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Land Tax returns, Easington Ward North, 1795 North Bailey township (Durham), 1795 Property of John (Mr.) ROBINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Joseph (Reverend) WATKINS occupied by not given not given Property of Charlotte (Mrs.) FEILDING occupied by not given not given Property of Hendry (Esq.) HOPPER occupied by not given not given Property of John (watchmaker) NICHOLSON occupied by not given not given Property of William HOLMES occupied by not given not given Property of Christopher (Mr.) HOPPER occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. MILLS occupied by not given not given Property of not given CARTER occupied by not given not given Property of not given NIXON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) HAYS occupied by not given not given Property of R. (Mr.) PUNSHON occupied by not given not given Property of not given THOMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of George (Mr.) WOOD occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. JOHNSON occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. HALHEAD occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. HOPPER occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. TARREND occupied by empty empty Property of George (Esq.) PEARSON occupied by empty empty late Milbanke Property of William (Mr. BRICKNELL occupied by not given not given Property of Lord Bishop of DURHAM occupied by not given not given Property of James (Reverend) BRITTON occupied by not given not given Property of William (Mr.) WARD occupied by not given not given Property of Francis (Mr.) SMALES occupied by not given not given Property of Francis (Mr.) SMALES occupied by not given not given Property of Samuel (Mr.) CASTLE occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (Mr.) HOPPER occupied by not given not given Property of John THOMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) GRIFFITH occupied by not given not given Property of R. (Mr.) PUNSHON occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth (Mrs.) TAYLOR occupied by not given not given Property of Samuel (Reverend) VINER occupied by not given not given Property of William (Esq.) RUDD occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. RUDD occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. JACKSON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) GRIFFITH occupied by empty empty late Mrs. Wilkinson Property of Mrs. BRIGHT occupied by not given not given Property of William (Esq.) HOAR occupied by not given not given Property of William (Esq.) HOAR occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. SPEARMAN occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. DUNN occupied by not given not given Property of William (Mr.) MAYER occupied by not given not given Property of William (Reverend) ALSTON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (Mr.) EBDON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) ROBSON occupied by not given not given Property of not given (assignees of) BLENKINSOP occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph LOUGHBROUGH occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert (Mr.) BURRELL occupied by not given not given Property of David (Mr.) HILTON occupied by not given not given Property of James (Mr.) BULLOCK occupied by not given not given Property of E. (Mr.) VANE occupied by not given not given Property of E. (Mr.) VANE occupied by not given not given Property of William (Mr.) FENWICK occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) ROBSON occupied by not given not given Property of Richard (Mr.) SCRUTON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (Mr.) HOULT occupied by not given not given Property of Miss BELL occupied by not given not given Property of Peter (Mr.) HUNTER occupied by not given not given Property of George (Esq.) PEARSON occupied by not given not given Property of John FISHWICK occupied by not given not given Property of John FISHWICK occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) MADDISON occupied by not given not given Property of Doctor FENWICK occupied by not given not given Property of Stephen BRADLEY occupied by not given not given South Bailey township (Durham), 1795 Property of Mrs. SHIPPERDSON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Mr.) BOWLBY occupied by not given not given Property of Henry (Esq.) WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Timothy (Esq.) HUTCHINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Edward (Reverend) PARKER occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (Esq.) ALDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of George (Mr.) HANBY occupied by not given not given Property of D. (Reverend) HASLEWOOD occupied by not given not given Property of John (Esq.) TAYLOR occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. EVANCE occupied by not given not given Property of Reverend Doctor POYNTZ occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. SHARP occupied by not given not given Property of F. (Mr.) WHARTON occupied by not given not given Property of James (Reverend) GREVILLE occupied by not given not given Property of P. (Mr.) MARSDEN occupied by not given not given Bishopwearmouth township, 1795 Property of Widow (of Doctor) BROWN occupied by Widow (of Doctor) BROWN Property of Widow BROWN occupied by Widow BROWN late Greathead (P) Property of Robert HARDING occupied by John FRENCH Numbers Garth Property of William LIDDLE occupied by William LIDDLE Numbers Garth Property of William HUNTER occupied by E. CROPTEN Property of John WOOD occupied by Thomas STAMP Property of John YOUNG occupied by not given not given Property of George DAWSON occupied by not given not given Numbers Garth Property of James MAUDE occupied by James MAUDE Property of James COLLIN occupied by James COLLIN Property of James COLLIN occupied by Henry TAYLOR Property of Robert HENDERSON occupied by Robert HENDERSON Pan Bank Head Property of Laurence FAWCET occupied by Charles THOMPSON Property of W. H. LAMBTON occupied by William BUDDLE Property of John (Esq.) HARRISON occupied by John RAIN Property of John WILSON occupied by John WILSON Property of William (Sunderland) IRVINE occupied by John SWANN Property of Richard ATKINSON occupied by Richard ATKINSON Property of Isabel MORGAN occupied by Isabel MORGAN Property of Ann HUNTER occupied by Ann HUNTER Property of Thomas (Houghton) ROBINSON occupied by John SQUIRES Property of John SANDERS occupied by John SANDERS Property of John JOHNSON occupied by John HAMILTON Property of William BURN occupied by not given not given Numbers Garth Property of Jane (Sunderland) BARKER occupied by Isabel PEARSON Property of Henry METCALF occupied by Widow BISS Property of Henry METCALF occupied by William ALLEN Property of Samuel CLARK occupied by Samuel CLARK Property of John DODDS occupied by John CLOSE Property of Thomas PEARSON occupied by Thomas PEARSON Property of George BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Robert (Panns) CHAPMAN occupied by George (gardener) HASWELL Property of Samuel ANDERSON occupied by George (gardener) HASWELL Property of Henry EGERTON occupied by Henry EGERTON Property of James DONNISON occupied by James DONNISON Property of Sarah ALLISON occupied by Sarah ALLISON Property of Andrew SANDERS occupied by Andrew SANDERS Property of Robert (Sunderland) FAIRLAMB occupied by Hannah RENNEY Dunn Cow Property of Robert (Sunderland) FAIRLAMB occupied by Richard RENNEY Dunn Cow Property of John RICHARDSON occupied by John RICHARDSON Property of Hannah CHAPMAN occupied by Hannah CHAPMAN Property of James DOUTHWAITE occupied by James DOUTHWAITE Property of not given not given occupied by George DREW Workhouse Property of Lieutenant HALL occupied by Lieutenant HALL Property of Henry BLYTH occupied by Henry BLYTH Property of Richard HOPPER occupied by Richard HOPPER Property of William ELLIS occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony REED occupied by Anthony REED Property of William HARTFORTH occupied by William HARTFORTH Property of Thomas AYRE occupied by Thomas AYRE Property of Ralph FERRY occupied by not given CROSBY late Thomas Stamp (O) Property of Ann WILSON occupied by Ann WILSON Property of Widow THAYNE occupied by Widow THAYNE Property of Samuel MAUDE occupied by Samuel MAUDE Property of Richard WHITE occupied by R. (Jr.) RANSON Property of John THORNHILL occupied by R. (Jr.) RANSON Property of John THORNHILL occupied by John THORNHILL Property of John THORNHILL occupied by John THORNHILL for Coxen (P) Property of William (Sr.) MOWBRAY occupied by James SMITH Property of William (Sr.) MOWBRAY occupied by not given SPARROW Property of George STOREY occupied by Thomas BLACKETT Property of George STOREY occupied by John COLLIN Property of George STOREY occupied by John MOFFAT Property of George STOREY occupied by William ALLEN Property of George STOREY occupied by William ALLEN Property of Elizabeth NICHOLSON occupied by John TAYLOR Property of not given BURKE occupied by John TAYLOR Property of not given BURKE occupied by John BOWMAKER Property of John BOWMAKER occupied by John BOWMAKER Property of not given SCURFIELD occupied by Richard WHITE Property of not given DONNISON occupied by Richard WHITE Property of not given not given occupied by Christopher KILVENTON Hospital lands Property of The WEARMOUTH MILLS occupied by John (miller) HALL Property of John CARR occupied by George RAIN Property of not given STOTT occupied by George RAIN Property of John CARR occupied by Anthony HALL Blue House Property of Samuel ANDERSON occupied by Samuel ANDERSON Property of John MALING occupied by John MALING Property of George MOWBRAY occupied by William BURN Property of not given BIRKET occupied by Samuel KING Property of J. CRAGGS occupied by George DAWSON Property of William Maude OGDEN occupied by William Maude OGDEN Mill Lane Property of William ETTRICK occupied by not given TODD Property of Richard PEMBERTON occupied by Richard PEMBERTON Property of Richard PEMBERTON occupied by Robert LEIGHTON Property of Doctor PEMBERTON occupied by Mary RUTTER Property of Isabel COCKERIL occupied by Robert SURTEES Property of Robert BISS occupied by Robert BISS Property of John GOODCHILD occupied by not given TODD Property of John GOODCHILD occupied by not given PAXTON Property of Ralph CARR occupied by William LEARMOUTH Tunstall Lane Property of John NELSON occupied by Thomas JOWSEY Property of John (Monkwearmouth) TAYLOR occupied by William MERRIMAN Property of Hendry HOPPER occupied by Hendry HOPPER Property of not given WINFIELD occupied by not given (Hendon) JACKSON Property of George ROBINSON occupied by George ROBINSON Lodge Property of Mr. TATHAM occupied by Thomas PEACOCK Property of not given not given occupied by Thomas PEACOCK Property of William (reps. of) JOHNSON occupied by John TAYLOR Property of William (reps. of) JOHNSON occupied by John CRISP Property of William (reps. of) JOHNSON occupied by Joseph LYNN Property of William (reps. of) JOHNSON occupied by Joseph CLARKE Property of William (Durham) LEIGHTON occupied by William ROBSON Property of not given STOTT occupied by Anthony HALL Ryhope Lane Property of not given DONNISON occupied by Anthony HALL Ryhope Lane Property of George LONGSTAFF occupied by John DAWSON Hylton Ferry Property of William ANDREW occupied by William ANDREW Hylton Ferry Property of John MAUGHAN occupied by Timothy BROWN Property of William POTTS occupied by William POTTS Property of Edward POTTS occupied by Edward POTTS Property of Edward REED occupied by Edward REED Property of John BOOTH occupied by not given not given Property of Lawrence WHEATLEY occupied by not given not given Property of Gabriel REAY occupied by Gabriel REAY Property of John THOMPSON occupied by John THOMPSON Property of Thomas HENDERSON occupied by Thomas HENDERSON Property of Joseph GOLDSMITH occupied by Joseph GOLDSMITH Property of Thomas CATTRICK occupied by Thomas CATTRICK Property of Thomas HODGSON occupied by Thomas HODGSON Property of Joseph HODGSON occupied by Joseph HODGSON Property of William STODDART occupied by William STODDART Property of James STODDART occupied by James STODDART Property of Robert YOUNG occupied by Robert YOUNG Property of John BALES occupied by not given not given Property of William BALES occupied by William BALES Property of William BEDLINGTON occupied by William BEDLINGTON Property of John CARR occupied by John CARR Property of Peter REED occupied by Peter REED Property of Henry WARD occupied by Henry WARD Property of John STAFFORD occupied by John STAFFORD Property of Thomas BURN occupied by Thomas BURN Property of George WILSON occupied by George WILSON Property of Joseph WALKER occupied by Joseph WALKER Property of John DODDS occupied by John DODDS Property of John ELVINGTON occupied by John ELRINGTON Property of James YOUNG occupied by James YOUNG Property of Widow (of Doctor) BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth JACK occupied by not given not given Property of Alice WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of William LIDDLE occupied by not given not given Property of John ROCHESTER occupied by not given not given Property of John FRENCH occupied by not given not given Property of William WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of John ROSS occupied by not given not given Property of Widow BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of Joseph) JOBSON occupied by not given not given Property of George NIGHT occupied by not given not given Property of William HOBSON occupied by not given not given Property of John HARRISON occupied by not given not given Property of George WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of William WILLIAMSON occupied by not given not given Property of James VAUX occupied by not given not given Property of Michael RICHARDSON occupied by not given not given Property of George COULSON occupied by not given not given Property of John FISHER occupied by not given not given Property of Michael HUTTON occupied by not given not given Property of James HILLS occupied by not given not given Property of John MARSHALL occupied by not given not given Property of George MURRAY occupied by not given not given Property of George MURRAY occupied by not given not given Property of Cuthbert VAUX occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (saddler) YOUNG occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth (milliner) CROPTON occupied by not given not given Property of Francis SHERATON occupied by not given not given Property of William WHEATLEY occupied by not given not given Property of Joseph DUNCAN occupied by not given not given Maude’s Court Property of Christopher BESWICK occupied by not given not given Maude’s Court Property of William LOFTUS occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of James) FARRIMOND occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of Thomas) DOUGALE occupied by not given not given Property of John VAUX occupied by not given not given Property of Christopher LAWS occupied by not given not given Property of Francis CARR occupied by not given not given Property of James WHITE occupied by not given not given Property of Hugh DIXON occupied by not given not given Property of John ATKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of John (Minister) CLEGG occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas COOPER occupied by not given not given Property of John ELSTOB occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony FORSTER occupied by not given not given Property of John WOOD occupied by not given not given Property of Sarah BAXTER occupied by not given not given Property of Robert SWAN occupied by not given not given Property of Mary BRAMWELL occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas SANDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert ATKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Richard MORDEY occupied by not given not given Property of Joseph GIBSON occupied by not given not given Property of William SPENCE occupied by not given not given Property of James CASS occupied by not given not given Property of Robert YOUNG occupied by not given not given Property of Jonathan ANGAS occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of George WOOD occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth HUTCHINSON occupied by not given not given Property of John BURREL occupied by not given not given Property of Isaac RICHARDSON occupied by not given not given Property of Nathan HORN occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas RICHARDSON occupied by not given not given Property of William TAYLOR occupied by not given not given Property of Mary HASWELL occupied by not given not given Property of William TINKER occupied by not given not given Property of William JACKSON occupied by not given not given Property of George MATHEWS occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph SMITH occupied by not given not given Property of John YOUNG occupied by not given not given Property of Christopher John CAY occupied by not given not given Property of Robert HUTTON occupied by not given not given Property of Bryan SCURFIELD occupied by not given not given Property of Edward HALL occupied by not given not given Property of William ROBSON occupied by not given not given Property of James CRAISTER occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth BURLEIGH occupied by not given not given Property of Farrow CHILTON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of C. A. HEURTLEY occupied by not given not given Property of James RIDLEY occupied by not given not given Property of John RAILTON occupied by not given not given Property of Samuel BOTTS occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. LONGRIDGE occupied by not given not given Property of Doctor ATKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert ALLAN occupied by not given not given Property of Henry POWELL occupied by not given not given Property of Robert BELL occupied by not given not given Property of George WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of John POTTS occupied by not given not given Property of Jacob MAUDE occupied by not given not given Property of James COLLIN occupied by not given not given Property of Charles THOMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of Solomon CHAPMAN occupied by not given not given Property of George STEPHENSON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of George) ROBINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas (gardener) FORSTER occupied by not given not given Property of Lewis HANDEY occupied by not given not given Property of Widow CRAGGS occupied by not given not given Property of Alice MEADLEY occupied by not given not given Property of William STOREY occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of Robert) SMITH occupied by not given not given Sunniside Property of Edward AISKELL occupied by not given not given Property of Paddison DIXON occupied by not given not given Property of Ann FORSTER occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas PUNSHON occupied by not given not given Property of James NORRIS occupied by not given not given Property of Edward WARDROPER occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth CRANMER occupied by not given not given Property of Rebecca BLAKISTON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert BRANKSTON occupied by not given not given Property of Henry TAYLOR occupied by not given not given Property of Robert HENDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Jeremiah THOMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas PUNSHON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (late) BLAKISTON occupied by not given not given Property of James HILLS occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth HILLS occupied by not given not given Property of Robert DAVISON occupied by not given not given Property of John GALILEE occupied by not given not given Property of John DAVISON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (of William) BLAKISTON occupied by not given not given Property of James ROBINSON occupied by not given not given Property of J. NICHOLSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas RICHARDSON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert INGLEDEW occupied by not given not given Property of Andrew SIMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph HODGSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas LIPTON occupied by not given not given Property of William RAILTON occupied by not given not given Property of John WOMPHREY occupied by not given not given Property of Ann WILLOWBY occupied by not given not given Property of William GARBUTT occupied by not given not given Property of Joseph CURRY occupied by not given not given Property of Widow MARKHAM occupied by not given not given Property of John BARRY occupied by not given not given Property of William HARDCASTLE occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth WAUGH occupied by not given not given Property of William FLINTOFF occupied by not given not given Property of Robert BARRY occupied by not given not given Property of John MITCHELL occupied by not given DOUGLASS Property of Jent. DOUGLASS occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas DIXON occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony STEPHENSON occupied by not given not given Property of John GOTT occupied by not given not given Property of L. SMITH occupied by not given not given Property of Lancelot SMITH occupied by not given not given Property of Randall JOWSEY occupied by not given not given Property of Widow BUSBY occupied by not given not given Property of John (fitter) WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of William ALLENS occupied by not given not given Property of James LINDSAY occupied by not given not given Property of William DAVISON occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. JURDISON occupied by not given not given Property of Rain GREGSON occupied by not given not given Property of Mary RUTHERFORD occupied by not given not given Property of Edward SNAITH occupied by not given not given Property of Edward SNAITH occupied by not given not given Property of Edward SNAITH occupied by not given not given Property of Margaret LAWSON occupied by not given not given Property of William COOKE occupied by not given not given Property of William COOKE occupied by William GUEST Property of John PALLISTER occupied by not given not given Property of Michael CLARKE occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas MASON occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth GILESPIE occupied by not given not given Property of William (Jr.) IRVINE occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. HORSLEY occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. HILL occupied by not given not given Property of James BONNEL occupied by not given not given Property of William HUNTRODS occupied by not given not given Property of William SANDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. ROBINSON occupied by not given not given Property of James LEE occupied by not given not given Property of Ann RICHMOND occupied by not given not given Property of John TAYLOR occupied by not given not given Property of Ann STEPHENSON occupied by not given not given Property of Margaret WHITEHEAD occupied by not given not given Property of Oliver LAYBURN occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas PALIN occupied by not given not given Property of William CHARLTON occupied by not given not given Property of John MOSS occupied by not given not given Property of Mary MAGEE occupied by not given not given Property of Ann FINLYSON occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth GILESPIE occupied by not given not given Property of William WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of William WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow DUNNING occupied by not given not given Property of William FLETCHER occupied by not given not given Property of Robert FARRIMOND occupied by not given not given Property of Margaret WALKER occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth NICHOLSON occupied by not given not given Property of James BONE occupied by not given not given Property of John RAIN occupied by not given not given Property of Widow DOUGHTY occupied by not given not given Property of Robert GREENWELL occupied by not given not given Property of Robert BRODERICK occupied by not given not given Property of Richard HOPPER occupied by not given not given Property of Ann JOHNSON occupied by not given not given Property of John JEFFERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Ann DOBSON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow WETHERELL occupied by not given not given Property of Widow HAVELOCK occupied by not given not given Property of not given MAGEE occupied by not given not given Property of Ann WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of Jane PROCTER occupied by A. HUNTER Property of William HALL occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth ANDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Ann HUNTER occupied by not given not given Property of Ann HUNTER occupied by Robert OATES Property of Thomas PEARSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas PEARSON occupied by not given not given Property of Michael ROWE occupied by not given not given Property of James STEWART occupied by not given not given Property of George MADDISON occupied by not given not given Property of Isabel PEARSON occupied by not given not given Property of Richard RENNY occupied by not given not given Property of Richard RENNY occupied by Francis HENDERSON Property of Richard RENNY occupied by John SHIELD Property of Jane DAVISON occupied by John COATES Property of George BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Samuel CLARKE occupied by Robert ROBINSON Property of John BUTLER occupied by not given not given Property of John SQUIRES occupied by not given not given Property of Jane HENDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of John SANDERS occupied by not given not given Property of John HAMILTON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow BISS occupied by not given not given Property of Doctor PALEY occupied by not given not given Property of Edward HUNTER occupied by not given not given Property of Widow DUNN occupied by not given not given Property of David BLAIR occupied by not given not given Property of John RICHARDSON occupied by not given not given Property of John MERRIMAN occupied by not given not given Property of Andrew SANDERS occupied by not given not given Property of James DOWNEY occupied by not given not given Property of Lancelot BURN occupied by not given not given Property of Hannah CHAPMAN occupied by not given not given Property of William PRESTON occupied by not given not given Property of Robert SHEPHERD occupied by not given not given Property of not given REED occupied by not given not given Property of Andrew SANDERS occupied by not given not given Property of John WETHERELD occupied by not given not given Property of William HARTFORTH occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas LONGSTAFF occupied by not given not given Property of James (farmer) TODD occupied by not given not given Property of Mr. BUDLE occupied by not given not given Property of Matthew WILKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of James HEAP occupied by not given not given Property of Robert (Jr.) RANSON occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph WHEATLEY occupied by not given not given Property of Robert illegible occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs, BURN occupied by not given not given Property of William HUNTER occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas AYRE occupied by not given not given Property of Ralph (late) FERRY occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas STAMP occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (Jr.) MOWBRAY occupied by not given not given Property of William LISTER occupied by not given not given Property of Henry BLYTH occupied by not given not given Property of George BURDON occupied by not given not given Property of Lieutenant HALL occupied by not given not given Property of Widow (Sr.) MOWBRAY occupied by not given not given Property of John (Jr.) GOODCHILD occupied by not given not given Property of not given COLLIN occupied by not given not given Property of Widow BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Widow THAYNE occupied by not given not given Property of John (coachman) GOODCHILD occupied by not given not given Property of John CONKERTON occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony REED occupied by not given not given Property of Margaret JAMESON occupied by not given not given Property of A. WILSON occupied by not given not given Property of William FAIRBURN occupied by not given not given Property of William SHOTTON occupied by not given not given Property of John PARKIN occupied by not given not given Property of James DONNISON occupied by not given not given Property of William TELFORD occupied by not given not given Property of H. THOMPSON occupied by not given not given Property of George BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony REED occupied by not given not given Property of Mrs. ELLIS occupied by not given not given Property of James CLARKE occupied by not given not given Property of Sarah ALLISON occupied by not given not given Property of Elizabeth HERON occupied by not given not given Property of Anthony REED occupied by not given not given Property of John CLOSE occupied by not given not given Property of John LYONS occupied by not given not given Property of Richard ATKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Samuel CLARKE occupied by not given not given Property of James EMBLETON occupied by not given not given Property of Isabel MORGAN occupied by not given not given Property of Jonathan TAYLERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Richard ATKINSON occupied by not given not given Property of Widow BROWN occupied by not given not given Property of Martha WILLOUGHBY occupied by not given not given Property of William IRVINE occupied by not given not given Property of Thomas ANDERSON occupied by not given not given Property of Margaret GOWLAND occupied by not given not given Property of James (butcher) TODD occupied by not given not given Property of John WILSON occupied by not given not given Property o…
ref no. | Q/D/L 118 | ||||||||||
Date | 1760, 1831 | ||||||||||
Era | Hanoverian (1714 to 1837) | ||||||||||
Tags | Expand
Term | Description |