Castle Eden Estate – part 1

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ref no.D/CE
Era20th Century (1901 to 2000),
Mid 20th Century (1933 to 1966),
Hanoverian (1714 to 1837)

Castle Eden Estate – part 1 records

reftitletypeitem physicaldescription
D/CECastle Eden Estate
D/CE 1-110Estate
D/CE 1-110Plans, rental, accounts, bailiffs’ dairies (54-71) etc.
D/CE 11 plan, 102cm x 78cm, vellum, coloured“A Survey of Castle Eden Lordship in the in the County of Durham in the Estate of the Honourable William Bromley of Bagington in the County of Warwick Esquire”, by Will. Jones, 1733 Scale: 6 chains to 1 inch [1:4752]
D/CE 21 plan, 194 cm x 99 cm, coloured, paper on linenPlan of the Estate and Parish of Castle Eden, the property of Rowland Burdon, Esq., by J.T.W. Bell, Castle Eden, November 1837 Scale: 4 chains to 1 inch [1:3168]
D/CE 31 plan, 91cm x 54cm, coloured, paper on linenPlan of Castle Eden Estate copied by Bunnett Grieve, 1848 No scale
D/CE 41 plan, 72cm x 51cm, paper on linenPlan of Horden Estate, n.d. [19th century] No scale
D/CE 51 volume , calf half-boundRent book, 7 April 1863 – 10 December 1864
D/CE 61 volume, leather boundRent book, 14 June 1873 – 13 May 1895
D/CE 71 volume, leather half boundRent book, 1 Jaunuary 1908 – 13 June 1923
D/CE 81 volume, leather quarter-boundRent book, 13 July 1923 – 26 November 1932
D/CE 91 volume leather, quarter-boundRent book, 23 November 1932 – 13 January 1941 Enclosure: see D/CE 31
D/CE 101 volume, leather boundAccounts of payments to masons, joiners, slaters, painters and labourers, Colliery Cottages, 4 July 1873 – 22 May 1874
D/CE 111 plan, 74cm x 50cm, colouredPlan of New Cottages at Castle Eden for R. Burdon Esq., April 1902 Scale: 8ft to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 121 plan 54cm x 38cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed cottages, Castle Eden Foundry, 26 July 1910 Scale: 8 ft to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 131 plan, 44cm x 38cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed cottages, Castle Eden Foundry, 26 July 1910 Scale: 32 ft. to 1 inch [1:384]
D/CE 1414 papers, typescriptSpecification of works for cottage at Castle Eden Foundry, n.d. [1910]
D/CE 1512 papers, typescriptBills of Quantities for pair of cottages, Castle Eden, April 1920
D/CE 162 papers, typescriptStatement of final accounts for cottages at Old Shotton, 1920 – 1921
D/CE 171 paper, printedEasington RDC notice of approval of plan to convert cow byre into cottage, 16 October 1925 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 181 paper, printedEasington RDC certificate of completion of house converted from cow byre, 25 January 1926 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 191 plan, 53cm x 32cmPlan of proposed alterations to cottage, Hay Barns, Castle Eden, February 1928 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 202 papersReferences foe prospective tenant for house at Old Shotton, n.d. Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 211 volume, cloth quarter-boundRecord of land and property sold and leased, 14 February 1882 – 20 February 1924
D/CE 221 volume, cloth quarter-boundRecord of building sites sold and property leased, 14 February 1882 – 20 February 1924
D/CE 232 papersLetter form J.F.B. Baker, Middleton Tyas, Yorks. to Robert Craman, Castle Eden, Durham concerning sale of land at Horden, with tracing of land, 13 August 1921 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 242 papersLetter from F. Scarth Beadon, Estates Office, Staindrop to Robert Craman, Castle Eden, concerning site plan of sale to A. Lewis and others (copy enclosed) and water supply tapped by military authorities, 7 June 1941
D/CE 251 plan, 16cm x 21.5cm, waxed linenPlan of building sites, Cotsford Lane, Horden, n.d. Scale: 1 inch to 100 ft. [1:1200]
D/CE 261 plan, 38cm x 38cm, printed, waxed linenPlan of building sites Cotsford Lane, Horden, n.d. Scale: 1 ft. to 66 ft. [1:792]
D/CE 271 volume, cloth boundCattle book, bought, bred and sold, 5 June 1882 – 28 September 1904 Includes: rough notes re park letting, 4 April 1955
D/CE 281 volume, cloth boundCattle and sheep book, killed and sold, 6 December 1886 – 12 January 1917 Enclosure: see D/CE 39
D/CE 29Farm stock sales book, 19 August 1889 – 27 May 1907; Castle Eden Parks Letting List, 13 May 1894 – 5 April 1954 (1 volume, leather half-bound
D/CE 301 volume, card boundForm of Record, Movement of Animals (Records) Order of 1925, 7 January 1925 – 16 October 1945
D/CE 311 paperAccount of foodstuffs supplied to Parklands Cattle, and cattle, pigs and sheep sold, 1929 Originally enclosed in D/CE 9
D/CE 321 volume, cloth boundCash and pay book, 18 August 1885 – 8 June 1898
D/CE 331 volume, leather half-boundCash book, 21 March 1906 – 21 May 1913
D/CE 341 volume, leather’ half-boundCash book, 21 May1913 – 16 March 1921
D/CE 351 volume, leather half-boundCash book, 16 March 1921 – 12 May 1930
D/CE 361 volume, leather half-boundCash book, 12 May 1930 – 25 June 1941
D/CE 371 volume, leather half-boundCash book, 25 June 1941 – 15 August 1957 Enclosures see D/CE 108, 110
D/CE 383 papersLetters from North Eastern Railway to Rowland Burdon Esq., Castle Eden, concerning permission to connect tap and take supply of water to house near Eden Vale from waterpipe from reservoir to Eden Vale House (laid down under previous agreement, copy enclosed), 27 September – 4 November 1887
D/CE 391 paperAgreement concerning provision of water to house, 1896 Originally enclosed in D/CE 28
D/CE 401 plan, 75cm x 69cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed new sewerage drains near Castle Eden village, 19 March 1896 Scale: 1 inch to 1 chain [1:792]
D/CE 411 plan, 25cm x 35cm, waxed linenPlan of sewerage drain and tank near Castle Eden village n.d. [c.1896] Scale: 1:2500
D/CE 421 plan,38cm x 31cm, waxed linenPlan of exisiting sewers on Mr. R. Burdon’s Estate, April 1913 Scale 1:2500
D/CE 43Letters from Easington RDC to Colonel Rowland Burdon and from J.F.B. Baker, Middleton Tyas, Yorkshire to Easington RDC, concerning land required and conditions for Thornley-to-the-Sea Sewerage Scheme, 3 September 1924 – 11 August 1927 (7 papers, typescript).
D/CE 441 plan, 41cm x 40cm, waxed linenPlan of drainage at Old Shotton, 1927 Scale: 1:2500
D/CE 451 paper, printedCertificate of analysis of drinking water, The Castle, Castle Eden by Water Examiner to County Council, County Analyst’s Office, Darlington, 8 January 1898
D/CE 461 plan, 48cm x 44cm, tracing paperPlan of proposed water softening plant, The Castle, Castle Eden, 13 May 1928 Scale: ¹/8 in to 1ft [1:96]
D/CE 474 papers, typescriptReport on drains and sanitary fittings, The Castle, Castle Eden, 14 March 1930
D/CE 481 paper12 January 1899 (1) The Wingate and District Water Company Limited (2) The Rural District Council of Easington Copy agreement for supply of water to Monkhesleden
D/CE 491 paperMeasurements and plan of Floaters Pond Well, n.d. [1905]
D/CE 501 plan, 35cm x 24cm, waxed linenPlan [of water pumping equipment?], 8 October 1918 No scale
D/CE 511 plan, 52cm x 28cm, waxed linenPlan of water supply pipes around Wellfield Station, June 1922 Scale: 1:2500
D/CE 526 papersLetters from E. Forster, Castle Eden Colliery to R. Burdon Esq., concerning poor rate and income tax assessments on his property, enclosing copies of assessment, 24 December 1893 – 26 January 1894
D/CE 531 paperIncome tax assessments on tenants 1893 – 1894
D/CE 541 volume, card boundDiary, James Benderson, bailiff, 1900
D/CE 551 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1901
D/CE 561 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1902
D/CE 571 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1903
D/CE 581 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1904
D/CE 591 volume, cloth boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, few entries, 1904
D/CE 601 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1905
D/CE 611 volume, card boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1906
D/CE 621 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1907
D/CE 631 volume, cloth quartor.boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1908
D/CE 641 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1909
D/CE 651 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1910
D/CE 661 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1911
D/CE 671 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1913
D/CE 681 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1914
D/CE 691 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1915
D/CE 701 volume, cloth quarter-boundDiary, James Henderson, bailiff, 1917
D/CE 711 volume cloth boundDiary, James Henderson,bailiff, 1920
D/CE 721 volume, leather half-boundAccount book of bailiff, January 1923 – December 1926 Includes: list of church collections, 1922 – 1923
D/CE 731 volume leather half-boundAccount book of bailiff, January 1927 – May 1931 Includes: list of nails, screws, wire etc., and prices, 1925
D/CE 74Account book of bailiff, May 1931 – April 1935 (1 volume, cloth bound
D/CE 751 volume, cloth boundAccount book of bailiff, April 1935 – May 1938
D/CE 761 volume, cloth boundAccount book of bailiff, May 1938 – April 1942
D/CE 771 volume,cloth boundAccount book of bailiff, June 1942 – March 1947
D/CE 781 volume, calf half-boundPay book, 6 January 1906 – 9 July 1927 Enclosures: see D/CE 17-18, 20, 23, 84, 89-92, 94, 213
D/CE 791 volume, leather half-boundPay book, 23 July 1927 – 26 December 1936
D/CE 801 volume, cloth quarter-boundPay book, 9 January 1937 – 26 May 1951
D/CE 811 volume, leather quarter-boundPay book, Castle Gardens, 31 October 1914 – 4 December 1920 Includes: list of parks let, 1923 – 1925; accounts of church visitors’ box, 1945 – 1954; bailiff’s accounts, Richard Glass & Son, 1925 – 1942
D/CE 821 volume, leather quarter-boundGas meter readings and accounts, 6 November 1906 – 26 September 1924 Includes: accounts for repairs to roads, 15 December 1932 – 22 May 1934
D/CE 831 plan, 34cm x 46cm, tracing paperPlan of steel windows: details of steel sashes, 18 August 1909 No scale
D/CE 842 papers, typescriptLetter from Drake & Gorham Ltd., Manchester, electrical, mechanical and hydraulic engineers, to R. Burdon Esq., Castle Eden, Durham, concerning provision of heating element for silver tea urn and fitting of new heating plugs, 20 January 1925 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 851 plan, 114cm x 58cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed road line, Cotsford Lane, Horden, 12 February 1914 Scale: 40 ft. to 1 inch [1:480]
D/CE 861 plan, 97cm x 65cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed improvement of road Hardwick Hall Dene, 17 March 1915 Scales: 30 ft. to 1 inch [1:360], 10 ft. to 1 inch [1:120]
D/CE 871 plan, 91;cm x 65cm, waxed linenPlan of proposed improvement of road, Hardwick Hall Dene, marked with receipt by Rowland Burdon for £5 for allowing Easington RDC to use land for road, 2 November 1915 Scales: 30 ft. to 1 inch [1:360], 10 ft. to 1 inch [1:120]
D/CE 887 papers, typescriptLetters from John S. Millar & Son, Annan, engineers to Robert Craman, Castle Eden, concerning erection of windmill and subsequent breakages, 3 May 1920 – 29 August 1927
D/CE 891 paperLetter from J.F.B. Baker, Middleton Tyas, Yorkshire to Robert Craman, Castle Eden, concerning examination of windmill for faulty parts, 25 April 1921 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 901 paperLetter from T. Vickers, Dene Holme, Castle Eden to Robert Craman, concerning Dene Holme Wood Hut, 10 October 1921 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 912 papers, typescriptCorrespondence between District Traffic Superintendent, United Automobile Services, Bishop Auckland and Colonel Burdon, The Castle, Castle Eden, concerning cutting overhanging trees on route from Wheatley Hill to Blackhall, 6 – 7 December 1922 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 921 paperAccount of milk and eggs produced, 1925 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 931 paper,typescriptNotice to tennants concerning installation and maintenance of back boilers, 21 April 1926
D/CE 942papers , typescriptLetter from F. Scarth Beadon, Estates Office Staindrop, to Robert Craman, Castle Eden, concerning claims by Mr Jackson, Okerside Farm for damage by game etc., and provision of water to Mr. Harrison of Wingate’s fields, 20 May 1926 Originally enclosed in D/CE 78
D/CE 951 plan, 36cm x 28cm, waxed linenPlan of new out buildings at Hardwick Hall Farm, December 1926 Scale: 4 ft. to 1 inch [1:48]
D/CE 961 plan, 26cm x 21crn, waxed linenPlan of proposed new milk house, Dene Leazes farm, December 1935 Scale: ¹/8 inch to 1 foot [1:96]
D/CE 975 papers, typescriptLetter from County of Durham Agricultural Executive Committee and National Agricultural Advisory Service to Messers. R., J.R. & M.A. Guite and F. Scarth Beadon Esq., concerning improvements required for dairy premises at Bridge House, Wellfield Road, Wingate, 6 February 1952 – 6 July 1953
D/CE 981 volume cloth boundRecord of temperature and rainfall, 1 January 1938 – 31 December 1950
D/CE 991 booklet, printedSale catalogue of furnishings in The Castle, Castle Eden, including paintings, 3 – 6 June 1946
D/CE 1001 booklet, printedSale catalogue of farms, accommodation land and house property etc., Wingate, Castle Eden and Horden Estates, 4 September 1946
D/CE 1011 booklet, printedSale catalogue of country house, cottage market garden and accommodation land at Castle Eden, Old Shotton and Wingate, part of Castle Eden Estate, 25 July 1950
D/CE 1021 paper, typescriptNotice to tenants concerning installation of electric light, n.d.
D/CE 1036 papers, typescript and 1 plan, 89cm x 38cmLetter from Cleveland and Durham Electric Power Limited, Middlesborough to Colonel Burdon, The Castle, Castle Eden concerning supply and erection of proposed overhead lighting line, Parklands to Shotton Hall, enclosing plan of route and quotation for work, 28 October 1914
D/CE 1041 volume, cloth quarter-boundElectric meter readings and accounts, church, work people and others, 31 December 1924 – 30 June 1940
D/CE 1051 volume, cloth boundElectric meter readings and accounts, 30 June 1935 – 30 June 1957
D/CE 1061 plan, 81cm x 66cm, printedPlan of land at Castle Eden Colliery Hordon Collieries Limited, n.d. Scale: 1:2500
D/CE 1071 plan, 73cm x 100cm, printedPlan of Horden Colliery, n.d. Scale: 1:2500
D/CE 1081 plan, 20.5cm x 14.5cm, waxed linenPlan of field, n.d. No scale Originally enclosed in D/CE 37
D/CE 1093 papers, printedCirculars concerning forestry products, Northern Forestry Products Limited, n.d.
D/CE 1101 paper, printedNewspaper cutting, Darlington & Stockton Times, showing competitors at annual county rally of County Durham Federation of Youg Farmers’ Clubs at School of Agricultue, Houghall, n.d. Originally enclosed in D/CE 37
D/CE 111-129Parish
D/CE 111-114Easington
D/CE 1111 paperSummary of agreement between Dean and Chapter of Durham, Bishop of Chester and Rowland Burdon, concerning payment of tithes, 1 August 1837
D/CE 1125 papersLetters fron John Eivers, Darlington to Rowland Burdon Esq., concerning altered tithe apportionment, Easington parish, 22 May 1868 – 21 July 1870
D/CE 11310 papersLetters from William Moore, Logden & Mann, Sunderland, solicitors, to Rowland Burdon Esq., The Castle, Castle Eden, concerning payment of tithes to Easington parish, 4 January 1886 – 3 February 1891
D/CE 1141 paperSchedule of tithes due to Rev. W.G. Harrison, Easington parish, for Shotton township, n.d.
D/CE 115-118Castle Eden
D/CE 1151 paperCopy of apportionment of tithe rentcharge in parish of Castle Eden, 2 April 1846, made by Rowland Burdon, 27 February 1895
D/CE 1163 papersLetter from Fred. G.J. Robinson, The Rectory, Castle Eden to Rowland Burdon, concerning pew contributions for years 1888 – 1898, 13 February 1899
D/CE 1171 plan, 31cm x 39cmPlan of proposed additional burial ground, St James’ Church, Castle Eden, 5 September 1916 Scale: 25.344 inches to 1 mile [1:2500]
D/CE 1181 paperLetter from W.R. Gough, The Rectory, Castle Eden to Colonel Burdon, concerning income of Castle Eden benefice, 26 November 1923
D/CE 119-125Horden
D/CE 1191 plan, 73cm x 46cm, colouredGround plan of proposed church at Horden, July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 1201 plan, 73cm x 46cm, colouredNorth elevation of proposed church at Horden, July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 1211 plan 73cm x 46cm, colouredSouth elevation of proposed church at Horden July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 1221 plan, 73cm x 46cm, colouredEast and West elevation of proposed church at Horden, July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 123Longitudinal section of proposed church at Horden, July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96] (1 plan 73cm x 46cm, coloured
D/CE 1241 plan, 73cm x 46cm, colouredSections looking East and West of proposed church at Horden, July 1910 Scale: 8 ft. to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CE 1251 plan, 96cm x 69cm, printed paper on linenOS 6″ 2nd ed. XXI.SE, XXIX.NW and XXVIII.NE showing proposed new Ecclesiastical District of Horden, 2 December 1912 Scale: 1:10560
D/CE 126-127Monk Hesledon
D/CE 1264 papers, typescriptLetters from Horden Collieries Ltd., Castle Eden to Rowland Burdon Esq., Castle Eden, concerning proposals to unite parishes of Monkhesledon, St. John and Monkhesledon and give Hutton Henry to Wingate parish, 1 – 13 November 1923
D/CE 1271 paperLetter from P.L. Bell, Monkhesledon Vicarage to Mr Burdon concerning income of benefice, 27 November 1923
D/CE 128-129Wingate
D/CE 1281 paperLetter from F. Bowman, The Vicarage, Wingate to Colonel Burdon concerning income of benefice, 27 November 1923
D/CE 1291 paperExtract from conveyance of 3/4 acre of land in parish of Castle Eden (boundaries given), by Rowland Burdon for Wingate Parsonage, n.d.