Hanby Holmes – Strathmore Manors: Teesdale and other

STRATHMORE MANORS IN TEESDALE(see also D/HH 5/ for other Strathmore material) Table of Contents 4/1/1-102 Manor of Cotherstone, 1775 – 1842 4/1/103-657 Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1689 – 1948 4/2/1-214 Manor of Mickleton and Lune, with Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 1736 – 1941 4/3/1-54 Teesdale Manors, general, 1738 – 1936 4/4/1-3 Miscellaneous The Dukes of Devonshire were lords of the Manor of Cotherstone until 1841. Upon its purchase in that year by John Bowes, Thomas Wheldon replaced William Watson as steward. The Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite had been bought by George Bowes from the Huddlestons of Millom Castle, Cumberland, one hundred years previously. The manors of Mickleton and Lune, with Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton were originally separate, by the twentieth century they were being administed as one by E.R. Hanby Holmes as steward. Mickleton, Lune and the forest, parks and tenements of Holwick were sold by the Marquess of Northampton to Sir George Bowes and Robert Bowes in 1561; Lonton was sold to Sir George Bowes by Robert Rokeby in 1571; Crossthwaite and the remainder of Holwick manor was purchased by Mary, widow of George Bowes, in 1766 from the Earl of Carlisle. Thomas Wheldon first became steward of the Teesdale manors of the Bowes family in 1830. His successors in the business continued to act as stewards until the manor courts ceased regularly to function as a long-term consequence of the real property legislation of the 1920s. Manors of Cotherstone and Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite Manor of Cotherstone The documents describing themselves as court rolls are simply lists of suitors and jurors unless otherwise stated. For records in this catalogue check the section below.

ref no.D/HH 4
Date1485; 1628,
EraMid 20th Century (1933 to 1966),
20th Century (1901 to 2000)
Millom Castle,
ExpandE.R. Hanby Holmes,
other Strathmore material Table,
real property legislation,
Sir George Bowes,
John Bowes,
Robert Bowes,
Bowes family,
The Dukes,
Thomas Wheldon,
William Watson,
Millom Castle,
twentieth century,
Robert Rokeby,
long-term consequence,
court rolls,
Teesdale Manors,
The Manor,
manor courts,
Hunderthwaite Manor,
Holwick manor,
57 Manor,
14 Manor,

Hanby Holmes – Strathmore Manors: Teesdale and other records

reftitletypeitem physicaldescription
D/HH Hanby Holmes
D/HH 4Strathmore Manors: Teesdale and other
D/HH 4/1Manors of Cotherstone and Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite
D/HH 4/1/1-102Manor of Cotherstone, 1775 – 1842
D/HH 4/1/1-85Manor of Cotherstone
D/HH 4/1/11 paperJury verdict, 12 October 1773
D/HH 4/1/21 paperCourt roll, 1774
D/HH 4/1/31 paperJury verdict, 20 October 1774
D/HH 4/1/41 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 16 October 1775
D/HH 4/1/51 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 15 October 1776
D/HH 4/1/61 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 14 October 1777
D/HH 4/1/71 fileCourt roll, 13 October 1778
D/HH 4/1/81 paperJury verdict, 13 October 1778
D/HH 4/1/91 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 18 October 1779
D/HH 4/1/101 paperCourt roll, 18 October 1779
D/HH 4/1/111 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 16 October 1780
D/HH 4/1/121 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 18 October 1781
D/HH 4/1/131 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 22 October 1782
D/HH 4/1/141 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 21 October 1783
D/HH 4/1/151 paperCourt roll, 19 October 1784
D/HH 4/1/161 paperJury verdict, 19 October 1784
D/HH 4/1/171 paperCourt roll, 18 October 1785
D/HH 4/1/181 paperJury verdict, 18 October 1785
D/HH 4/1/191 paperCourt roll, 6 October 1786
D/HH 4/1/201 paperJury verdict, 6 October 1786
D/HH 4/1/211 paperCourt roll, 8 October 1787
D/HH 4/1/221 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 8 October 1787
D/HH 4/1/231 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 6 October 1788
D/HH 4/1/241 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 1 October 1791
D/HH 4/1/251 paperCourt roll, 1 October 1791
D/HH 4/1/261 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 1 October 1792
D/HH 4/1/271 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 28 September 1793
D/HH 4/1/281 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 14 October 1794
D/HH 4/1/291 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 6 October 1795
D/HH 4/1/301 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 26 September 1796
D/HH 4/1/311 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 12 October 1797
D/HH 4/1/31l1 paperLetter from John Christian of Unerigg, Cumberland to Mr. Relffe, Cockermouth concerning Lartington and Cotherstone matters, 21 September 1721
D/HH 4/1/321 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 11 October 1798
D/HH 4/1/331 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 18 October 1799
D/HH 4/1/341 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 17 October 1800
D/HH 4/1/351 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 24 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/361 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 9 October 1802
D/HH 4/1/371 paperCourt roll, 22 October 1803
D/HH 4/1/381 paperJury verdict, 22 October 1803
D/HH 4 1/391 paperCourt roll, 13 October 1804
D/HH 4/1/401 paperJury verdict, 13 October 1804
D/HH 4/1/411 fileCourt roll, 7 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/421 paperJury verdict, 7 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/431 fileCourt roll, 25 October 1806
D/HH 4/1/441 paperJury verdict, 25 October 1806
D/HH 4/1/451 fileCourt roll, 28 September 1807
D/HH 4/1/461 paperJury verdict, 28 September 1807
D/HH 4/1/471 fileCourt roll, 26 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/481 paperJury verdict, 25 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/492 papersCourt roll with jury verdict, 29 September 1809
D/HH 4/1/501 paperCourt roll, 6 October 1810
D/HH 4/1/511 paperJury verdict, 6 October 1810
D/HH 4/1/521 paperCourt roll, 23 September 1811
D/HH 4/1/531 paperJury verdict, 23 September 1811
D/HH 4/1/541 fileCourt roll, 2 October 1812
D/HH 4/1/551 paperJury verdict, 2 October 1812
D/HH 4/1/561 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 27 September 1813
D/HH 4/1/572 papersCourt roll, 25 August 1814
D/HH 4/1/581 paperJury verdict, 25 August 1814
D/HH 4/1/592 papersCourt roll, 1815
D/HH 4/1/601 paperJury verdict, 13 November 1815
D/HH 4/1/611 paperJury verdict, 11 November 1816
D/HH 4/1/622 papersCourt roll, 6 November 1817
D/HH 4/1/631 fileCourt roll, 1 November 1821
D/HH 4/1/641 fileCourt roll, 4 November 1822
D/HH 4/1/651 fileCourt roll, 23 October 1823
D/HH 4/1/661 fileCourt roll, 6 November 1824
D/HH 4/1/671 fileCourt roll, 24 November 1825
D/HH 4/1/681 fileCourt roll, 3 November 1826
D/HH 4/1/691 fileCourt roll, 23 October 1827
D/HH 4/1/701 fileCourt roll, 9 October 1829
D/HH 4/1/711 fileCourt roll, 6 November 1830
D/HH 4/1/721 fileCourt roll, 17 November 1831
D/HH 4/1/731 fileCourt roll, 16 November 1832
D/HH 4/1/741 fileCourt roll, 14 November 1833
D/HH 4/1/751 fileCourt roll, 14 January 1836
D/HH 4/1/761 fileCourt roll, 12 January 1837
D/HH 4/1/771 fileCourt roll, 22 November 1838
D/HH 4/1/781 paperPrecept to bailiff to summon manor court, 24 September 1805
D/HH 4/1/791 volume, calf boundCourt book of the Manor of Cotherstone, 1 November 1821 – 8 October 1842
D/HH 4/1/80parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll, 27 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/811 paperBoundary roll, 8 – 9 November 1830
D/HH 4/1/821 paperNotice from William Watson, Steward of the Manor of Cotherstone to Thomas Wheldon, Steward of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite protesting at boundary perambulation, 1 July 1837
D/HH 4/1/831 paperNotice from Moses Allason, Bailiff to the Duke of Devonshire to John Heelis junior, land agent to the Earl of Thanet, Lord of the Manor of Brough, concerning the Cotherstone boundary, 1 August 1839
D/HH 4/1/841 paperDetails of the cost of the Cotherstone court dinner, 14 October 1777
D/HH 4/1/851 paperSummons for trespass on the woods of the Duke of Devonshire at Cotherstone, 10 April 1826
D/HH 4/1/86-102Sale of Cotherstone
D/HH 4/1/861 fileParticulars of the Duke of Devonshire’s estate at Cotherstone (704a.), received from Mr. Machell, 1 October 1819
D/HH 4/1/871 file, printedParticulars and conditions of sale of the Manor of Cotherstone (700a.) and sporting over Cotherstone Moor (6500a.), 31 July 1820
D/HH 4/1/881 file, printedParticulars and conditions of sale of the Manor of Cotherstone (700a.) and sporting over Cotherstone Moor (6500a.), 25 September 1833
D/HH 4/1/891 paperCopy of advertisement for the sale of the Manor of Cotherstone, 4 September 1840
D/HH 4/1/901 paper, printedNotice from John Bowes disputing the Duke of Devonshire’s claim to exclusive sporting over Cotherstone Moor, 27 September 1840
D/HH 4/1/911 file25 January 1841 (1) Benjamin Currey of Old Palace Yard, Westminster, Esquire [trustee for sale for the Duke of Devonshire] (2) Thomas Wheldon of Barnard Castle, gentleman (3) Henry Witham of Lartington, Esquire Draft release by (1) to (2) of the Manor of Coderston alias Cotherston with all rights and appurtenances to the use of (2) as specified. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £1000 by (3) to (1)
D/HH 4/1/921 fileBowes v Strathmore in Chancery. Draft affidavit of Thomas Wheldon as to propriety of purchase of the Manor of Cotherstone, January 1841
D/HH 4/1/931 file14 May 1841 (1) Benjamin Currey (2) John Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire (3) William Hutt of Conduit Street, Hanover Square, Middlesex, Esquire and Mary, Countess Dowager of Strathmore, his wife; Henry Jadis of Bryanstone Square, St. Mary-le-bone, Middlesex, Esquire, and Sir John Dean Paul of the Strand, Middlesex, Baronet Copy release by (1) to (3) of the Manor of Cotherstone, fee farm rents of 11s.1d. and all rights and appurtenances. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £1000
D/HH 4/1/941 paperValuation of the Duke of Devonshire’s estate at Cotherstone, n.d. [early 19th century]
D/HH 4/1/951 paperBill of costs of Thomas Wheldon for Cotherstone purchase, September 1840 – January 1841
D/HH 4/1/961 plan, 24cm x 21cmPlan of lands in Baldersdale [part of the Duke of Devonshire’s estate], n.d. [early 19th century] No scale
D/HH 4/1/971 plan, 75 cm. x 41 cm., linen backedPlan of the Cotherstone Estate [of the Duke of Devonshire], 1833 No scale
D/HH 4/1/981 paperDetails of fee farm rents, late the Duke of Devonshire’s, 1897
D/HH 4/1/99-1024 papersMiscellaneous papers and correspondence concerning inclosure of Cotherstone Moor, 14 September – 4 November 1835
D/HH 4/1/103-657Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1689 – 1948
D/HH 4/1/103-117Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite
D/HH 4/1/1031 paper7 September 1741 (1) William Hudleston of Millum Castle, Cumberland, Esquire (2) Andrew Hudleston of Hutton John and others (3) George Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire Agreement for the sale to (3) of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite for £3150
D/HH 4/1/1041 file2 February 1741/42 [early 19th century] (1) William Huddleston of Millum Castle, Cumberland, Esquire (2) Andrew Huddleston of Hutton John, Cumberland, Esquire; Richard Huddleston of Penrith, gentleman; and Edmund Gibson of Workington, gentleman (3) George Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire Copy release by (1) and (2) to (3) of the Manors of Thwaites, otherwise Underthwaite otherwise Hunderthwaite otherwise Hunderthwaite and Cotherston with all rights and appurtenances. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £3150 to (2)
D/HH 4/1/1051 paperCopy of an address supposed to have been given by Thomas Wheldon to the tenants of the manor, n.d.
D/HH 4/1/1061 paperAppointment of Joseph Hanby Holmes as Steward of the Manor of Cotherstone cum Hunderthwaite, 16 December 1881
D/HH 4/1/1071 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls, 26 March 1689 – 24 August 1705
D/HH 4/1/108Court rolls, 17 July 1719 – 22 December 1747 (1 volume, leather bound) [see also D/HH 4/l/657 below]
D/HH 4/1/1091 volume, calf boundCourt rolls, 4 September 1800 – 6 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/1101 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 22 January 1808 – 12 October 1825
D/HH 4/1/1111 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 8 October 1827 – 23 November 1849
D/HH 4/1/1121 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 14 November 1850 – 31 October 1876
D/HH 4/1/1131 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 11 August 1876 – 16 September 1896
D/HH 4/1/1141 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 1 May 1894 – 6 June 1914
D/HH 4/1/1151 volume, vellum boundCourt rolls (indexed), 10 February 1914 – 19 October 1925
D/HH 4/1/1161 fileCourt register with details of names and addresses of tenants, dates of admittance, customary rents and fines, customary and modern descriptions, 1886 – 1926
D/HH 4/1/1171 volume, card boundMemorandum book summarising conveyances of lands in Cotherstone to be enrolled in Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite court books, 1898 – 1908
D/HH 4/1/118-209Court rollsUnless otherwise stated these are simply lists of suitors and jurors. A separate series of jury presentments, alias verdicts, follows from D/HH 1/4/210 below. The court rolls/court books above also contain jury presentments but only rarely lists of suitors.
D/HH 4/1/1181 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 10 August 1715
D/HH 4/1/1191 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 8 August 1717
D/HH 4/1/1201 paperJury verdict, 8 August 1718
D/HH 4/1/1211 paperCourt roll, 28 April 1737
D/HH 4/1/1221 paperCourt roll, 22 April 1738
D/HH 4/1/1221 paperCourt roll, 24 October 1738
D/HH 4/1/1231 paperCourt roll, 24 October 1738
D/HH 4/1/1241 paperCourt roll, 27 April 1739
D/HH 4/1/1251 paperCourt roll, 27 October 1739
D/HH 4/1/1262 papersCourt roll, 29 April 1746
D/HH 4/1/1272 papersCourt roll, 23 October 1740
D/HH 4/1/1282 papersCourt roll, 2 May 1741
D/HH 4/1/1292 papersCourt roll, 27 October 1741
D/HH 4/1/1302 papersCourt roll, 26 April 1742
D/HH 4/1/1312 papersCourt roll, 1 November 1742
D/HH 4/1/1323 papersCourt roll, 21 April 1743
D/HH 4/1/1333 papersCourt roll, 8 December 1743
D/HH 4/1/1342 papersCourt roll, 19 April 1744
D/HH 4/1/1352 papersCourt roll, 28 December 1744
D/HH 4/1/1362 papersCourt roll, 7 December 1745
D/HH 4/1/1372 papersCourt roll, 18 December 1746
D/HH 4/1/1382 papersCourt roll, 22 December 1747
D/HH 4/1/1392 papersCourt roll, 29 October 1748
D/HH 4/1/1402 papersCourt roll, 6 November 1749
D/HH 4/1/1412 papersCourt roll, 20 October 1750
D/HH 4/1/1421 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 13 August 1752
D/HH 4/1/1431 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 7 August 1753
D/HH 4/1/1441 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 7 May 1754
D/HH 4/1/1451 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 23 April 1755
D/HH 4/1/1461 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 20 April 1756
D/HH 4/1/1471 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 5 May 1757
D/HH 4/1/1481 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 21 April 1758
D/HH 4/1/1491 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 11 May 1759
D/HH 4/1/1501 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 18 April 1760
D/HH 4/1/1511 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 20 June 1761
D/HH 4/1/1521 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 14 June 1762
D/HH 4/1/1531 fileCourt roll with jury verdict, 20 June 1763
D/HH 4/1/1541 fileCourt roll, 4 July 1764
D/HH 4/1/1551 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 4 July 1764
D/HH 4/1/1561 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 4 July 1764
D/HH 4/1/1571 paperAbstract of admittances, 4 July 1764
D/HH 4/1/1581 fileCourt roll, 3 June 1765
D/HH 4/1/1591 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 3 June 1765
D/HH 4/1/1601 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 3 June 1765
D/HH 4/1/1611 fileCourt roll, 17 May 1766
D/HH 4/1/1621 fileCourt roll, 24 December 1787
D/HH 4/1/1631 fileCourt roll, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/1641 fileCourt roll, 4 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/1651 fileCourt roll, 6 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/1661 fileCourt roll, 5 October 1802
D/HH 4/1/1671 fileCourt roll, 3 October 1803
D/HH 4/1/1681 fileCourt roll, 14 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/1691 fileCourt roll, 14 September 1807
D/HH 4/1/1701 fileCourt roll, 12 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/1711 fileCourt roll, 4 October 1810
D/HH 4/1/1721 fileCourt roll, 26 October 1812
D/HH 4/1/1731 fileCourt roll, 4 October 1814
D/HH 4/1/1741 fileCourt roll, 5 October 1816
D/HH 4/1/1751 fileCourt roll, 11 October 1819
D/HH 4/1/1761 fileCourt roll, 26 September 1822
D/HH 4/1/1771 fileCourt roll, 25 September 1823
D/HH 4/1/1781 fileCourt roll, 12 October 1825
D/HH 4/1/1791 fileCourt roll, 8 October 1827
D/HH 4/1/1801 fileCourt roll, 26 October 1829
D/HH 4/1/1811 fileCourt roll, 29 October 1832
D/HH 4/1/1821 fileCourt roll, 30 October 1834
D/HH 4/1/1831 fileCourt roll, 13 October 1836
D/HH 4/1/1841 fileCourt roll, 8 November 1838
D/HH 4/1/1851 fileCourt roll, 15 October 1840
D/HH 4/1/1861 fileCourt roll, 11 November 1841
D/HH 4/1/1871 fileCourt roll, 28 October 1842
D/HH 4/1/1881 fileCourt roll, 28 November 1843
D/HH 4/1/1891 fileCourt roll, 10 October 1844
D/HH 4/1/1901 fileCourt roll, 20 November 1845
D/HH 4/1/1911 fileCourt roll, 1846
D/HH 4/1/1921 fileCourt roll, 15 October 1847
D/HH 4/1/1931 fileCourt roll, 16 November 1848
D/HH 4/1/1941 fileCourt roll, 23 November 1849
D/HH 4/1/1951 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 1 November 1888
D/HH 4/1/1961 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 27 October 1890
D/HH 4/1/1971 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 26 September 1892
D/HH 4/1/1981 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 23 October 1894
D/HH 4/1/1991 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 7 September 1896
D/HH 4/1/2001 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 16 November 1899
D/HH 4/1/2011 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 26 September 1901
D/HH 4/1/2021 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 15 September 1903
D/HH 4/1/2031 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 22 August 1905
D/HH 4/1/2041 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 17 December 1907
D/HH 4/1/2051 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 14 December 1909
D/HH 4/1/2061 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 31 October 191l
D/HH 4/1/2071 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 14 October 1913
D/HH 4/1/2081 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 14 December 1915
D/HH 4/1/2091 fileCourt roll (tenants only), 28 December 1917
D/HH 4/1/210-240Jury Verdicts (see also D/HH 4/1/103 et seq. above)
D/HH 4/1/2101 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 8 August 1717
D/HH 4/1/2111 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 8 August 1717
D/HH 4/1/2121 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 18 December 1746
D/HH 4/1/2131 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 22 December 1747
D/HH 4/1/2141 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 29 October 1748
D/HH 4/1/2151 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 29 October 1748
D/HH 4/1/2161 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 6 November 1749
D/HH 4/1/2171 paperJury verdict, Cotherstone, 20 October 1750
D/HH 4/1/2181 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 20 October 1750
D/HH 4/1/2191 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2201 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 4 – 6 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/2211 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 6 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/2221 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 6 November 1802
D/HH 4/1/2231 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 6 November 1802
D/HH 4/1/2241 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 3 October 1803
D/HH 4/1/2251 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 3 October 1803
D/HH 4/1/2261 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 14 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/2271 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 14 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/2281 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 14 September 1807
D/HH 4/1/229Jury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 14 September 1807 (1 paper) [Hereafter only specimens kept]
D/HH 4/1/2301 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 5 October 1816
D/HH 4/1/2311 paperJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 5 October 1816
D/HH 4/1/2321 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 26 October 1829
D/HH 4/1/2331 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 28 October 1842
D/HH 4/1/2341 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 28 October 1842
D/HH 4/1/2351 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 11 October 1877
D/HH 4/1/2361 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 27 September 1880
D/HH 4/1/2371 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 24 August 1882
D/HH 4/1/2381 fileJury verdict, Hunderthwaite, 16 November 1899
D/HH 4/1/2391 fileJury verdict, Cotherstone, 21 October 1919
D/HH 4/1/2401 file, typescriptJury verdict, Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 15 December 1925
D/HH 4/1/241-259Precepts
D/HH 4/1/241-25414 papersPrecepts to summon manor court, 19 October 1737 – December 1746
D/HH 4/1/2551 paperPrecept, 7 September 1751
D/HH 4/1/2561 paperPrecept, 7 May 1754
D/HH 4/1/2571 paperPrecept, 14 September 1829
D/HH 4/1/2591 paperPrecept, 2 July 1882
D/HH 4/2581 paperPrecept, 10 October 1832
D/HH 4/1/260-270Miscellaneous Court Records
D/HH 4/1/260-2689 papersAbstracts of fines and amercements, notes of steward’s costs, 1739 – 1750
D/HH 4/1/2691 paperSchedule of papers (1737-1750) received from Mr. Lodge relating to Cotherstone manor court, verdicts, n.d. [c.1750s]
D/HH 4/1/2701 paperLetter from Matthew Hutchinson, Hury to Mr. Dixon, Durham, attorney concerning lease, 25 August 1756
D/HH 4/1/271-301Miscellaneous admittances
D/HH 4/1/271parchment, 1 membraneAdmittance of William Birdes as alienee of Grace Giskell to a house and garth in Cotherstone, 26 April 1653
D/HH 4/1/2721 paper16 April 1698 (1) Anthony Gastell of Cotherston, Yorks., yeoman (2) Samuel Nicholson of Cotherston, Yorks., blacksmith Alienation by (1) to (2) of a close at Cotherstone as specified Consideration: £14 Endorsed: 17 April 1698 (1) Samuel Nicholson (2) Anthony Gaskell Bond of (1) to (2) in £28
D/HH 4/1/2731 paperAdmittance of Samuel Nicholson of Cotherston to a house and two parcels of ground in Cotherstone, 19 July 1698
D/HH 4/1/2741 paper10 February 1698/99 (1) William Bird of Cotherston, weaver (2) Samuel Nicholson of Cotherston, blacksmith Alienation by (1) to (2) of a house and barn in Cotherstone
D/HH 4/1/2751 paperAdmittance of [blank] Nicholson of Cotherstone to a house and garth in Cotherstone, 14 February 1698/99
D/HH 4/1/2761 paper10 August 1715 (1) Samuel Nicholson of Cotherston, blacksmith (2) George Jackson of Cotherston, yeoman Alienation by (1) to (2) of a house and garth in Cotherstone
D/HH 4/1/2771 paperAdmittance of George Jackson as alienee of Samuel Nicholson, 10 August 1715
D/HH 4/1/2781 paperAdmittance of William Dent of Out High Gang to a moiety of Out High Gang House, Baldersdale, 28 December 1744
D/HH 4/1/279-2802 papersAdmittance of Thomas Hutchinson of Barnard Castle, gentleman to a messuage and lands in Hunderthwaite, 7 December 1745
D/HH 4/1/2811 paperAdmittance of Thomas Hutchinson of Barnard Castle, weaver to a small tenement in Hunderthwaite, 6 November 1749
D/HH 4/1/2821 paperAdmittance of John Raine as son and heir of Mary Rain deceased, 13 August 1750
D/HH 4/1/2831 paperAdmittance of William Coates, yeoman to a messuage and 14a. of land in Lartington, 11 May 1759
D/HH 4/1/2841 paperAdmittance of Robert Lodge as brother and heir of William Lodge, to lands and cattlegates at Lartington, 6 May 1767
D/HH 4/1/2851 paperAdmittance of George Alderson, Clerk as alienee of Alice Nicholson and George Nicholson to a messuage and lands at Cotherstone, 24 December 1787
D/HH 4/1/2861 paperAdmittance of George Alderson, Clerk as alienee of Alice Nicholson to messuages and lands in Cotherstone, 24 December 1787
D/HH 4/1/2871 paperAdmittance of James Vicars, as alienee of Jacob Bowron to a messuage and garth on the north side of Cotherstone, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2881 paperAdmittance of Thomas Vasey, as alienee of James Vicars, to a messuage and garth on the north side of Cotherstone, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2891 paperAdmittance of George Nicholson, as alienee of Joseph Hutchinson, to two closes called Burtry Wrea, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2901 paperAdmittance of George Nicholson, as alienee of Joseph Hutchinson, to lands called Goodshaw, High Butts and Wrea, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2911 paperAdmittance of Henry Maire, Esquire, as alienee of William Coates and others, to a messuage and 14a. of land at Low Cragg and 3r. of land in Lartington, 27 October 1796
D/HH 4/1/2921 paperAdmittance of William Coates, as alienee of William Bousfield, to a close of land at West Cragg, 5 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/2931 paperAdmittance of Cuthbert Vasey, as brother and heir of Thomas Vasey deceased, to a messuage and garth on the north side of Cotherstone, 6 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/294parchment, 1 membraneAdmittance of John Chapman, as alienee of William Vasey and others, to a messuage and garth on the north side of Cotherstone, 6 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/2951 paperAdmittance of Jonathan Horn, as alienee of John Raine, to Fidler’s House Stead ( r.), 6 November 1802
D/HH 4/1/2961 paperAdmittance of John Nicholson, as son and heir of George Nicholson, to a messuage at Cotherstone, 14 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/2971 paperAdmittance of John Nicholson, as son and heir of George Nicholson, to Burtry Wrea, Cotherstone, 14 October 1805
D/HH 4/1/298parchment, 1 membraneAdmittance of William Nicholson, as alienee of John Nicholson, to Burtry Wrea, 12 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/299parchment, 1 membraneAdmittance of William Nicholson, as alienee of John Nicholson, to a dwellinghouse purchased of Christopher Elwin, 12 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/300parchment, 1 membraneAdmittance of John Stanton of Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman, as alienee of the Reverend William Nicholson, to various messuages and lands as specified, 5 October 1810
D/HH 4/1/301Admittance of James Peacock, as alienee of Anthony Nicholson, to a messuage in Cotherstone, 11 October 1819 (parchment, 1 membrane) [Year bundles of draft admittance were kept from 1810 to 1840;these have not been retained]
D/HH 4/1/302-308Boundaries
D/HH 4/1/302parchment, 1 membrane, LatinBoundary roll of the Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 29 – 30 July 1720
D/HH 4/1/3031 paperBoundary roll of the Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 29 – 30 July 1720
D/HH 4/1/304parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll of the Manor of Hunderthwaite, 14 September 1793
D/HH 4/1/305parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll of the Manor of Hunderthwaite, 2 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/306parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll of the Manor of Hunderthwaite, 2 September 1800
D/HH 4/1/307parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll of the Manor of Cotherstone, 15 September 1808
D/HH 4/1/308parchment, 1 membraneBoundary roll of the Manor of Cotherstone, 29 August 1842
D/HH 4/1/309-329Boundary Disputes (see also D/HH 7/ below)
D/HH 4/1/3091 fileThomas Maire, Plaintiff Most Noble William, Duke of Devonshire and Ferdinand Hudleston, Defendants Brief in case concerning the boundaries of Cotherstone and Lartington, n.d. [c.1720s]
D/HH 4/1/3101 file5 April 1721 (1) Ferdinand Hudleston of Millom Castle, Cumberland, Esquire and William Hudleston his eldest son and heir (2) Sir Christopher Musgrave of Edenhall, Cumberland, Baronet, Sir William Fleming of Rydall, Westmorland, Baronet and Gilfrid Lawson of Brayton, Cumberland, Esquire (3) William Kirkby of Kirkbyhall, Lancs., Esquire and John Archer of Oxenholme, Westmorland, Esquire (4) Robert Gibson of Lancaster, Esquire and John Christiana of [Un]erigg, Cumberland, Esquire (5) Nicolas Hall of Furnivalls Inn, Middlesex, gentleman and Wandsford Gill of the same, gentleman Settlement of the Hudleston estates: the castle, manor or lordship of Millom alias Millum, the manors, hamlets and villages of Kirksancton, Satterton alias Setterton alias Satherton, Booth Corney, Wolfe alias Woofall alias Ulpha alias Upha, Whitchaen alias Whitbeck, all Cumberland; the manors of Thwaites, Underthwaite and Cootherston, Yorks., as specified
D/HH 4/1/3121 paperStatement of the case relating to the Lartington and Cotherstone boundaries and letter from Robert Shirard to Mr. Relffe concerning visit to Cotherstone, 2 October 1721
D/HH 4/1/313-3142 papersLetters from Wandesford Gyll, Furnivalls Inn to Robert Gibson at Lancaster concerning Cotherstone boundaries, with details of Cotherstone and Lartington taken from Domesday Book (and translation of same), 21 July 1724
D/HH 4/1/3151 paperLetter from John Lodge, [Barnard Castle], to Ferdinand Huddleston, Millum Castle, Cumberland concerning Cotherstone boundaries, 23 March 1724
D/HH 4/1/3161 file3 February 1727/28 [c.1830] (1) The Most Noble Duke of Devonshire, K.G.; Ferdinand Huddleston of Millum Castle, Cumberland, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Cotherstone; the Rt. Hon. William, Marquis of Hartington (eldest son of the Duke); and William Huddleston, gentleman (eldest son of Ferdinand) (2) Thomas Maire of Lartington, Yorks., Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Lartington and Francis Maire his son and heir apparent Copy of deed settling the boundary between the Manors of Cotherstone and Lartington in line with the award of John Rudd and Thomas Gibson as specified
D/HH 4/1/3171 paperLetter from Andrew Hudleston, Hutton John to unidentified correspondent discussing Huddleston family settlements relative to Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite property, 21 October 1741
D/HH 4/1/3181 paperNotes of Cotherstone boundary, n.d. [late 18th century]
D/HH 4/1/3191 paperSketch plan of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite boundaries, n.d. [early 19th century]
D/HH 4/1/3201 paperMemorandum of Richard Dobson concerning his perambulation of Cotherstone boundaries, 8 November 1830
D/HH 4/1/321-3232 files, 1 paperDraft brief in support of the claim of the Manor of Hunderthwaite, with regard to the disputed boundary with the Manor of Cotherstone, and minutes of evidence, 1837 and n.d.
D/HH 4/1/324-3263 filesMinutes of proceedings before J.J. Rawlinson, Assistant Tithe Commissioner with draft of his award and of notice of his award concerning the disputed Hunderthwaite boundary, June – 8 December 1838
D/HH 4/1/3271 paperBill for boundary stones and refreshments, 20 July 1838
D/HH 4/1/3281 paperNotice of Stainmore boundary riding, 10 July 1854
D/HH 4/1/3292 papersNotes on the history of the Manors of Cotherstone and Lartington by Revd. J. Allason, Feetham, 1834
D/HH 4/1/330-339Manorial Customs
D/HH 4/1/330parchment, 2 membranes27 October 1653 (1) William Huddleston of Milham Castle, Cumberland, Esquire and Fardinando Huddleston, his son and heir apparent (2) Francis Appelby, Thomas Dale and Henry Dodsworth, gentlemen; Thomas Bailes, Anthony Cradock and 73 other named tenants of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite Deed settling the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite in termination of the disputes effecting them
D/HH 4/1/3311 bookletCopy of D/HH 4/l/330, n.d. [c.1800]
D/HH 4/1/3321 paperSchedule of the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, n.d. [late 17th century]
D/HH 4/1/3331 paperSchedule of the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, n.d. [18th century]
D/HH 4/1/3341 paperSchedule of the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1 February 1760
D/HH 4/1/3351 paperOpinion of John Richardson concerning the custom of the Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 3 January 1628/29
D/HH 4/1/3361 fileCase, with the opinion of Francis Hargrave, New Boswell Court thereupon, concerning the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite and their interpretation, 24 October 1812
D/HH 4/1/3371 paperNotice from various of the tenants of the manor to Thomas Wheldon, Steward concerning deeds of alienation with stamps, 29 October 1832
D/HH 4/1/3381 paperCase, with the opinion of C. Cresswell, K[ings] B[ench] Walk thereupon concerning stamp duty on alienations of manorial property, 6 February 1833
D/HH 4/1/3391 fileCase, with the opinion of Serjeant Scriven thereupon, concerning steward’s fees and related manners, 10 September 1840
D/HH 4/1/340-393Enfranchisement Disputes
D/HH 4/1/3401 filel June 1882 (1) John Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire (2) The Tees Valley Railway Company Draft deed of enfranchisement of lands of (2) in the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite
D/HH 4/1/341-3422 filesCopy correspondence (1882-1883) concerning the claim of the Steward of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite to compensation for loss of fees in the matter of the Tees Valley Railway Company’s enfranchisement, [1883]
D/HH 4/1/3431 paperCopy of account of the fees of J. Hanby Holmes in connexion with the Tees Valley Railway Company, 1882
D/HH 4/1/344parchment, 1 bookletCase in support of the claim by the Steward for compensation in connexion with the Tees Valley Railway Company, 1883
D/HH 4/1/3451 fileCase, with the opinion of Rolla Rouse, 122 Chancery Lane, thereupon, in support of the claim by the Steward for compensation, 16 – 25 May 1883
D/HH 4/1/3461 fileDraft joint declaration by William Watson and J. Hanby Holmes as to the customs of the Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 10 – 23 March 1887
D/HH 4/1/347-3554 files, 5 papersArthur Clive Watson, Plaintiff Joseph Hanby Holmes, Defendant Copy affidavit of J. Hanby Holmes, notices received and copies of notices sent. In the County Court, July – August 1897
D/HH 4/1/356-37719 papers, 4 filesWatson v Holmes Copies of documents produced (see also D/HH 4/l/330-338 above) comprising details of fines and fees, admittances and correspondence, (1805-1897) concerning steward’s fees, 1897
D/HH 4/1/3791 fileCopy of bill of complaint (of 28 May 1653) of Thomas Bayles and others, customary tenants of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite concerning the customs of the Manor. In Chancery, n.d. [19th century]
D/HH 4/1/3801 fileCopies and translations of papers relating to the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite (1610-1653), n.d. [early 19th century]
D/HH 4/1/3811 fileNotes on the history of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite in the 16th and 17th centuries, n.d. [19th century]
D/HH 4/1/382-3864 papers, 1 fileCorrespondence received by J. Hanby Holmes from J. Ingram Dawson and others concerning A.C. Watson v Holmes etc., 9 November 1896 – 6 August 1897
D/HH 4/1/3871 paper, printedNewspaper cutting from The Northern [Echo] of letter from R.T. Watson, Balder View concerning Cotherstone court charges, 1 October 1896
D/HH 4/1/3881 paper, printedNewspaper cutting of proceedings in Watson v Holmes, 1897
D/HH 4/1/3891 paper, printedSupplement to the Teesdale Mercury containing long report of Watson v Holmes proceedings and judgement in favour of Watson, 25 August 1897
D/HH 4/1/3901 fileWatson v Holmes Copy notice of appeal, from judgement of the Durham County Court to the Queen’s Bench Division, 31 August 1897
D/HH 4/1/3911 booklet, printedWatson v Holmes Transcript from shorthand notes of the judgement against Holmes. In the Court of Appeal, 2 November 1898
D/HH 4/1/3921 file, typescriptSpecimen fees for out of court admittances, n.d. [early 20th century]
D/HH 4/1/3931 paper, typescriptNotes on manorial customary timber etc., n.d. [early 20th century]
D/HH 4/1/394-425Enfranchisements[The minerals remained the property of the Lord of the Manor]
D/HH 4/1/3941 paper, printedMinute of the Copyhold Commissioners as to compulsory enfranchisement, April 1877
D/HH 4/1/3951 paper, printedTable of fees for enfranchisements, n.d. [c.1870s]
D/HH 4/1/396-3983 papers, printed formNotices issued under the Copyhold Acts by the steward to the tenant of a manor giving the option to enfranchise copyholds, 7 September 1888 – 6 June 1914
D/HH 4/1/3991 paperLetter from Western and Sons, 35 Essex Street, Strand to J.D. Holmes discussing John Bowes’ manorial rights and terms for enfranchisement, 15 November 1877
D/HH 4/1/4001 file18 May 1878 (1) John Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire (2) John Hutt of Appley Cliffe Moor, Shanklin, Isle of Wight (3) The Copyhold Commissioners (4) Anthony Bainbridge Nicholson of Cotherstone, gentleman Draft deed of enfranchisement of Lathbury close (la.), Cotherstone. Plan attached Consideration: £2 13s. by (4) to (2)
D/HH 4/1/4011 paper, printed formDraft notice of the enfranchisement, D/HH 4/l/400, sent to Claude Bowes Lyon as the person entitled to the first vested estate of inheritance in the manor, 30 May 1878
D/HH 4/1/402-41l10 papersCorrespondence received by J.D. Holmes, concerning enfranchisements, 13 December 1877 – 1 August 1878
D/HH 4/1/412-4164 papers, 1 fileNotices, draft award of enfranchisement and details of lands (of which Ralph John Dent of Streatlam House is tenant) to be enfranchised, 31 October 1882 – 1883
D/HH 4/1/417-4226 papers, printed formNotices, certificate of lodgement and bills of costs concerning the enfranchisement of lands of which Dr. Joseph Atkinson of Ardwarn House is tenant, 13 July – September 1885
D/HH 4/1/423-4253 papers, printed formNotices and certificate of lodgment and copy of proposed award relating to the enfranchisement of lands of which Lewis Fry of Goldney House, Clifton, Somerset, M.P. is tenant, 24 March – 11 August 1887
D/HH 4/1/426-456Witham Enfranchisement
D/HH 4/1/426-4282 papers, 1 fileNotices and copy award of enfranchisement for the lands of the Rt. Revd. Monsignor Witham, 1887
D/HH 4/1/4291 paperCopy admittance (dated 15 October 1847) of the Reverend Thomas Witham as heir of George Witham, n.d. [c.1847]
D/HH 4/1/4301 fileAbstract of conveyance (dated 29 June 1792) by Henry Maire, Esquire to Thomas Haggerston of copyholds in the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1875
D/HH 4/1/431-4373 files, 4 papersMiscellaneous schedules of Witham copyhold property in the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, notes of descents, purchases, rentals and fines, including notes by R.J. Dent and W.H. Scarre, 1877 – 1882 and n.d.
D/HH 4/1/438-4447 papersCorrespondence received by J.D. Holmes etc. from R.J. Dent, Streatlam Castle, W.H. Scarre, Lartington and Alfred Markby, London, concerning Witham copyholds, 9 November 1875 – 5 January 1884
D/HH 4/1/4451 file24 December 1897 (1) John Bourne of Clevedon, Somerset, Esquire (2) John Lionel Tayler of the Grotto, Hampton on Thames, Middlesex, medical student and the Revd. Charles Green of St. Paul’s Vicarage, Beckenham, Kent, Clerk (mortgagees) (3) William Green of Lillington Avenue, Leaming, Warwickshire, Esquire and Edward Green of Beverley Terrace, Cullercoats, Northumberland, Esquire (4) The Right Revd. Monsignor Thomas Witham of Lartington Hall, Yorks. (5) Sir John Lawson of Brough Hall, Yorks., Baronet and the Rt. Hon. Arthur Fitzgerald, Baron Kinnaird Draft conveyance by (1) and (2) to (5) of 56a.3r.3p. of land in Cotherstone (specified) upon trust. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £2660 by (5) to (2)
D/HH 4/1/4461 fileJohn Bourne, by William Green the younger, his next friend, Plaintiff George Dugard, Richard Binks, Ann Bourne, spinster and Elizabeth Granger Bourne, William Temple Bourne, infants by William Green their guardian, and Charlotte Bourne, Defendants Copy order by Vice Chancellor Wood, 3 June 1858
D/HH 4/1/447-4504 papersMiscellaneous memoranda detailing Bourne’s copyholds at Cotherstone, customary rents etc., 1898 and n.d.
D/HH 4/1/451-4566 papersCorrespondence received by J.D. Holmes concerning Bourne v Dugard, Bourne copyholds etc. and confused state of the Bourne family’s affairs, 22 November 1858 – 20 March 1867
D/HH 4/1/457-532Bayles Enfranchisement
D/HH 4/1/4571 file15 August 1873 (1) James Bayles of Hunderthwaite, farmer (2) William Kipling of Romaldkirk, Esquire (3) The Tees Valley Railway Company Copy conveyance by (1) to (3) of customary lands in the township of Hunderthwaite as specified. Recites previous deeds. Plan attached Consideration: £225 to (1)
D/HH 4/1/4581 file6 April 1887 (1) James Bayles of Hunderthwaite, yeoman (2) Thomas Oliver of Gill field, Hunderthwaite, farmer (3) John Dent of Balder Head, Cotherstone, farmer and Thomas Sayer of New House, Baldersdale, farmer (mortgagees) Copy mortgage by (1) and (2) to (3) of 30a. of land allotted under Hunderthwaite Inclosure to secure £300 and interest Consideration: £300 to (1) and (2) 1 May 1895 (1) John Dent and Thomas Sayer (transferors) (2) James Bayles and William John Bayles, both of Hunderthwaite, farmers (3) Charles Waistell of Northallerton, solicitor and Christopher Rowlandson of the College, Durham, Esquire (transferees) Copy assignment of mortgage by (1) to (3)
D/HH 4/1/4591 file30 July 1910 (1) William John Bayles of Hunderthwaite, farmer (2) Sarah Ann Bayles of Hunderthwaite, spinster (3) James Oliver of The Square, Romaldkirk (4) Annie Mary Towns, wife of Edward Towns of Cotherstone, postman Copy agreement between the above parties concerning the division of the property of the late James Bayles
D/HH 4/1/4601 fileInstruction to counsel, Mr. Archibald Brown, to settle deed of enfranchisement for the heirs of James Bayles, 1912
D/HH 4/1/4611 file1913 (1) The Earl of Strathmore (2) Hon. John Herbert Bowes Lyon of St. Paul’s, Walden Bury, Herts; Charles Linsday Claude Bowes Lyon of Ridley Hall, Northumberland, Esquire; John William Western of 35 Essex Street, Strand, London, gentleman (3) William John Bayles of Hunderthwaite, farmer (4) William Kipling of Carrowcroft, Romaldkirk, Yorks., Esquire (5) George Barker of Gladstone House, Darlington, accountant and Emily Mary Helmer of Wildon Grange Romaldkirk Draft deed of enfranchisement of lands as specified in Hunderthwaite upon payment of compensation and arrears of manorial incidents. Recites previous deeds, will of James Bayles and illegitimacy of his offspring
D/HH 4/1/4621 file, printedPlan, particulars and conditions of sale of an inn and land at Holwick, 4 December 1912
D/HH 4/1/4631 file, printedPlan, particulars and conditions of sale of a farm and land at Hunderthwaite, 9 July 1913
D/HH 4/1/4641 fileNotes on draft deed of enfranchisement, 1913
D/HH 4/1/4651 paper, typescriptCosts for Bayles’ enfranchisement, 26 May 1913 – 31 July 1914
D/HH 4/1/466-53067 papersCorrespondence received by J.H. Holmes for Charles Waistell and Company, Northallerton, solicitors, concerning James Bayles deceased, his affairs, his mortgage to Waistell, enfranchisement and related matters, 12 January 1909 – 12 August 1914
D/HH 4/1/5311 file, typescriptCopy correspondence between Watson and Wells, Barnard Castle and Charles Waistell and Company, Northallerton, solicitors, concerning title to Hunderthwaite property, 21 – 26 June 1913
D/HH 4/1/5321 paperCopy of the will of William Kipling of Romaldkirk, Esquire (dated 21 December 1882) devising his house in Romaldkirk to wife for life there, with other real estate, to son William Kipling, n.d. [1890 or after]
D/HH 4/1/533-624Compensation Agreements on the extinguishment of manorial incidents upon customary tenements held of the manorCompensation paid to the Earl of Strathmore as Lord by:
D/HH 4/1/5331 file2 December 1928 James Iceton of Willoughby Hall, Baldersdale, farmer for part of Pitcher House Farm, Mirebeck Farm, Low Lockey Closes at Willy Pot House, a farm at West Briscoe and a farm at Schoon Bank Compensation: £75
D/HH 4/1/534parchment, 1 file24 May 1929 George Maxwell Grieve of Flockwell Heath, High Wycombe, Bucks., engineer, for a house and appurtenances on the south side of Cotherstone town street Compensation: £18 5s.
D/HH 4/1/5351 file18 May 1931 Thomas Birkett of Gainford, retired farmer for lands (Long Croft, West Croft and Little Croft) at Cotherstone. Plan endorsed Compensation: £23 11s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5361 file, typescript28 November 1933 Eric Richard Hanby Holmes and another for West Thorngarth Hill and lands specified (43a.0r.28p) Compensation: £38 6s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/5371 file, typescript6 September 1934 Mary Emma Wellburn of Fernville, Ruswarp Lane, Whitby for land called Milberry Riggs (la.1r.6p.) at Cotherstone Compensation: £5 3s.9d.
D/HH 4/1/5381 file, typescript19 September 1934 Sarah Ann Lee of Memento Cottage, Cotherstone, widow and William Lee of Leazes View, Wolsingham, signalman for (Memento Cottage) land in Cotherstone town street Compensation: £7 0s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5391 file, typescript1 November 1934 John Hodgson of Mount Pleasant, Cotherstone, farmer for land at Cotherstone as specified. Plan attached Compensation: £82 8s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5401 file, typescript15 March 1935 John Dent of Hartley Castle, Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, farmer for lands at Balder Head as specified. Plan attached Compensation: £80
D/HH 4/1/5411 paper, typescript16 March 1935 Ralph Spark Hodgson of Cotherstone for Garden House late Hawcrofts on the east side of Cotherstone Compensation: £12 6s.
D/HH 4/1/5421 file, typescript5 April 1935 Hannah Hibbert of North Terrace, Gainford, married woman for two messuages (Sunnycroft Cottages) and a parcel of land adjoining them Compensation: £10 4s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/5431 file, typescript5 April 1935 Ellen Alderson Birkett of North Terrace, Gainford, spinster for two messuages etc. as D/HH 4/l/542 above Compensation: £10 4s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/5441 file, typescript5 April 1935 Mrs. Hannah Hibbert and Miss E.A. Birkett, for land called Leadpipe, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 1s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5451 file, typescript5 April 1935 Mrs. Hannah Hibbert and Miss E.A. Birkett for parts of Scaleberry (1a.0r.11p.) Compensation: £6 12s.
D/HH 4/1/5461 file, typescript11 July 1935 John James Fortune Wilkinson and Jane Ann his wife, both of Sunnycroft, Cotherstone for two messuages (Sunnycroft Cottages) and 2a.1r. Plan endorsed Compensation: £9 19s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/5471 file, typescript20 November 1935 Margaret Alice Kidd of Gurnard, Cowes, Isle of Wight, widow for land called Sunnycroft (2a.1r.) Compensation: £7 10s.10d.
D/HH 4/1/5481 paper, typescript16 December 1935 John Sherlock Helmer of Barnard Castle, retired bank manager and E.R. Hanby Holmes for Rood House, Cotherstone Compensation: £6 6s.10d.
D/HH 4/1/5491 paper, typescript30 December 1935 West Auckland Brewery Co. Ltd., for the Red Lion Inn, Cotherstone Compensation: £17 6s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5501 paper, typescript30 December 1935 John Joseph Newton of Corn Park South, Cotherstone, farmer for South Corn Park Farm Compensation: £91 10s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/5511 paper, typescript30 December 1935 John Robert Alderson of Cotherstone, shoemaker for a house in Cotherstone Compensation: £4 16s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/5521 file, typescript31 December 1935 Mary Ellen Alderson of The Villa, Bowes, spinster for Trees Farm, Rood Hall and West Briscoe as specified. Plan attached Compensation: £63 8s.3d.
D/HH 4/1/5531 paper, typescript31 December 1935 James Allison of 145 Queen Street, Coatham, Redcar, accountant, for the Friends’ Meeting House, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 17s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5541 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Joseph Henry Armoury of Cotherstone, builder for The Banks (4a.) and a cottage there adjoining the Cotherstone to Romaldkirk Road Compensation: £10 7s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5551 paper, typescript31 December 1935 John Henry Bowron of 47 The Drive, Hove, Sussex, merchant and John Walton Bowron of the same, commercial traveller, for 1.742a. of land at Cotherstone Compensation: £6 15s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5561 paper, typescript31 December 1935 William Littlefair Clarkson of Cotherstone, retired butcher, for the Croft, Broats and lands and messuages as specified Compensation: £36 10s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5571 paper, typescript31 December 1935 John William Cottrell of Cotherstone, master painter and decorator for 3 messuages and “The Bungalow”, Marwood View, Cotherstone. Plan endorsed Compensation: £9 19s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5581 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Sarah Ellen Coulthard of Hunderthwaite, spinster for a messuage in Hunderthwaite Compensation: £5 13s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/5591 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Margaret Dent of The Farm, Hunderthwaite, wife of William Walton Dent for 43.465a. of land (as specified) at Hunderthwaite Compensation: £59 2s.
D/HH 4/1/5601 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Muriel Eisylt Draycott of The Poplars, Cotherstone for The Poplars and appurtenances Compensation: £17 9s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5611 paper, typescript31 December 1935 William Hodgson of Cotherstone, grocer for a house and Clark Close, Romaldkirk Compensation: £10 3s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5621 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Sir Emmanuel Hoyle of Banney Royd, Huddersfield, Bart., for Corn Park (79a.3r.18p.) Compensation: £147 1s.7d.
D/HH 4/1/5631 paper, typescript31 December 1935 James Kipling of Merebeck, Baldersdale, farmer for lands at Merebeck (16a.1r.18p.) and a messuage on the north east side of the village street of Cotherstone Compensation: £17 2s.
D/HH 4/1/5641 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Herbert Muschamp Lingford of Lancelands, Cotherstone, baking powder manufacturer for part of Hen Butts, Cotherstone Compensation: £6 6s.
D/HH 4/1/5651 paper, typescript31 December 1955 George Hugh Norris of Cotherstone, medical practitioner and Dora May Norris his wife for Burnside, Cotherstone Compensation: £6 9s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5661 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Thomas Plews of Elm Bungalow, Cotherstone, retired farmer, for a portion of Mirelands Compensation: £5 5s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5671 paper, typescript31 December William Robinson of Cotherstone, shoemaker for a cottage on the north side of the village of Cotherstone Compensation: £4 0s.10d.
D/HH 4/1/5681 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Louisa Jane Smith of Greystones, Cotherstone, widow for 3r. 4p. of land at Cotherstone called Croft Compensation: £5 12s.
D/HH 4/1/5691 file31 December 1935 Henry Scott Spooner of 12 Larchfield Street, Darlington, clerk for two cottages on the north side of Cotherstone. Plan attached Compensation: £8
D/HH 4/1/5701 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Edward Thompson of Featherstone House, Cotherstone, grocer for a messuage on the north side of Cotherstone and 22p. of ground at the eastern end of Cotherstone town street. Plan endorsed Compensation: £5 9s.9d.
D/HH 4/1/5711 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Nicholas Bertram Turnbull of the Rose and Crown Hotel, Romaldkirk, hotel proprietor, for 1.682a. of land and the Rose and Crown Hotel Compensation: £38 8s.
D/HH 4/1/5721 paper, typescript31 December 1935 Elizabeth Walker of Darlington, widow and Thomas Walker of 24 Thornton Street, Darlington, clerk, for High Birkhat Compensation: £54 15s.
D/HH 4/1/5731 paper, typescript31 December 1935 William Walker of 33 Carmel Road, Darlington, telegraphist for land at High Birkhat (75a.) Compensation: £31 16s.3d.
D/HH 4/1/5741 paper, typescript31 December 1935 The Reverend John Hutchinson Walton of 84 Woodside Road, London N22, clerk, for West Close (2a.1r.32p.), Milberry (1a.0r.20p.), part of Scalehow (5a.0r.3p.), Milberries and Scalehow Head, all Cotherstone Compensation: £19 2s.
D/HH 4/1/5751 file8 March 1937 Duncan Alderson Duthie of The Precincts, Peterborough, medical practitioner for a tenement known as The Cragg, Cotherstone. Plan attached Compensation: £3 2s. 6d.
D/HH 4/1/5761 paper, typescript10 March 1937 Michael Hodgson of Crumma, Dalton, Richmond, farmer, for lands called Long Lands Compensation: £30 8s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/5771 paper, typescript8 June 1937 Ellen Smith of 5 Grey Terrace, Sunderland, widow for Cotherstone House Compensation: £25 19s.
D/HH 4/1/5781 paper, typescriptl December 1937 Mary Dent of Swindle Grange, Brough, widow and William Innes Watson of Barnard Castle, solicitor for lands at Blindbeck Compensation: £59 12s.5d.
D/HH 4/1/5791 file12 March 1938 Elizabeth Dowsen of 3 Dryden Road, Gateshead, spinster for a messuage adjoining the Fox and Hounds Inn, Cotherstone. Plan attached Compensation: £3 6s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/5801 paper, typescript30 August 1938 George Barron Hodsman of Balder Grange, Cotherstone, gentleman for two ridges of land in Scale Hows and two in West Field Compensation: £8 2s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5811 paper, typescript24 February 1939 John Sherlock Helmer of Barnard Castle, retired bank manager and others (trustees of Thomas Walton deceased) for 3 Nicholson Terrace on the south side of Cotherstone Compensation: £13 17s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5821 paper, typescript5 December 1939 James William Tyerman of Wetherby House, Cotherstone, joiner for a house in the middle of Cotherstone Compensation: £6 16s.
D/HH 4/1/5831 paper, typescript24 June 1940 Stanley Coulthard of 116 Galgate, Barnard Castle, butcher and Bertie Stoddart of 33 Coronation Street, Barnard Castle, solicitor’s clerk, for Raymond Cottage on the north side of Cotherstone Compensation: £4 9s.7d.
D/HH 4/1/5841 paper, typescript17 August 1940 Ursula Heslop of Low Green, Romaldkirk, spinster and William Gardener Heslop of Langton, Staindrop, farmer, for 7.411a. of land (Lowfield and Breckon Rigg etc.) Compensation: £31 6s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5851 paper, typescript6 December 1940 Joseph Roddam of The Limes, Cotherstone, gentleman for Toad Hill Houses, now Glenair, at the north end of Cotherstone Compensation: £6 17s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5861 paper, typescript11 December 1940 Katharine Birkett of West Park, Cotherstone, widow for a dwellinghouse on the north side of Cotherstone, and lands called Short Butts and The Crooks and 1.239a. of land in Cotherstone Compensation: £13 3s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5871 paper, typescript11 December 1940 Jane Ann Haygarth of Cotherstone, widow for a dwellinghouse in Cotherstone Compensation: £4 1s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5881 paper, typescript14 December 1940 Ella Louise Rowley Jex Long of 1 Nicholson Terrace, Cotherstone, spinster for the aforementioned property Compensation: £9 6s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5891 file18 December 1940 Alice Addison and William Addison of Park House, Romaldkirk for West Carnigill, Hunderthwaite. Plan attached Compensation: £68 2s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5901 paper, typescript28 December 1940 Jennett Rachel Hodgkin, wife of Ronald Hodgkin of Cotherstone, gentleman for a messuage and orchard in Cotherstone Compensation: £18 8s.9d.
D/HH 4/1/5911 paper, typescript30 December 1940 Margaret Ann Hunter of Bede Road, Barnard Castle, spinster for High Ground and Intake (4a.2r.12p.), Cotherstone Compensation: £13 0s.7d.
D/HH 4/1/5921 paper, typescript30 December 1940 Alfred Hunter of Crookbeck Hall Farm, Cotherstone, farmer for Crookbeck Hall Farm (22a.) Compensation: £39 11s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/5931 paper, typescript31 December 1940 Ann Elizabeth Hodgson and Emily Graham Hodgson of Brierdale, Cotherstone, spinsters, for Brierdale, late Prospect House Compensation: £14 18s.
D/HH 4/1/5941 paper, typescript31 December 1940 William Hutchinson of Half Hill, Skeeby near Richmond, farmer for Hole Hirst Closes and East Close Compensation: £62 4s.3d.
D/HH 4/1/5951 paper, typescript31 December 1940 Arthur Thomas Wellburn of Fernville, Ruswarp Lane, Whitby, Yorks., retired grocer, for 1a.3r.12p. of land at Cotherstone Compensation: £4 11s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5961 paper, typescript3 January 1941 Harry Harvey Thomas of Manor House, Tring, Hereford, Chartered Accountant for Ainsley House, Cotherstone Compensation: £11 12s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/5971 paper, typescriptAda Marshall of 1 Victoria Cottages, Copley for a dwellinghouse on the north side of Cotherstone Town Street Compensation: £4 2s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/5981 paper, typescript3 January 1941 Kenneth Graham of Moor Cottage, Cotherstone, labourer for a dwellinghouse on the north side of Cotherstone Town Street Compensation: £7 15s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/5991 paper, typescript17 January 1941 Annie Littlefair of Garth House, Hamsterley, widow for land called Dayswork (1a.2r.36p.) at Cotherstone Compensation: £3 13s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/6001 paper, typescript21 January 1941 Robert Bayles Collinson of Booze Wood, Cotherstone, farmer for Broad Ings (6a.3r.25p.), Cotherstone Compensation: £9 4s.
D/HH 4/1/6011 paper, typescript24 January 1941 Hubert Gordon Thornley, Clerk of the North Riding County Council, for the said County Council, for land called Scaleberry Compensation: £4 14s.3d.
D/HH 4/1/6021 paper, typescript3 February 1941 Mary Fenwick of 66 Beacon Street, Low Fell, widow for a messuage, blacksmith’s shop and dairy etc. erected on Longcroft, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 5s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/6031 file16 March 1941 Herbert Muschamp Lingford of The Lancelands, Cotherstone, baking powder manufacturer, for Pinners Cottage, South West Walk Close etc. Plan attached Compensation: £32 1s.9d.
D/HH 4/1/6041 paper, typescript20 April 1941 Joseph Frederick Robson of Raby Cottage, 14 Cleveland Avenue, Scarborough and others, for Butte Villas, Cotherstone Compensation: £3 19s.
D/HH 4/1/6051 paper, typescript1 November 1941 Annie Workman, wife of William Workman of Blind Beck, Baldersdale, Cotherstone, farmer, for Foulsyke, Hunderthwaite Compensation: £38 14s.
D/HH 4/1/6061 file1 November 1941 Joseph Stanley Coulthard of Gill House, Hunderthwaite, farmer for an allotment of 31a.1r.12p. in Hunderthwaite Compensation: £15 10s.
D/HH 4/1/6071 paper, typescript1 April 1942 Anthony Watson Coulthard of Gibson House, Main Street, Brough, Westmorland, retired farmer for Chapel Holme, Hunderthwaite (3a.1r.9p.) Compensation: £53 17s.9d.
D/HH 4/1/6081 paper, typescript4 June 1942 Grace Robson of 30 Sunniside Drive, South Shields for a dwellinghouse in Cotherstone Town Street Compensation: £7 6s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/6091 paper, typescript2 October 1942 Wilfred Simpson Heslop of 57 Grainger Street, Newcastle on Tyne, Chartered Accountant and others (executors of Sir John Priestman) for Rose Cottage and Primrose Cottage, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 18s.8d.
D/HH 4/1/6101 paper, typescript25 November 1942 Mona Trost, wife of Augustus Herman Trost of 18 The Bridle Road, Purley, Surrey for a dwellinghouse in Cotherstone Compensation: £8 19s.
D/HH 4/1/6111 file, typescript25 November 1942 Ada Jane Wilson of 2 Nicholson Terrace, Cotherstone, widow for No.2 Nicholson Terrace, Cotherstone, West Close alias Wathlands, and 4 Marwood Terrace Compensation: £25 5s.3d.
D/HH 4/1/6121 file, typescript29 October 1944 William Blakeston Lodge of 120 Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland, fruiterer and Frederick Down of Belvedere, Barnard Castle, law clerk for Cuckoo Hall, Broad Ings and 27 stints on Cotherstone Moor (Draft) Compensation: £19 3s.
D/HH 4/1/6131 paper, typescript2 September 1946 Marion Robson of Cleveland House, Cotherstone, spinster for Cleveland House Compensation: £11 15s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/6141 paper, typescript10 October 1946 Winifred Mary Andrews of Hallgarth House, Cotherstone, spinster for Hallgarth House. Plan endorsed Compensation: £7 14s.11d.
D/HH 4/1/6151 paper, typescript29 October 1946 Sydney Stephen Hodgson of Redsholme, Cotherstone, auctioneer for West Closes, Mirelands, two messuages in the back lane, Cotherstone, and a parcel of land called Demesne Compensation: £19 5s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/6161 booklet, typescript27 January 1947 John Dunbar MacDowall Bourne of High Kelton, Doctors Commons Road, Berkhamstead, retired colonial civil servant, and others, for lands in Cotherstone Compensation: £42 19s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/6171 paper, typescript30 July 1947 William Carrowcroft Kipling of Romaldkirk, farmer for 2a.1r.3p. of land in Cotherstone Compensation: £4 3s.4d.
D/HH 4/1/6181 paper, typescript11 August 1947 Margaret Eleanor Harris of 73 Hoghton Street, Southport, Lancaster, spinster for Haw Crofts Compensation: £8 2s.
D/HH 4/1/6191 paper, typescript5 April 1948 Gertrude Richardson of the Fox and Hounds, Cotherstone and others for the aforementioned hostelry Compensation: £14 6s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/6201 paper, typescript1948 Ralph Forster of Cotherstone, grocer for Laybury otherwise Lathbury, Cotherstone Compensation: £3 19s.6d.
D/HH 4/1/6211 paper, typescript1930s George William Cameron of Heathercote, Romaldkirk for 1.5a. of land as specified Compensation: £2 10s.10d.
D/HH 4/1/6221 paper, typescript1930s – 1940s Elizabeth Georgiana Atkinson of Marwood Terrace, Cotherstone, widow for a messuage and part of Hen Butts, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 12s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/6231 paper, typescript1930s Pierson Cathrick of Piercebridge, retired farmer for Greta House, Marwood View, Cotherstone. Plan endorsed Compensation: £4 1s.2d.
D/HH 4/1/6241 paper, typescript1930s Mark Alderson of King Street, Barnard Castle, retired farmer and others for lands called Gatelands, Cotherstone Compensation: £8 6s.1d.
D/HH 4/1/625-630Extinguishment Papers (specimens)
D/HH 4/1/6251 paper, typescriptOutline of work to be done on extinguishments, and costs for same, n.d. [1920s]
D/HH 4/1/626-6281 paper, 2 filesPapers relating to estimated compensation payable on the extinguishment of manorial incidents, with related rough plans and correspondence, 1935 – 1942
D/HH 4/1/6291 file, typescriptParticulars of rateable value of properties in the Manor of Cotherstone, n.d. [1920s – 1930s]
D/HH 4/1/6301 file, typescriptSchedule of tenants of the Manor of Cotherstone cum Hunderthwaite with dates of enfranchisement and details of compensation (1929 – 1948), n.d.
D/HH 4/1/631-650Cotherstone Manor Miscellaneous
D/HH 4/1/6311 paperList of customary tenants to be admitted at the next court of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1827
D/HH 4/1/6321 filePrecepts to the Bailiff to summon named persons to the court of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite to answer in actions for debt, 25 September 1827
D/HH 4/1/6331 paperSchedule of fines received at the court of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 6 October 1801
D/HH 4/1/6341 paperSchedule of fines and fees on admittances, 5 October 1816
D/HH 4/1/6351 paperSchedule of fines received, 9 January 1817
D/HH 4/1/6361 paperSchedule of fines and fees due on admittances, 11 October 1819
D/HH 4/1/6371 paperSchedule of fines and fees due on admittances, 8 October 1827
D/HH 4/1/6381 paperSchedule of fines and fees due on admittances, 26 October 1829
D/HH 4/1/6391 paperDetails of fines received at court of 26 October 1829
D/HH 4/1/6401 paperSchedule of rents, fines and fees received, 29 March 1833
D/HH 4/1/6411 paperSchedule of fines and fees due on admittances, 30 October 1834
D/HH 4/1/6421 paperAccount of fines and fees received on admittances, Cotherstone, Hunderthwaite and Lune, October 1836
D/HH 4/1/6431 bookletCustomary rental of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1882
D/HH 4/1/6441 bookletCustomary rental and free rental of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite, 1889
D/HH 4/1/6451 paper, printedNotice of Lord Strathmore’s long-leasehold rent day on May 10th, 21 April 1938
D/HH 4/1/6461 volume, leather quarter-boundList of tenants admitted, with details of fines and customary rents payable, 29 October 1832 – 2 April 1869
D/HH 4/1/6471 paperLetter from Edward Raine to Richard Huddlleston, Millom Castle, Cumberland concerning manor court business, 27 May 1717
D/HH 4/1/6481 paperMemorandum concerning admittances, n.d. [18th century]
D/HH 4/1/6491 fileCase, with the opinion of Robert Hopper Williamson of Newcastle thereupon, concerning property in the Manor of Cotherstone, October 1798
D/HH 4/1/6501 fileRough list of Cotherstone jurors and of manor court proceedings, 1757; costs for admittances, licences, ingrossing conveyances etc., n.d.; bill for hat, handkerchief, apples etc., 1750s
D/HH 4/1/651-656Cotherstone Miscellaneous (see also D/HH 3/ above)
D/HH 4/1/651parchment, 1 membrane28 October 1648 (1) Grace Gaskell of Cotherston, widow (2) William Bird of Cotherston, weaver Alienation by (1) to (2) of a house and half a garth in Cotherstone as specified
D/HH 4/1/6521 paper14 May 1667 (1) Margaret Hugginson of Rombaldkirk, widow (2) Michaell Wilson of Cootherston, yeoman Assignment by (1) to (2) the sum of £3 secured by the within recited bond of 21 January 1666/67
D/HH 4/1/6531 paper6 December 1676 (1) Thomas Gastell of Cotherston (2) William Birds Agreement granting to (2) a wayleave through the garth of (1)
D/HH 4/1/6541 paper4 March 1769 (1) John Raine the elder and John Raine the younger, both of West Pitts, yeomen; Martha Raine of West Briscoe, Yorks., widow and John Raine of West Briscoe, yeoman, her son and heir (2) Thomas Alderson of West Briscoe, Yorks., yeoman; John Kipling of Blackton, Yorks., yeoman; John Bourn of Cotherston, Yorks., yeoman Bond of (1) to (2) in £200 to demolish their encroachments upon the common whenever (2) shall demand such action
D/HH 4/1/6551 paperCrosthwaite and Hunderthwaite jury presentments, 1800
D/HH 4/1/6561 paper, printedNotice from William Raine, Bailiff of the Manors of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite enjoining customary tenants to pay their arrears of fines etc., 10 October 1840
D/HH 4/1/657Addendum
D/HH 4/1/6571 fileCourt rolls, presentments of juries, lists of jurors and of manorial tenants, 5 May 1726 – 23 October 1736
D/HH 4/2Manor of Mickleton and Lune, with Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 1736 – 1941
D/HH 4/2/1-24Precepts etc.Manors of Mickleton and Lune(with Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton) (see also D/HH 5/2/417 below)
D/HH 4/2/1-1717 papersPrecepts to the Bailiffs of the Manors of Mickleton and Lune and Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton to summon courts leet and courts baron for those manors, 8 July 1873 – 17 August 1896
D/HH 4/2/18-203 papersPrecepts to the Bailiff of the Manor of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite to summon courts leet and courts baron, 8 July 1873 – September 1896
D/HH 4/2/211 paper, printedNotice of the holding of Courts Leet and Courts Baron for the Manors of Mickleton, Lune, Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 6 November 1948
D/HH 4/2/22-243 papersLists of jurors for the Manors of Holwick, Crossthwaite and Lonton; Mickleton; and Lune, 1894
D/HH 4/2/25-67Jury Verdicts and Presentments
D/HH 4/2/251 paperMickleton, 28 October 1796
D/HH 4/2/261 fileMickleton, 6 – 8 September 1800
D/HH 4/2/271 paperMickleton, 7 October 1801
D/HH 4/2/281 paperMickleton, 8 November 1802
D/HH 4/2/291 paperMickleton, 4 October 1803
D/HH 4/2/301 paperMickleton, 15 October 1805
D/HH 4/2/311 paperMickleton, 15 September 1807
D/HH 4/2/321 paperMickleton, 13 September 1808
D/HH 4/2/331 paperMickleton, 2 October 1810
D/HH 4/2/341 paperMickleton, 7 October 1814
D/HH 4/2/351 paperMickleton, 7 October 1816
D/HH 4/2/361 paperLune, 28 October 1796
D/HH 4/2/371 paperLune, 7 October 1801
D/HH 4/2/381 paperLune, 15 October 1805
D/HH 4/2/391 paperLune, 15 September 1807
D/HH 4/2/401 paperLune, 13 September 1808
D/HH 4/2/411 paperLune, 2 October 1810
D/HH 4/2/421 paperLune, 7 October 1814
D/HH 4/2/431 paperLune, 7 October 1816
D/HH 4/2/441 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 29 October 1796
D/HH 4/2/451 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 3 September 1800
D/HH 4/2/461 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 5 October 1801
D/HH 4/2/471 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 5 November 1802
D/HH 4/2/481 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 5 October 1803
D/HH 4/2/491 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 16 October 1805
D/HH 4/2/501 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 16 September 1807
D/HH 4/2/511 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 14 September 1808
D/HH 4/2/521 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 24 October 1812
D/HH 4/2/531 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 8 October 1814
D/HH 4/2/541 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 4 October 1816
D/HH 4/2/551 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 14 October 1825
D/HH 4/2/561 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 10 October 1827
D/HH 4/2/571 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 28 October 1829
D/HH 4/2/581 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 30 October 1832
D/HH 4/2/591 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 31 October 1834
D/HH 4/2/601 paperCrossthwaite and Holwick, 15 October 1836
D/HH 4/2/611 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 10 November 1838
D/HH 4/2/621 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 17 October 1840
D/HH 4/2/631 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 13 November 1841
D/HH 4/2/641 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 13 November 1852
D/HH 4/2/651 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 13 December 1861
D/HH 4/2/661 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 7 September 1886
D/HH 4/2/671 fileCrossthwaite and Holwick, 8 September 1896
D/HH 4/2/68-151Court rollsLists of suitors and jurors only, unless otherwise stated
D/HH 4/2/681 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 4 May 1736
D/HH 4/2/691 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 3 May 1737
D/HH 4/2/701 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 18 October 1737
D/HH 4/2/711 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 27 April 1738
D/HH 4/2/721 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 17 October 1738
D/HH 4/2/731 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 26 April 1739
D/HH 4/2/741 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 23 October 1739
D/HH 4/2/751 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 1 May 1740
D/HH 4/2/761 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with verdicts of jurors, 28 October 1740
D/HH 4/2/771 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune,, 28 April 1741
D/HH 4/2/781 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 23 October 1741
D/HH 4/2/791 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 22 April 1743
D/HH 4/2/801 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 27 December 1744
D/HH 4/2/811 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 19 December 1746
D/HH 4/2/821 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 31 October 1748
D/HH 4/2/831 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 4 November 1749
D/HH 4/2/841 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 18 October 1750
D/HH 4/2/851 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 26 September 1751
D/HH 4/2/861 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 14 August 1752
D/HH 4/2/871 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 8 August 1753
D/HH 4/2/881 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 8 May 1754
D/HH 4/2/891 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 24 April 1755
D/HH 4/2/901 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 21 April 1756
D/HH 4/2/911 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 6 May 1757
D/HH 4/2/921 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 23 April 1758
D/HH 4/2/931 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 12 May 1759
D/HH 4/2/941 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 19 April 1760
D/HH 4/2/951 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 22 June 1761
D/HH 4/2/961 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 15 June 1762
D/HH 4/2/971 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 21 June 1763
D/HH 4/2/981 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 4 July 1764
D/HH 4/2/991 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, 4 June 1765
D/HH 4/2/1001 fileMickleton, Kelton, Holwick, Lonton and Lune, with jury presentments and verdicts, fines and amercements, 16 May 1766
D/HH 4/2/1011 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 7 May 1767
D/HH 4/2/1021 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 11 November 1768
D/HH 4/2/1031 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 20 October 1769
D/HH 4/2/1041 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 4 May 1770
D/HH 4/2/1051 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 26 April 1771
D/HH 4/2/1061 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 23 May 1772
D/HH 4/2/1071 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 7 May 1773
D/HH 4/2/1081 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 29 April 1774
D/HH 4/2/1091 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 12 May 1775
D/HH 4/2/1101 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 3 May 1776
D/HH 4/2/1111 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 25 April 1777
D/HH 4/2/1121 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 30 October 1778
D/HH 4/2/1131 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 21 May 1779
D/HH 4/2/1141 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 5 May 1780
D/HH 4/2/1151 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 4 May 1781
D/HH 4/2/1161 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 26 April 1782
D/HH 4/2/1171 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, with jury verdict, 28 December 1787
D/HH 4/2/1181 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 28 October 1796
D/HH 4/2/1191 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune,, 12 October 1819
D/HH 4/2/1201 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 27 September 1822
D/HH 4/2/1211 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 26 September 1823
D/HH 4/2/1221 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 13 October 1825
D/HH 4/2/1231 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 9 October 1827
D/HH 4/2/1241 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, 27 October 1829
D/HH 4/2/1251 fileMickleton, Kelton and Lune, October 1832
D/HH 4/2/1261 fileList of tenants, Mickleton and Lune, 1840
D/HH 4/2/1271 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 2 November 1888
D/HH 4/2/1281 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 8 October 1890
D/HH 4/2/1291 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 27 September 1892
D/HH 4/2/1301 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 26 October 1894
D/HH 4/2/1311 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 8 September 1896
D/HH 4/2/1321 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 17 November 1899
D/HH 4/2/1331 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 27 September 1901
D/HH 4/2/1341 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 18 September 1903
D/HH 4/2/1351 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 25 August 1905
D/HH 4/2/1361 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 19 December 1907
D/HH 4/2/1371 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 16 December 1909
D/HH 4/2/1381 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 2 November 191l
D/HH 4/2/1391 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 16 October 1913
D/HH 4/2/1401 fileMickleton and Lune (suitors only), 16 December 1915
D/HH 4/2/1411 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Lune containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), 31 October 1832 – 23 October 1912
D/HH 4/2/1421 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Lune containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), 14 October 1904 – 26 October 1939
D/HH 4/2/1431 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Lune containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), October 1939 – 2 June 1944
D/HH 4/2/1441 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Mickleton containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), 31 October 1832 – 12 November 1908
D/HH 4/2/1451 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Mickleton containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), 21 May 1902 – 14 December 1923
D/HH 4/2/1461 volume, parchment boundCourt rolls of the Manor of Mickleton containing verdicts and presentments, admittances and surrenders (with plans of property), 14 December 1923 – 7 April 1937
D/HH 4/2/147-1515 volumes, parchment boundDuplicate court rolls of the Manors of Lune and Mickleton, 1832 – 1939
D/HH 4/2/152-184Court Rolls: Lists of suitors and jurors only
D/HH 4/2/1521 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 3 September 1800
D/HH 4/2/1531 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 5 October 1801
D/HH 4/2/1541 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 5 November 1802
D/HH 4/2/1551 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 16 October 1805
D/HH 4/2/1561 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 16 September 1807
D/HH 4/2/1571 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 5 October 1810
D/HH 4/2/1581 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 8 October 1814
D/HH 4/2/1591 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 4 October 1816
D/HH 4/2/1601 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 1817
D/HH 4/2/1611 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 28 September 1822
D/HH 4/2/1621 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 27 September 1823
D/HH 4/2/1631 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 14 October 1825
D/HH 4/2/1641 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 10 October 1827
D/HH 4/2/1651 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 28 October 1829
D/HH 4/2/1661 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 17 October 1840
D/HH 4/2/1671 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 13 November 1841
D/HH 4/2/1681 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 12 October 1844
D/HH 4/2/1691 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 14 November 1844 [1846?]
D/HH 4/2/1701 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 2 November 1888
D/HH 4/2/1711 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 28 October 1890
D/HH 4/2/1721 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 27 September 1892
D/HH 4/2/1731 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 26 October 1894
D/HH 4/2/1741 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 8 September 1896
D/HH 4/2/1751 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 17 November 1899
D/HH 4/2/1761 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 27 September 1901
D/HH 4/2/1771 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 18 September 1903
D/HH 4/2/1781 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 25 August 1905
D/HH 4/2/1791 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 19 December 1907
D/HH 4/2/1801 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 16 December 1909
D/HH 4/2/1811 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 2 November 191l
D/HH 4/2/1821 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 16 October 1913
D/HH 4/2/1831 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 16 December 1915
D/HH 4/2/1841 fileCrossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton (tenants only), 23 October 1919
D/HH 4/2/185-191Boundaries
D/HH 4/2/1851 paperCopy of the boundary roll for the Manors of Mickleton and Lune dated 13 September 1790, n.d. [c.1790s]
D/HH 4/2/186-1883 papersCopy notices of perambulation of the boundaries of Mickleton, Lune, Holwick, Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite on 1 July 1837, 24 May 1837
D/HH 4/2/1891 fileCopy case, with the opinion of Herbert Stephen of 4 Paper Buildings, Temple thereupon, concerning the Mickleton boundary dispute, 28 January 1887
D/HH 4/2/1901 file1887 (1) Rt. Hon. Hugh Cecil, Earl of Lonsdale (2) Rt. Hon. James Lowther of Wilton Castle, Redcar (3) Rt. Hon. Clause Bowes, Earl of Strathmore and the Hon. Claude George Bowes Lyon Draft deed defining the boundary between the Manors of Mickleton and Hilton. Plan attached
D/HH 4/2/1911 plan, 112 cm. x 47 cm., waxed linenPlan of Mickleton, Lune, Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite boundaries, n.d. [later 19th century] Scale: 4 miles to 1 inch
D/HH 4/2/192-215Miscellaneous
D/HH 4/2/1921 plan, 68 cm. x 49 cm.Plan of farm with scheme of husbandry (1817-25) endorsed, n.d. [c.1820] No scale
D/HH 4/2/1931 paperReturn made by J. Hanby Holmes to the Manorial Society’s circular, March 1910
D/HH 4/2/1942 papers13 January 1910 Copy admittance of William Lee and George Barker, devisees of Thomas Lee of Holwick to the Strathmore Arms Inn, Manor of Holwick
D/HH 4/2/1951 fileCopy of the will (dated 18 April 1910) of John Brownless of Whorlton Grange, Esquire, 29 July 1914 Codicils, 20 July 1910 and 7 February 1911
D/HH 4/2/1961 paper, typescriptCopy of the will (dated 3 August 1910) of John Brownless of Durham, solicitor. Bequeaths £5000 to his friend, Ada Thwaites, of 2 Anchorage Terrace, Durham, spinster; devises 137 to 139 Gilesgate to William Teasdale Craig of Gilesgate, Durham, clerk; residue to daughter, Rachel Alice Brownless, for life with remainder to brothers. Testator to be cremated at Darlington without religious ceremony, 21 October 1916
D/HH 4/2/197-1982 papersCosts of J. Hanby Holmes in connexion with the admittance of John Brownless (the father)’s devisees to lands in the Manors of Mickleton and Lune, 16 December 1915
D/HH 4/2/199-2035 papers, typescriptCorrespondence received by J. Hanby Holmes for W.H. Ralston and others, Streatlam Castle concerning Brownless deceased, 15 December 1915 – 3 February 1916
D/HH 4/2/204Papers relating to John Kipling DentLetters from Ada Russell, Victoria County History, to the Earl of Strathmore concerning descent of Teesdale manors, 21 November 1907 (1 paper)
D/HH 4/2/205-2095 papers, typescriptMiscellaneous details and accounts of rents, mortgage and other interest payments due from J.K. Dent, 1939 – 1941
D/HH 4/2/2101 paper, typescript7 January 1935 (1) John Kipling Dent of Low Nook, Lunedale, farmer (2) Evelyn Hilda Holmes, wife of E.R. Hanby Holmes of Barnard Castle, solicitor Copy mortgage by (1) to (2) of 1000 year leasehold lands (6.864a.) at Easterbrook, Mickleton to secure £20 and interest
D/HH 4/2/2111 paper, typescriptSchedule of deeds (1818-1935) relating to John Kipling Dent’s property at West Pasture, Mickleton, [1935]
D/HH 4/2/2121 file, typescript23 July 1941 Copy admittance of James Walton Dent of Thringarth, builder and John Oswald Dent of Low Nook, farmer under the will of John Kipling Dent to lands at Easterbeck House (18a.) shewn in the attached plan. Manor of Mickleton
D/HH 4/2/2131 paperBye laws for the township of Mickleton from 27 September 1822
D/HH 4/2/2141 paperFi-Fa to the Bailiff of Mickleton to levy 10s. and 5s.2d. costs upon the goods of John Elwood to the use of William Dent, 21 April 1756
D/HH 4/2/2151 file12 November 1754 [c.1890] (1) George Bowes of Streatlam Castle, Esquire, Lord of the Manor of Mickleton and Lune (2) Jonathan Horn of Grassholme Bridge, within the said manors, yeoman Copy lease by (1) to (2) of a dwellinghouse etc. at Grassholme Bridge for a term of 853 years Rent: 5s. p.a. plus a fine of 15s. upon the death of (1) and as specified
D/HH 4/3Teesdale Manors, general, 1738 – 1936
D/HH 4/3/1-54Teesdale Manors Combined and General
D/HH 4/3/11 paperDetails of fines and amercements for the Manor of Mickleton with its members (Lune and Holwick), 27 April 1738
D/HH 4/3/21 fileCourt roll for the Manor of Crossthwaite with Holwick, 24 April 1751
D/HH 4/3/31 paperPrecept to the Bailiff of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite to summon a court leet and court baron, 11 April 1754
D/HH 4/3/41 paperPrecept to the Bailiff of the Manor of Mickleton with its members to summon a court leet and court baron, 11 April 1754
D/HH 4/3/51 paperCourt roll (suitors and jurors roll) for the Manor of Crossthwaite with Holwick, 17 October 1763
D/HH 4/3/62 papersDetails of disputes [before Mickleton manor court], 5 July 1764
D/HH 4/3/7List of tenants, suitors and jurors, Mickleton, Lune, Lonton and Holwick (incomplete), n.d. [c.1760s] (1 paper) [D/HH 4/3/l-7 form an original bundle]
D/HH 4/3/81 paper, printedNotice of the holding of the Courts Leet and Courts Baron for the Manors of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, Mickleton, Lune, Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 14 September 1877
D/HH 4/3/91 paper, printedNotice of the holding of the Courts Leet and Courts Baron for the Manors of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, Mickleton, Lune, Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 2 August 1884
D/HH 4/3/101 paper, printedNotice of the holding of the Courts Leet and Courts Baron for the Manors of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, Mickleton, Lune, Crossthwaite, Holwick and Lonton, 17 August 1886
D/HH 4/3/111 fileList of jurors for Lord Strathmore’s manors in Teesdale, 1890
D/HH 4/3/121 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the Earl of Strathmore for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1817
D/HH 4/3/131 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the Earl of Strathmore for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1819
D/HH 4/3/141 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1822
D/HH 4/3/151 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1822
D/HH 4/3/161 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1823
D/HH 4/3/171 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1824
D/HH 4/3/181 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1825
D/HH 4/3/191 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1826
D/HH 4/3/201 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1827
D/HH 4/3/211 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1828
D/HH 4/3/221 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1829
D/HH 4/3/231 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1830
D/HH 4/3/241 bookletLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1831
D/HH 4/3/251 notebookLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1832
D/HH 4/3/261 notebookLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1833
D/HH 4/3/271 notebookLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1834
D/HH 4/3/281 notebookLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1835
D/HH 4/3/291 volume, leather boundLongleasehold, free and customary rental of the late Earl of Strathmore’s trustees, for Lune, Holwick, Mickleton and Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, 1836 – 1838
D/HH 4/3/301 notebookLongleasehold, free and customary rental for Mickleton and Lune, n.d. [1830s]
D/HH 4/3/311 paperAccount of fines due to the Earl of Strathmore for Mickleton, Lune and Holwick, 1810 and 1812
D/HH 4/3/32A1 paperAccount of fines due to the Earl of Strathmore, 8 October 1812
D/HH 4/3/32B1 paperAccount of fines and fees at court of 26 October 1812
D/HH 4/3/331 paperAccount of fines due to the Earl of Strathmore for Mickleton and Holwick, 1814
D/HH 4/3/341 paperRental of long-leasehold and free rents for 1813, 1814
D/HH 4/3/351 paperArrears of customary rents due to the Earl of Strathmore, 1814
D/HH 4/3/361 fileAccount of long-leasehold rents and fines received, March 1822
D/HH 4/3/371 fileAccount of long-leasehold rents and fines received, for 1829, 4 – 5 February 1830
D/HH 4/3/381 fileAccount of long-leasehold rents and fines received, for 1830, 24 – 25 February 1831
D/HH 4/3/391 paperStatement of arrears of long-leasehold and customary rents, Mickleton and Lune for 1896, December 1897
D/HH 4/3/401 file, typescriptStatement of arrears of long-leasehold and customary rents, Mickleton and Lune for 1900, n.d.
D/HH 4/3/411 file, printedList of landowners and occupiers for the parish of Romaldkirk, n.d. [c.1870s]
D/HH 4/3/42Schedule of Lord Strathmore’s customary and free rents collected up to St. Andrew’s Day 1935, with covering letter from John Brown, Bowbank, Middleton in Teesdale to E.R. Hanby Holmes, 31 December 1936 (1 file)
D/HH 4/3/43-442 papersAccount of oak wood cut down on the Revd. John Headlam’s customary estate in Cotherstone and Baldersdale, 11 June 1820
D/HH 4/3/451 paperAccount of customary rents due from R. Hugginson esquire (1825-1827), 1827
D/HH 4/3/461 fileCopy letter from the Ordnance Survey Office, Ripon, to P.S. Holmes, Barnard Castle, concerning the boundary between Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, with plan attached, 3 December 1852
D/HH 4/3/471 paperList of documents relating to Lord Strathmore’s Teesdale manors, n.d. [c.1820]
D/HH 4/3/481 bookletDetails of the boundary of Mickleton according to the perambulation of 1741; custom of the Manor of Cotherstone with Hunderthwaite; boundaries of the Manors of Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite taken together and separately; abstract of deed of 3 February 1757 being Maire’s consent to the award of John Rudd and Robert Gibson defining the boundaries between Lartington and Cotherstone; copies of forms of admittance etc. (precendents) with notes thereupon; sesses allowed to the ‘Highland Tenants’; details of the Lonton, Crossthwaite and Unthank boundary; notes on Bowes purchase from Lord Carlisle’s trustees, n.d. [late 18th century]
D/HH 4/3/491 paper, printedNotice of resolutions made at a meeting of the proprietors of lands in Cotherstone and Hunderthwaite, chaired by Archdeacon Headlam, 3 November 1835
D/HH 4/3/50-512 papersLetter from John Brown, Bowbank, Bailiff of the Manor of Lune etc., to John Langstaff concerning power of appointment of the master of Carlbeck School, with memorandum thereupon, 30 December 1892
D/HH 4/3/521 volume, leather half-boundCopy of the thousand year lease of lands at Mickleton by Talbott Bowes of Chelsey, Middlesex, Lord of the Manor of Mickleton etc., dated 4 November 1607, taken from the enrolled copy of it, November 1826; notes upon the terms of the deed, its custody etc.; copy of a terrier of the glebe lands and yearly profits due to the Rector of Romaldkirk, dated 29 May 1707, with notes on the custom of the Rectors of Romaldkirk with regard to tithes before the time of Reginald Bligh; list of freeholders, long-leaseholders, short-leaseholders, customary tenants and other tenants of lands in the township of Mickleton, Lune, Holwick, Hunderthwaite and Barnard Castle, as at March 1824; memorandum concerning the Streatlam estate, all by John Bustin of Mickleton. Addressed to G.T. Smithson, 3 Brick Court, Temple, London, 18 [November] 1826
D/HH 4/3/531 paperLetter from G.T. Smithson, 3 Trelleck Terrace, Pimlico, London, to Thomas Hindmarsh, Mickleton, returning Mr. Bustin’s effort as being completely useless, Bustin having misinterpreted Smithson’s instructions, 28 November 1826 Formerly enclosed in D/HH 4/3/52
D/HH 4/3/541 paperLetter from anonymous correspondent to anonymous recipient concerning the custody of the Mickleton thousand year lease, n.d. [early 19th century] Formerly enclosed in D/HH 4/3/52
D/HH 4/4Miscellaneous
D/HH 4/4/1-3Miscellaneous
D/HH 4/4/11 fileCopy of the boundary of the Honor of Richmond and Lordship of Middleham as found and presented by the jury and as certified and returned to the Court of Exchequer in 1612 and abstract of the record in the Court of Exchequer of related proceedings in 1618, n.d. [c.1840]
D/HH 4/4/21 file, LatinCourt roll of the Manor of Corfmolyn, Dorset, October 1485
D/HH 4/4/31 paperLetter from Capt. Michael Barnett, Adjutant, 1st Durham Local Militia, inviting Capt. Weldon [Thomas Wheldon] of Barnard Castle to dinner, 27 May 1815