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Various correspondents, miscellaneous letters on unrelated subjects, 1811 – 1853 Including: Frederick, Duke of York to Wellington (copy) requesting Lord Stewart’s transfer to a field command, 1811; Lord Bathurst on the Allies’ recognition of Napoleon’s abdication, 1815; to Lord Londonderry from Lord Stewart answering his father’s criticisms of his hunting at Vienna, 1819; Lord Liverpool concerning the Durham patronage, 1820; Rowland Burdon, vacancy in the Stockton customs, 1821; Gentz farewell on leaving Venice, French, 1822; to Lord Liverpool (copy) offering to resign as Lord of the Bedchamber and Governor of Fort Charles, 1822; Frederick, Duke of York, on his wish to attend Castlereagh’s funeral, 1822; Robert Hamilton on the possibility of having Lord Castlereagh elected to Parliament, with lawyers’ opinions on the election of minors, 1826; Maurice Fitzgerald postponing his motion on the Union, 1827; Capodistria on the Greek question, French, 1827; Pozzo di Borgo on an understanding with La Ferronaye, 1828; Duke of Norfolk, dress for George IV’s funeral, 1830; Lord Edward Stanley’s instructions to Irish J.P.’s for dealing with riotous assemblies, 1830; Lord Hill on changes in the Hussar’s Uniform, 1831; Lord Lansdowne on public disorders and the threat to the trade of Seaham Harbour, 1831; Lord Howden on the alarming state of Ireland, 1834; Lord Camden on the strength of the Whit Government, 1835; General Antignac seeking a duel with Lord Londonderry on the advice of the Duke of Dalmatia (i.e. Soult), 1837; General During, secretary to the King of Hanover on personal matters and events in Germany, including the Revolutions etc., 1842 1848; Sidney Herbert concerning the grants for the maintenance of the Hussar regiment, 1845; Lord Dalhousie on the Dock and Railway Bill, 1846; Sir Robert Gordon on attempts to establish trade between Trieste and Seaham, 1846; Duke of Leinster on repeal of the Union, 1848; Henry Labouchere on South Eastern Railway Co.’s illegal dealing in coal, 1848; Lord Brougham on ‘a piece of low impertinence’, 1850; John Arthur Roebuck asking whether Lord Londonderry was told of the King’s intention to create peers in 1832, 1851;Edward peele on proposed erection of a chain bridge over the River Wear at Pelaw Leases, 1835; John Bidwell on controversy concerning Sir Robert Wilson’s part in the Battle of Leipzig, 1853 See also D/Lo/C 442, 472 – From: Londonderry Estates – Additional Records Acc: 1193(D)
ref no. | D/Lo/C 117 | ||||||||||
Notes | 73 letters | ||||||||||
Date | c.1791, 1951 | ||||||||||
Era | 20th Century (1901 to 2000), Mid 20th Century (1933 to 1966) | ||||||||||
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