National Coal Board – John Buddle papers (part 3)

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ref no.NCB 01/JB

National Coal Board – John Buddle papers (part 3) records

reftitletypeitem physicaldescription
NCB I/JB 14141 letterRe own and his brother’s conviction of need for a “broad-bottomed regulation”; the Tyne, Tees, Hartley and Blyth are ready, but a move is needed by the Wear; doubts expediency of any temporising measures; mentions effect on next binding on Tyne, 1834
NCB I/JB 1415-1434,1439Taylor, John (Wallsend, Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 1415-14162 papersRe Mr. Russell’s and Mr. Tennyson d’Eyncourt’s subscriptions to Hodgson’s History of Northumberland; and mentioning increasing value and scarcity of it; enclosing invoice from T. Blackwell and Company, 1842
NCB I/JB 1417-1422Re sinking, cribbing and other mining matters; redeeming the reputation of the coal at market; regrets lack of Regulation, 1821 – 1826
NCB I/JB 1417-143216 lettersTaylor, Thomas (Backworth colliery; New Whitley; Earsdon, Northumberland; Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 1417-1432Re mining and colliery affairs: Backworth colliery:
NCB I/JB 1418Coal Trade affairs and regulation
NCB I/JB 1419Wayleave, 1825
NCB I/JB 1422-1423,Holywell colliery, 1826, 1827,1842 1428, 1432
NCB I/JB 1423Cramlington staithe, 1826
NCB I/JB 1424-1431Coal Trade affairs and regulation (1431 including list of bound and unbound collieries), 1823, 1826 – 1832
NCB I/JB 1427Seghill colliery vend, 1827
NCB I/JB 1430Pitmen’s Union and Coal Trade measures against it at binding, 1832
NCB I/JB 1431-1432Percy colliery, 1832, 1842
NCB I/JB 1433-1438Re composition coal (small coal cemented with tar and lime), including conversation with P. Davey (q.v.) and possibility of export to France, 1821
NCB I/JB 1433-14397 lettersTaylor, William (London; Dungannan, Northern Ireland)
NCB I/JB 1421, 1431Binding and labour problems, 1826, 1832
NCB I/JB 1424, 1432Other colliery business, 1826, 1842
NCB I/JB 1429, 1432Re Coal tax, 1827, 1842
NCB I/JB 1434,1439Re Shouldon and Fairlie mines; “long and desperate litigation” with landlord of Fairlie colliery, and enquiring if Buddle interested in joining in the new leases; and re other colliery and financial affairs, 1821, 1827
NCB I/JB 1440Telford, Thomas (London)
NCB I/JB 14401 letterAcknowledging receipt of “your excellent design for shipping coals”; and apologising for inability to supply cheaper granite for [Seaham] harbour, 1831
NCB I/JB 1441-1470Temple, Rev. William (Aycliffe)
NCB I/JB 14411 letterRequesting help in finding work for Richard Marley, a pitman, 1833
NCB I/JB 1442-147029 lettersTennyson, Charles; M.P. (Brancepeth Castle; Westminster; Raby Castle; Ripley Castle, York; Bayon’s Manor, Lincoln) [probably Charles Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 1784 – 1861, politician; his sister Elizabeth married to Matthew Russell of Brancepeth Castle]
NCB I/JB 1443-1448Re business affairs; many notes arranging to meet, including re Wallsend and Washington collieries; including:
NCB I/JB 1443Re supplying coals from Wallsend for a distillery in London, 1825
NCB I/JB 1444Buddle to Tennyson (copy): re preoccupation with “the Hetton affair” and misunderstanding between Gregson and Lord Londonderry during it; has spoken to Mr. Russell and “had the satisfaction to observe that he went into all matters of business with great attention;” Wallsend and Washington need serious consideration: proposes meeting Tennyson and Russell in London; re falls in coal prices, and subsequent recent agreement of first class collieries to make a regulation among themselves; unprecedented bad state of coal trade “and what makes it worse every class of our workmen is combining”; reference to Mr. Russell being much annoyed “about the railway affair” and to the fact that “I am to be shewn up before the Committee in consequence of the Report I made with Fenwick and Steel on the quality of the coal in the Weardale and Auckland district”; mentions unsatisfactory borings at Newton and Brandon, 1825
NCB I/JB 1445Arrangements for Buddle to meet Potosi Mining Association directors, 1825
NCB I/JB 1446Inquiring re price of refuse coal for brick-making, 1826
NCB I/JB 1447Introducing Americans interested in northern coal-mining, 1826
NCB I/JB 1448Buddle to Tennyson (copy?)
NCB I/JB 1449-1470re a letter from Fryer (q.v.) at Arica -“it gives a most deplorable account of your mining concern” [Potosi Mining Association?] and urging help for Fryer, 1827
NCB I/JB 1449Acknowledging offer of help re guns and gunners; visit of duke of Sussex to Brancepeth; “I agree with you about our friend Russell – I heartily wish he would domesticate , 1827
NCB I/JB 1450Re visit of duke of Sussex to Brancepeth, and inviting Buddle, 1827
NCB I/JB 1451Re North Hetton colliery and the Regulation: North Hetton would agree to no arrangement giving it only its old basis; “the three great powers may arrange as they please amongst themselves and they may easily … satisfy our reasonable views”; thanks Buddle for his advocacy of their case; Gregson anxious to talk with Buddle on this, and latter’s presence also required in London for Chancery proceedings re trust collieries; Lord Durham does not seem to -have changed his views on return of a new regulation on the Wear, 1833
NCB I/JB 1452-1453Re forthcoming Coal Trade meeting and suggesting “previous discussion and arrangement which I have always found very necessary . .”, 1833
NCB I/JB 1454Re Coal Trade meeting and tactics, and wondering whether to approach Lord Londonderry about them, despite political differences, 1833
NCB I/JB 1455Re fears that “we shall throw our connection into the hands of the Hetton if they refuse to join us”; he and Mr. Russell will assent to whatever Mr. Dunn and Mr. Grey may advise, 1833
NCB I/JB 1456Re a resolution to present a regular report on matters in dispute, etc., 1833
NCB I/JB 1463Re Buddle’s and his own opinion that Washington [colliery] should be given up, and requesting advice thereon, 1833
NCB I/JB 1464Acknowledging receipt of a long confidential letter, apparently re suspicions of wrong-doing [unspecified] and “necessity for some change”, 1833
NCB I/JB 1465Has written to Russell and Gregson about Washington [colliery]; re threat of Tyne owners not holding to the agreement; the Wear owners must try to keep together; little prospect of bringing the Hetton Company to an arrangement as to quantities, 1833
NCB I/JB 1466Thanks for writing so fully on various points; “as to the freighting, I dare not venture to give an opinion for my partners … but provided we do not run any risk with others as to violating the agreement I am not prepared to object individually … but at any rate it seems to me that the consent of the Committee is necessary … all of us must mind not to forfeit our penalties to others. Mind this”. Also mentions notifying Gregson of any step necessary at Wallsend as to discontinuing any of the workings, 1833
NCB I/JB 1467-1469Notes arranging for Buddle to meet self, Russell and Gregson on colliery matters, 1833
NCB I/JB 1470[Signed d’Eyncourt?] Re subscription to Hodgson’s History of Northumberland, 1842
NCB I/JB 1471Tennyson, George (Brighton, Sussex)
NCB I/JB 14711 letterRe private affairs; mentions death of Mr. Russell [Matthew Russell, d. 1822] and visit by his widow and Emma [his daughter], 1823
NCB I/JB 1472-1483Thomas, W.
NCB I/JB 14721 letterNote making an appointment, 1823
NCB I/JB 1473-148311 lettersThompson, Benjamin (Ayton; Newcastle; Ouston colliery and Fawdon colliery, Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 1473-1483Re business and colliery affairs:
NCB I/JB 1473-1474Enclosing letter from C. Perkins requesting valuation of Bewick Main / Urpeth colliery stock, made by Buddle when Perkins et al. bought it from assignees of Messrs. Harrison Cooke and Company, 1815
NCB I/JB 1475Acknowledging receipt of an abstract, and requesting more particulars re Chatershough and Harraton, 1815
NCB I/JB 1476Re coal trade regulation: doubts whether second class collieries included, and refusing to be governed by it for the past month, due to lack of information being sent. Signed by Hunt, Perkins, and Thompson, 1816
NCB I/JB 1477Re Coal Trade: giving extract from letter from “a house of respectability on the Coal Exchange” re petition by Staffordshire coal owners to the government to be allowed to import £50,000 chaldrons into London duty free, 1816
NCB I/JB 1478Correcting a statement re a cargo of coal loaded by Hetton colliery, 1826
NCB I/JB 1480Notification of meeting of referees for division of basis, under resolution passed by Wear coal-owners on 17 April, 1827
NCB I/JB 1482Invitation on behalf of railroad directors; and hoping Buddle will attend the general meeting of subscribers, 1833
NCB I/JB 1483Arranging meeting, including Johnson and Wood, to discuss query by rail- road [unnamed] directors re “in what way can £110,000 be best expended in order to produce the most immediate and largest revenue to the Company?” 1833
NCB I/JB 1484Thompson, James
NCB I/JB 14841 letterRequesting Buddle to postpone his visit to Blenkinsop colliery, 1827
NCB I/JB 1485Thompson, Thomas (Sunderland)
NCB I/JB 14851 letterIntroducing William and George Aspull, the latter a child prodigy on the piano, 1825 See also: NCB I/JB 1029
NCB I/JB 1486Thorman, John (Seaham Harbour)
NCB I/JB 14861 letterGiving details of dimensions and capacity of wood and iron spouts, 1833
NCB I/JB 1487Thorpe, Rev. Charles (Ryton)
NCB I/JB 14871 letterThanking Buddle for his kind attention to the distresses (?) of Winlaton, 1816
NCB I/JB 1488Tinley Cockerell and Bowlby (South Shields)
NCB I/JB 14881 letterRequesting payment of call on shares in North and South Shields Bridge Company, 1827
NCB I/JB 1489-1490Todd, Charles (South Shields)
NCB I/JB 1489-14901 letterRequesting a loan during illness, and acknowledging its receipt, 1827
NCB I/JB 1491Tods and Romanes (Edinburgh)
NCB I/JB 14911 letterRequesting Buddle “to proceed to determine the second matter of difference referred to you by the duke of Buccleigh and Lord Lothian”, 1842
NCB I/JB 1492-1493Turner, Daniel (The Exchequer, Durham; Blaydon)
NCB I/JB 14921 letterOfficial letter as deputy receiver to the bishop of Durham, requesting payment of rents due by George Silvertop, and threat of imminent distraint, 1804
NCB I/JB 14931 letterRequesting opinions on rent that Sir M. W. Ridley ought to have for wayleave at the Red Barns, as applied for by both Messrs. Porter and Company and Matthias Dunn; and on an advertised job of mineral agent for an extensive estate in South Wales, for his son, 1837
NCB I/JB 1494Turner, John (Durham)
NCB I/JB 14941 letterDescribing Blue or Whin Stone dykes, especially at Bolam and Crawtrees colliery, 1834
NCB I/JB 1495-1501Turner, Rev. William (Newcastle; Chirton, Northumberland) [Unitarian; Buddle a member of his congregation; see Richardson, History of Wallsend]
NCB I/JB 14951 letterRequesting Buddle to deliver items while in London; recommending mathematical instrument makers; and giving names and addresses of the principal Unitarian ministers in London, 1816
NCB I/JB 14961 letterReporting a conversation with Sir John Swinburne concerning a conversation between the latter and Mr. Washington Shirley “who took the opportunity of grossly abusing him, and through him the whole of the persons concerned in the Societies both of Newcastle and Sunderland, together with the Committee of the Coal Trade, for their treatment of Mr. Ryan (q.v.)” and subsequent visit to Sir John by Ryan himself during which Ryan threatened an action against Buddle et al. for misconduct in their report on the Dudley (Stafford) mines, 1816
NCB I/JB 1497-14982 lettersEnclosing a letter from William Dixon junior introducing M. Clement of Paris and mentioning recent catastrophe at Wallsend; and re his forthcoming sermon for the benefit of the survivors of the Wallsend accident, 1821
NCB I/JB 14991 letterRequesting help to persuade a pitman to sell to “our museum” a specimen shot by him of “the smallest woodpecker”, 1827
NCB I/JB 15001 letterIntroducing an over looker of some West Riding mines, wishing to see local mines, 1826
NCB I/JB 15011 letterRequesting help in finding a job for an unemployed pitman, who “was not at all engaged in the Union”, 1833
NCB I/JB 1502-1505Turner, W. (Newcastle; North Shields, Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 15021 letterSending extract of letter from Thomas and R. Brown re settling a lease, 1823
NCB I/JB 15031 letterRe shipping coals – message from Buddle to keep some at bank [at Jarrow?] arrived too late; re shortage of coal, etc., 1825
NCB I/JB 15041 letter[Endorsed as from “T. and R. Brown’s fitting office” at Newcastle] Sending copy of letter from T. Brown which in turn quotes letter from their factors, Clarke and Company – “we regret to have to inform you that there were not buyers for either of your cargoes today” due to hot weather; gives prices, 1827
NCB I/JB 15051 letterGiving extract from letter from T. and R. Brown concerning certain rent to the Corporation [of Newcastle?]; and re state of coal trade, 1827
NCB I/JB 1506-1561Vane-Tempest, Adolphus (Wynyard; Seaham Hall) [1825 – 1864; later Lord Seaham; third son of 3rd Marquis of Londonderry]
NCB I/JB 15061 letterLetter from him as a child, 1833
NCB I/JB 15071 letterInvitation to his mother’s birthday dinner and dance, 1842
NCB I/JB 15081 letterNote, 1842
NCB I/JB 1509Dispute with Lord Durham over quantities, August 1828
NCB I/JB 1509-155951 lettersVane (formerly Stewart), Charles William; 3rd Marquis of Londonderry [1778 – 1854; married Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane-Tempest in 1819, when Buddle was appointed as chief colliery agent]
NCB I/JB 1510Tribute to Buddle, and instructions on keeping Seaham Harbour correspondence and accounts separate from other concerns, 1828
NCB I/JB 1510-1551Re Seaham Harbour: finances, dispute with Colonel Braddyll, legal matters, building leases, site and layout for town, arrangements for laying foundation stone, railway, relations with fitters and keelmen, observations on progress, Lady Londonderry’s participation in the plans, etc., Chapman’s salary and progress, etc., September – December, 1828
NCB I/JB 1511-1512Re Tommy Nicholson and request for work from T. Simpson, 1828 Re Coal Trade regulation:
NCB I/JB 1541Dispute with Lord Durham, and a letter to Lord Wharncliffe, December 1828
NCB I/JB 1542Lord R[avensworth]’s attitude, and Coal Trade committee, December, 1828
NCB I/JB 1552Pitmen’s strike need for firmness, 1831
NCB I/JB 1553Accusation by mayor of Newcastle against coal owners, 1831
NCB I/JB 1554-1555Finances, 1832, 1834
NCB I/JB 1556Advancing price of coal, and Lord Durham’s attitude, 1834
NCB I/JB 1557-1558Instructions for electioneering among pitmen, 1837
NCB I/JB 1560Urging that Lord Londonderry should lay the foundation stone of Seaham Harbour, 1828
NCB I/JB 1560-15614 papersVane-Tempest, Frances Anne; wife of the 3rd Marquis of Londonderry
NCB I/JB 1561Sending subscription lists for her “Journal of a Three Months Tour in Portugal, Spain, Africa”, with request for help in adding names to the lists, 1842
NCB I/JB 1562Varley, William (Hunslet, York)
NCB I/JB 15621 letterQuotation for machine for “dressing flower”, 1800
NCB I/JB 1563Vazie, William (Rotherhithe, London)
NCB I/JB 15631 letterRe “the business of the archway” in a most alarming state; and requesting opinion on his suggestions for proceeding with it, 1808
NCB I/JB 1564-1568Veatch, George (Percy Office, Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 15641 letterReceipt for £600 paid by Buddle to the Backworth owners, 1827
NCB I/JB 15651 letterSending Percy Colliery account, 1827
NCB I/JB 15661 letterRequesting opinion on letter to be sent to “his Grace’s [the duke of Northumberland’s?] agents”; already seen by Mr. Lamb, 1827
NCB I/JB 15671 letterRe repayment of sum lent by Buddle to Backworth colliery owners, 1827
NCB I/JB 15681 letterRe Buddle’s recovery from illness; cholera epidemic at Percy colliery; death of Sam Cooper, the under-viewer, and replacement by John Oliver; McIntyre (q.v.) was sent to take charge of the patients “but it was surprising to find such a spirit of opposition amongst the people …”; re the duke [of Northumberland]’s audit with details of colliery finances, vend, and binding (Percy, Backworth, Willington, Tanfield Moor, Wallsend); references in connection with binding to Percy and Backworth men in the Union; etc., 1832
NCB I/JB 1569-1576Wade, Thomas (Hebburn Colliery; Hylton Castle; Silksworth)
NCB I/JB 15691 letterEnclosing letter re loading keels, and re giving Mr. Scurfield coals: “perhaps an obligation at this time might be the means of his becoming a regular fitter in future”, 1821
NCB I/JB 15701 letterEnclosed with above; [from R. Scurfield?, Sunderland] re loading his keels at Washington [part missing?] , 1821
NCB I/JB 1571-15722 lettersEnclosing writ “relative to the spouts” summoning William Russell, Thomas Robinson Grey, and Thomas Wade re nuisances, 1823
NCB I/JB 1573-15742 lettersBusiness notes, 1826, 1827
NCB I/JB 15751 letterRe absolute necessity to dismiss Hepple family from Wallsend colliery immediately, “as Atkinson cannot act with safety and confidence”, and also Jackson the storekeeper, 1832
NCB I/JB 15761 letterBusiness note, 1833
NCB I/JB 1577-1578Waldie, Miss C. A. (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 1577-15782 lettersRequest to deliver a parcel, 1816
NCB I/JB 1579-1588Waldie, George (Newcastle; Hendersyde, Scotland; Ketton)
NCB I/JB 15791 letterRe Buddle’s report to “the Company”, who “think it prudent to have the benefit of your father’s opinion along with your own” and invite both to meeting “at the New Winning”, 1800
NCB I/JB 15801 letterRe successor to Mr. Burnett [Buddle’s brother-in-law] as colliery surgeon at Sheriff Hill: has promised his support to Mr. Edmondson, being ignorant of any negotiations, 1817
NCB I/JB 1581-15822 letters[1582 enclosed in 1581] Urging Buddle to recommend Mr. Russell to fix Wallsend coal at 32/- per chaldron, in connection with arranging “an amicable permanent system for the three collieries ” [Wallsend, Percy Main, and Messrs. Bell and Company?] [1582 signed also by Jacob Maude and John Walker; Mr. Bell declined to sign it], 1821
NCB I/JB 15831 letterHis “servant” Jacob Johnson and his son being at a standstill with his colliery, requests opinion re letting watercourse level as requested in enclosed letter (below); mentions improved state of coal trade and hopes both coal owners and ship owners will continue the beneficial arrangement; urges finalising an agreement with Mr. Ellison for S[heriff] Hill, 1821
NCB I/JB 15841 letterEnclosed with above: letter to him from R. Pearson (Unthank Hall): has let his colliery to a company connected with lead mines, who now wish to use Waldie’s watercourse level; mentions his and Buddle’s intention to have a meeting with Mr. Ellison, 1821
NCB I/JB 15851 letterRequesting a Davy lamp, 1823
NCB I/JB 15861 letterRe Buddle representing Percy colliery in his absence, and giving his view of the present regulation viz., several collieries above bridge have too large an allowance, while the leading coals “particularly the two solar stars in the east” are too limited; inquiring when coal will be worked from the New Pit and what its quality will be, 1823
NCB I/JB 15871 letterThanks for news of Backworth; re coal trade regulation, especially re Percy, Wallsend, and B[ell?] and Company: mentions that Buddle has always proposed that Mr. Russell’s Wallsend and “we two” should be classed together; and re colliery affairs coal from New Pit, renewal of Percy lease, joint concern respecting new engine; need for economy at Sheriff Hill and to have its books examined by an accountant “for Mr. Pearson and me as trustees” (Dr. Clark’s trust); when arbitration settled, hints should be made that the colliery may be purchased, 1823
NCB I/JB 15881 letterHopes Buddle will be able to act as peace-maker between Tyne and Wear over regulation; regrets Londonderry and Mr. Russell are dissatisfied; urges need for regulation, 1823
NCB I/JB 1589-1591Waldie, John (Newcastle; Ryton)
NCB I/JB 15891 letterInvitation to pay ‘cello at music party, 1821
NCB I/JB 15901 letterRe his colliery shares in P[ercy] M[ain] and Backworth, and his own and his father’s in S[heriff] Hill, 1826
NCB I/JB 15911 letterInquiring if Buddle still wishes to take any of his share in the Northumberland Glass Company, and giving details of it, and Mr. Trevelyan’s share; mentions Buddle’s illness and visit to Forest of Dean; note added from “H. L.” re labour situation at Elswick, 1832
NCB I/JB 1592Walker, John (Whitby, York)
NCB I/JB 15921 letterThanks for information re new winning; re tubbing, stopping a feeder, and other mining affairs [colliery unspecified] ; “I have been endeavouring to find out freemen of Durham for Major Russell, but there are only three in this town; they are I believe unsolicited”, 1800
NCB I/JB 1593Walker, Miss (Brancepeth Castle)
NCB I/JB 15931 letterInquiring re a lost book of harp music, 1827
NCB I/JB 1594-1599Walker, P. (London; Chester le Street; Boroughbridge, York)
NCB I/JB 1594-15952 lettersBusiness notes, 1825, 1827
NCB I/JB 15961 letterRequesting opinion on new winning of Harperley and Tanfield Lea, and especially on mode of leading; and requesting early report on Pontop Colliery for Marquis of Bute and other owners, 1827
NCB I/JB 15971 letterRe Sir John Pant willing to submit wayleave rents to reference, in connection with Lord Strathmore; reference [in connection with this?] to S[outh] Moor Colliery; requesting report on new winning at Westerleigh for Marquis of Bute [endorsed: Pontop Colliery], 1827
NCB I/JB 15981 letterMentioning Buddle’s recent “dangerous illness”; requesting advice re obtaining powers of outstroke into Chopwell for owners of Garesfield from the lords of Winlaton, the Chopwell royalty adjoining Garesfield colliery having been purchased, 1832
NCB I/JB 15991 letterRequesting meeting re South Moor waggonway, subsequent to interview with Lord Wharncliff, Lord Ravensworth, et al., 1832
NCB I/JB 1600Walker, William (Commercial Bank, Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16001 letterRe surrendering to him possession of a farm of land at Pittington, now under lease to Lord Londonderry’s trustees, 1842
NCB I/JB 1601-1603Walters, Robert; Solicitor (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16011 letterArranging to meet, due to “a very long and complaining (?) conversation with Mr. Losh”, 1823
NCB I/JB 16021 letterNote re “the question with Mr. Anderson being referred to Mr. Williamson” and attending the latter with viewers evidence re drawing off water by Heaton, 1823
NCB I/JB 16031 letterRequesting meeting to reconsider objections to claims of duke of Portland re coal, 1827
NCB I/JB 1604-1609Wanchope, John (Edmonstone, near Edinburgh)
NCB I/JB 1604-16096 lettersRe Buddle viewing his colliery, now leased out since an earlier survey by Buddle, 1825
NCB I/JB 1610Warburton and Company, sharebrokers (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16101 letterNote and printed share list, 1842
NCB I/JB 1611Wardell, George [overseer of Edmondsley, according to Buddle’s endorsement]
NCB I/JB 16111 letterNote re payment to Han. Nesbit “from the time you left off”, and re repaying Buddle, 1800
NCB I/JB 1612-1615Watson, John (Willington, Northumberland) [Mining engineer]
NCB I/JB 16121 letterRequesting help before he and R. Fenwick report to lessors of Jarrow colliery re tentale rent, 1823
NCB I/JB 16131 letterForwarding letter from P. (?) Walker re payment to Watson and Buddle for a valuation, 1823
NCB I/JB 16141 letterInquiring whether Coal Trade has decided re binding, and recommends stricter enforcement of rule against binding more than 10 or 12 men from another colliery, 1826
NCB I/JB 16151 letterRe men from Wallsend seeking work at Seghill, inquiring whether they can be spared from Wallsend, and mentioning Coal Trade rule for supplying new collieries with labour, 1826
NCB I/JB 1616Watson, Mary (Barningham, York)
NCB I/JB 16161 letterRequesting payment of money due to her late husband from a colliery, 1842
NCB I/JB 1617Watson, Ralph (Sunder land)
NCB I/JB 16171 letterApplication for fittage of Mr. Russell’s North Hetton coal, 1825
NCB I/JB 1618Watson, Robert (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16181 letterRequesting refund of legal costs from the Newcastle Steam Packet Company (Buddle being a partner) for lawsuit against J. Price, another partner, 1827
NCB I/JB 1619-1626Watson, William (Tanfield Moor Office, Newcastle) Re Tanfield Moor colliery and coal trade affairs:
NCB I/JB 1619Re money due to W. M. Pitt, vend, and price, 1827
NCB I/JB 1620Giving details of shipping charges to Weymouth, 1828
NCB I/JB 1621-1626Giving figures re vend, colliery finances, and state of coal trade, 1831 – 1834
NCB I/JB 1622-1623Re cholera epidemic [mentioning Newcastle, Gateshead, Paradise, Lemmington, Newburn, Sunderland], 1832
NCB I/JB 16268 lettersAlso copy letter from Buddle to W. M. Pitt, re Stanhope Railway branch connecting pits with Shields, 1834
NCB I/JB 1627Waugh, Edward (Wolsingham)
NCB I/JB 16271 letterRequesting help in finding a job, 1826
NCB I/JB 1628-1629Webster and Company (Sunderland Ropery)
NCB I/JB 1628-16292 lettersRe supplying flat ropes to Wallsend, and re reduced prices, 1815
NCB I/JB 1630-1631Wemyss, Lieut. Col. (Wemyss Castle, Fife)
NCB I/JB 1630-16312 lettersBusiness matters, and arranging a visit, 1816
NCB I/JB 1632-1633Wemyss, Captain, M.P. (Wemyss Castle, Fife)
NCB I/JB 1632-16332 lettersEnclosing a letter from Margaret Casson (Gateshead) claiming money -owed to her late husband; and requesting Buddle to clarify the situation and warn her to send no more letters, 1827
NCB I/JB 1634White, Dr. B. (Newcastle Infirmary)
NCB I/JB 16341 letterRe death of Dr. McW[hirter], and alluding to tactics [prior to election of his successor?] ; “the election being fixed for the Tuesday of the Race week, a large gathering of the country fellows may prove strongly favourable to my opponent”, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1635Whitfield, J. A. (Bebside, Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 16351 letterRe his invention involving liquid gases, 1826
NCB I/JB 1636Whitton, W. (London)
NCB I/JB 16361 letterArranging a visit, 1823
NCB I/JB 1637-1638Wilkinson, John (North Queensferry, Fife; Littleburn Quarry)
NCB I/JB 1637-16382 lettersRequesting a reference; and re dispute over supply of stone for Brancepeth Castle, 1815, 1821
NCB I/JB 1639-1642Wilkinson, Thomas (Bishopwearmouth; Sunderland)
NCB I/JB 16391 letterInvitation, and requesting employment “amongst the various recent changes which have taken place in the management of Lord Stewart’s affairs”, 1821
NCB I/JB 16401 letterRe farming affairs: requesting name of person “who collects such excellent hayseeds”, and requesting advice on how to farm a field at Scotshouse Farm, 1823
NCB I/JB 16411 letterMentioning seeing Tate to enquire re Fulwell tithes, 1825
NCB I/JB 16421 letterRe musical visits, etc., 1825
NCB I/JB 1643Willing, C.
NCB I/JB 16431 letterDraft letter from Buddle: soliciting office of surgeon to Coxlodge collieries for his brother-in-law Mr. Burnet, 1815
NCB I/JB 1644-1645Willis, J. (Gateshead)
NCB I/JB 16441 letterEnclosing list of freemen at North and South Shields for forwarding to Mr. Russell’s agent there. [Lists 12 names, with professions and some addresses], 1800
NCB I/JB 16451 letterAttempting to trace Mr. Telford for consultation with Durham Road Trustees, 1823
NCB I/JB 1646Wilson, William; solicitor (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16461 letterApplication on behalf of Bain and Shortridge, shoemakers, for payment of debt, 1825
NCB I/JB 1647Winter, ; solicitor
NCB I/JB 16471 letterDeclining an invitation from Lord Londonderry, 1823
NCB I/JB 1648-1649Winterbottom, J. K. (Stockport, Cheshire)
NCB I/JB 1648-16492 lettersRequest and payment for Buddle’s report on Mr Warren s Worth [near Stockport] coal mines, 1827
NCB I/JB 1650Wintrip, John (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16501 letterInquiring re appointment of brakemen or enginemen to go to South America, 1825
NCB I/JB 1651Wood, Colonel (London)
NCB I/JB 16511 letterRe financial matters (paying Lord Londonderry’s drafts, the April pays, etc.), 1826
NCB I/JB 1652-1654Wood, John (Mount Moor colliery)
NCB I/JB 1652-16532 lettersAccusing Buddle of using expressions dishonourable to himself and J. Watson at a Coal Trade meeting, and draft denial by Buddle, 1823
NCB I/JB 16541 letterReporting lack of “particularly mischievous” pitmen at Lord Ravensworth’s collieries, in connection with binding, 1826
NCB I/JB 1655-1656Wood, Nicholas (Killingworth, Northumberland; London)
NCB I/JB 16551 letterRe sending a plan, 1833
NCB I/JB 16561 letterRe possible compromise with government over tax on coals, 1842
NCB I/JB 1657Wood, Thomas (Hetton)
NCB I/JB 16571 letterAt Mr. Backhouse’s request, informing Buddle of the arrangements he has made for the fitting of the Black Boy coal [giving details of prices, etc.], 1831
NCB I/JB 1658Woodhouse, John [“of Ashby de la Zouche”, Leicester] (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16581 letterBusiness note re Pendleton colliery [Lancashire?], 1842
NCB I/JB 1659Woodhouse, J. (“Customs”)
NCB I/JB 16591 letterNote mentioning the dean’s [Mr. Dean’s?] giving relief to the coal owners, 1825
NCB I/JB 1660Woodman, W. (Morpeth, Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 16601 letterRe Mr. Tennyson d’Eyncourt’s subscription, arranged through Buddle, to Hodgson’s “History of Northumberland”, 1842
NCB I/JB 1661-1662Woods, William(?), (Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 1661-16622 lettersInquiring Re terms for letting a quay on the Wear, and re sum due to A. Wood and Company from Tanfield Moor colliery, 1827
NCB I/JB 1663-1665Woodridge, Major (Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.)
NCB I/JB 1663-16653 lettersRe mining affairs, including fire in mine, and requesting advice (2 copies); with copy of Buddle’s reply, 1842
NCB I/JB 1666-1669Wormald, Samuel (Middleton, York; Newcastle)
NCB I/JB 16661 letterRequesting help in finding a job, 1827
NCB I/JB 1667-16682 lettersProgress reports on Seaham Harbour – harbour, town, and railway, 1828
NCB I/JB 16691 letterRequesting testimonial re application to be engineer to Wear Commissioners, 1832
NCB I/JB 1670Wortley, J. Stuart (Wortley Hall, York)
NCB I/JB 16701 letterAcknowledging receipt of recommendation of Mr. Gray to replace the late Mr. Burnett as surgeon to Killingworth and Mount Moor collieries, 1817
NCB I/JB 1671Wrightson, J. (Thirsk, York)
NCB I/JB 16711 letterRequesting help to settle dispute over the Rev. Donnison ‘s father’s will, of which Buddle is sole executor, 1798
NCB I/JB 1672Wyatt, B. (Ryhope)
NCB I/JB 16721 letterEnclosing two covers which Buddle had promised to have franked by Lord [Londonderry] or Sir H. Hardinge, 1827
NCB I/JB 1673-1676Wyatt, C. B. (London)
NCB I/JB 1673Inquiring re cost of export coals, 1825 (1 letter) Wyatt, P. W. (Newcastle; London; Wynyard)
NCB I/JB 16741 letterRe purchasing Seaham stone for chapel at Bishopwearmouth, 1823
NCB I/JB 16751 letterInquiring re small coals or ashes for brick making, 1825
NCB I/JB 16761 letterRe Buddle’s “young friend” arranging for self et al. to see Lord Grosvenor s pictures, 1828
NCB I/JB 1677-1678Wyatt, Rev. W. (Seaham)
NCB I/JB 16771 letterAcknowledging information from Buddle re Mr. Canning’s death, 1827
NCB I/JB 16781 letterPrivate matters; pleased to hear Lady Londonderry “approves my attention to little Seaham. It is an encouragement and stimulus to me to persevere in my arduous under- taking”, 1827
NCB I/JB 1679-1683Anonymous
NCB I/JB 16791 letterPious letter, signed “H”, 1823
NCB I/JB 16801 letterPious remonstrance re working on Sundays, 1824
NCB I/JB 16811 letterRe personal affairs and relationship with Buddle [?]; signed L [?]; addressed from Exeter, 1827 [with transcript]
NCB I/JB 16821 letterRe Buddle’s featuring in Stockdale’s “Budget” and “Confessions of an Oxionian”, printed by Harriet Wilson’s publisher, and re other publications by him, including “memoirs of a certain rich baronet”, 1827 [John Joseph Stockdale, 1770 – 1847, publisher and compiler; Harriette Wilson, 1789 – 1846, woman of fashion; published her “Memoirs”, 1825]
NCB I/JB 1683Semiliterate letter re “the way of carrying on at West Cramlington colliery”, and position of Buddle’s nephew Atkinson there, 1840
NCB I/JB 1684-1731Correspondence relating to a dispute concerning a ropery at South Shields
NCB I/JB 1684-173148 lettersArranged chronologically. Letters from William Richardson, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Thomas Milton, John Smith, and Messrs. Bainbridge and Bell (solicitors), concerning dispute over ownership [as part of the estate of the late Matthew Smith?] and, subsequently, threat of arrest of Mrs. Wilson for debts. Buddle involved apparently as a family friend and as bail for Mrs. Wilson, 1815 – 1832
NCB I/JB 1732-1789Correspondence relating to the General Mining Association
NCB I/JB 1732Re terms asked by Stubbs, Hackworth’s foreman, to succeed Nesham at the Sydney Mines: his over-qualification for the job as there is little foundry work, “it being evident that every article required can be furnished on better terms in this country”; but will be guided by Buddle’s advice, as in the case of the locomotive enginemen. Re shipment of waggon gearings to Albion mines, Pictou; those submitting tenders to apply to Buddle for information. Buddle to order spares for the three locomotive engines, and to inform the Board of progress on the engine, February, 1839
NCB I/JB 1732-178049 papersLetters, mostly from J. B. Foord of the General Mining Association, London, concerning the employees and machinery, especially locomotives, sent to the Sydney mines; and mining affairs at the Sydney and Albion mines, Nova Scotia, 1839 – 1843 See also: NCB I/JB 70, NCB I/JB 244-246, D/X 214/1 (R. Young, Timothy Hackworth and the Locomotive pp. 399 et seq.)
NCB I/JB 1733Re trouble found by Buddle in engaging suitable locomotive enginemen “the demand for these persons must be increasing every day”; anxious to know completion date of engines to arrange shipment with Messrs. Plummer and Greenwell from Stockton; re tenders for waggon gearings from Messrs. Rayne and Messrs. Hawks and dividing the order between them; requesting Buddle’s help in supplying patterns for them, the Nova Scotia waggons and chaldrons being different from the Newcastle, February, 1839
NCB I/JB 1734Copy, R. Rayne and Company (Newcastle) to J. B. Foord giving increased price for smaller order for waggon work, February, 1839
NCB I/JB 1735Re placing the whole order for waggon gearing with Messrs. Rayne; re trial date for locomotive engines promised by Hackworth, and re shipping the engines, February, 1839
NCB I/JB 1736Re trial date, and depending on Buddle to find enginemen and successor to Nesham for the Sydney mines, March, 1839
NCB I/JB 1737Re engine trials, and sending out engineers with the locomotives, March, 1839
NCB I/JB 1738Copy, Buddle to Foord re satisfactory report by Thorman on trial of locomotives, and re agreement with two enginemen on wages, March, 1839
NCB I/JB 1739[Part missing] Re payment of Buddle’s account; his recommendation of Thomas Brough as Nesham’s successor accepted by the Board; arrangements for Brough’s journey; requesting advice re invoice for engines, etc. from G. and J. Rennie (who sub-contracted to Hackworth), April, 1839
NCB I/JB 1740Enclosed with above [?], copy letter to G. and J. Rennie requesting tender for 3 locomotive engines for leading coals in Nova Scotia, giving details of the railroad, and their reply, February March, 1838
NCB I/JB 1741Re stopping payment of allowance to wife of Nesham, the former engineer, and re settlement of account with Messrs. Rennie, May, 1839
NCB I/JB 1742Copy, Buddle to Foord, re Brough’s journey (no ship from Newcastle until the timber ships in August: suggests London or Liverpool instead); Brough to have house, fire, and pit flannels as well as salary; gives news from Carr re colliery affairs in Nova Scotia, May, 1839
NCB I/JB 1743D. Burn to Buddle, giving extract of letter from Foord re sending Brough and family to Liverpool to leave for Nova Scotia, May, 1839
NCB I/JB 1744Re difficulties of finding ship for Brough, “the spring ships having sailed and it being too early for the second trip vessels”, and re renewal of Carr’s engagement for another 5 years, June, 1839
NCB I/JB 1745Copy, Buddle to Foord, re interview with Timothy Hackworth re dispute over account with Messrs. Rennie, and Nesham’s wife’s claim, June, 1839
NCB I/JB 1746Re dispute between Rennie and Hackworth and financial affairs, June, 1839
NCB I/JB 1747Re arrangements for Brough and family’s journey by rail to Carlisle, by steamer to Liverpool, etc.; note by Buddle of members of Brough’s family (aged 7, 5, 3, and 4 months), June, 1839
NCB I/JB 1748Voucher for drawing up agreement for employing T. Brough as engineer at Sydney, Cape Breton, June, 1839
NCB I/JB 1749Re arrangements for Brough’s journey and arrival in Halifax and Sydney, July, 1839
NCB I/JB 1750Arranging to meet Buddle in London, etc., July, 1839
NCB I/JB 1751Empowering Buddle to settle Nesham’s claims against the Association; re increasing demand for coal at Sydney; turntables sent out by Hackworth “a complete robbery”, August, 1839
NCB I/JB 1752Re Nesham’s account, shipment of waggon gearing, opening of part of railroad, August, 1839
NCB I/JB 1753Re arrival of Brough at Halifax; extract of letter from Carr at Sydney mines re excellent results from “the iron tub and slide, etc. system of raising coals, as recommended for adoption by Mr. Buddle”; has also applied it to surface apparatus for raising coal for purpose of screening “curious and gratifying to strangers recommends this use to Buddle, October, 1839
NCB I/JB 1754Re payment of wages to John Stubbs on his return from fitting up and starting the three locomotives; requesting Buddle to see Hackworth about dispute over payment for turntables; and re another fire at the Albion mines, December, 1839 1755 Re cost of Hackworth’s turntables, December, 1839
NCB I/JB 1756Requesting Buddle’s advice on price asked by Hackworth for engine spares for Albion mines, December, 1839
NCB I/JB 1757Copy, Buddle’s account against the Association, December, 1839
NCB I/JB 1758Re Buddle’s account, March, 1842
NCB I/JB 1759-1769Foord, D. Burn, R. Brown, Buddle re machinery for Sydney and Albion Mines, June July, 1842
NCB I/JB 1770Introducing the Association’s legal adviser, requiring Buddle’s advice, August, 1842
NCB I/JB 1771-1772Re shipping the machinery, and listing other materials (ropes, yarn, gunpowder) to be ordered by Buddle for shipment, August September, 1842
NCB I/JB 1773-1776Re dispute with F. Carr over his account, anonymous letter by him in the Mining Journal, etc.; wonders who instigated Carr to attack the Association, August September, 1842 See also: NCB I/JB 24446 (Francis Carr)
NCB I/JB 1777-1779Re payment of William Hunter through Buddle’s account, 1842 – 1843
NCB I/JB 178049 papersRe interest in ventilation of mines shown by Henry Poole, superintendent at Albion mines; has sent him Report of the South Shields Committee, a hygrometer, rain gauge, wind gauge, and lympiesometer; requesting help from Buddle for him, September, 1843
NCB I/JB 1781Lord Londonderry: requesting information and documents from the Coal Trade office – “I wish now to set these bishops (?) on the floor”; also re coal tax as a result of Buddle’s badgerings, has written to Peel and Goulburn, but is not sanguine; “however the coal owners shall not say I desert them, altho’ publickly I could not decently kick up the dust in the Lords”, 12 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1781-1819Correspondence and other papers relating to Lord Ashley’s bill on the employment of women and children in mines, 1842 (39 papers and files) See: A. J. Heesom, “The 3rd Marquis of Londonderry as an employer” (typescript in Record Office library)
NCB I/JB 1782Lambton, Hedworth, M.P.: sending a copy of the Mines Report, and requesting information, in view of Ashley’s proposed bill, 13 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1783Leifchild, J. R.: re his Report; “I do not however expect that the folio will prove interesting to you, inasmuch as the subject is old and most imperfectly developed”; and expressing gratitude for hospitality, 18 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1784Goulburn, H. to Londonderry (copy) in reply to the latter’s forwarding the representations of northern coal-owners on the proposed export duty on coals, 19 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1785Lambton, H.: requesting information on probable effects of Ashley’s bill should it propose minimum age limit of 16, 17, or 18 years, 27 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1786Buddle to Lambton (copy) in reply to above: viewers consider limitation should not exceed 10 or 11 years; if boys not initiated until later, “they never will become colliers”; pitmen could not support their families, could not or would not send them to school; therefore unless free compulsory education “we should soon have the country swarming with desperate vagabonds and thieves”; a higher age limit “would throw the coal trade into a state of utter confusion”; also re coal tax compromise suggested by Mr. Bell and refused by the Coal Trade committee, 28 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1787Buddle’s notes on meetings of Coal Trade special committee, rejecting coal tax compromise and re Londonderry’s request for “a more official communication;’ for use in the Lords, in addition to the committee’s answer to the Report on children’s employment, 28 and 30 May 1842
NCB I/JB 1788Buddle’s observations on Ashley’s speech, 8 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1789Buddle to Londonderry (copy)
NCB I/JB 1790-1894re Ashley’s speech: “his lordship seems to possess too great a susceptibility to the hardships incidental to the condition of our mining population”; already laws in existence for protection of pauper children, etc.; suggests clergy should visit miners’ homes and exercise surveillance “if the parochial clergy would so employ themselves zealously we should not be so over-run with Methodism and all sorts of mungrel (sic) sectarians and canters (sic)” – would ameliorate the manners of the people, and the relations between clergy and people. “And I submit that your lordship would effect infinitely more real good, practical benefit to the mining population and to the community by drawing the attention of the House of Lords, and of the bishops, to this branch of the subject, than Lord Ashley will do by his proposed bill”, 13 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1790Details of ages of underground workmen at Pensher, Pittington, Rainton, and North Hetton, 16 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1791Londonderry: “whatever may be your agreement as to the bill”, suggests need for temperate exposition of the facts “to cool down this humanity mania”. “I shall be very discreet with your name”, 21 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1792Morton, H., M.P.: enclosing letter from H. Lambton; has told him “that I believe a remonstrance had been drawn up by the coal owners more to vindicate themselves … but I was not aware that the Coal Trade had the slightest intention of going from the arrangements made in London”, 27 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1793Lambton, H., to H. Morton, enclosed with above: requesting explanation of the petition of the coal owners of Durham and Northumberland presented by Londonderry on 23 June, in view of the facts that the Coal Trade committee had deputed Buddle to negotiate with Ashley and that agreement had been reached between Ashley, Buddle, and the county M.P.s on condition that “with these concessions we are prepared to support the bill”, 24 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1794Buddle to H. Lambton (copy) in reply to above: the petition was sent to Londonderry on 11th June, with duplicate for Mr. Bell to present in House of Commons; “I was not deputed by the Coal Trade committee to go to London to negotiate the best terms with Lord Ashley” but merely requested by them to “confer with Lord Londonderry, Lord Ashley, yourself and Mr. Bell for the purpose of endeavouring to induce Lord Ashley to accede to their unanimous wish” re minimum ages; had told Ashley that he was not authorised to make any compromise or agreement … “I find the trade anything but satisfied …”, 27 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1795Lord Ashley: expressing gratitude to Buddle and the Coal Trade for “the kind honorable and disinterested course they have pursued”, including their “steady and cordial support” in return for an abatement of the age limit 28 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1796Observations on Ashley’s bill by Buddle, 3 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1797Buddle to Ashley (copy): private letter to explain the Coal Trade committee’s reasons for wanting more time to consider the bill and for forwarding a petition to the Lords; agree to age limit of 10, but object to limitation on working days and to appointment of underground inspectors, 5 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1798Buddle to Ashley (copy) enclosed with above: formal reply to Ashley’s letter of 28 June, 5 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1799Ashley: expressing astonishment at Buddle’s letter of 5 July and “projected departure from the engagement into which I entered”, and demanding public letter re attitude of Coal Trade; denying any mention of underground inspectors, 8 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1800Londonderry: demanding explanation of alleged compromise by Buddle with Ashley, made without his being informed of it, in view of the petition forwarded to him; and inquiring about any other communications with Ashley, 8 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1801Buddle in reply (copy): denying he was deputed to make a compromise, and explaining the situation [as per no. 1794 to Lambton]; describes private interview with Ashley on 18 June, meeting together with M.P.s et al. on 20 June, and subsequent objections by Coal Trade to the compromise then reached, 9 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1802Londonderry: “I don’t like the latter part of your letter. You are bound to let me have your answer to Morton’s appeal from Lambton or copy of your letter to Lambton also you should have stated what communications you have had with Lord Ashley … I will and must shew up these fellows”, 11 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1803Robson, John (Hetton colliery) recommending James Short, overman, to be examined by the House of Lords committee on the bill; and offering to find pitmen who would show “the real state and means of education and moral improvement”, 11 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1804Buddle to Ashley (copy) in reply to Ashley’s letter of 8 July: referring him to United Committees’ resolutions of 13 June containing instructions to Buddle; and re points objected to by coal owners, including alternate days working; 11 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1805Peile, John (Whitehaven): mentioning that their M.P., Attwood, had made a few observations on the bill, and Ainsworth had intended a motion against alternate days working, but withdrew; “the noble old duke of Wellington is taking the subject in hand properly”; requesting information as in such an isolated place they are ignorant of what is going on. With letter from his son Williamson suggesting concerted action to obtain statistical returns, enclosing latter for Whitehaven, 12 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1806Statistics re ages, sizes, religion, education, etc. of work people at Lord Lonsdale’s Whitehaven collieries; enclosed with above; June 1842
NCB I/JB 1807Londonderry: “The Morning Post is the only paper that is not hostile to us”; re deferment of the second reading; “if I can not throw over the bill the Select Committee will with good management put an end to it for this session at least”; (also re Gregson having money for trust arrangements), 13 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1808Londonderry: “I think we have taken the sting out of the bill … My task was hard. Hatherton (?) promised support and to move the Select Committee but the delegates from the inland collieries, angry with us Northerns for not coming with them, arranged with the promoters of the bill to alter all their objectionable clauses and to pass the main object of non employment of women this session”; re obtaining newspaper reports of his speeches – “the coal owners will see I fought the battle alone”; mentions attack on Buddle by Lord Clanricarde with Lambton’s private letter; has written to Lord Grey and Colonel Grey, as Hedworth Lambton had been “so improperly officious”, to ask “who had authority to express the opinions of my and Lady Durham’s interests”- “the enclosed letters are very satisfactory” (see: NCB I/JB 1810 and NCB I/JB 1811); deferred dividing the House until the bill through committee; no really objectionable clause now; ” I am happy to have triumphantly upheld you and the coal owners” against the beginning of legislative interference and against any com-promise of their principles; 15 (?) July 1842
NCB I/JB 1809Brandling, R. (Coal Trade Office) returning the following letters (copies) [originally sent by Londonderry to Buddle, enclosed with NCB I/JB 1808], 19 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1810Lord Grey to Londonderry [copy enclosed with 1809, and originally with 1808] in reply to a letter from Londonderry: referring him to his son, Lieut. Col. Grey, who, with Mr. John Ponsonby, is Lady Durham’s executor; Lord Grey himself knows little about Ashley’s bill, 13 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1811Lieut. Col. Grey to Londonderry [copy, enclosed with 1809 and originally with 1808] in reply to a letter from Londonderry: if he had had a seat in the Commons, his enquiries in the north “would have induced me most decidedly to join with those who endeavoured to prevent the passing of this bill”, 14 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1812-18132 copiesMines and Collieries Bill, as amended by the Committee, 22 June 1842
NCB I/JB 1814Mines and Collieries Bill, as amended in Committee in the Lords, 15 July 1842
NCB I/JB 1815Another copy, with ms. annotations by Londonderry
NCB I/JB 1816Another copy, with ms. annotations by Buddle
NCB I/JB 1817Hetton and Whitwell collieries, description and statistics re child labour, by J. Robson, viewer and manager, 1841 – 1842
NCB I/JB 1818-181939 papers and filesNewscuttings from the Morning Post, 25 June and 26 July, 1842
NCB I/JB 1820-1823Alhusen, George (Newcastle): correspondence re dispute with his brother Christian Alhusen and R. P. Philipson, solicitor, 1842
NCB I/JB 1820-1879Printed circulars (60 papers
NCB I/JB 1824Amateur Harmonic Society: rules and constitution, 1825
NCB I/JB 1825Argus Life Assurance Company Limited: advertisement, list of officers and agents, etc., 1842
NCB I/JB 1826Bishopwearmouth Assembly Rooms: subscription list, with covering note from Sir Cuthbert Sharp, 1825
NCB I/JB 1827Botanical and Horticultural Society, Newcastle: prize list, 1826 – 1827
NCB I/JB 1828British Association for Advancement of Science (York): copy of resolution forming a committee, including Buddle, to draw up rules for sections and organic remains to be sent to the Geological Society by railway engineers and proprietors, 1838
NCB I/JB 1829British Association for Advancement of Science (Newcastle) : re enquiries into mining statistics to be made by Buddle et al., financed by the Association; with covering note from Professor Johnston, 1839
NCB I/JB 1830British Association for Advancement of Science (Manchester) : notice of meeting, 1842
NCB I/JB 1831British Association for Advancement of Science (London): resolutions for publication of the Transactions, 1842
NCB I/JB 1832Buckingham, J. S., prospectus of his publication on America, 1842
NCB I/JB 1833Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle: rules, 1815
NCB I/JB 1834Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle: annual report, 1833
NCB I/JB 1835Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle: reprint from Newcastle Chronicle of correspondence between Sir M. W. Ridley, M.P., F. T. Baring, and Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, T. Grieveson, re admission of the port of Newcastle to the privileges of the East India trade, and re intended removal of export duty on coal, 1834
NCB I/JB 1836-1841Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle: lists of officers and members, 1834 – 1836, 1840
NCB I/JB 1842Reply of David Urquhart to a requisition of the Chamber of Commerce “to hear my opinions on matters affecting the general commercial interests of the country”, 1838
NCB I/JB 1843Chapmans and Rawlinson, Willington ropery: notice of partnership and advertisement, 1827
NCB I/JB 1844Colliery Viewers’ society: notice of annual meeting (no excuse for absence except sickness, on payment of fine), 1827
NCB I/JB 1845County Fire and Provident Society, Sunderland: proposals, etc., 1841
NCB I/JB 1846Geological Society: notice of anniversary dinner, and ms. list of those present at meeting, 1832
NCB I/JB 1847Hippopotamus: description of a hippopotamus’ head on view in Newcastle, “the like of which has never before been seen in Europe”, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1848Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, Newcastle: report of first three months after its institution, giving numbers of patients, 1822
NCB I/JB 1849Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye, Newcastle: first annual report, with details of numbers of cases of certain diseases, 1823
NCB I/JB 1850Institution of Civil Engineers, London: notice of Buddle’s election as corresponding member, and receipt for admission fee and subscription, 1832
NCB I/JB 1851-1852Institution of Civil Engineers: invitation to the president’s conversazione and request for “some interesting models, works of art, or curiosities for exhibition on that occasion”, 1842
NCB I/JB 1853Liddell and Otter, Newcastle: re sale of wines, 1826
NCB I/JB 1854Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle: progress report on sites for new premises, from the secretaries, 1821
NCB I/JB 1855Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle: re new buildings, from “a member”, 1821
NCB I/JB 1856Marine Insurance Company, Newcastle: prospectus, 1834
NCB I/JB 1857Musical Institution, Newcastle: rules, objects, etc., 1800
NCB I/JB 1858Newcastle Antiquarian Society: notice of meeting, 1825
NCB I/JB 1859Newcastle and Gateshead Choral Society: invitation to a performance, 1827
NCB I/JB 1860Newcastle Shields and Sunder land Union Bank: half-yearly reports and minutes, 1838 [addressed to James Hall]
NCB I/JB 1861“Northern Observer” (Carlisle): prospectus, 1823
NCB I/JB 1862Northumberland Glass Company: price-list for glass goods, 1800
NCB I/JB 1863“Northumbrian” Steam Packet: introductory observations by B. R. Dodd, engineer, 1814
NCB I/JB 1864-1867Norwich Union Life Insurance Society: report and advertisement, with bonus certificates on Buddle’s policies on the lives of Gerard Salvin and N. Clayton, 1842
NCB I/JB 1868Oliver, T., architect and surveyor (Newcastle) : prospectus for a plan of Newcastle and Gateshead, 1826
NCB I/JB 1869Pilcher, J. G. and J., and Sons, oil men (London): soliciting orders, and giving amount of Buddle’s account, 1842
NCB I/JB 1870-1872Reeve, Lovell (London): re his naturalists’ shop and “Complete System of Conchology”, 1842
NCB I/JB 1873Richardson, M. A. (Newcastle): advertisement for his Repository of Arts, Circulating Portfolio, and Circulating Library, 1825
NCB I/JB 1874Royal Review (London): field day orders for review of troops by the king in Hyde Park, 1836
NCB I/JB 1875-1876Schoolmasters’ Association (Newcastle): Scheme (rules and constitution, list of members, etc.), 1823, 1825
NCB I/JB 1877Senior, W., stationer (London): price list, 1828
NCB I/JB 1878South Shields Turnpike Road; notice of meeting re turnpike from South Shields to the Great North Road near Chester le Street, 1823
NCB I/JB 1879Suspension Bridge (North Shields): call on shares, 1826
NCB I/JB 18801 letterConyngham [Henry, first marquis?] to Arthur Mowbray, acknowledging receipt of letter with Mr. Buddle’s queries; will not now require a visit as has found an old miner to open the old pits and decide on worth of vein, 1799
NCB I/JB 1880-1899Miscellaneous correspondence, mostly between persons other than Buddle. Listed chronologically.
NCB I/JB 1881-18822 lettersHorncastle, Foster and Buntall (Hull) to William Redhead, re an order for mill stones and giving price of Dutch mill stones and Stockholm tar, 1800 and n.d.
NCB I/JB 18831 paperBuddle to unspecified, copies of two letters ordering a machine, and re leave of absence for the bearer to serve the recipient, 1800
NCB I/JB 18841 letterRyan, James to the Hon. Washington Shirley, justifying his ventilation system, etc., 1810
NCB I/JB 18851 letterRyan, James, to – Clayton, re statement by Samuel Fereday that the writer’s system [for ventilation of mines] has saved many lives; Endorsed: “this letter he had in his possession Oct. 15 1815 and it was the same he sent to the Felling owners. I gave it to the Sund. Soc. with the injunction they shd. return it to Mr. Hill, but Ryan laid hand on it”, 1815 See also: NCB I/JB 1250-1251, NCB I/JB 1496, etc.
NCB I/JB 18861 letterDykes, B. (Donenby Hall) to William Chapman, re Buddle viewing his colliery, 1821
NCB I/JB 1887-18937 lettersSharp, Sir Cuthbert to Lord Londonderry, re Hetton colliery affairs, including question of a new partner, and Mowbray’s position and attitude, 1823
NCB I/JB 1893A1 letterJ. Johnston to George Tennyson, re models of machinery, 1825
NCB I/JB 1893B1 letterRev. George Jackson (Wallsend) to George Stewart (Hebburn) giving notice that legal proceedings will be taken unless charges are paid to William Millar for water taken from pump on Willington Quay or well at Pointpleasant, 1826
NCB I/JB 1894Duke of Wellington to Lord Londonderry (copy)
NCB I/JB 1897-1902re allotment of boundaries to collieries, etc.; infolded: copy letter from T. Gething on Park End and Fanny allotments, 1840 (1 file, 1 paper)
NCB I/JB 18971 letterMorgan, H. (Norwich) to – Hutton, re “Mr. B.’s” query on investments, 1842
NCB I/JB 18981 letterCorbridge road and bridge, draft letter by Buddle on behalf of the trustees, n.d.
NCB I/JB 18991 letter“An old pitman” to Mr. H. [endorsed as being from Edward Smith to Hepburn] (copy); “I see a dark cloud hanging over the mining districts … men, women, and children will … curse the day in which you were inclined to give such evil counsel so as to persuade the men to rise in opposition to their masters …”; refers to recipient as leader of the Pitmen’s Union, and a local preacher among the Primitive Methodists; describes effects of Hepburn’s movement, Hepburn’s character, present “national embarrassment”; refers to Jobling’s death, and to Brandling’s and Losh’s attempts at settlement, n.d.
NCB I/JB 19001 notebookShorthand notebook on various collieries, n.d. (1830 – 1834)
NCB I/JB 1900-2430COLLIERY PAPERS Most of these papers are signed by Buddle, or in his hand, or endorsed by or addressed to him. A few are included here which were found with his papers but whose provenance is not definite. Items dated before 1806 may have been written or collected by John Buddle senior, who was also a leading colliery engineer and viewer. A useful list of Tyne and Wear collieries is given in NCB I/JB 2418. Fordyce “Coal and Iron” (1844) provides useful background.
NCB I/JB 19011 notebookNotebook on various collieries, 1840 – 1841
NCB I/JB 19021 notebookNotebook of statistics, etc. re horse power, coal measures, gunpowder, etc., n.d.
NCB I/JB 1903-1926Backworth and Shiremoor (Northumberland) Owned by duke of Northumberland and worked by Messrs. Buddle, Lamb, Waldie, Maud, Walker, Hetherington and Taylor (1828) see also: NCB I/JB 2418
NCB I/JB 19031 paperReport by Buddle, Ramsay and Taylor for the duke of Northumberland, 1808
NCB I/JB 19041 paperRough notes for report on Backworth royalty, 1815
NCB I/JB 19051 paperAccount for money due from Buddle to the owners of Percy Main colliery for cash advanced to Backworth colliery, 1819
NCB I/JB 19061 paperAccount for money due from the owners of Backworth colliery to Buddle, for cash advanced to them, 1827
NCB I/JB 19071 paperRough notes on dimensions of machinery, 1843 See also: NCB I/JB 2421-2430
NCB I/JB 1908List of papers (viz. nos. 1909,1917) relating to legal action re flooding in 1833 due to eruption of River Garnock into Lord Eglinton’s adjoining collieries, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1908-192619 papers and filesBartonholme (Ayr, Scotland) Owned by Colonel Fullarton
NCB I/JB 1909Journal of bores made in Snodgrass by warrant of the court, 1841
NCB I/JB 1910Plan of lands belonging to Colonel Fullarton and Lord Eglinton from a survey made in 1833
NCB I/JB 1911Minutes of a meeting at Buddle’s office re the case, 1841
NCB I/JB 1912Answers by Buddle, Taylor, Anderson and Atkinson to queries by Melville, Fullarton’s lawyer, 1841
NCB I/JB 1913J. Melville to Buddle re their answers and requesting opinion re damage sustained by Fullarton, 1841
NCB I/JB 1914(Copy) Buddle to Melville, asking for further particulars, 1841 [Melville’s reply missing]
NCB I/JB 1915(Copy) Buddle to Melville, giving estimated amount of damage to Fullarton’s Bartonholme colliery, 1841
NCB I/JB 1916Melville to Buddle, sending journal of bores and plan [see 1909, 1910] to help Buddle in giving evidence, “Colonel Fullarton relies on receiving the advantage of your evidence … at the trial”, 1841
NCB I/JB 1917Memorandum submitted by Fullarton, 1841
NCB I/JB 1918-1820Melville to Buddle arranging to meet and inspect the ground, 1841
NCB I/JB 1921Buddle’s Recognitions, 1841
NCB I/JB 1922Melville to Buddle, sending further information, 1841
NCB I/JB 1923Melville to Buddle re latter’s suggestion to Mr. Peile that Peile should give evidence, 1841
NCB I/JB 1924Estimate of Fullarton’s loss, 1842
NCB I/JB 1925Revised estimate of loss, 1842
NCB I/JB 1926printed report of bores made by J.Russell in 1833, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1927-1934Bedlington (Northumberland) Owned by Bishop of Durham; Buddle (senior) his viewer
NCB I/JB 1927Notebook of information relating to the colliery, 1794
NCB I/JB 1928Summaries of leases, 1762 – 1797
NCB I/JB 1929Blank printed form re sale of fee- simple and land tax by an ecclesiastical or other corporation, 1799
NCB I/JB 1930Sketch plan of Bedlingtonshire, showing engine, pits, borings, staiths, etc., n.d.
NCB I/JB 1931Estimate for working the colliery, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1932Memoranda re purchases and leases, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1933List of papers “in this bundle” (some missing), n.d.
NCB I/JB 19348 papers and filesSketch plan of Bedlingtonshire, naming landowners, etc., n.d.
NCB I/JB 1935-1942Benwell (Northumberland) Owned by Sir John Swinburne, W. Adair and W. Ord, and worked by Aubone and William Surtees, George Dunn, G. T. Dunn, and Buddle (1828) see also: NCB I/JB 2418
NCB I/JB 19351 paperCopy letter [from Buddle senior?] to the Rev. Lushington, vicar of Newcastle, re Benwell Glebe coal, 1797
NCB I/JB 19361 paperProposal by owners of Benwell colliery to the lords of Winlaton for taking a tract of land under Derwenthaugh, n.d. (1826)
NCB I/JB 19371 paperMemoranda re ventilation of Edward pit, drawn by Delaval pit furnace, 1830
NCB I/JB 1938-19392 papersAccounts for farm and wayleave rents and salary due from William Surtees and Company to Buddle, 1833, 1834
NCB I/JB 1940-19412 papersJohn Stanton, enclosing abstract of colliery account, “shewing the thing much worse than I looked for”, 1834
NCB I/JB 19421 paperDraft of Mr. Adair’s lease of Benwell coal for 21 years from 1840
NCB I/JB 1943-1949Blaydon Main see: NCB I/JB 2374 West Boldon see: NCB I/JB 2375 Bournmoor see: Lambton collieries, NCB I/JB 2071 – 2116 Burdon Main see: NCB I/JB 2376 Bushblades see: NCB I/JB 2377, 2378 Cassop see: NCB I/JB 2379 Char Law and Sacriston see: NCB I/JB 2380 – 2382 Cocken see: Lambton collieries, especially NCB I/JB 2097, 2098 Conside
NCB I/JB 19431 paperCopy report; “I find it to be greatly exhausted in the only workable seam which has been explored”, 1833
NCB I/JB 19441 paperNotes on leasehold terms, seams, etc., with diagram, 1833
NCB I/JB 19451 paper(Copy) Buddle to W. Harrison re supply of coal from the colliery for lime kilns, 1833
NCB I/JB 19461 paper(Copy) Memorandum of agreement and correspondence between John Selby and William Wallis of Westoe for lease of coal and wayleave at West Conside, 1831 – 1833
NCB I/JB 19471 paperCopy report on Mr. Selby’s colliery and covering letter “to the directors” [of the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company?], 1836
NCB I/JB 19481 paper(Copy) Buddle to John Gray re directors’ acceding to Selby’s request to sink an exploratory pit, 1836
NCB I/JB 19491 paperConside (?), estimate of working charges and profits of lime and coal, n.d.
NCB I/JB 1950-1979Cornforth see: NCB I/JB 2383 Coundon see: NCB I/JB 2384 Cramlington, West see: NCB I/JB 2421 – 2430 Crawcrook Bought by Buddle and Messrs. Lamb, 1821 (77 papers and files) Crawcrook Leases
NCB I/JB 1950Humble Lamb to Buddle: re negotiations for Rev. Robert Croft’s coal, 1818
NCB I/JB 1951H. Lamb’s terms for taking Croft’s colliery, 1819
NCB I/JB 1952Contract for conveyance of coal, William Smart of Frewitt House, Northumberland, and others to Warren Maude Lamb of Newcastle, consideration £450, 1820
NCB I/JB 1953Terms arranged by John Watson and Buddle for lease from Rev. Robert Croft to Humble Lamb, 1821
NCB I/JB 1954Another copy, draft, 1821
NCB I/JB 1955H. Lamb to Buddle, requesting copy of original offer to Croft, 1821
NCB I/JB 1956James Hall to Buddle re terms on which Mr. Taylor offers Mr. Weatherby’s coal, 1821
NCB I/JB 1957R. Pearson to Warren Lamb re meeting, on behalf of Croft, with Buddle and Watson, 1821
NCB I/JB 1958(Copy) Buddle to George Hill (Gateshead) enquiring re Lord Kerry’s coal, 1821
NCB I/JB 1959G. Hill to Buddle in reply: coal now belongs to the Marquis of Lansdowne, 1821
NCB I/JB 1960J. Hall to Buddle, re distinction between Crawcrook Townfields and Common, and re mining progress, 1821
NCB I/JB 1961-1962J. Hall to Buddle, re leasing Mr. Weatherby’s coal, and enclosing list of farms and owners in the Townfields before enclosure, 1821
NCB I/JB 1963-1965J. Hall to Buddle re ownership and proposed lease of Derwenthaugh coal, 1823 – 1826
NCB I/JB 1966J. Hall to H. Lamb re draft lease, 1829 See also: NCB I/SC/697 et seq. for further information on the complicated position in Crawcrook concerning the number of royalty owners, and the difficulties of tracing them (mainly due to the enclosure of the Town fields) Working
NCB I/JB 1967Proposals and estimates of stock and expenses (for a winning on Croft’s freehold called the Hearses, or further to the west on Mr. Lamb’s ground, and under grounds of Croft, Lamb, Surtees, Jolly, Weatherby, Miss Simpson, Miss Lynn), 1818
NCB I/JB 1968Estimate of winning and working charges and selling prices, 1820
NCB I/JB 1969Calculations re engine power, and length of way from Derwenthaugh to Mr. Wade’s waggonway on the Barmoor, 1821 [James Hall]
NCB I/JB 1970Estimate of cost of sinking, erecting engine, building waggonway, etc., 1821
NCB I/JB 1971Estimate of working expenses, 1821
NCB I/JB 1972James Hall to Buddle re inspecting the line of waggonway, a winding engine “built on Crowther’s principles” for sale at Oxclose, and Messrs. Dunn’s attitude – “I doubt I will not be able to hold both situations, they seem much alarmed at Crawcrook going on”, 1821
NCB I/JB 1973Notebook containing calculations re pumping engine, leading, borings, view notes, and diary of workings, etc., 1821 – 1822
NCB I/JB 1974J. Hall to Buddle re progress of boring, obtaining stone from Hearshaw or Barmoor quarries, and waggonway, 1821
NCB I/JB 1975Cost of new waggonway between Crawcrook and Derwenthaugh and total cost of winning, 1821
NCB I/JB 1976-1977Jonathan Robson’s proposals and specification for two steam engines, 1821
NCB I/JB 1978Plan of water-course and adjoining workings in main coal waste, 1821
NCB I/JB 1979J. Hall to Buddle, requesting opinion on ventilation of Townley pit, after an accident, 1826
NCB I/JB 1980-1999Waggonways, etc.
NCB I/JB 1980Estimate for new waggonway from Towneley Pit to Derwenthaugh, 1820
NCB I/JB 1981(Copy) Buddle to George Silvertop (Darlington) requesting interview re wayleave through his land at Stella for Crawcrook colliery “in which adventure I have been induced to join my friends the Messrs. Lamb … we are now just on the point of getting all matters closed with Mr. Croft for the mine …”, 1821
NCB I/JB 1982(Copy) Buddle to George Ainsley (Standish Hall, nr. Wigan, Lancaster) applying for a wayleave through Mr. Towneley’s property to the Tyne (as he and the Lamb brothers are on the point of concluding an agreement with Mr. Croft for Crawcrook colliery), 1821
NCB I/JB 1983G. Ainsley in reply, 1821
NCB I/JB 1984Details [by James Hall] of proprietors of wayleaves between Derwenthaugh and Crawcrook, 1821
NCB I/JB 1985Draft terms for wayleaves, 1821
NCB I/JB 1986-1988(Copy) Buddle to G. Ainsley re sending draft lease (enclosed) and plan; mentions oppressive poor rate on wayleaves, 1821
NCB I/JB 1989G. Ainsley to Buddle, in reply, 1821
NCB I/JB 1990(Copy) Buddle to G. Ainsley, in reply, re tentale rent, 1821
NCB I/JB 1991Draft terms for wayleave through grounds of Rev. C. Thorp, 1821
NCB I/JB 1992G Ainsley to Buddle, 1821
NCB I/JB 1993(Copy) Buddle to G. Ainsley, in reply, 1821
NCB I/JB 1994G. Ainsley to Buddle, notifying Towneley’s consent to wayleave and discussing terms, 1821
NCB I/JB 1995(Copy) Buddle to G. Ainsley, in reply, 1821
NCB I/JB 1996J. Hall to Buddle, re lengthening the quay for keels, and suggesting carriage of lead on new line of way, 1821
NCB I/JB 1997G. Ainsley to Buddle, re terms, 1821
NCB I/JB 1998(Copy) Buddle to G. Ainsley, giving final assent to terms, 1821
NCB I/JB 1999Nathaniel Grace to J. Hall (“viewer”)
NCB I/JB 2000-2016re rent for waggonway through Thorp’s Property, 1821
NCB I/JB 2000Benjamin Thompson to Buddle re his proposition as to railway, 1821
NCB I/JB 2001-2003Remarks on B. Thompson’s offer for leading the coals, and covering letter to W. M. Lamb, 1821
NCB I/JB 2004J. Bainbridge to Buddle re Silvertop’s and Towneley’s waggonway leases, 1821
NCB I/JB 2005J. Hall to Buddle, re alternative waggonway on north side of the river, 1821
NCB I/JB 2006(Copy) J. Hall to W. Hedley, enquiring as to terms on which Mr. Blackett would allow use of his waggonway, 1821
NCB I/JB 2007J. Hall to Buddle re model of a bridge to suspend the waggons across the river”; and re progress of B pit, 1821 [See also: NCB I/JB 264 – NCB I/JB 266 (W. Chapman) re the Transferer and bridge, etc.]
NCB I/JB 2008Comparison of estimated costs of building waggonways to Lemmington on the north bank and to Derwenthaugh on the south, 1821
NCB I/JB 2009-2010Comparison of costs of leading coals on the two waggonways, 1821
NCB I/JB 2011Draft lease of wayleave, George Silvertop to Buddle and Humble, Warren Maude, and Joseph Lamb, 1821
NCB I/JB 2012Notes on Silvertop’s lease, 1822
NCB I/JB 2013J. Hall to Buddle, re Derwenthaugh quay, competition from steel furnace for it, and progress in building it, 1823
NCB I/JB 2014-2015Calculations of expense of new waggonway from Towneley pit and from Crawcrook New Winning to Derwenthaugh, 1824 and n.d.
NCB I/JB 2016Rough calculations and notes on owners of land on line of way to Derwenthaugh, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2017-2025New Winning
NCB I/JB 2017Account of strata in East of B pit, with sketches of strata and of royalty, 1821
NCB I/JB 2018Estimate of capital required for leading, 1830
NCB I/JB 2019-2020Armorer Donkin to Buddle re agreement with the late Mr. Croft, enclosing copy of agreement between Buddle and Messrs. Lamb, and Rev. R. Croft et al. to take mines (1821), 1832
NCB I/JB 2021List of materials, machinery, etc., 1839
NCB I/JB 2022J. Hall to Buddle, re state of operations, 1839
NCB I/JB 2023Value of pit walling stones received at West Towneley colliery from Crawcrook New Winning, 1839
NCB I/JB 2024Plan showing position of shafts, sites of engines, and engine house and smith’s shop, etc., scale 10′ to 1″, 1839
NCB I/JB 2025Sinking account (strata) of East or B Pit, n.d. Deanery (near Bishop Auckland) see: NCB I/JB 2385
NCB I/JB 2026-2029Derwent see: Medomsley Doddington (Northumberland)
NCB I/JB 20261 paperBailey and Reay’s account to trustees of late Mr. Wilkie [sic] for building an engine, 1804
NCB I/JB 2027-20282 papersValuations of engine, 1805
NCB I/JB 20291 paperStoker’s and Buddle’s account to trustees of late Mr. Wilkinson [sic] for valuing the engine, 1805
NCB I/JB 2030-2033Eden Main see: NCB I/JB 2386 Elgin Main (Moray, Scotland) Owned by the Earl of Elgin See also: NCB I/JB 200 – NCB I/JB 217
NCB I/JB 20301 paperNotes on Lord Elgin’s engine, 1823
NCB I/JB 20311 paperSketch of waggonway to Charlestown, n.d.
NCB I/JB 20321 paperPlan of common atmospheric engine erected for Lord Elgin, n.d.
NCB I/JB 20331 paperPlan (untitled), n.d.
NCB I/JB 2034-2039Elswick (Northumberland) Owned by Lord Wharncliffe and representatives of late John Ord; worked by Humble Lamb, Joseph Lamb, and Buddle (1828) see: NCB I/JB 2418
NCB I/JB 20341 volumeView book [from beginning of new winning], 1804 – 1808
NCB I/JB 20351 paperDamaged land account (area, acreage, and total cost), 1829
NCB I/JB 2036-20383 papersMonthly statements of labour and other charges, 1835
NCB I/JB 20391 paperReport by William Hawthorn on intended railway from Fenham New Pit, belonging to the owners of Elswick colliery, to join the Mill Pit railway near Elswick Lane, 1841
NCB I/JB 2040-2046Fenham (Northumberland) [Worked by the lessees of Benwell colliery?]
NCB I/JB 20401 paperCopy, Buddle on behalf of the lessees of Benwell colliery to W. 0rd, M.P., requesting reduction of rent for coal under the Fenham estate, 1827
NCB I/JB 2041-20422 papersG. Hill on behalf of W. Ord to Buddle, in reply, 1827
NCB I/JB 20431 paperCopy, Buddle to G. Hill, in reply, 1827
NCB I/JB 20441 paperCopy, Buddle to N. Clayton, requesting reduction of Mr. Adair’s outstroke rent, 1827
NCB I/JB 20451 paperDraft abstract of wayleave lease over Elswick estate, 1839
NCB I/JB 20461 paperDraft abstract of leases, 1842
NCB I/JB 2047-2049Flatworth see: NCB I/JB 2387 Garesfield see: NCB I/JB 2388 – NCB I/JB 2391 Hardwick see: NCB I/JB 2392 Hartley see: NCB I/JB 2393 Haswell : see: NCB I/JB 2394 Hawthorne see: NCB I/JB 2395 Heaton see: NCB I/JB 2396 Hebburn see: NCB I/JB 2397 Hetton Coal Company. Various owners; worked by Captain Cochrane, A. Mowbray, R. Darnell, J. Dunn, G. Baker, J Walker, W. Redhead, . Wood, – Shotton (1828) see NCB I/JB 2418
NCB I/JB 20471 paperValuation of Hetton colliery for the company by George Johnson and Nicholas Wood, 1828
NCB I/JB 20481 paper(Copy) resolutions of a general meeting re subscription to Wear Coal Trade regulation, 1829
NCB I/JB 20491 paper(Copy) resolutions of a general quarterly meeting re expediency of a regulation as to price and quantity between Lord Londonderry, Lord Durham and the Hetton Coal Company, 1833
NCB I/JB 2050-2068North Hetton Coal Company [“Formerly a portion of Lord Londonderry’s royalties which he held from the Dean and Chapter … In 1826 Lord Londonderry sold a portion of his extensive district, consisting of the Dean and Chapter Coal … (to) Mr. Russell of Brancepeth, Colonel Grey and Messrs. Tennyson and Gregson … in 1833 or 1834 the pits and royalties were re-sold to the three adjoining extensive colliery proprietors viz. the Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Durham, and the Hetton Coal Company”. (Fordyce, “Coal and Iron”, pp. 93-94)] (20 papers)
NCB I/JB 2050Monthly leadings to the Wear, 1833
NCB I/JB 2051-2059John Gregson (London) to Buddle, re question of extension of lease from Lord Londonderry and reference by Lord Wharncliffe, 1834
NCB I/JB 2060Award by Lord Wharncliffe, E. McDonnell, and R. W. Brandling deciding that Lord Londonderry should extend Mr. Russell’s term, to the extent of his own term under his renewed lease from the Dean and Chapter. [Apparently enclosed in the last of Gregson’s letters, above. Endorsement apparently by Lord Londonderry – “I think this a monstrous unfair decree”], 1834
NCB I/JB 2061William Russell (Brancepeth) to Buddle, re submitting the dispute to referees, 1834
NCB I/JB 2062-2063Lord Londonderry to Buddle, re claims of the Company for a renewal of their lease, 1834
NCB I/JB 2064-2068Charles Tennyson (Bayons Manor) to Buddle, re question of extending lease, 1834
NCB I/JB 2069-2070South Hetton Coal Company [South Hetton colliery won by Colonel Braddyll]
NCB I/JB 20691 paperDraft letter re wayleave through Silksworth estate, signed by T. Y. Hall (?), 1824
NCB I/JB 20701 paperCoals from South Hetton colliery shipped at Hartlepool and Seaham, 1834 – 1836
NCB I/JB 2071-2116Lambton collieries Buddle succeeded his father, who had been appointed viewer in 1800, in 1806. The collieries were worked by undertakers or subcontractors from 1784 to 1813, viz. Featherstonhaugh and Company (1784 – 1803), Fenwick and Company (1803 – 1813). In 1813 Lambton took the collieries into his own hands. Lambton collieries General
NCB I/JB 2071Comparison of prices in the years 1797 – 1799 of sundry articles (oats, hay, timber, nails, rope, etc.) and note re possible parliamentary enquiry on price of coal, 1800
NCB I/JB 2072Comparison of prices of sundry articles with that of three or four years ago at Lambton, Harraton, Bown Moor, Lumley, and Pensher, 1800
NCB I/JB 2073As above, 1801
NCB I/JB 2074Lambton and Washington prices (hewing, headways, walls, narrow boards, etc.), 1802 – 1803
NCB I/JB 2075Account of extra binding money paid to hewers and drivers, 1803
NCB I/JB 2076Estimate for working the collieries, 1803
NCB I/JB 2077Increase of prices at the binding, 1804
NCB I/JB 207825 papersFortnightly accounts of scores worked, 1805
NCB I/JB 2079View book, 1814 – 1819 [View books 1806 – 1808 and 1809 – 1814 are at the Mining Institute, Newcastle]
NCB I/JB 2080Draft minutes of no. 66 and no. 69 Colliery Boards, 1818, 1819
NCB I/JB 2081J. C. Carr (Lambton Coal Office, Sunderland) giving shipping prices, 1834
NCB I/JB 2082General report on the Lambton collieries by Buddle, 1835
NCB I/JB 2083Statement of profits by each pit in the half year ending June, 1835
NCB I/JB 2084Accounts of expenses, wages, rents, etc., c. 1835
NCB I/JB 2085General abstract of mining and shipping charges, 1835
NCB I/JB 2086Table of different types of coal from the various pits, 1835
NCB I/JB 2087Stock proportions among the collieries, 1835
NCB I/JB 2088Comparison of values of the collieries, n.d. (1835)
NCB I/JB 2089List of certain annual rents paid for dormant collieries, n.d. (1835) Numbers 2083-2089 are endorsed :”Appendix” and probably accompanied the general report, 2082
NCB I/JB 2090(Copy) Buddle to the Earl of Durham (at St. Petersburg, Russia) enclosing his report, and re the state of the coal trade: considers the collieries well able to survive open trade, but trade in “a ticklish sort of state, owing to the increase of new collieries, and the unreasonable demands and impracticable nature of certain individuals. From the increasing difficulties and dissatisfaction, which have arisen out of these causes, I think the practicability of continuing the general regulation beyond the end of the year very questionable”. alternative is a separate regulation among the best collieries, 1835
NCB I/JB 2091Valuation of stock, 1835
NCB I/JB 2092T. Crawford re estimated number of new pits needed in Lord Durham s collieries to supply the annual vend for 20 years, 1835
NCB I/JB 2093Memoranda re leases, 1835
NCB I/JB 2094-209546 papers and filesNotes, calculations, etc., n.d. Lambton collieries: Individual collieries and pits [Most of this material appears to have been collected or compiled in connection with Buddle’s general report in 1835; see above]
NCB I/JB 2096Bourn Moor D pit, cost of replacing set of pumps, 1801
NCB I/JB 2097Cocken, view notes, memoranda, etc., 1835
NCB I/JB 2098Cocken, valuation of lessee’s interest, 1835
NCB I/JB 2099Littletown, notes, memoranda, etc., 1835
NCB I/JB 2100Littletown, valuation of lessee’s interest, 1835
NCB I/JB 2101Lumley, binding charges, 1802 – 1803
NCB I/JB 2102Lumley, note re workings and leadings, 1806
NCB I/JB 2103Lumley, queries and answers by T. Crawford, 1835
NCB I/JB 2104Lumley, notes, observations, etc., n.d. [1835?]
NCB I/JB 2105Lumley, valuation of lessee’s interest, 1835
NCB I/JB 2106Lumley, notes re tentale rents, n.d. Murton See: NCB I/JB 2399
NCB I/JB 2107Newbottle, notes, memoranda, etc., 1835
NCB I/JB 2108Newbottle, valuation of lessee’s interest, 1835
NCB I/JB 2109Pelton Fell, dimensions of engine, 1804
NCB I/JB 2110Pelton Fell, W. Featherstonhaugh [undertaker] to Buddle senior re waggonway, 1805
NCB I/JB 2111Pelton Fell, proposal by Mr. Ramsey re George pit, 1805
NCB I/JB 2112Pelton Fell, account of executors of H. Lambton with Phineas Crowther and Company for work on engine, 1805
NCB I/JB 2113Pelton Fell, tender by Phineas Crowther for steam engine, 1806
NCB I/JB 2114-2115Penshaw, rough plan of royalties and section of tub in shaft, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2116Sherburn, report, 1835 Lanchester Common see: NCB I/JB 2117 – NCB I/JB 2176
NCB I/JB 2117-2122Littletown see: Lambton collieries, especially NCB I/JB 2099, NCB I/JB 2100 Lumley see: Lambton collieries, especially NCB I/JB 210l – NCB I/JB 2006 Manor Wallsend see: NCB I/JB 2398 Medomsley, Lanchester Common, Derwent and Pontop These collieries appear to have been worked together by the Stanhope and Tyne Rail Road Company Medomsley, Lanchester Common, Derwent and Pontop Documents concerning two or more of the collieries
NCB I/JB 2117Memoranda of measures to be taken, requests of workmen, etc., 1834
NCB I/JB 2118-2119Proposals for smith and wright work at Pontop and Medomsley, etc., 1834
NCB I/JB 2120-2021Account for ropes (Medomsley, South, and Stewart pits) and note re rates, 1834
NCB I/JB 2122(Copy) Buddle to Edward Smith (viewer, Lanchester Common colliery)
NCB I/JB 2123-2129re cleaning the coal better at Stewart, South, and Medomsley pits, 1835
NCB I/JB 2123Marreco to Buddle re Lanchester Common and Pontop, 1835
NCB I/JB 2124-2126W. Harrison enclosing Coal Trade resolutions re surveys of Lanchester, Medomsley and Pontop for fixing the Basis, 1836
NCB I/JB 2127View notes (Lanchester Common and Medomsley), 1837 [See also NCB I/JB 2417]
NCB I/JB 2128(Copy) Buddle to managing directors of the Rail Road Company re his view of Medomsley colliery, and re obtaining workmen from Workington (Cumberland) for Lanchester Common, 1837
NCB I/JB 2129View notes (Lanchester Common, Medomsley, and Derwent), 1839 Medomsley, Lanchester Common, Derwent and Pontop.
NCB I/JB 2130-2149Lanchester Common
NCB I/JB 2130Report, 1833
NCB I/JB 2131Buddle to W. Harrison, re working costs, 1834
NCB I/JB 2132Notes on draft lease from bishop of Durham to Sir F. H. H. Bathurst, 1834
NCB I/JB 2133-2137Estimates of working costs, 1834
NCB I/JB 2138Weights of corves, 1835
NCB I/JB 2139Description of boundaries “as given in Mr. Smythe’s lease”, 1835
NCB I/JB 2140-2141W. Harrison requesting report on producing steam coal, and Buddle’s report, 1836
NCB I/JB 2142Estimate of working powers, 1836
NCB I/JB 2143-2145Various accounts, 1836
NCB I/JB 2146Return re pits, machines, production, labour, etc., 1836
NCB I/JB 2147Report on Harelaw Pit, 1838
NCB I/JB 2148-2149Cost of machine house, 1839
NCB I/JB 2150-2158Medomsley and Derwent
NCB I/JB 2150printed notice advertising General Hunter’s landsale colliery to be let, 1806
NCB I/JB 2151-2153Estimates, etc. of coal belonging to Hunter, Brooksbank, and Allgood, 1834
NCB I/JB 2154Estimate of cost of working Hutton seam, 1834
NCB I/JB 2155-2156Buddle to W. Harrison and F. Marreco re working colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2157W. Harrison to Buddle, requesting report on disastrous fire, 1836
NCB I/JB 2158Returns (on printed forms)
NCB I/JB 2159-2175re number of pits and machines, production, labour, etc., 1836
NCB I/JB 2159Copy, T. Fenwick’s terms for letting Hunter’s coal (describes method of working), 1836
NCB I/JB 2160W. Harrison to Buddle, re decision of London directors of the Stanhope and Tyne Company not to lease Hunter’s coal, 1838
NCB I/JB 2161-2162W. Harrison to Buddle, request to investigate complaints about quality of coal; and Buddle’s reply (copy), 1837
NCB I/JB 2163Notes on William Minto’s account of Hutton seam workings, 1837
NCB I/JB 2164Measurement and calculations re proposed mining of Hunter’s Brooksbank’s, Glebe, Ellison’s and Clavering’s coal, 1837
NCB I/JB 2165Calculations re whole coal left in Hutton seam, 1838
NCB I/JB 2166W. Harrison and W. H. Barnard (managers, Stanhope and Tyne Rail Road Company) requesting advice on reducing the workings, 1838
NCB I/JB 2167Buddle’s reply (copy). Explains separate status of Medomsley and Lanchester Common, 1838
NCB I/JB 2168Remarks on Mr. Fenwick’s offer of General Hunter’s coal, 1838
NCB I/JB 2169R. P. Philipson to Buddle, re the terms on which Hunter’s and Brooksbank’s coal is taken by E. Richardson, 1839
NCB I/JB 2170A. J. F. Marreco requesting opinion re working Derwent colliery (Hunter, Brooksbank, and Allgood’s) and re value of the collieries, etc., 1839
NCB I/JB 2171(Copy) Buddle to the Northern Board of Management of the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company, in reply, re “the newly acquired tract of coal … belonging to General Hunter and Messrs. Brooksbanks and Ackroyd, and which it is intended to work under the name of ‘Derwent Colliery'”, 1839
NCB I/JB 2172(Copy) Buddle to the same, re exhaustion of Hutton seam in Medomsley colliery and preparation of Hare Law pit, 1839
NCB I/JB 2173-2174Harrison and Marreco sending copy of resolution of the managing directors of the Stanhope and Tyne Rail Road Company approving Buddle’s suggestions re Hare Law pit, 1839
NCB I/JB 2175F. Charlton to Buddle, giving section and specification of Derwent colliery branch railway, 1839 D.
NCB I/JB 2176-2178Pontop
NCB I/JB 2176Heads of lease for colliery late in occupation of Marquis of Bute [by Smythe to Harrison and Barnard], 1832
NCB I/JB 2177List of men employed and wanting employment
NCB I/JB 2178Estimate for preparing Hare Law pit, 1838 Murton see: NCB I/JB 2399 – NCB I/JB 2400
NCB I/JB 2179-2185Netherton (West Riding York) [papers in connection with case Fox v. Charlesworth] (7 papers)
NCB I/JB 2179(Copy) T. W. Embleton’s report on Hartley Banks colliery, near Horbury Bridge, 1838
NCB I/JB 2180-2182W. Gray (York) to Buddle, enclosing queries re Fox v. Charlesworth, and details of Mr. Egremont’s borings at Reedness, near the River Ouse, 1839
NCB I/JB 2183-2184(Copy) Buddle in reply, enclosing his answers to the queries, 1839
NCB I/JB 2185Notes re coal prices and rents in the neighbourhood of Wakefield and Leeds, 1839 Newbottle see: Lambton collieries, especially NCB I/JB 2107 – NCB I/JB 2108
NCB I/JB 2186-2193Newton Hall. Estate belonging to William Russell (7 papers)
NCB I/JB 2186H. Morton (Lambton) to Buddle re terms for leasing Russell’s freehold coal, 1840
NCB I/JB 2187J. Gregson (London) to Buddle instructing him to treat on Russell’s behalf with Morton for part of the Newton Hall coal, 1840
NCB I/JB 2188Plan, apparently enclosed with and referred to in 2187, n.d., (1840)
NCB I/JB 2189-2191J. Gregson to Buddle, re the lease being unaffected by the death of Lord Durham, and enclosing copy of correspondence between self and H. Morton, 1840
NCB I/JB 2192Notes on coal rents at Framwellgate Moor and Brasside, 1840
NCB I/JB 2193Buddle’s report on the proposed lease, Gregson for Russell and Morton for the late earl of Durham having referred the matter to him, 1840 Ouston see: NCB I/JB 2401, NCB I/JB 2402
NCB I/JB 2194-2195Penshaw (Lambton) see: Lambton collieries, especially NCB I/JB 2114 – NCB I/JB 2115 Penshaw (Vane Tempest) see: Vane collieries, especially NCB I/JB 2301
NCB I/JB 2194-2195Numbers not used Percy Main (Northumberland) Owned by duke of Northumberland, and worked by Lamb, Walker, Waldie, Maud, and Hetherington (1828): see NCB I/JB 2418. [See Fordyce, “Coal and Iron”, pp. 65-66, especially re flooding of the Bensham pit, 1838, and the engine power required] (65 papers and files) See also: NCB I/JB 2421 – NCB I/JB 2430
NCB I/JB 2196-2202General reports, accounts, etc.
NCB I/JB 2196Present wages and proposed reductions at Flatworth, Howden, and Percy pits, giving totals of workmen employed, workmen’s houses, etc., 1833
NCB I/JB 2197Report on eruption of compressed gas or waterblast from Bensham pit, 1840
NCB I/JB 2198Part of report, n.d. (1838 – 1840)
NCB I/JB 2199Calculations re coal worked, left in pillars, etc., 1840
NCB I/JB 2200-2202Buddle to and from Hugh Taylor (Earsden)
NCB I/JB 2203-2211re holing from Percy Main into Collingwood Main, 1840
NCB I/JB 2203Draft report on finances in 1841, prompted by flooding of 1838 and poor state of coal trade, 1842
NCB I/JB 2204Part of report, n.d. (1842)
NCB I/JB 2205Calculations re extent of Bensham seam in Bewick and Craster’s Low Willington royalty, to be worked by Flatworth pit, 1842
NCB I/JB 2206Notes re letting coal calculated in (2205) to Jarrow colliery, 1842
NCB I/JB 2207Detailed break-down of cost of slides, cages, and waggonettes, 1842
NCB I/JB 2208Estimate of cost of putting the tub system in operation in Percy pit, 1842
NCB I/JB 2209Comparison of underground costs, 1841, 1842
NCB I/JB 2210Memoranda of events in Howden pit in 1838 – 1840, 1843
NCB I/JB 2211Notes on T. J. Taylor’s paper on the Bensham water blast, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2212-2236The Howden new engine, Percy pit dams, etc. (original bundle)
NCB I/JB 2212“Schedule of rough papers relative to the expense of the Howden new engine, Percy pit dams, etc.” [See following items, arranged in order of schedule]
NCB I/JB 2213William Maude on behalf of the Company, to Buddle, requesting estimate of loss caused by flooding, 1842
NCB I/JB 2214Statement of the loss and expense to the lessees caused by the flooding on the 8 July 1838, 1839
NCB I/JB 2215Summary totals of expenses caused by flooding (new engine, frame dams, Flatworth pit, gas pipes in Percy pit), 1838 – 1839
NCB I/JB 2216Estimate of cost of working the new engine at Howden pit for one year, 1840
NCB I/JB 2217Estimate of cost of building two boilers at Howden new engine, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2218-2219Cost of smith work for the new engine, 1839
NCB I/JB 2220Queries and answers re “ridding out rolley way” etc. after the dams broke away, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2221Timber and other materials for new engine, 1839
NCB I/JB 2222Smith work for new engine, 1839
NCB I/JB 2223Statement of financial situation of the colliery, 1840
NCB I/JB 2224Cost of the dams in Percy pit, 1838
NCB I/JB 2225Losh Wilson and Bell’s account for new engine, 1838 – 1839
NCB I/JB 2226Minutes on quantity of water drawn by the engines before and after the irruption on 9 July 1838, and on engine power, etc., by H. Taylor, 1838
NCB I/JB 2227Cost of making and erecting frame dams, 1838
NCB I/JB 2228Cost of masons’ materials at new engine, 1838 – 1839
NCB I/JB 2229Thomas Taylor’s suggestions for financial recovery of the colliery, 1840
NCB I/JB 2230Draft report by Buddle, 1839
NCB I/JB 2231(Draft) Buddle in reply to W. Maude [see 2213], enclosing statement and report, 1841
NCB I/JB 2232Cost of working new engine, 1840
NCB I/JB 2233Cost of labour at new engine, and of sulpher (sic) pipes for Percy pit, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2234Cost of working and shipping Bewick’s Wallsend, Charlotte Main, and Percy Bensham coal in 1837 – 1838, 1839
NCB I/JB 2235Cost of workings, leadings and vend, 1839
NCB I/JB 2236Index to report (35), n.d.
NCB I/JB 2237-2247Further papers re engines, dams, etc.
NCB I/JB 2237Cost of Howden new engine, dams, etc., 1838 – 1839
NCB I/JB 2238Summary of cost of working Percy Old and Howden Old and New engines, 1841
NCB I/JB 2239Account of expenses for working the colliery engines in 1841, account of “the present rate of going” with the engines, 1842, and account of buckets and clacks put into new engine in 1841
NCB I/JB 2240Expenses in erecting the boundary or frame dam between Percy and Shields collieries, 1841 – 1842
NCB I/JB 2241Account of consumption of leather at new engine, 1842
NCB I/JB 2242Cost of apparatus at Howden pit, 1842
NCB I/JB 2243Cost of apparatus at Percy pit, 1842
NCB I/JB 2244Cost of drawing pumps at new engine to put in a brass working barrel, 1843
NCB I/JB 2245Table of weights of spears and spear plates in new engine, 1843
NCB I/JB 2246Estimate of cost of working a 260 horse pumping engine, upon the expansive principle, while sinking; working an 18″ set, and a 100 horse winding engine while sinking; and cost of speers (sic), 1843
NCB I/JB 2247“Reference to the front and side sections of Howden Engine pit” (plan missing), giving mining details, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2247-2260Papers re proposed laying-off of Flatworth Pit
NCB I/JB 2247-2255Estimates and accounts of expenditure (wages, and poor rates, relief fund, tentale, etc.) and vend, 1840 – 1842
NCB I/JB 2256-2257Memoranda re discontinuing the pit, 1842
NCB I/JB 2258Detailed account of charges for 20 peck corves wrought in one pay, 1842
NCB I/JB 2259-2260Estimates of probable savings by laying off the pit, 1842 North Pittington see: NCB I/JB 2404
NCB I/JB 2261-2271Pontop see: NCB I/JB 2117 – NCB I/JB 2178 Pontop Pike see: NCB I/JB 2405 Sheriff Hill or Ellison Main. Owned by bishop of Durham and worked by Hutchinson, Lamb, and Pearson (1828) see: NCB I/JB 2148. Buddle had a share in it until 1827.
NCB I/JB 2261-22641 paperThomas King (Felling colliery) and R. W Brandling (Low Gosforth) to Buddle, requesting permission to inspect Sheriff Hill plans, workings, and boundaries adjoining Brandling’s boundary, 1816
NCB I/JB 22651 paper(Copy) Buddle to T. King, agreeing on behalf of Sheriff Hill owners to occasional, but not daily, inspection, and to settlement of trespass by arbitration, 1817
NCB I/JB 22661 paperJ. Hutchinson to Buddle, re demands by Brandling and requesting Buddle’s attendance at a meeting of Sheriff Hill owners; gives copy of Brandling’s claim for trespass in low Main seam in High Heworth grounds, n.d. (1818?)
NCB I/JB 22671 paperNotes on Brandling’s claim, 1818
NCB I/JB 22681 paperT. King to Buddle, requesting permission to survey the Yard seam adjoining the Heworth boundary, 1818
NCB I/JB 22691 paper(Copy) Buddle in reply, refusing, and mentioning changes in the Sheriff Hill partnership, 1818
NCB I/JB 22701 paperInformation obtained from Samuel Barrass (viewer at Sheriff Hill, 1779 – 1784), giving names of viewers and details of mining progress, etc., 1818
NCB I/JB 22711 paperInformation obtained from John Isley re working pillars, extent of workings, etc., 1818. Note added that Isley was killed “at the great accident in the Beaumont seam King pit”, 1819
NCB I/JB 2272-2300Shieldfield (Northumberland) see: NCB I/JB 2406 East Sleekburn (Northumberland) see: NCB I/JB 2407 Stella Grand Lease see: NCB I/JB 2409 Tanfield Moor. Owned and worked by William Morton Pitt [i.e. not leased out; but Pitt was an absentee owner, living in Dorset] Buddle his viewer. (30 papers) See also: NCB I/JB 23, NCB I/JB 28 – NCB I/JB 31, NCB I/JB 1088 – NCB I/JB 1133, NCB I/JB 1619 – NCB I/JB 1626, and NCB I/JB 2409
NCB I/JB 2272Notes on Lord Ravensworth’s terms for renewing the way-leave, 1825
NCB I/JB 2273Statement of expenditure for leading coals etc. to Dunston staith, 1833
NCB I/JB 2274-2276AWilliam Watson (Tanfield Moor Office), giving details of some monthly vends and of balances due to W. M. Pitt, 1828, 1829, 1834
NCB I/JB 2277J. Greene, announcing death of his uncle [staithman at Dunston], 1828
NCB I/JB 2278Thomas Bowman
NCB I/JB 2278-2300Letters from the following, applying for or recommending persons for posts at the colliery (staithman, book-keeper, etc.), 1828:
NCB I/JB 2279Bulmer and Company (recommending W. Robertson)
NCB I/JB 2280John Carr
NCB I/JB 2281James Dalton
NCB I/JB 2282Thomas Donkin (Mr. Spearman)
NCB I/JB 2283W. Fairbridge
NCB I/JB 2284H. Forster (W. Fairbridge)
NCB I/JB 2285H. Fryar
NCB I/JB 2286Thomas Grieveson
NCB I/JB 2287Henry Hancock
NCB I/JB 2288-2289Sir Robert Shafto (George Gibson), and letter from Gibson to Hawkes
NCB I/JB 2290W. Oswald
NCB I/JB 2291-2292Alex Petrie (his son), and testimonial from J. Armstrong, master of the “Susannah”
NCB I/JB 2293Robert Punshon
NCB I/JB 2294-2295William Robertson
NCB I/JB 2296R. Taylor (W. Robertson)
NCB I/JB 2297W. Turner (W. Robertson)
NCB I/JB 2298Rev. W. Turner (George Angus)
NCB I/JB 2299William Watson (Mr. Newby)
NCB I/JB 2300Copy memorandum of agreement between Nathaniel Clay and John Buddle, on behalf of W. M. Pitt, for keels for Tanfield Moor, 1830 Twizill (Northumberland) see: NCB I/JB 2411
NCB I/JB 2301-2316Vane collieries: Sir Henry Vane Tempest’s collieries. Worked by undertakers since the late 18th century – Longridge, Leviss and Watkin from 1801; contract renewed for another 5 years in 1806, but no evidence of further renewal.
NCB I/JB 23011 paperCopy of pitmen’s bond as used at Pensher by John Tempest of Brancepeth Castle, 1793
NCB I/JB 23021 paperDraft of conditions for letting the working of Rainton and Penshaw collieries to undertakers for 5 years, n.d. [1801?]
NCB I/JB 23031 paperprinted conditions for letting the working of East Rainton, Penshaw, and Harrington Mill to an undertaker for 5 years, 1801, and alterations, 1806
NCB I/JB 23041 paperPart of draft conditions (re binding costs), n.d. [Accompanies 2302?]
NCB I/JB 23051 paperProposals (copy) by Sober Watkin and John Wood for working the collieries, 1801
NCB I/JB 23061 paperPrices of work, 1801, 1805
NCB I/JB 23071 paperCost of working the collieries (undertakers’ contract, and subsequent increases), 1805
NCB I/JB 23081 paperLeadings and workings totals, 1805
NCB I/JB 23091 paperComparison of values of live and dead stock, 1801/1805, and note re cost of waste-keeping, 1805
NCB I/JB 23101 paperJohn Croudace re errors in accounts, 1806
NCB I/JB 23111 paperDraft notice advertising letting the collieries, 1806
NCB I/JB 23121 paperProposal (copy) by Sober Watkins, 1806
NCB I/JB 23131 paperDraft proposal for renewal of undertaking, with recommendation by Buddle [senior], Arthur Mowbray, and Thomas Laverick, 1806
NCB I/JB 23141 paperContract prices, and advances since contract, for Rainton and Herrington Mill, 1806
NCB I/JB 23151 paperT. Laverick [resident viewer at Penshaw] to Buddle senior: sending an enclosure at request of Mowbray re agreement with Watkin; and Mowbray requesting draft of correspondence with Mrs. Lambton re Sir Henry drawing her colliery water, n.d.
NCB I/JB 23161 paperSketch of Rainton colliery boundary, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2317-2373Wallbottle (Northumberland) Owned by duke of Northumberland and worked by Joseph Lamb, Potter, Jobling and Mrs. Gray (1828) see also: NCB I/JB 2418 (29 papers and booklets)
NCB I/JB 23171 bookletHeads of the clauses in lease between duke and duchess of Northumberland and William Cramlington for Walbottle colliery for 21 years, 1717
NCB I/JB 23181 bookletValuation report by Michael Hackworth and Nickolas Toward, 1792
NCB I/JB 2319Statement of cost of “waggon coups with nails and 4 brushes for the 4 metle wheales”, 1792
NCB I/JB 23201 bookletMessrs. Cramlington and Partners claims of articles to be valued, with answers, 1793
NCB I/JB 2321Copy instructions for view and report, and answers by John Ramsey, Thomas Fenwick, John Watson, Thomas Ramsey, 1809
NCB I/JB 2322-2324Calculations of expenses and profits, 1810 – 1811, etc., in connection with valuation, 1813
NCB I/JB 2325Thomas Ramsay, promising valuation and other documents soon, 1813
NCB I/JB 2326-2327Thomas Ramsay, enclosing statistics re stock and loss by freighting, 1810 – 1812, 1813
NCB I/JB 2328Thomas Ramsay, re valuation, especially stock belonging to the duke [of Northumberland], 1813
NCB I/JB 2329Thomas Ramsay, re progress of valuation, 1813
NCB I/JB 2330Thomas Ramsay, giving total valuation of keels and other fitting stock, 1813
NCB I/JB 2331List and calculations re colliery charges, 1813
NCB I/JB 2332List of working costs and of vend, 1815 – 1816
NCB I/JB 2333“Memoranda made during a valuation of the lessees’ interest in Walbottle colliery” (figures re charges, profits, etc.), 1815 – 1816
NCB I/JB 2334Estimate of profit “from Mr. Potter’s statement”, 1815
NCB I/JB 2335Estimates of profit and loss, 1810 – 1812, and working charges, 1815
NCB I/JB 2336Valuation of the lessees interest in Wallbottle colliery (“including the value of the fitting interest which is identified with that of the colliery being considered a joint concern”), and note in Buddle’s hand re valuation of Collerton colliery, 1815
NCB I/JB 2337Notes and calculations re working and prices of the various seams and pits, 1816
NCB I/JB 2338Armorer Donkin, requesting valuation of Wallbottle and Collerton collieries for the lessees, 1816
NCB I/JB 2339Estimate of cost of sinking Duke pit to splint seam, 1816
NCB I/JB 2340W. Potter, re progress of Duke pit and dangers of water in the seam, 1816
NCB I/JB 2341James Potts, re the fitting account, 1816
NCB I/JB 2342List giving names and value of keels, 1816
NCB I/JB 2343W. Potter, re discrepancy between Buddle’s valuations in 1812 and 1815, 1816
NCB I/JB 2344Copy, Buddle to Robert Jobling, explaining why his recent valuation was less than in 1812, 1816
NCB I/JB 234526 papers and filesList of stock, 1816 Wallsend (Northumberland) owned by Dean and Chapter of Durham and worked by Russell of Brancepeth Castle, and Thomas and Charles Wade (1828). Buddle succeeded his father as viewer.
NCB I/JB 2346Valuation of stock, 1833
NCB I/JB 2347List of men and boys involved in explosion in G Pit (total 101), 1835
NCB I/JB 2348Copy report on the accident and ventilation system, 1835
NCB I/JB 2349-2350William Russell, re the accident, 1835
NCB I/JB 2351Estimate of cost per annum of running the colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2352W. Russell, on the future of the colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2353William Russell, re the accident, 1835
NCB I/JB 2354W. Russell, asking Buddle to “arrange matters”, in his absence, 1835
NCB I/JB 2357Colonel Mills (Brancepeth), giving details of colliery lease, and arranging to meet, 1835
NCB I/JB 2359Memoranda re letting colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2361-2362Conditions for letting colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2363Heads of proposals received for taking the colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2364John Anderson, explaining his proposal for taking colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2365John Gregson, requesting estimate of possible reductions in costs for W. Russell so that he may decide whether to accept G. Johnson’s proposal of £1,500 per annum for taking the colliery, or to “run the risk of carrying on the concern on the most reduced scale of expense , 1835
NCB I/JB 2366W. Russell, re the proposals for taking the colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2367-2368J. Gregson, re Russell’s reactions to proposals for taking colliery, 1835
NCB I/JB 2369W. Russell, re decision not to let the colliery, and lack of adequate superintendence underground by Atkinson, since John Reay’s accident, 1835
NCB I/JB 2370J. Gregson, re Russell’s decision, which was contrary to his own advice, 1835
NCB I/JB 2371Estimate of savings by letting sundries, 1835 Washington. Owned by Sir James Musgrave, W. Lawson, and W. Shafto, and worked by W. Russell and Thomas and Charles Wade (1828) see also: NCB I/JB 2418
NCB I/JB 23721 fileMeasurement of coal remaining unwrought in Washington New colliery, 1809
NCB I/JB 23731 fileAbstract of wayleave leases, 1775 – 1810
NCB I/JB 2355,2360Instructions to investigate and report, from Buddle to G. Johnson, N. Wood, T. Morriss, and M. Dunn, and their reports, 1835
NCB I/JB 2356,2360Valuations of stock, 1835
NCB I/JB 2374-2460Woodhouse Close see: NCB I/JB 2412 Miscellaneous collieries
NCB I/JB 2374Blaydon Main, rent account, 1841 – 1842
NCB I/JB 2375West Boldon, notes on strata in connection with sinking a well for water, 1832
NCB I/JB 2376Burdon Main, account of water in colliery and expense of working Burdon Main and Howden Old engines, 1842
NCB I/JB 2377Bushblades [owned by George Silvertop; Buddle senior his viewer] pay bills, 1778
NCB I/JB 2378Bushblades, waggonmen’s bond, 1787
NCB I/JB 2379Cassop, boring account, 1836
NCB I/JB 2380Charlaw and Sacriston, plan, showing line of railway, n.d. [1835]
NCB I/JB 2381Charlaw and Sacriston Heugh, view notes, 1835
NCB I/JB 2382Charlaw and Sacriston, printed notice not to employ their pitmen, during dispute between men and owners, 1841
NCB I/JB 2383Cornforth, boring account, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2384Coundon, agreement by Rev. J. Manisty and Sarah Manisty of Edlington, Northumberland, and Elizabeth Johnson of Durham city to let all their coal mines at Coundon to Jonathan Backhouse of Darlington; and agreement by John Manners of Coundon, coalowner, to sell his lease thereof to Backhouse, 1832
NCB I/JB 2385Deanery (near Bishop Auckland), draft report by Buddle on 5/4 seam, 1841
NCB I/JB 2386Eden Main, copy letter from Buddle to William Taylor re the state of the colliery in connection with extension of lease by “Sir Henry”, 1804
NCB I/JB 2387Flatworth, copy letter from Buddle [senior] to the owners, withdrawing his services, now the new pit is well begun, because of lack of consultation, 1800
NCB I/JB 2388Garesfield, terms upon which Mr. Silvertop will grant a lease to the owners of Garesfield colliery of his coal at Ashtree, Ryton parish, 1825
NCB I/JB 2389Garesfield, terms upon which the lessors of Winlaton Lordship will grant a lease to the colliery owners of coal mines and other minerals, 1825
NCB I/JB 2390Garesfield, colliery rents account due from George Hepple Ramsay and the colliery owners to Buddle, 1839
NCB I/JB 2391Garesfield (?), account of clay wrought “at G. H. Ramsay’s pit”, 1826 – 1828
NCB I/JB 2392Hardwick, account of boring near Sprucely Farm House, 1838
NCB I/JB 2393Hartley (Northumberland) estimate of cost of working and shipping Hasting’s Hartley coal, 1842
NCB I/JB 2394Haswell, revision of Buddle and Anderson’s valuation of Sir George Shee’s interest, 1841
NCB I/JB 2395Hawthorne (Easington) agreement for lease of coal under Countess of Coventry’s estate to T. R. G. Braddyll and Company, 1833 2396 Heaton (Northumberland) note re vend by keels and spout, 1805
NCB I/JB 2397Hebburn, view book, 1801 – 1802
NCB I/JB 2398Manor Wallsend, view book, 1811 – 1813
NCB I/JB 2399Murton, memoranda, reports, and undertakers’ accounts, etc., 1799 – 1805
NCB I/JB 2400Murton, conditions for letting coal in the whins belonging to Ralph Carr under Messrs. Pemberton’s estate, to be worked by T. R. G. Braddyll and Company, 1834
NCB I/JB 24010uston, copy letter to “G.F.” requesting permission for Mr. Wade for proposed measures regarding feeders at Chester Mill Race, 1805
NCB I/JB 24020uston, account of coals wrought and led, 1833 – 1834
NCB I/JB 2403Pittington, estimate of expense of leading Lord Londonderry’s coals from Pittington Town End to Seaton Bankhead by the Durham and Sunderland railroad or by his own; and to Sunderland or Seaham Harbour, 1843
NCB I/JB 2404Pittington, North, plan of land belonging to the Dean and Chapter, under lease to E. Shepperdson, 1821
NCB I/JB 2405Pontop Pike, details of strata, 1795
NCB I/JB 2406Shieldfield Pit [Spitaltongues Colliery?] (Northumberland) estimate of leading costs, 1837
NCB I/JB 2407Sleekburn, East (Northumberland) copy boring report, 1798
NCB I/JB 2408Sleekburn, draft letter to “my Lord” re borings at Sleekburn and Cowpen, and terrier for [missing] plan, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2409Stella Grand Lease, notes on vend, way-leave, etc., 1818
NCB I/JB 2410Tanfield Lea and Tanfield Moor, draft proposal to Lord Ravensworth for use of the South Moor colliery waggonway, 1832
NCB I/JB 2411Twizell (Northumberland) report on waggonway by Buddle as arbitrator, 1805
NCB I/JB 2412Woodhouse Close, account of coals worked and sold, and rents, 1837
NCB I/JB 2413-2414Workington (Cumberland) plan and memoranda re influx by sea, 1837
NCB I/JB 2415Unspecified collieries [Londonderry’s] memoranda and calculations, 1819
NCB I/JB 2416Unspecified colliery [Londonderry’s], copy of lease from John Clutterbuck, et al. to Lord Londonderry, 1824
NCB I/JB 2417Various collieries (including Anfield, Medomsley, Lanchester Common et al.) rough view notes, 1837
NCB I/JB 2418View of collieries on Tyne and Wear [lists colliery, owner, lessees and sub-lessees, seam distance from place of shipment, vessel delivered into, and name of coal] and list of collieries worked by proprietors, 1828
NCB I/JB 2419Unidentified colliery, lists of charges [wages], n.d.
NCB I/JB 2420Unidentified colliery, rough notes and calculations, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2421-2430Valuations of the shares of Jacob Maude (at time of his death, September, 1839) and of Warren Maude (May, 1841) in Backworth, West Cramlington, East Holywell, and Percy Main; 1839, 1841
NCB I/JB 2430A1 bundleSelf-acting planes at Willington, Harperley and Lower Roddymoor: details of wheel size, length, capacity, running time, cost, etc., 1836
NCB I/JB 2431Vend of coals on Wear, 1804 – 1805
NCB I/JB 2431-2656BUSINESS PAPERS (other than collieries) Coal Trade Until later in the 19th century, the various coal owners associations and committees are difficult to distinguish. “They began in 1805 as a loose combination of owners of collieries exporting from the rivers Tyne and Wear. The Coal Trade Committee was established in the second quarter of the 19th century … separate Associations were also set up in both Northumberland and Durham, and other combinations and committees for special purposes … were formed – some being short lived. Practically all these various associations were administered by the permanent staff of the Coal Trade Office in Newcastle”. (See: R. Gard in Bulletin of the North East Group for Labour History). (66 papers) The minutes of the General Meetings of the coal owners (1805 – 1864) and of the Tyne and Wear Committees (1826 – 1867) are in the Northumberland Record Office. Much of the following material does not clearly specify which association or committee is concerned; it is therefore listed chronologically only, and includes papers relating to the coal trade which may not have been directly connected with the Coal Trade organisation.
NCB I/JB 2432“Committee Meeting”, printed resolutions re binding regulations on Tyne and Wear, 1813
NCB I/JB 2433J. Martindale to Croudace, reporting on Tyne and Wear coal-owners’ decision re presentation to Sir Humphrey Davy, 1816
NCB I/JB 2434Statement showing years of regulation and non-regulation on the Tyne, 1816 – 1830
NCB I/JB 2435Average January and July prices of coals, 1805 – 1823; 1824
NCB I/JB 2436Notes on relative proportions of coals imported into London from Tyne and Wear, 1825 – 1827
NCB I/JB 2437Tyne and Wear vend and issues, 1828
NCB I/JB 2438Rough notes on Tyne and Wear vends, 1828
NCB I/JB 2439Minutes of Wear Coal Owners meeting re vend, and covering letter from John Martindale re monthly vend, 4 October 1828
NCB I/JB 2440Notes from Coal Trade meeting re Tyne and Wear vends, 4 November 1828
NCB I/JB 2441Internal management of Wear basis as fixed by meeting, 4 November 1828
NCB I/JB 2442Minutes of Coal Trade meeting at Chester le Street, 16 December 1828
NCB I/JB 2443Communication from Lord Durham [to Committee of the two rivers] in reply to resolutions, 26 December 1828 [see: NCB I/JB 2441]
NCB I/JB 2444printed list of Tyne collieries, names of coal, and prices, 1827 – 1828
NCB I/JB 2445printed list of Tyne collieries, representatives, and basis, and of the 1827 committee, 1827 – 1828
NCB I/JB 2446Details of Wear vend, basis, overs, and shorts, 1828
NCB I/JB 2447Lord Londonderry’s observations on Lord Durham’s communication to Coal Trade committee (3 January 1829) [for this see: D/Lo/B 1 (5)], 5 January 1829
NCB I/JB 2448Minutes of meeting of “the two committees”, 10 January 1829
NCB I/JB 2449Communication from Lord Durham (2 copies), 24 January 1829
NCB I/JB 2450Resolutions of General Meeting of Coal Owners of the Tyne, 3 February 1829
NCB I/JB 2451Lord Londonderry to Buddle, giving his observations on NCB I/JB 2449 and his instructions to Buddle, 4 February 1829
NCB I/JB 2452Resolutions of Wear Coal Owners meeting in reply to NCB I/JB 2450, 6 February 1829
NCB I/JB 2453Lord Londonderry to the Wear Coal Owners, in reply to NCB I/JB 2452, 8 February 1829 N.B. For the crisis over the Regulation of the Vend in 1828 – 1829, the above papers may be supplemented by D/Lo/B 1, and by Buddle’s letters in D/Lo/C 142, as well as by the Coal Trade material in the Northumberland Record Office.
NCB I/JB 2454List of Wear coal owners, names of coal, prices in 1828 and 1830, and basis as fixed in November 1829
NCB I/JB 2455List of Wear coal owners, 1829 basis, vend, issues, overs, and shorts, 1829 – 1830
NCB I/JB 2456List of Tyne collieries, giving class, and price of coal, 1830
NCB I/JB 2457List of Tyne collieries, giving type of coal and prices, 1828, 1830
NCB I/JB 2458Note from R. Gills re appeal by Backworth colliery against their quantity, 1831
NCB I/JB 2459Notes on attitude to be taken by coal owners “at the railway meeting at the London coffee house”, 21 February 1831
NCB I/JB 2460Circular from R. Gills (Coal Trade Office)
NCB I/JB 2461-2468re giving over-measure, and re marking of keels, 22 March 1831
NCB I/JB 2461printed resolutions of committee meeting, 27 December 1831
NCB I/JB 2462printed list of Tyne collieries, names of coal, and prices, 1832
NCB I/JB 2463printed list of Tyne collieries and their representatives, 1832
NCB I/JB 2464Minutes of a meeting between Morton, Wood, and Buddle re proposed regulation of vend by Lord Londonderry, Lord Durham, and the Hetton Company, 27 January 1834
NCB I/JB 2465printed articles of agreement by Tyne coal-owners; with names and votes of committee, 15 February 1834
NCB I/JB 2466printed list of Wear and Tees collieries, names of coal, and prices, 1834
NCB I/JB 2467Minutes of Wear coal-owners’ meeting, 17 March 1834
NCB I/JB 2468R. Gills (Coal Trade Office)
NCB I/JB 2469-2557re balance due from Wear to Tyne under the indemnity fund, 25 March 1834
NCB I/JB 2469Memoranda on reasons for advancing the price of coals, 23 January 1836
NCB I/JB 2470Coal Trade circular re issue, 1836
NCB I/JB 2471Coal Trade circular re weighing machines, 1836
NCB I/JB 2472Circulax re United Committee’s decision re extension of coast vend, 1836
NCB I/JB 2473Circular warning re probable reduction in quantity and advising caution in loading ships, 1836
NCB I/JB 2474Resolution of United Committee re binding, 1836
NCB I/JB 2475Resolution of General Meeting of coal-owners re binding, 1836
NCB I/JB 2476Resolutions of General Meeting of Coal-owners re South Durham Railway Bill and enquiry into navigation of the Thames, 1836
NCB I/JB 2477Circular re issue and re Tyne Committee resolution re binding, 1836
NCB I/JB 2478Resolutions of United Committee re issue and freighting, and letter from R. Gills giving details of Tyne, Tees, Wear, and other vends, 1830 – 1835, 1836
NCB I/JB 2479Rough minutes of Executive Committee, 23 August 1841
NCB I/JB 2480Minutes of Executive Committee, 11 October 1841
NCB I/JB 2481Resolutions of United Committee meeting, 3 November 1841
NCB I/JB 2482Minutes of Executive Committee, 1, 8, and 15 November, and of United Committee, 3 November 1841
NCB I/JB 2483Minutes of Executive Committee, 20, 29 November, 8 December; United Committee, 22 November, 3 December; Wear Committee, 26 November 1841
NCB I/JB 2484Overseas vend from Wear collieries, 1840 – 1841
NCB I/JB 2485United Committee circular re the Trade’s accounts and collieries’ contributions, 1841
NCB I/JB 2486Minutes of Executive Committee, 13, 18 December; United Committee, 20, 27 December 1841
NCB I/JB 2487United Committee resolutions re establishment of an executive committee of three, 20 December 1841
NCB I/JB 2488Rough notes on committee meeting, 3 January 1842
NCB I/JB 2489List of Wear representatives, as candidates for committee, 1842
NCB I/JB 2490Notes re meeting of Tyne representatives, 12 January; Wear district, 13 January; United Committee, 17 January 1842
NCB I/JB 2491United Committee resolution re scale of estimated supply, 1842
NCB I/JB 2493United Committee resolution approving resolutions by Board of Coal Factors re regulation of prices, 1843
NCB I/JB 2494List of Tyne, Blyth, Wear and Tees collieries and their representatives, 1844
NCB I/JB 2495Charges on coal in Sunderland Harbour and London, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2496Prices and costs in shipping coal (as far as consumer), n.d.
NCB I/JB 2497-25026 papersLetters from C. Johnson and Sons, Sir Cuthbert Sharp, and T. Frankland Lewis [Sir Thomas, 1780 – 1855, politician], memoranda, and copy of bill, re bill for regulating the vend and delivery of coals in London, Westminster, etc., 1831 See also: NCB I/JB 2514(i)
NCB I/JB 2503-251916 papersRepeal of coastal duties on coal, “Richmond shilling”, etc.: letters from G. T. Dunn, R. Gills (Coal Trade Office), T. Gillespy (chairman of Coal Factors), – Bell, M.P., etc.; and other papers (statement of the case of the northern coal-owners, 1824; copy petition to House of Commons by Tyne coal owners; comparison of cost of English and Belgian coals at Rotterdam; comparison of charges at Newcastle and Sunderland; list of duties; proportions of coal exported, consumed or sold, etc.), 1824, 1831 and n.d.
NCB I/JB 2520“List of papers in this bundle”. [Some missing. Papers below are arranged in the order of this list and the original bundle, not chronologically]
NCB I/JB 2520-255737 papers and files, 1 notebookSouth Durham Railway
NCB I/JB 2521Copy, estimate of expense by R. Nicholson, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2522List of subscribers, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2523Notes on gradients, April 1836
NCB I/JB 2524Estimate of annual working cost, based on what the Darlington Railway Company pay Timothy Hackworth for leading on their railway, February 1836
NCB I/JB 2525Reasons against the South Durham Railway Bill, February 1836
NCB I/JB 2526Report from the Select Committee on Railway Bills and Resolutions of the House of Commons thereon, printed, 1836
NCB I/JB 2527Questions and answers by W. Spence on the cost of burning lime at Seaham Harbour and on charges on ships and depth of water in the channels, etc.; also notes in Buddle’s hand on cost of burning lime at the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company’s kilns, April 1836
NCB I/JB 2528printed map of Durham county, with public railways drawn in. Shows also various types of roads, “local arrangements effected by the Reform Bill”, polling places, wards, etc., n.d. Scale 1 inch to 3 miles[1:190080]
NCB I/JB 2529James Day on bridges needed over the Wear, dimensions, etc., May 1836
NCB I/JB 2530-2531Case of the Petitioners against the South Durham Railway, printed, May 1836 (2 copies)
NCB I/JB 2532-2533Petition to the House of Commons by “the undersigned proprietors of land in the vicinity of lines [of railway]” against the “meetings, combinations and subscriptions for the purpose of opposing bills in parliament” by the coal owners, as herein described., printed, April 1836 (2 copies)
NCB I/JB 2534Draft statement against the bill [in the House of Commons] for Lord Londonderry, in Buddle’s hand, May 1836
NCB I/JB 2535-2536Case of Lord Londonderry against the railway [in the House of Lords], printed, July 1836 (2 copies)
NCB I/JB 2537Exchequer Bills (Public Works): Returns to several orders of the House of Commons, printed, March 1836
NCB I/JB 2538Minutes of a meeting of representatives of collieries on the Tees, re a reference with the Tyne and Wear committees, and apportionment of basis, February 1836
NCB I/JB 2539Memoranda by T. Storey on Tees collieries. (Black Boy, Shildon, Eldon, Butterknowle, Norwood, Cock field)
NCB I/JB 2540Memoranda re Clarence Railway Acts and moneys raised thereunder, etc., n.d.
NCB I/JB 2541Estimate of cost of burning lime at Broadwood and Bishopley, on the line of the South Durham railway, and at the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company s kilns at Stanhope, 1836
NCB I/JB 2542Remarks on the prospectus, especially re misleading statement as to interest on capital, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2543“Mr. Wilkinson’s summing-up”, with Buddle’s rejoinders, May 1836
NCB I/JB 2544Proposed motion to be made by Lord Londonderry in the House of Lords, for returns of all dues, rates, and tolls, received by the Hartlepool Dock and Railway Company, the Clarence Railway, etc., April 1836
NCB I/JB 2545Parties who have signed the resolution for opposing the railway, n.d.
NCB I/JB 25467 papersNotes for cross-examination of witnesses, April 1836
NCB I/JB 2547Average wayleaves paid per ton per mile, July 1836
NCB I/JB 2548-2551Technical calculations, estimates of cost, etc. for engines (Bradley Incline, Stanley Incline, Toddles Incline) and sections of cuttings and embankments, April 1836
NCB I/JB 2552-2556Minutes of evidence before the House of Commons committee on the Bill, on the part of the petitioners against the Bill, printed, May – June 1836
NCB I/JB 25571 notebookPerambulation of proposed line of railway, including collieries, March – May 1836
NCB I/JB 249.2John Reay, enclosing account of coal shipped from Stockton in 1841; 1842
NCB I/JB 2558-2591South West Junction Railway
NCB I/JB 25581 fileMinutes of evidence before the House of Commons committee on the Bill, in support of the Bill, printed, April 1836
NCB I/JB 2559-25602 filesMinutes of evidence, on behalf of the petitioners against the Bill, printed, May 1836
NCB I/JB 2561-2563A. J. F. Marreco (Secretary, Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company) to Buddle, re acceptance by Directors of Buddle’s proposal to be their general superintendent and mining engineer at £200 per annum, until railway in operation; with copy of reply, 1832
NCB I/JB 2561-257616 papers and filesStanhope and Tyne Railway
NCB I/JB 2564Wayleave agreement between Lord Durham and the Company, 1833
NCB I/JB 2565Report on meetings with Matthias Dunn on terms proposed by the Stanhope and Tyne Railway Company for going through Captain Dutton’s estate at Hilton Bridge, 1833
NCB I/JB 2566William Harrison (managing director) enclosing letter to Tanfield Lea colliery owners suggesting arrangement for conveying coals to South Shields, 1834
NCB I/JB 2567-2568Donkin and Stable to W. Harrison, and Thomas Forster to Buddle, offering Mr. Baker’s coal at Crook to the Company, 1834
NCB I/JB 2569Draft agreement between the Company and Messrs. W. Hawkes senior and Company for supplying coal waggons, 1834
NCB I/JB 2570Copy valuation of Stobhouse Farm, belonging to the Marquess of Bute (“original sent to Mr. Marreco”), 1834
NCB I/JB 2571G. T. Fox and the Stanhope Railway Company: case of reference submitted for counsel’s opinion by Buddle, with counsel’s opinion (involving use of stone under a wayleave), 1836
NCB I/JB 2572G. T. Fox and the Company: examination of witnesses, 1836
NCB I/JB 2573Draft award by Buddle in the reference G. T. Fox and the Company, 1836
NCB I/JB 2574-2575Particulars of leasehold quays at South Shields, with plan, 1836
NCB I/JB 2576List of subscribers to the Company, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2577Blaydon, Gateshead and Hebburn Railway, call on shares, printed, 1835
NCB I/JB 2577-259115 papers and filesVarious railways
NCB I/JB 2578-2579Bristol: “An earnest appeal to the inhabitants of Bristol on the vast and obvious advantages of a railway from Bristol to London”, n.d., with plan of the “London, Birmingham, Bristol, Gloucester, and Southampton Junction Railroad as laid before government in 1826 by Francis Fortune Esq.”, printed
NCB I/JB 2580Caledonian Junction Railway, news-cutting from the “Liverpool Journal” on George Stephenson’s report, 1837
NCB I/JB 2581Durham and Sunderland Railway, circular requesting subscriptions, printed, 1834
NCB I/JB 2582Hartlepool Harbour and Railway, extract from Mr. Hubbard Price s report, 1832
NCB I/JB 2583-25842 copiesLondon and Birmingham Rail Road, list of objections (in parliament), printed, 1832
NCB I/JB 2585London and Birmingham Railway, amount of property affected in the various counties through which the railway is proposed, listed according to whether the owners assent or dissent to the proposal (in parliament), printed, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2586London and Westminster Rail Road; leaflet and plan re the proposed (underground) railway, printed, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2587London underground railway “for the conveyance of ponderous commodities”; observations on the project, printed, 1833
NCB I/JB 2588Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, copy, report to directors on what part it would be most profitable to finish first, 1833
NCB I/JB 2589Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, table of rates and tolls, printed. 1837
NCB I/JB 2590Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, copy estimate and tender, addressed to Buddle, for building a quay wall at Elswick for the Company, 1839
NCB I/JB 2591Diagrams and observations on Jessop’s improvements in constructing railways at the Butterley Iron Works near Derby, printed, 1834
NCB I/JB 2592-2618Docks, harbours, canals
NCB I/JB 25921 paperMedway Navigation (Kent), statement of facts for motion in parliament for Select Committee of inquiry, printed, n.d. (post 1833)
NCB I/JB 25931 paperRedcar Harbour (York), circular from W. A. Brooks, with plan, to members of the Ship Owners’ society, printed, 1838
NCB I/JB 25941 paperRotherhithe, Grand Collier Docks (Kent), prospectus with plan, and subscription form, printed, 1837
NCB I/JB 25951 paperSeaham Harbour report (copy) by Buddle and Hugh Taylor re rents, etc. to be reserved by Lord Londonderry, 1828
NCB I/JB 25961 paperSeaham Harbour, sailing instructions, and remarks on the intended progress of the harbour by W. Chapman. [Accompanying plan missing], printed, 1831
NCB I/JB 25971 paperNorth Shields, Coble Dean Docks (Northumberland), circular requiring notice of assent or dissent for proposed parliamentary Bill, with ms. list of property affected (belonging to the duke of Northumberland), printed, 1838
NCB I/JB 2598-25992 papersThames Haven Dock and Railway circular re construction of a dock for coal vessels, n.d., and fourth half-yearly report, printed, 1838
NCB I/JB 2600-26012 papersTyne Dock Company, prospectus with plan. (Buddle a member of the Provisional Committee), printed, 1837 – 1838, 2 copies.
NCB I/JB 26021 paperTyne Dock Company, minutes of meeting to form the Company, printed, 1839
NCB I/JB 26031 paperTyne Dock Company, list of subscribers, printed, 1839
NCB I/JB 26041 paperEstimate of cost of pendulum drop for loading ships, 1842
NCB I/JB 2605-2608Accounts, 1793 – 1796
NCB I/JB 2605-261814 papers and filesWallsend ropery [Papers belonging to John Buddle senior?]
NCB I/JB 2609-2612Conditions on which the making of ropes is to be let at Wallsend for the use of William Russell and Company, 1797
NCB I/JB 2613-2617Proposals for undertaking the rope-making, 1797
NCB I/JB 2618Calculations re roper’s work, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2619-2647Forest of Dean: Buddle was appointed one of the Forest of Dean Mining Commissioners in 1838
NCB I/JB 26191 fileDraft report by Buddle on the great fault called “the Horse” in the Forest of Dean coal field, April 1840
NCB I/JB 26201 fileMinutes, in Buddle’s band, of the ninth meeting of the Forest of Dean Commission, September – October, 1840
NCB I/JB 2621Copy, conditions and agreement for letting mines under the manor of Roddymoor from Charles Lyon to J. C. Ord, 1835
NCB I/JB 2621-26266 papers and filesOrd v. Lyon in Chancery
NCB I/JB 2622Summons to Buddle to appear as witness for the defendant (Charles Lyon), 1839
NCB I/JB 2623Interrogatories, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2624Buddle’s answers to interrogatories, 1839
NCB I/JB 2625Plan, with reference, showing pits, etc. contiguous to the royalty in dispute, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2626printed map of the South Durham Railway and area by R. Nicholson. Lyon’s coalfield added in ms. Endorsed: “it seems evident that Nicholson proposed to make 5 or 6 collieries on the coal field instead of 3 as suggested by our witnesses. This is not an exhibit”, n.d. [Apparently connected with this case]
NCB I/JB 2627Bedlington (Northumberland), valuation by A[rthur] M[owbray] (?) and J[ohn] B[uddle] of premises to be purchased by the bishop of Durham, 1799
NCB I/JB 2627-265631 papers and filesVarious other business papers
NCB I/JB 2628Papers re tithes; notes on cases including Horner v. Bonner, Coiling’s answer to Lambton and Trevaylion’s bills, and note from Buddle to his father, n.d. (pre – 1806)
NCB I/JB 2631Memorandum of agreement between Buddle and Edward Nelson of Wallsend, viewer, re their partnership in steam mill at Walker, Northumberland, 1806
NCB I/JB 2632Arkendale lead mines (York), report by Buddle to Sir John Cox Stippesley, with plans, 1816
NCB I/JB 2633Advertisement (printed) and estimate for fire engines, from Hadley, Simpkin and Lott, London, 1822
NCB I/JB 2634Testimonial (copy) by Buddle for J. Reay (resident agent and assistant viewer at Wallsend) for the Hetton Coal Company, 1823
NCB I/JB 2635State of the Willington/Winlaton (?) lordship, 1823
NCB I/JB 2636-2637Precept to Buddle to attend the House of Commons Select Committee on Combination Laws, with covering letter from W. Huskisson to Lord Londonderry (?), 1825
NCB I/JB 2638“Points of consideration with Mr. Dunn” re a dispute over a colliery agreement, 1825
NCB I/JB 2639Notice (printed) of hearing of petition of Hindmarsh Thompson, late of Newcastle, ship broker and timber merchant, in the Court for Insolvent Debtors, London, 1826
NCB I/JB 2640Seaham Harbour, newspaper cutting on the Act and the need for the port, n.d. (1828)
NCB I/JB 2641Synopsis of the coal seams on Tyne and Wear, 1830
NCB I/JB 2642Account of cost and produce of cargo of timber in the “Wansbeck”, Clarke and Dunn’s account for freight, and Hindhaugh’s account for “Wansbeck’s” cargo, 1831
NCB I/JB 2643List of Lord Londonderry’s payments at Esdaile and Company, 1831
NCB I/JB 2644“Lord Seaham” ship insurance policy, 1832
NCB I/JB 2645Note of expenses of journey to London and five weeks stay there, 1834
NCB I/JB 2646Earl of Durham v. Hylton Joliffe: interrogatories for witnesses in a Chancery case, 1835
NCB I/JB 2647Parliamentary petition (printed)
NCB I/JB 2648-2662re accidents in mines, by J. C. Douglas, 1836
NCB I/JB 2648Report and recommendations (copy) by A. Donkin and H. Morton to Chancellor of Exchequer, on enfranchising church colliery leases in Durham diocese, 1837
NCB I/JB 2649Particulars of Coalburn estate, 1842
NCB I/JB 2650Extracts from “the copyhold books in the cursitor’s office, Ryton”, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2651“Answers to some of the queries of the Statistic Society”, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2652Newscutting re report to Surrey Quarter Sessions on coal meters and frauds, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2653Plan of land in Stanley area, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2654Table of Newcastle coal measures converted into weights, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2655-2656Wrappers, part of draft lease, etc., n.d.
NCB I/JB 2657-2658Certificates of appointment of Buddle as Special Constable for Durham and Newcastle, 1822
NCB I/JB 2659Notes on the “viol di gamba” and other viols, 1827
NCB I/JB 2660List of colliery subscriptions to the Natural History Society, 1830
NCB I/JB 2661“Names of deputies now in London”, n.d.
NCB I/JB 2662Account of actions taken by Buddle’s executors after his death on 10 October 1843, and list of his grand-nephews and -nieces, 1843 [For Buddle’s will, see: D/X 410]
NCB I/JB 2663-2667Vouchers
NCB I/JB 26631781 – 1818 (including some to Buddle senior); 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834: payments for domestic and personal goods, books, musical supplies, carriages, subscriptions, taxes, insurance premiums, hotel and travelling expenses, rents, etc.; receipts for colliery rents, salary, etc. Including: 1827 – 1834; Regular payments by W. Surtees and Company (Benwell colliery) for farm and wayleave rents and salary; 1827; law bills re action against Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Buddle being her bail [see also: NCB I/JB 1684 – NCB I/JB 1731]; 1829; payment of £3,000 to Colonel and Mrs. Beaumont for purchase of their coal in manor of Winlaton and share of Grand Lease colliery; 1829; law bill re lease of tannery at Chester le Street by Buddle to Robinson ; 1831; et seq., payments to James Hall (Greenside) for inspecting Buddle’s share of Garesfield colliery; 1831; payment to T. and R. Brown of Jarrow for building a new ship, the “Lord Seaham”
NCB I/JB 26641 paper, printedPrinted prospectus for the Schoolmasters’ Association, with lists of subscribers and members, 5 June 1827
NCB I/JB 26651 paper, printedPrinted circular showing sample premiums and annuities available from the Norwich Union [Insurance] Office, October 1827
NCB I/JB 26661 paper, printedPrinted report relating to plans for Assembly Rooms in Bishopwearmouth, 5 November 1827
NCB I/JB 26671 paper, printedPrinted table of rates of carriage to be charged by the Newcastle upon Tyne and Carlisle Railway, 14 May 1838
NCB I/JB 1894A-1896re Londonderry’s proposed petition from the Tyne coal owners for abolition of coal duties; points out need for taxes to finance, for example, troops to prevent disturbances when coal owners lower miners’ wages, 1830 (1 letter)
NCB I/JB 1894A1 letterDrummond and Company (Charing Cross) to Lord Londonderry re suspending legal proceedings after pledge given, 1832
NCB I/JB 1895-1896Protheroe, Edward (Newnham) to Mining Commissioners for Dean Forest; (copy)