barnard Castle. George Watson (1840-1889), son of William Watson senior (1793-1883), joined the firm for a very short but he did not stay with law and went to work in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). William James Watson (1838-1920), son of William Watson senior (1793-1883), joined the firm after an unsuccessful career as a bullion merchant in London. The name of the firm was then changed to W.W. and W.J. Watson. H.C. Watson (1864-1934) joined the firm as soon as he qualified. The firm was then known as W.J. and H.C. Watson. In 1934 W.I. Watson (1906-1988) took over the firm and changed the name of the firm to Messrs. Watson after Second World War. In 1985 W.I. Watson retired from practice and the firm of Messrs. Watson was sold. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/1(1-3) | 3 papers | History of the solicitors’ firm of Messrs. Watson, Barnard Castle [written by W.I. Watson], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/2(1-2) | 2 paper | Draft letter from W., W. and W.J. Watson, Barnard Castle, [solicitors], to Barnard Castle and Teesdale Permanent Building Society, applying for appointment as solicitors to the Society following the death of Richard Holmes, solicitor, 5 January 1880 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/3 | 1 paper | Draft letter from W., W. and W.J. Watson, Barnard Castle, [solicitors], to R.J. Dent, Streatlam House, applying for appointment as solicitor to Mr. Bowes following the death of Richard Holmes, solicitor, 1 December 1881 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/4(1-2) | 2 papers | Draft letter from [William Watson junior], Thorngate House, B[arnard] Castle, to Ralph J. Dent, Streatlam House, advising that he has only just heard that Mr. Hanby Holmes is to succeed his late uncle [Richard Holmes] solicitors ‘ practice, and consequently wishes his letter, D/Wn 31/3, applying for appointment as Mr. Bowes ‘ solicitor to be cancelled, 3 December 1881 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/5 | 1 paper | Draft letter from [William Watson junior], Thorngate House, Barnard Castle, to the Very Rev. Monsignor Witham, Lartington Hall, concerning the transfer of Monsignor Witham ‘s business from W. and W.J. Watson to Mr. Hanby Holmes, 19 October 1886 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/6 | 1 paper | Draft letter from [William Watson junior], Thorngate House, Barnard Castle, to the Very Rev. Monsignor Witham, Lartington Hall, arranging a meeting between the two parties, 19 October 1886 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/7 | 1 file | Case of a surrender of lands in the Manor of Romaldkirk, with [William] Watson [senior] acting in power of attorney to two customary tenants; with legal opinion of Matt[hew] Crawford, Middle Temple, London, appended, 17 September 1818 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/8 | 1 paper | Letter from Matt[hew] Crawford to William Watson [senior], sent to accompany D/Wn 31/7, and also offering further observations on that case, n.d. [ c. 17 September 1818] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/9 | 1 file | Case concerning the will of Mr. Porthouse, and of various legal problems caused by a contract entered into between the testators of the will and Mr. Kay for the sale of land in Barnard Castle, the said contract was not completed due to the bankruptcy of Mr. Kay; with legal opinions of M[atthew] Crawford, Middle Temple, London, appended, 1825 – 1827 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/10-12 | LEGAL: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/10 | 1 volume, leather bound | Book of memorandums, kept by William Watson [senior] and W[illiam] J[ames] Watson, 14 March 1841 – 13 June 1900 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/11 | 1 volume, card bound | Magistrate’ s clerk’ s notebook and register [for Barnard Castle], 1 August 1821 – 27 August 1834 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/12 | 1 paper | Rough note (unsigned) concerning four plots of land, written on reverse of a manorial form concerning non appearance at General Court, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/13 | 1 file | 24 June 1819 (1) William Hutchinson of Eggleston (2) William Hoar of City of Durham (3) Thomas Wilkinson of Bath, Somerset, and Robert Wharton Middleton of Ginkle Park, York (4) Elizabeth Watson, née Crawford of Barnard Castle, widow (5) Rev. George Newby of Witton-le-Wear Copy release by (1) to (4) of a messuage consisting of a shop and two front rooms in the Market Place in Barnard Castle with outbuildings and gardens and also a half share in the passage leading from Market Place to the outbuildings, and also a pew and a quarter share in a pew in Barnard Castle Church, also a surrender of a term of 3000 years on all the above property by (3) at the request of (1), and also the surrender and assignment of the residue of a term of 2000 years on all the above property by (2) to (5) in trust for (4) at the request of (1), with ground plan of property in Market Place appended. Consideration: £577 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 31/14 | 1 paper | Found enclosed in D/Wn 39/4, receipt issued by Joseph Proctor to Elizabeth Watson, née Crawford for the sum of £5 paid to him for his share in the front pew in the Old Gallery at Barnard Castle Church, 24 July 1819 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/ | SPRING LODGE | Spring Lodge was built in Newgate, Barnard Castle, in 1825 by William Watson senior (1793-1883). It remained the Watson family home until its sale in 1989. W.I. Watson (1906-1988) was of the opinion that the architect of Spring Lodge was Ignatius Bonomi but this has never been confirmed. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/1 | VISITORS ‘ BOOK | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/1 | 1 volume, card bound | Spring Lodge visitors’ book, 5 June 1904 – 5 August 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/2-3 | SALE PARTICULARS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/2(1-8) | 1 folder, 7 papers | Sale particulars of Spring Lodge, with plan, n.d. [September 1989] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/3 | 1 booklet | Booklet giving details on forthcoming Christie’ s County House Sales for 1989, including Spring Lodge to be auctioned 18 September 1989 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/4 | ESTATE MAPS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/4 | 1 photocopy map mounted on paper, 109.3 cm. x 52.4 cm. | Photocopy of part of Ordnance Survey map of Barnard Castle area annotated to show part of the Spring Lodge estate including pieces of land [owned by?] A[nne] W[atson] and R[upert] W[atson], n.d. Scale: [1:2500] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/5 | 1 plan, 34 cm. x 42.3 cm. | Plan showing the exact measurements of the dining room, drawing room, north and south dressing rooms and the south bedroom at Spring Lodge, 1850 No scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/6 | 1 envelope | Non-original envelope endorsed [in W.I. Watson’s hand] ‘ Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, plans of alteration made in 1873’ , formerly containing D/Wn 32/7-11, n.d. [20th c.] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/7 | 1 paper | Rough note containing measurements relating to various rooms [in Spring Lodge], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/8 | 1 plan, cloth, 48.2 cm. x 28.1 cm. | Rough plan [of the ground floor of Spring Lodge], n.d. No scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/9 | 1 plan, cloth, 48 cm. x 27.9 cm. | Rough plan [of the first floor of Spring Lodge], n.d. No scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/10 | 1 plan, cloth, 68.3cm. x 47 cm. | Plan showing alterations to the ground floor of Spring Lodge by Ross and Lamb, Darlington, architects, June 1873 Scale: 1 inch to 8 feet [1:96] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/11 | 1 plan, cloth, 70 cm. x 41.8 cm. | Plan showing alterations to the bedrooms on the first floor of Spring Lodge, also showing a section and elevation of the building, by Ross and Lamb, Darlington, architects, June 1873 Scale: 1 inch to 8 feet [1:96] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/12 | 1 plan, paper, 58.4 cm. x 44.2 cm. | Plan showing [alterations to] the plumbing for the heating system at Spring Lodge by W. Richardson and Co., Darlington, heating and ventilating engineers, 16 February [19]28 Scale: 1 inch to 8 feet [1:96] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/13 | 1 plan, paper, 50.7 cm. x 36.6 cm. | Plan showing electric power and lighting points on the ground floor of Spring Lodge by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, 2 Sept[ember] 1937 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/14 | 1 plan, paper, 50.7 cm. x 36.9 cm. | Plan showing electric power and lighting points on the ground floor of Spring Lodge [very similar but not identical to D/Wn 32/13] by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, n.d. [1937] Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/15 | 1 plan, paper, 50.7 cm. x 36.7 cm. | Plan showing electric power and lighting points on the first floor of Spring Lodge by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, 2 Sept[ember] 1937 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/16 | 1 plan, paper, 50.4 cm. x 36.5 cm. | Plan showing lighting points in the outbuildings at Spring Lodge by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, 2 Sept[ember] 1937 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/17 | 1 plan, paper, 50.5 cm. x 36.7 cm. | Plan showing lighting points in the outbuildings at Spring Lodge [very similar, but not identical to D/Wn 32/16] by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, n.d. [1937] Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/18 | 1 plan, paper, 50.5 cm. x 36.7 cm. | Plan showing runs of conduits for electrical light and power on the ground floor at Spring Lodge, by Waring, Withers, and Chadwick Ltd, London, electrical engineers, Jan[uary] 1938 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/19 | 1 plan, paper, 50.4 cm. x 36.8 cm. | Plan showing runs of conduits for electrical light and power on the first floor at Spring Lodge, by Waring, Withers, and Chadwick Ltd, London, electrical engineers, Jan[uary] 1938 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/20 | 1 plan, paper, 50.7 cm. x 36.8 cm. | Plan showing runs of conduits for electrical light in the outbuildings at Spring Lodge, by Waring, Withers, and Chadwick Ltd, London, electrical engineers, Jan[uary] 1938 Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/21 | 1 plan, paper, 50.5 cm. x 36.6 cm. | Plan showing electric power and lighting points on the first floor of Spring Lodge [very similar, but not identical to D/Wn 32/20] by Waring, Withers and Chadwick, London, electrical engineers, n.d. [1938] Not to scale | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/22(1-3) | 3 papers | Test report of the electrical installation at Spring Lodge carried out by Waring, Withers and Chadwick Ltd., London, electrical engineers, June 1954 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/23/1-10 | 10 papers | Receipted accounts for electrical work done at Spring Lodge by Harry Cooper, Barnard Castle, electrical contractor, 24 February 1976 – 1 April 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/24/1-15 | 23 papers | Receipted accounts for property repairs done at Spring Lodge by Atkinsons Joiners, Barnard Castle, 23 April 1976 – 26 March 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/25/1-4 | 4 papers | Receipted accounts for building repair work done at Spring Lodge by G. Gibson, Barnard Castle, builder, mason and contractor, 30 November 1976 – 29 March 1978 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/26(1-3) | 3 papers | Receipted account for painting work [done at Spring Lodge] by unidentified contractor, December 1976 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/27(1-2) | 2 papers | Receipted account for building repair work done at Spring Lodge by N. Gibbs, Barnard Castle, builder, 10 January 1977 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/28/1-12 | 12 papers | Receipted accounts for plumbing repair work done at Spring Lodge by A. and W. Clennel, Staindrop, 7 March 1977 – 26 May 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/29/1-2 | 2 papers | Receipted accounts for building repair work [done at Spring Lodge] by Byers and Ireland, Barnard Castle, builders and joiners, 9 March 1978 – 7 December 1978 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/30 | 1 paper | Receipted invoice for decorating work carried out at Spring Lodge by Alan Watson, Middleton-in-Teesdale, painter and decorator, 5 April [19]78 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/31 | 1 paper | Receipted account for window repair work done at Spring Lodge by C.F. Woodhams, Barnard Castle, 2 December 1978 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/32/1-4 | 4 papers | Receipted accounts for painting work [done at Spring Lodge] by C.W.and E. Overton and Son, Barnard Castle, 9 January 1979 – 7 September 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/33 | 1 paper | Receipted account for building repair work done at Spring Lodge by T.H. Hoggett and Son, Barnard Castle, builders and joiners, 22 August 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/34/1-9 | 9 papers | Receipted accounts for property repair and maintenance done at Spring Lodge by Robert Brown, Barnard Castle, builder and property repairs, 27 January 1980 – 5 December 1983 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/35/1-3 | 5 papers | Accounts, some receipted, for heating and plumbing work done at Spring Lodge by Thomas L. Bradley Ltd., Bishop Auckland, plumbing and heating enginéer, 24 June 1983 – 31 August 1984 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/36 | 1 paper | Schedule [compiled by W.I. Watson] detailing repairs required at Spring Lodge, n.d. [1986] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/37 | 1 paper | Letter from D.F.L. Building Contractors, Barnard Castle, to W.[I.] Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that they should be pleased to carry out the repair work as detailed in D/Wn 32/36, 29 October [19]86 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/38 | 1 paper | Receipted account for building repair work done at Spring Lodge by Thomas Lee and Sons, Barnard Castle, builder, joiner and undertaker, 17 November 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/39/1-3 | 5 papers | Receipted account for building repair work carried out at Spring Lodge by D.F.L. Building Contractors, 19 December 1986 – 5 May 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/40(1-2) | 2 papers | Draft application by W.I. Watson to [Durham] County Council for financial assistance with repairs to the stables at Spring Lodge under the Local Authorities (Historic Buildings) Act, 1962, 4 May 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/41 | 1 paper | Letter from M.R. Pease, Chief Planning Officer, Teesdale District Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, enquiring as to whether a more detailed estimate concerning the repair work at the stables can be submitted, 8 May 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/42(1-2) | 2 papers | Photocopy of estimates by Robert Brown, Barnard Castle, builder, of work required to be done on the stables at Spring Lodge, as requested in D/Wn 32/41, 7 June 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/43 | 1 paper | Letter from J. Wilson, County Planning Officer, Durham County Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, informing him that it is not possible to make an assessment of who will be recommended for grant funds for repair of buildings until early November, 3 July 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/44 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson to Neville Whittaker, Civic Trust for the North East, Durham City, enquiring whether a grant can be obtained from the Civic Trust for the repair to the stables at Spring Lodge, 16 July 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/45 | 1 paper | Letter from Peter Rogers, Planning Officer, Civic Trust for the North East, Durham [City], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that his organisation are not able to award a grant as requested in D/Wn 32/44, but states that he should apply to D[epartment] o[f the] E[nvironment], Historic Buildings, 20 July 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/46 | 1 paper | Copy of completed application form submitted by W.I. Watson to Department of the Environment for a grant to assist with the repair to the stables at Spring Lodge, 29 August 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/47 | 1 paper | Notes compiled by the Department of the Environment, Historic Buildings Division to assist applicants for grants, n.d. [1979] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/48 | 1 paper | Letter from P.E. Payne, Department of the Environment, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that a grant amounting to 25% of the full cost of the repairs to the stables at Spring Lodge will be awarded as long as the work is carried out to the Department ‘s satisfaction, 19 December 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/49 | 1 paper | Letter from J. Wilson, County Planning Officer, Durham County Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that the County Council and Teesdale District Council have each approved grants towards the repair of the stables at Spring Lodge, 3 March 1980 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/50 | 1 paper | Letter from M.R. Pease, Chief Planning Officer, Teesdale District Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, sent to enclose application forms for grant assistance required for the reroofing of Spring Lodge, also advising that all grant monies have been fully committed for the present financial year, 26 August 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/51(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from C.A. Ward, English Heritage, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that a grant towards the cost of reroofing Spring Lodge will be awarded as long as the work is carried out to the Department ‘s satisfaction, 28 October 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/52 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to D.F.L. Building Contractors, Barnard Castle, advising that their tender for work to the west roof of Spring Lodge has been accepted by English Heritage, 3 November 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/53 | 1 paper | Letter from M.R. Pease, Chief Planning Officer, Teesdale District Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that the District Council and Durham County Council have committed all their resources under the Barnard Castle town scheme and are unable to provide financial assistance with the reroofing of Spring Lodge, 4 November 1987 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/54(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from D.F.L. Building Contractors, Barnard Castle, to [W.I.] Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, concerning the repair of concrete gutters at Spring Lodge, also including quotation for the said repair, 10 December [19]87 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/55 | 1 paper | Letter from C.A. Ward, English Heritage, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that English Heritage are willing to increase their grant toward the reroofing of Spring Lodge, 25 January 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/56 | 1 paper | Letter from C.A. Ward, English Heritage, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, sent to enclose a cheque for an interim payment on the reroofing work at Spring Lodge, 3 March 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/57 | 1 paper | Letter from Maralyn Webb, English Heritage, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that the [reroofing at Spring Lodge] has to be inspected by an architect and pronounced satisfactory before the remainder of the grant can be released, 8 July 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/58 | PROPERTY: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/58 | 1 paper | Form of invitation by Julian Watson to an buffet lunch to be held at Spring Lodge on 3 September [1989] to mark the forthcoming sale of the house by the Watson family, n.d. [1989] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/1-49 | Inventory of oil paintings at Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/1 (1-20) | 20 papers | Inventory [compiled by W.I. Watson] of oil paintings and water colours at Spring Lodge, with notes concerning the provenance of each painting, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/2(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Bryan Crossling, Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, concerning the identity of the artists of two paintings (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 1), 14 May 1974; also enclosed a short biography of the artist R.A. Wilson, n.d. [1974] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/3 | 1 paper | Cutting from The Darlington and Stockton Times , containing an article concerning the Bowes Museum in which mention is made of a painting called ‘The Hawking Party’ by Jan Weenix (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) lent to the museum by W.I. Watson, n.d. [September 1960] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/4 | 1 black and white photograph, 19.8 cm. x 15.6 cm. | Photographic copy of the painting ‘High Force’ by George Cuit, the elder (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/5 | 1 black and white photograph, 19.8 cm. x 15.7 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/4 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/6 | 1 black and white photograph, 19.9 cm. x 15.8 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/4 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/7 | 1 black and white photograph, 19.9 cm. x 15.9 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/4 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/8 | 1 black and white photograph, 20.1 cm. x 15.6 cm. | Photographic copy of the painting ‘ Winch Bridge on River Tees’ by George Cuit, the elder (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/9 | 1 black and white photograph, 20.1 cm. x 15.8 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/8 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/10 | 1 black and white photograph, 20.5 cm. x 16.6 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/8 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/11 | 1 paper | Transcript of article, taken from M.H. Grant, The Old English Landscape Painters, relating to the painting ‘ Winch Bridge in the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/12 | 1 paper | Transcript of article, taken from Christopher Clarkson , The History and Antiquities of Richmond , 1821, concerning George Cuit, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/13(1-2) | 2 papers, mounted on 2 papers | Cutting taken from The Darlington and Stockton Times , containing article entitled ‘ First suspension bridge spanned the Tees 260 years age’, 14 January 1967 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/14 | 1 paper | Note from H.M. Luther Antiques, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, concerning the paintings ‘High Force’ and ‘Winch Bridge over the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 22 July 1963 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/15 (1-2) | 2 papers | Note from H.M. Luther Antiques, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, concerning the paintings ‘High Force’ and ‘Winch Bridge over the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 27 July 1963; also invoice issued by H.M. Luther Antiques, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, for the two paintings, 27 July 1963 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/16 | 1 paper | Receipt issued by the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, for the loan of ‘High Force’ and ‘Winch Bridge over the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), and also a tankard, a Sheffield plate Argyle and ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael Rooker, (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 16 April 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/17 | 1 card | Invitation [issued to W.I. Watson] to a lunch party and preview of an exhibition (for which he had loaned the items mentioned in D/Wn 32/59/16) at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, 28 April 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/18 | 1 paper | Receipt signed by W.I. Watson for the return of ‘High Force’ and ‘ Winch Bridge over the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), and also a tankard, a Sheffield plate Argyle and ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker, (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) from the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, 24 June 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/19 | 1 paper | Letter from Margot [Morrit], The Garden House, Rokeby, Barnard Castle, representing the National Art Collections Fund, to [W.I. Watson], thanking him for lending items to a recent exhibition at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, 27 June 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/20 | 1 paper | Letter from E.L. Raper, Wakefield, [Yorkshire, to Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle], enquiring whether a copy could be provided of a painting of the Winch Bridge mentioned in a recent article in The Dalesman, 29 July [19]86 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/21 | 1 paper | Letter from Bryan Crossling, Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, enclosing D/Wn 32/59/20 and advising that he believes the writer is referring to the painting ‘Winch Bridge on the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 31 July 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/22 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to E.L. Raper, Wakefield, [Yorkshire], original enclosing a spare copy of ‘Winch Bridge on the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 5 August 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/23 | 1 paper | Copy letter [from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle] to Bryan Crossling, Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, advising that he has sent a spare photograph of ‘Winch Bridge on the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) to E.L. Raper, Wakefield, [Yorkshire], 5 August 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/24 | 1 paper | Letter from E.L. Raper, Wakefield, [Yorkshire], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, thanking him for lending him a copy of ‘Winch Bridge on the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), also discussing some aspects of the history and design of the bridge, 8 August [19]86 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/25 | 1 paper | Letter from Michael D.C. Rudd, Darlington, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that intends to compile a publication concerning natural scenery in Durham and North Yorkshire which might have attracted early tourists, also mentioning that he would be interested in viewing ‘High Force’ and ‘Winch Bridge over the River Tees’ by George Cuit (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) as part of his research, 12 November 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/26 | 1 black and white photograph, paper mounted, 31.9 cm. x 20.3 cm. | Photographic copy of the painting ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), n.d. [c.1980] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/27 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to M. Bernard, St. James ‘, London, [fine art dealer], enquiring as to the price of ‘ The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 6 November 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/28 | 1 paper | Letter from M. Bernard, St. James’ , London, [fine art dealer], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising of the price of ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 7 November 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/29 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to M. Bernard, St. James ‘, London, [fine art dealer], advising that he is willing to purchase ‘ The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1 page 2), 13 November 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/30 | 1 paper | Letter from M. Bernard, St. James’ , London, [fine art dealer], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that he will send ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) by train to Darlington station the next day, 2 December 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/31 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to M. Bernard, St. James ‘, London, [fine art dealer], advising that ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘ Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) arrived safely; payment enclosed with original letter, 4 December 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/32 | 1 paper | Letter from M. Bernard, St. James’ , London, [fine art dealer], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, enclosing receipt [missing] for the purchase of ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 6 December 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/33 | 1 paper | Letter from Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavillion, Brighton, [Sussex], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, mentioning that he is trying to trace as many works by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker as possible for inclusion in a monograph to be published by the Victoria and Albert Museum in conjunction with Batsford Books, and to this end would like a photographic copy of ‘The Prebends Bridge’ (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), and permission to reproduce it in the aforementioned publication, also requesting some further details as regards the provenance of the painting, 5 November 1980 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/34 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle to Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavillion, Brighton, [Sussex], confirming that he would be willing for ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2) to be photographed and reproduced in a publication, also giving some details as regards the provenance and subject of the aforesaid painting, 10 November 1980 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/35 | 1 paper | Letter from Gill Hedley, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising of her interest in ‘The Prebends Bridge’ by Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 2), 5 August 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/36 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, [Sussex], enquiring whether the monograph on Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as mentioned in D/Wn 32/59/33), had been published, 30 December 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/37 | 1 paper | Letter from Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, [Sussex], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that there is some uncertainty concerning the publication of the monograph on Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as mentioned inD/Wn 32/59/33), due to financial problems relating to the publisher, also mentioning that the work is partially completed and that he intends it to be published in some form, 10 January 1983 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/38 | 1 paper | Letter from Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, [Sussex], to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that the monograph on Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker (as mentioned in D/Wn 32/59/33) has now been published, but unfortunately deals only with his water colours and, therefore, his oil paintings have not been included, 6 February [19]85 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/39 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Patrick Conner, Art Galleries and Museums and the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, [Sussex], expressing his disappointment that no reference is made to the oil paintings of Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker in the monograph (as mentioned inD/Wn 32/59/33), 11 February 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/40 | 1 black and white photograph, paper mounted, 32.1 cm. x 20.3 cm. | Photographic copy of the painting ‘ Mrs. K.H. Milvain, as Master of the Percy Hounds’, by Alfred G. Haigh, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/41 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 cm. x 16.5 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/59/40 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/42(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from ‘Ali’ [Alison, Countess of Rosse], Birr Castle, Ireland, to [W.I. Watson], concerning a painting by her [ ‘The lone jeep to Isphahan’ , 1976] (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 5) which he had purchased in the sale of effects at Birr Castle, [County Offaly, Republic of Ireland], n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/43 | 1 paper | Letter from Elizabeth Cowan, Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, thanking him for lending works by Douglas Pittick [ ‘Anne Watson, 1950’ and ‘Spring Lodge’ (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 6)] for a 70th birthday retrospective exhibition of the artist at the Bowes Museum, 23 July 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/44 (1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Rosemary [Carr], Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, to ‘Bill’ [W.I. Watson], asking whether he would like to purchase a work that she painted while visiting him the previous year, [ ‘River Greta’ (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 6)], 16 June [1981] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/45 | 1 paper | Letter from Rosemary [Carr], Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, to ‘Bill’ [W.I. Watson], thanking him for agreeing to purchase her painting [‘ River Greta’ (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, page 6)], 18 June [19]8[1] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/46 | 1 paper | Letter from Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd., Lowndes Lodge Gallery, Cadogan Place, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising of the size and price of two pairs of fish paintings ‘Trout’ and ‘Pike’ and ‘Salmon’ and ‘Pike’ [by Roland Knight] (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, pages 4 and 7), 27 September 1965 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/47 | 1 paper | Letter from Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd., Lowndes Lodge Gallery, Cadogan Place, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, thanking him for purchasing ‘Trout’ and ‘Pike’ and ‘Salmon’ and ‘Pike’ by Roland Knight (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, pages 4 and 7), also stating that they have little information on the artist, 4 October 1965 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/48 (1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd., Lowndes Lodge Gallery, Cadogan Place, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, thanking him for his payment for ‘Trout’ and ‘Pike’ and ‘Salmon’ and ‘Pike’ [by Roland Knight] (as listed in D/Wn 32/59/1, pages 4 and 7); also enclosing a formal receipt, 8 October 1965 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/59/49 | 1 booklet | Catalogue of an exhibition by Barnard Castle and Teesdale Art Society of water colours by William Watson [senior] held at the Market Cross, Barnard Castle, 28 May – 4 June 1955, also attached cutting from unidentified newspaper concerning the exhibition, n.d. [May 1955] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/1-6 | Inventory of furniture in Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/1 (1-19) | 19 papers | Inventory [compiled by W.I. Watson] of items of furniture in Spring Lodge, with notes concerning the provenance of each item, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/2 | 1 black and white photograph, 14.4 cm. x 11 cm. | Photograph of a Welsh dresser purchased by Anne Watson (as listed in D/Wn 32/60/1, page 2), n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/3(1-2) | 2 papers | Biographical notes concerning the cabinetmaker, James Ewbank, supplied by Sarah Medlam, Bowes Museum, also contains footnote by W.I. Watson in which he states that it is his belief that the bookcase (as listed in D/Wn 32/60/1, page 6) is by Ewbank, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/4 | 1 paper | Cutting from The Telegraph containing an article concerning Windsor chairs, contains annotation by [W.I. Watson] ‘in the passage way to dining room one like it’ above a photograph of a chair once owned by Oliver Goldsmith (refers to chair listed in D/Wn 32/60/1, page 8), 10 April 1974 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/5 | 1 paper | Receipt for [prayer] carpet (as listed in D/Wn 32/60/1, page 12) and various other items purchased [by W.I. Watson] in Damascus, Syria, 12 November [19]44 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/60/6 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.3 cm. x 13.4 cm. | Photograph of an arm chair with various items of fishing and shooting equipment resting on it or nearby (chair listed in D/Wn 32/60/1, page 14), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/1-24 | Inventory of china in Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/1(1-3) | 3 papers | Inventory [compiled by W.I. Watson] of the china in Spring Lodge, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/2 | 1 card | Advertising brochure for beakers and boxes made by Halcyon Days Ltd., London, to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, 1977 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/3 | 1 card | Certificate of authenticity for an enamelled beaker made to commemorate the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/4 | 1 card | Certificate of authenticity for an enamelled beaker made to commemorate the silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, n.d. [1977] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/5 | 1 paper | Page from an advertising brochure by Halcyon Days [Ltd., London] containing a photograph and description of an enamelled beaker made to celebrate the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, n.d. [1981] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/6 | 1 paper | Cutting from The Times containing an article concerning commemorative mugs decorated with The Times masthead and various historical headlines, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/7(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Val Bennett Miniatures, Brecon, South Wales, to [W.I. Watson], concerning the order of a hand painted bronze Smew drake, 10 February n.y. [1977], also a price list for hand-painted bronze wildfowl and other items, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/8 | 1 paper | Advertisement for Val Bennet’ s miniature wildfowl collection, containing a photograph of most of the wildfowl available to order and biographical details concerning the artist, annotated by W.I. Watson ‘the wildfowl in the glass cabinet in passage’, February 1977 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/9(1-3) | 3 papers | Letter from David [Garlick], Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, thanking him for sending some notes on pictures he [W.I. Watson] is lending to an exhibition at the museum, also concerning items of Japanese Ko Kutani ware of the late 17th c. and Ming and Ching Dynasty bowls at Spring Lodge; also enclosing notes taken from William Chaffers, Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain , published by William Reeves, London, 1946, concerning Kaga pottery, 20 February 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/10 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to D. Garlick, Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, thanking him for the information sent in D/Wn 32/61/9 concerning oriental pottery at Spring Lodge, 22 February 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/11 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson to Aiden Cuthbert, [Christie’ s], Corbridge, Northumberland, advising that he has a Ming Dynasty bowl and a pair of Ko Kutani jars which he would like to be taken for sale in London, 19 March 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/12 | 1 paper | Provisional receipt issued to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, by Christie ‘ s, Corbridge, Northumberland for a pair of Ko Kutani vases and a Chinese porcelain bowl which had been collected for sale at auction, 29 March [19]85 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/13 | 1 paper | Receipt issued to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, by Christie’ s, London for a pair of Ko Kutani vases and a Chinese porcelain bowl which had been sent to them for sale at auction, 12 April [19]85 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/14 | 1 paper | Letter from Peter J. Bufton, Japanese Departmental Director, Christie’ s, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising of the estimate and reserve prices at auction for the two Ko Kutani vases sent to them for auction, 25 April 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/15 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, to Peter J. Bufton, [Japanese Departmental Director], Christie ‘s, London, agreeing with the suggestions in D/Wn 32/61/14, 30 April 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/16 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to Peter J. Bufton, [Japanese Departmental Director], Christie ‘ s, London, advising that he had not had a reply from the Chinese Department at Christie ‘s with regard to the Ming bowl he had sent to them for auction, 8 May 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/17 (1-3) | 3 papers | Pre-sale advice, after sale advice and settlement statement issued to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, by Christie ‘ s, London, concerning the sale of two Ko Kutani vases which were sold at auction, 2 July [19]85 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/18 | 1 paper | Letter from Colin Sheaf, Chinese Department, Christie’ s, London, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that the Chinese bowl that had been sent for auction is not in fact from the Ming Dynasty but dates only from the 19th c. and it ‘ s value is likely to be under £500, also enquiring if he [W.I. Watson] would prefer the bowl to be returned to him rather than sent to auction, 22 July 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/19 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to C. Sheaf, Chinese Department, Christie’ s, London, asking for the bowl referred to in D/Wn 32/61/18 to be returned, 29 July 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/20 | 1 paper | Letter from Aiden Cuthbert, Christie’ s, Corbridge, Northumberland, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, enquiring as to whether he would like to receive the Christie ‘s magazine, 10 September 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/21 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to Aiden Cuthbert, [Christie’ s], Corbridge, Northumberland, advising that he already receives Christie’ s magazine, also advising that he has asked Christie’ s in London to return his Chinese bowl referred to in D/Wn 32/61/18 to their Corbridge office for collection, 25 September 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/22 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to Aiden Cuthbert, [Christie’ s], Corbridge, Northumberland, enquiring as to whether anything can be done to speed up the return of his Chinese bowl referred to in D/Wn 32/61/18 from Christie ‘s in London, 12 November 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/23 | 1 paper | Copy letter from [W.I. Watson] to Aiden Cuthbert, [Christie’ s], Corbridge, Northumberland, advising that Margaret Cooke-Hurle will collect the bowl referred to in D/Wn 32/61/18 on his behalf, 26 November 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/61/24 (1-4) | 4 papers | Schedule of A[nne] W[atson]’s furniture in Spring Lodge, with valuations, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/62/1-2 | Inventory of pastel drawings at Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/62/1(1-2) | 2 papers | Inventory of pastel drawings at Spring Lodge, [compiled by W.I. Watson], with notes concerning the provenance of each item, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/62/2 | 1 paper | Note by Gertrude Heelis Watson concerning a portrait in oils of her father William James Watson by George Chester, n.d. also containing annotations by W.I. Watson to the effect that the above mentioned portrait was taken from Spring Lodge on the death of William James Watson by Gertrude Heelis Watson and given to Brigadier C.W.W. Ford, and on his death to Peter Lucas, 1957 – 1979 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/63/1 | Inventory of miscellaneous pictures at Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/63/1 | 1 paper | Inventory of miscellaneous pictures at Spring Lodge, [compiled by W.I. Watson], with notes concerning the provenance of each item, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/1-7 | Inventory of glass | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/1(1-4) | 4 papers | Inventory of glass at Spring Lodge, [compiled by W.I. Watson], with notes concerning the provenance of each item, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/2 | 2 black and white photographs, 1 card, mounted on 1 paper | Page with attached photograph of an Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Goblet, also photograph of Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Goblet, also a validity certificate for a Caithness Glass limited edition paperweight (all listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, pages 2 and 3), n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/3 | 1 paper | List by Thomas Goode and Co, London, china and glass manufacturers, of exclusive Coronation glassware, (item listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, page 2), n.d. [1952] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/4 | 1 card | Certificate of validity of a limited edition Barnard Castle School Goblet (as listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, page 3), 1983 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/5 | 1 paper | Letter from Jennifer [Conway], Horsmaiden, Kent, to [W.I.] Watson, sent with the goblet with an engraving of Spring Lodge and the Bowes Museum which she had been commissioned to do (as listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, page 3), also enquiring as to his health and mentioning the garden open day at Spring Lodge, also enclosing a photograph (missing) of the Barcombe screen, 9 July 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/6 | 1 paper | Letter from Jennifer [Conway], Horsmaiden, Kent, to [W.I.] Watson, thanking him for the payment for the engraved goblet he commissioned her to do (as listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, page 3), also enclosing D/Wn 32/64/7, also mentioning the garden open day at Spring Lodge and also a forthcoming visit by the Queen Mother to the Bowes Museum, 21 July 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/64/7 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.8 cm. x 21 cm. | Originally enclosed with D/Wn 32/64/6, photograph of a goblet with an engraving of Spring Lodge and the Bowes Museum (as listed in D/Wn 32/64/1, page 3), n.d. [1981] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/65/1-4 | Inventory of silver at Spring Lodge | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/65/1 (1-21) | 21 papers | Inventory of silver and plate at Spring Lodge [compiled by W.I. Watson], with notes concerning the provenance of each item, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/65/2 | 1 paper | Cutting from The Times containing an article concerning Malcolm Appleby, the craftsman from Deeside in Scotland who made a silver cube (item D/Wn 21/17) which was the silver wedding anniversary present from Anne Watson to W.I. Watson (listed on D/Wn 32/65/1, page 17 ), 5 January 1971 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/65/3 | 1 file | Cutting from The Times containing an article concerning Malcolm Appleby, the craftsman from Deeside in Scotland who made a silver cube (item D/SWn 21/17) which was the silver wedding anniversary present from Anne Watson to W.I. Watson, (listed on D/Wn 32/65/1, page 17), 27 May 1975; also attached, small cutting from unknown newspaper containing an article concerning the commissioning of Malcolm Appleby by the Duke of Kent to produce an engraved silver bowl for presentation to the Shah of Persia, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/65/4 | 1 paper | Letter from Reid and Sons, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, goldsmiths and silversmiths, to [Anne] Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, giving their opinion on a silver bowl which they believe to be of Dutch origin [item cannot be located in D/Wn 32/65/1], 1 May 1951 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/66 | 1 booklet | Catalogue of the 70th birthday retrospective exhibition of the paintings and drawings of Douglas Pittick of Barnard Castle, held at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, including two paintings on page 8 lent by W.I. Watson, 22 May 1981 – 5 July 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/67 | 1 volume, paper cover | Catalogue of Japanese ceramics and other items, including two Ko Imari jars of W.I. Watson, to be sold at auction at Christie ‘s, London, 2 July 1985 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/68 | 1 volume, paper bound | Catalogue of objects of art, furniture, pictures, silver, porcelain and textiles from Spring Lodge to be sold at auction by Christie ‘s on behalf of the Watson family, 18 September 1989 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/69 | 1 paper | Price list to accompany D/Wn 32/68, 18 September 1989 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/70 | ARCHITECTURE: BOOKLETS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/70 | 1 volume, paper cover | J.H.Crosby, Ignatius Bonomi of Durham, Architect , City of Durham Trust, 1987, reference made to Spring Lodge on page 66 as a possible work of Bonomi. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/71 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson to Peter W. Meadows, Pembroke College, Cambridge, enquiring as to whether Ignatius Bonomi may have been the architect of Spring Lodge, original letter also enclosing D/Wn 32/72-73, 18 August 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/72 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.6 cm. x 8.2 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge, n.d. [c.1920s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/73 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.6 cm. x 8.2 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge, n.d. [c 1920s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/74(1-2) | 2 papers | Letter from Peter W. Meadows, Redcar, [Cleveland], to [W.I.] Watson, advising that he has been unable to find any reference among the papers of Ignatius Bonomi to Spring Lodge, also suggesting that the house may well be by Bonomi as it is typical of his style and he was active in the area at the time it was built, also mentioning he will keep a look out for any reference to Spring Lodge among any future finds of Bonomi papers, 26 August 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/75 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson to Peter W. Meadows, Redcar, Cleveland, advising of the exact location of Spring Lodge and also giving further details on the windows in the building, 13 September 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/76 | 1 paper | Letter from June Crosby, Stanhope, to [W.I.] Watson, advising that she is of the opinion that Ignatius Bonomi was the architect of Spring Lodge but is unable to find any documentary evidence to prove this, 14 March [19]87 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/77 | GARDENING ALBUMS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/77 | 1 photograph album, cloth bound, 27 colour photographs, 3 drawings, 1 paper | Album compiled by Laura Osbourne containing photographs of the gardens at Spring Lodge and drawings showing existing conditions and proposed changes to the planting of certain areas of the gardens, 1981; also attached letter from Laura Osbourne, W[est] Linton, Peebleshire, [Scotland], to [W.I.] Watson, apologising for the delay in sending the album, 10 November [1981] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/78 | GARDENING NOTES AND NOTEBOOKS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/78 | 1 notebook, card bound | Notebook of W.I. Watson, listing horticultural prizes won by Spring Lodge, 1920 – 1926 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/79 | 1 paper | Letter from P. Becker, Royal Horticultural Society Gardens, Wisley, Surrey, entomologist, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising of the type of pest that is affecting the apple trees at Spring Lodge and advising a remedy, 29 July 1957 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/80(1-2) | 1 paper, 1 envelope | Letter, with envelope, from Ruthann Wichelman, Chatham, New Jersey, to [W.I. Watson], Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, advising that she had recently visited the gardens at Spring Lodge [during an open day] and wished to know the name of the pink flowers in one of the beds in the garden, 12 September 1975 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/81/1-15 | 16 papers | Correspondence and copy correspondence between Lord Barnard; Mr. Jeffrey, Head Forester on the Raby Estate; M.R. Pease, Chief Planning Officer, Teesdale District Council; and W.I. Watson, concerning the proposed felling by W.I. Watson of four trees in the grounds of Spring Lodge, the proposal resulting in a disagreement between W.I. Watson and the Chief Planning Officer, the latter believing that one of the trees was healthy and did not require felling, while the former felt it presented a danger to the public, 25 June 1985 – 14 March 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/82 | 1 paper | Cutting from unidentified newspaper containing a short report on the disagreement between Teesdale District Council and W.I. Watson concerning a tree in the grounds of Spring Lodge, n.d. [1986] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/83 | 1 paper | Letter from C.E. Fell, Chief Executive, Teesdale District Council, to W.I. Watson, Spring Lodge, Barnard Castle, clarifying a point raised by W.I. Watson in a previous letter concerning the use of the Demesnes in Barnard Castle, 25 February 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/84 | 1 paper | Copy letter from W.I. Watson to M. Gibson, West Byfleet, Surrey, advising that there are no objections to him visiting the gardens at Spring Lodge, 11 March 1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/85 | 1 paper | Letter from Kate Banes, Bedburn Hall, Hamsterley, to [Julian] Watson, thanking him for the part he played in the National Garden Scheme, and enquiring whether Spring Lodge [gardens] could open again in 1989, 20 October 1988 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/86 | 1 cassette audio tape with plastic box | Cassette tape of a broadcast on B.B.C. Radio Newcastle of a tour around Spring Lodge gardens [by W.I. Watson], first broadcast 3 June 1982 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/87 | 1 photograph album, leather bound, 51 black and white photographs, 2 colour photographs | Album of photographs of Spring Lodge, including views of the grounds and exterior and interior of the house, c.1860 – 1968 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/88 | 1 photograph album plastic bound, containing 67 colour photographs and 3 black and white photographs | Album containing photographs of Spring Lodge and grounds; also photographs of Bannamoor, Northumberland; also photographs of W.I. Watson, Rupert Watson, Julian Watson and other family members and friends; also photograph of the staff at Messrs. Watson, solicitors; also photographs of a Watson family Christmas party; also photographs of W.I. Watson at a D.L.I. ceremony; also photographs of a model fort with soldiers, c.1983 – c.1986 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/89(1-5) | 5 colour photographs | Photographs originally enclosed in D/Wn 32/88, including photograph of Rupert and Julian Watson standing at a doorway at Spring Lodge, July 1983; also photograph of Spring Lodge, 1986; also photograph of the Rose Garden at Spring Lodge in winter, 1986; also photograph of a fountain in the garden at Spring Lodge, [1980s]; and photograph of plants in the green house at Spring Lodge, [1980s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/90-123 | GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/90 | 1 black and white photograph, 37 cm. x 29.2 cm. | Photograph of the gardens, out buildings and rear of the main house at Spring Lodge in the snow, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/91 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.8 cm. x 9.8 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge and Bowes Museum, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/92 | 1 black and white photograph, 10.4 cm. x 8.2 cm. | Photograph of Muscovy ducks on the lawn at Spring Lodge, n.d | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/93 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.5 cm. x 5.9 cm. | Photograph of Lila Watson’ s bed of annual flowers at Spring Lodge taken before the garden was altered to move the grass walk, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/94 | 1 black and white photograph, 11 cm. x 8.2 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge from the kitchen garden gate taken before the garden was altered to move the grass walk, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/95 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.5 cm. x 8.6 cm. | Photograph of the kitchen garden at Spring Lodge taken before the garden was altered to move the grass walk, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/96 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 6 cm. | Photograph of the kitchen garden at Spring Lodge taken before the garden was altered to move the grass walk, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/97 | 1 black and white photograph, 9.1 cm. x 6.5 cm. | Photograph of the grounds at Spring Lodge, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/98 | 1 black and white photograph, 11.1 cm. x 7.7 cm. | Photograph of the grounds at Spring Lodge, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/99 | 1 black and white photograph, 8.4 cm. x 10.7 cm. | Photograph of the grounds at Spring Lodge in winter, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/100 | 1 black and white photograph, 25.4 cm. x 20.4 cm. | Photographic proof sheet containing twelve frames showing the interior, exterior and grounds of Spring Lodge, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/101(1-4) | 4 strips of black and white negatives, containing 12 negatives in total, mounted in negative sleeve | Negatives for D/Wn 32/100, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/102(1-27) | 27 strips of colour negatives, containing 79 colour negatives in total, mounted in negative sleeves | Negatives of views of the exterior and grounds of Spring Lodge, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/103 | 1 black and white photograph, 14.7 cm. x 10.7 cm. | Photograph of the long walk in the grounds of Spring Lodge, with Innes Watson and dog in the mid distance, n.d. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/104 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 22.9 cm. x 17.7 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge, with a horse and stable boy in foreground and elderly man wearing top hat [William Watson senior] looking on, n.d. [ c.1860 ] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/105 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 16.6 cm. x 21.7 cm. | Photograph of domestic staff at Spring Lodge, with names endorsed, c .1898 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/106 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 30.5 cm. x 12.9 cm. | Photograph of the gardens at Spring Lodge, endorsed ‘early 1900s?’ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/107 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 32.5 cm. x 27.4 cm. | Photograph of three horses and groom in the stable yard at Spring Lodge, endorsed ‘early 20th c.’ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/108 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 32.5 cm. x 27.5 cm. | Photograph of Spring Lodge, n.d. [early 20th c.?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/109 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 12.8 cm. x 15.4 cm. | Photograph of the interior of the old conservatory at Spring Lodge, c .1900 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/110 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.3 cm. x 11 cm. | Photograph of south west corner of Spring Lodge showing large sycamore, c .1900 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/111 | 1 black and white photograph, 13.9 cm. x 8.8 cm. | Photograph of the drawing room at Spring Lodge, n.d. [1922] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/112 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 cm. x 15 cm. | Reprint of D/Wn 32/111, [late 20th c. reprint] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/113 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 x 15 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/112 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/114 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 x 15.1 cm. | Photograph of drawing room at Spring Lodge, n.d. [late 20th c. reprint of 1922 original] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/115 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 x 15 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/114 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/116 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 x 15.1 cm. | Photograph of the inner hall at Spring Lodge, n.d. [late 20th c. reprint of 1922 original] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/117 | 1 black and white photograph, 21.6 x 15.1 cm. | Duplicate of D/Wn 32/116 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/118 | 1 black and white photograph, card mounted, 20 cm. x 15.1 cm. | Photograph of Barnard Castle Agricultural Show held in front of Spring Lodge, 1923 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/119 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.5 cm. x 15.8 cm. | Photograph of the drawing room at Spring Lodge, n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/120 | 1 black and white photograph, 15.7 cm. x 15.4 cm. | Photograph of the window recess in the drawing room of Spring Lodge, n.d. [1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/121 | 1 black and white photograph, 16.1 cm. x 15.7 cm. | Photograph of room in Spring Lodge, n.d.[1962] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/122 | 1 colour photograph, 12.7 cm. x 8.9 cm. | Photograph of the kitchen garden at Spring Lodge, n.d. [1968] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 32/123 | 1 colour photograph, 12.8 cm. x 9 cm. | Photograph of a peahen looking in a mirror outside Spring Lodge, with writing in German on reverse, n.d.[late 20th c.] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/ | BARNARD CASTLE | This section contains items relating to Barnard Castle. Many of the items also have a direct connection to members of the Watson family. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/1 | 1 booklet | Articles on the formation of a company called the Barnard Castle Gas Light Company, 1835 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/2 | 1 card | Card showing the scale of prices for Barnard Castle Gas Light Company, n.d. [1840s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/3 | 1 paper | List of shareholders of Barnard Castle Gas Light Company, including William Watson junior, Henry Watson, Sarah Watson, Margaret Watson and Mary Watson, May 1843 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/4 | 1 paper | Report of the Committee of the Barnard Castle Gas Company, 4 March 1847 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/5 | 1 paper | First general report of the Barnard Castle Local Board of Health, with W[illiam] Watson junior a member of the said Board of Health, 8 March 1851 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/6 | 1 paper | Handbill purporting to be the resolutions of a ‘meeting of ratepayers’ making a humorous attack on ‘Mr. G*BS*N’ [Gibson], a member of the [Barnard Castle] Local Board of Health, September 1868 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/7 | 1 paper | Petition to Parliament of the Barnard Castle Local Board of Health relating to the Bill before parliament entitled ‘The Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876’ , with William Watson junior as Chairman of the said Board of Health, 1876 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/8 | PEW SALES AND RELATED PLANS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/8 | 1 paper | Ground plan of Barnard Castle Church, showing allocation of pews, n.d. [early 19th c?] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/9-10 | LOCAL HISTORY: BOOKLETS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/9 | 1 booklet | Booklet containing historical photographs of Barnard Castle and surrounding areas and of local residents and nobility, taken by Elijah Yeoman of Barnard Castle, photographer, written and compiled by Robin A. Rackham, 1975 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/10 | 1 volume, card bound | Alan Wilkinson, Barnard Castle in Old Picture Postcards , European Library – Zaltbommel, Netherlands, 1983, containing group photographs of W.J., H.C. and W.I. Watson, 1913 (page 64) and of the servants at Spring Lodge, 1898 (page 65), inscribed ‘ to Col. W.I. Watson, with many thanks for your help, Alan Wilkinson, 22 June 1983 ‘ | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/11 | LOCAL HISTORY: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/11 | 1 volume, leather bound | G. Layton, Castle Barnard – a Poem , J. and G. Atkinson, Darlington, also containing appendices relating mainly to charities in Barnard Castle, and also containing hand-written notes [by Mr. Gibson?] relating to various legal and religious institutions in Barnard Castle, 1825 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/12 | AGRICULTURE: MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/12 | 1 paper | Extract from The Teesdale Mercury , containing a report on the Barnard Castle Agricultural Society Show, which was held in the grounds of Spring Lodge, 14 August 1924 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/13 | GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/13 | 1 paper | Letter from William Pinkney, Eggleston Sawmill, [Barnard Castle], to R.J. Richardson, concerning the arrangements for the annual tea meeting of the Mechanics ‘ Institute, 12 April [18]70 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/14 | MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 33/14 | 1 glass paper weight | Glass paper weight showing old black and white photograph of Barnard Castle, n.d.; also on reverse, label written by W.I. W[atson] stating that it had been given to him in 1978 ‘ by my good friend and former tenant Stanley McDonald, who helps me with my farming activities ‘ , also giving some observations relating to the photograph of Barnard Castle, label written 1981 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/ | MISCELLANEOUS | The items in this section are ones which do not fit under any of the other sections. | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/1 | CONVEYANCES AND RELATED PLANS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/1(1-2) | parchment, 1 membrane, 1 paper | 12 August 1818 (1) William Shaw of Bowes, schoolmaster (2) James Stockdale Harrison of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, surgeon Release from (1) to (2) of a dwelling house with stable and adjoining land on the north side of Bowes bounded by the Free School of Bowes, also attached memorandum by H.C. Watson stating that William Shaw, party (1) in the above deed, was the ‘Whackford Squeers’ of Dotheboys’ Hall, Bowes, as mentioned in Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens’, 2 August 1932 Consideration: £65 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/2 | 1 paper | Handbill stating the outcome of the Bowes Manor Suit, in which Messrs. Walton senior and junior and Mr. Dote brought a suit in a court of equity against the Lords in Trust of the Bowes Estate, n.d. [1830s] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/3 | 1 file | Brief for the plaintiff in an action of replevin brought by Peter Dent of South Flatt, Yorkshire, against John Headlam, Archdeacon of Richmondshire, for the return of nine bullocks unjustly detained against sureties and pledges on Gilmonby Moor, Bowes, case to be heard at York Spring Assizes, 1837 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/4 | MISCELLANEOUS: PLANS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/4 | 1 plan, with ink amendments, 57.5 cm. x 87.8 cm. | Plan made by the North Eastern Railway showing existing and proposed lines in the Northumberland and Durham coal fields, original date of 1862 covered over [contains late 19th c. amendments] Scale 1 inch to 2 miles [1:12670] | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/5-6 | MISCELLANEOUS | |||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/5 | 1 paper | Resolutions of a general meeting of the freeholders of the Manor of Bowes, with William Hutchinson in the chair, signed by those freeholders present, 6 March 1818 | ||||||||||||
D/Wn 34/6(1-4) | 4 papers | Photocopies of Statutory Instruments, 1959 No.1399, 1963 No.976 and 1967 No.963, relating to Manorial Incidents and Records; also circular letter from Lord Denning, Chairman, Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, concerning the preservation of manorial documents, March 1970 |
Term | Description |