Clayton and Gibson – Burdon family of Castle Eden

Burdon family of Castle Eden The rise of the family from the merchant class of Stockton on Tees, their purchase of Castle Eden in 1758 and subsequent vicissitudes centred upon the failure of the bankers Surtees, Burdon and Company in 1803 are well chronicled by H.B. Tristram, D.D., F.R.S. in D/CG 5/1. The failure of the bank is described in Maberly Phillips, A History of Banks, Bankers and Banking in Northumberland, Durham and North Yorkshire, 1894, in whose opinion Rowland Burdon IV was ‘beyond all comparison, the most illustrious of his race. Burdon was related by marriage to John Brandling, another partner in the bank. The Surtees family were related by marriage to Lord Chancellor Eldon, a life-long friend of Burdon since their shared school days. Rowland IV was an M. P., so briefly was Rowland the last. Rowland III constructed the church at Castle Eden. Later Burdons were benefactors to the Church of England both in the coastal mining villages rising on their land at the end of the 19th century and in the establishment of Anglican teacher training colleges in Durham City. The last Rowland was chairman of the Governors of St. Hild’s College (an office which his father and uncle had occupied beforehand) until the 1930s. The chairmanship of Quarter Sessions passed, after a short interval, from Rowland Burdon IV (d. 1838) to his son Rowland Burdon V (d. 1875) In addition to various estate plans, leases and deeds (more of which are to be found in the separate deposit of Castle Eden Estate Papers, D/CE) much of this collection is taken up with the last Rowland Burdon’s financial affairs, the establishment of an estate company (popular in the 1930s for mitigating some of the impost of taxation) and settlements upon his daughters. There are papers relating to his public life (High Sheriff) and business interests, photographs of his son (killed in 1917)and papers relating to his own death. The contribution of Rowland Burdon IV to the building of the Wearmouth Bridge (and the debate regarding it between the Reverend John Burdon, Samuel Smiles, Robert Stephenson and others, all in the 1850s) forms one section of somewhat different composition. Another is formed by the papers of General Matthews who had been killed in India by Tippoo Sahib. The Burdons were related by marriage to the Hildyards. Further material is to be found in D/CG 13. For records in this catalogue check the section below.

ref no.D/CG 5
EraMid 20th Century (1933 to 1966),
Hanoverian (1714 to 1837),
20th Century (1901 to 2000)
PeopleofinterestRobert Stephenson
PlacesNorth Yorkshire,
Durham City,
Wearmouth Bridge,
Castle Eden,
Stockton On Tees,
OrganisationsGovernors Of St. Hilds College,
Church Of England,
Quarter Sessions
Expandlast Rowland Burdons ficial affairs,
Anglican teacher training colleges,
public life High Sheriff,
Castle Eden Estate Papers,
H.B. Tristram,
Lord Chancellor Eldon,
coastal mining villages,
St. Hilds College,
various estate plans,
Rowland Burdon V,
Reverend John Burdon,
Rowland Burdon IV,
The Surtees family,
Rowland IV,
The Burdons,
Rowland III,
John Brandling,
estate company,
Burdon family,
merchant class,
subsequent vicissitudes,
Maberly Phillips,
North Yorkshire,
life-long friend,
school days,
M. P.,
19th century,
Quarter Sessions,
short interval,
separate deposit,
business interests,
Wearmouth Bridge,
Samuel Smiles,
Robert Stephenson,
different composition,
General Matthews,
Tippoo Sahib,
Further material,
Durham City,
one section,

Clayton and Gibson – Burdon family of Castle Eden records

reftitletypeitem physicaldescription
D/CG 5Burdon family of Castle Eden
D/CG 5/1-1282Family
D/CG 5/1-4Early Burdons
D/CG 5/11 pamphlet, printedRecords of the family of Burdon, of Castle Eden, with a pedigree, by H.B. Tristram D.D.R.R.S., 1902 with later manuscript additions
D/CG 5/2parchment, 1 membrane13 February 1759 (1) Sarah Burdon of Newcastle upon Tyne, widow (2) Rowland Burdon of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire (3) John Burdon of Great Milton, Oxfordshire, Esquire Articles of agreement that (1) and (2) will renounce any rights to the administration of the effects of Elizabeth Burdon of Great Milton, Oxfordshire which will be administered largely as specified in the unexecuted will of E.B. herein recited
D/CG 5/3parchment, 1 membrane, pendent sealLetters of administration of the effects of Elisabeth Burdon of Newcastle upon Tyne, spinster, deceased, to her brother John Burdon of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire, 17 February 1759
D/CG 5/4paper, 1 fileOffice Copy of the will of Rowland Burdon of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire making various bequests to servants, £2000 with all his real estate to his son Rowland who is executor and residuary legatee, 18 October 1784 Note of probate, 4 December 1786
D/CG 5/5-16Rowland Burdon IV
D/CG 5/5paper, 1 file26 September 1799 (1) Charlotte, Countess Dowager of Aylesford (2) Heneage, Earl of Aylesford (3) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Draft memorial to be registered of an assignment of a parcel of ground 36 ft by 200 ft in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex
D/CG 5/61 paperSchedule of securities on the tolls of Stockton Bridge (includes money due to Burdon) , 2 January 1805
D/CG 5/71 paper, printedElection circular from ‘A Freeholder’ advancing the claims of Rowland Burdon despite his retirement, 1 November 1806
D/CG 5/81 paper, printedResolution passed at a meeting in South Shields supporting Rowland Burdon’s candidacy in the coming election for the county, 5 November 1806
D/CG 5/9parchment, 1 membrane13 November 1806 Certificate of discharge of Rowland Burdon from bankruptcy [following the failure of the Exchange Bank in which he was a partner], signed by a large majority of his creditors
D/CG 5/101 paperTestimonial address of the magistrates, gentlemen, clergy, freeholders and other inhabitants of Sunderland etc. to Rowland Burdon on his retirement as an M.P. for the county, 11 December 1806
D/CG 5/11paper, 1 file6 July 1809 (1) The Rt. Hon. John, Lord Eldon (2) Rowland Burdon and Cotsford his wife (3) Matthew Russell of Hardwick, Esquire, Anthony Munton of Pear Tree Green, Hampshire, Esquire; Robert Farquhar of Portland Place, St Marylebone, Middlesex, Esquire; George Bramwell of the Inner Temple, London, gentleman Copy of appointment by (2) of (3) as new trustees and assignment of trust property by (1) to (3) under an order of the Court of Chancery in Burdon and others v Eldon regarding Burdon’s marriage settlement
D/CG 5/121 paper8 May 1812 (1) Mary Money of Horn House, Much Marcle, Herefordshire, widow (daughter of Mary Webster late of Stockton) (2) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden Quit claim by (1) to (2) on payment of £1389 13s.8d. by (2) to (1) as trustee of her marriage settlement, reciting details of the bankruptcy of Surtees, Burdon & Co.
D/CG 5/131 paperJustification of his management of the Castle Eden and Hesildon estates by Rowland Burdon, 3 November 1837
D/CG 5/141 paperLetter from Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden to Nathaniel Clayton at Newcastle discussing the harvest and business affairs, 13 October 1816
D/CG 5/151 paper, printedNewspaper cutting Old Durham Worthies, Rowland Burdon, 31 July 1886
D/CG 5/161 paperInstructions for bond from R. Burdon, Esquire to secure £1000, n.d.
D/CG 5/17-45Rowland Burdon IV – Wearmouth Bridge
D/CG 5/17paper, 1 file, printedCopy of an Act for repairing the Bishop Wearmouth to Norton road, 29 George III, 1789
D/CG 5/18paper, 1 file, printedCopy of An Act for Building a Bridge across the River Wear —, 32 George III, 1792
D/CG 5/191 booklet, printedOration delivered by William Nesfield, M.A., and a sermon preached by John Brewster, M.A., on the opening of the iron bridge at Wearmouth, 9 August 1796
D/CG 5/20paper, 1 fileCopy of paper read to the Royal Society by Thomas Bowdler concerning Wearmouth Bridge, 1797
D/CG 5/211 pamphlet, printedReport of the repairs given to Wearmouth Bridge in 1805, by John Grimshaw,with memoreGrimshaw’s remuneration, 1818
D/CG 5/221 volume, card boundCopy of Acts of Parliament relating to the Wearmouth Bridge (32 George III cap. XC and 54 George III cap. CXVII), with list of the names of commissioners,officers etc., 1830
D/CG 5/231 paper, printedWearmouth Bridge, treasurer’s account, 13 May 1833
D/CG 5/241 paperLetter from Rowland Burdon, London to M. Scarth, Castle Eden regarding estate matters and Wearmouth Bridge construction, 19 November 1794
D/CG 5/25-273 papersLetters from Thomas Wilson at Sunderland to Rowland Burdon regarding progress of bridge building, technical and financial matters, 4 February – 16 May 1795
D/CG 5/28parchment, 1 membrane18 September 1795 Letters patent to Rowland Burdon of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, Middlesex, Esquire allowing him sole right to exploit his invention of using cast-iron blocks in the place of key stones in arches, for a term of 14 years
D/CG 5/291 paperDraft specification by Rowland Burdon for his patent arch, 1795
D/CG 5/30parchment, 1 membrane7 October 1795 Patent specification by Rowland Burdon of his invention for the application of metal blocks in the construction of arches. Endorsed with inrolment in the office of Petty Bag in H.M.’s High Court of Chancery, 10 October 1795
D/CG 5/311 paperCalculations and diagrams relative to Wearmouth Bridge, by John Surtees, 16 October 1795
D/CG 5/321 paperCalculations, observations etc. relative to Fulton’s bridges and to Wearmouth Bridge, by J. Surtees, n.d. [c.1800]
D/CG 5/331 paperCopy of appointment of Thomas Wilson as surveyor of the bridge and ferry boats by the Wearmouth Bridge Commissioners, 22 September 1797
D/CG 5/341 paperI myself I, or Little Tommy’s Soliliquy by Dr. Brown of Sunderland [concerns Thomas Wilson, clerk of the works during the erection of Wearmouth Bridge], nd. [c.1796]
D/CG 5/351 notebookCopy of paper read to the Royal Society by Thomas Bowden concerning Wearmouth Bridge, 1797; an account of the tolls of the bridge, 1795 – 1814
D/CG 5/361 paperMemorandum from Wilson and Scarth to Burdon concerning patents [describes Burdon as original inventor of Wearmouth Bridge], 12 December 1800
D/CG 5/37paper, 1 fileDraft licence from Rowland Burdon and Thomas Wilson to use their patents regarding iron bridge construction, with details of Wearmouth bridge attached, n.d. [c.1800’s]
D/CG 5/381 paperAgreement by Rowland Burdon, Thomas Wilson and Michael Scarth for a joint patent application, 3 May 1802
D/CG 5/39paper, printed, 1 fileCopy of an Act to authorize the disposal of certain securities upon the tolls by way of lottery, 54 George III cap CXVIII, 1814
D/CG 5/401 paperLetter from Shute, Bishop of Durham, to Rowland Burdon thanking him for obtaining the whole of Wearmouth Bridge debt, 6 April 1818
D/CG 5/411 paperLetter from G. Wellesley, Bishop Wearmouth to Rowland Burdon, Castle Eden discussing bridge developments, 11 May 1835
D/CG 5/42-441 fileLetters from Robert Smart, Sunderland, to Rowland Burdon regarding recipe for cement used in bridge, 1 August – 15 November 1835
D/CG 5/452 papers, FrenchExtract from the Traité de la construction des ponts par M. E-M Gauthey, published in Paris in 1813
D/CG 5/46-115Wearmouth Bridge Correspondence
D/CG 5/461 booklet, printedCopy of patent specification of Thomas Paine for constructing arches, vaulted roofs and ceiling (1788), 1856
D/CG 5/471 booklet, printedCopy of patent specification of Rowland Burdon for the application of metal blocks to the construction of arches (1795), 1856
D/CG 5/481 booklet, printedCopy of patent specification of Thomas Wilson and Rowland Burdon for connecting metallic blocks for constructing arches (1802), 1856
D/CG 5/49-523 papers, 1 fileMiscellaneous notes re bridge construction, career of Paine etc., 1803 – 1859
D/CG 5/531 paperLetter from J.H. Suminers, 6 Pemberton Street, Bishop Wearmouth, to Rowland Burdon re Wearmouth Bridge with an extract from the Bridge Commissioners’ minutes of 26 August 1796 voting thanks to Rowland Burdon, 25 January 1859
D/CG 5/54-9945 papers, 1 fileMiscellaneous correspondence and draft correspondence between the Revd. John Burdon, A. Black at Edinburgh, George Phipps at Westminster and others regarding origins of Wearmouth Bridge, credit for the idea and methods of construction, views of Robert Stephenson etc., 30 March 1859 – 5 November 1860
D/CG 5/100-1012 papersCorrespondence between Revd. John Burdon and Samuel Smiles, Granville Park Terrace, Blackheath, London, regarding latter’s comments on Sunderland Bridge in his Lives of Engineers, 7 – 10 January 1862
D/CG 5/1021 pamphlet, printedA letter to the Wearmouth Bridge Committee, by The Revd. John Burdon, rector of English Bicknor, Gloucesters, 1859
D/CG 5/103paper, 1 fileDraft letter from Revd. John Burdon, rector of English Bicknor, Gloucestershire, to the Wearmouth Bridge Committee re dispute as to whether Thomas Paine or Rowland Burdon should be credited as the originator of the Wearmouth Bridge and discussing its subsequent history, n.d. [1859]
D/CG 5/1041 paperLetter from Julian Hill at Threadneedle St., London, to Rowland Burdon discussing Stephenson’s letter, state of the Conservative Party, visit of Hans Hamilton, the death of the architect Bonomi, joke about Sir John Dean Paul, Bart., 8 February 1860
D/CG 5/1051 newspaperThe Sunderland Times, with a report of the Castle Eden District Agricultural Society’s Show and correspondence re Wearmouth Bridge including letter from John Burdon, 20 August 1859
D/CG 5/106-11510 papers, printedNewspaper cuttings on the theme of ‘who invented Sunderland Bridge?’ 1859 – 1861
D/CG 5/116-127Rowland Burdon V
D/CG 5/116parchment, 1 membrane10 November 1826 (1) The Revd. Ralph Henry Brandling of Gosforth House, Northumberland, clerk (2) Rowland Burdon the younger of Castle Eden, Esquire Grant of an annuity of £2 2s. charged on land at Weetslaid in the parish of Longbenton, Northumberland Consideration: £19
D/CG 5/117parchment, 4 membranes27 May 1848 (1) Anne Bird Ames of 38 Eaton Square, Middlesex, widow (2) Lionel Ames of the Hirse, Bedfordshire, Esquire and Henry Metcalf Ames of Eaton Square, Esquire (3) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Release by (1) and (2) of (3) from all suits and actions commenced by them against Rowland Burdon the father as executor and trustee of Henry Metcalfe deceased, reciting previous deeds, wills and settlements and causes in the Court of Chancery
D/CG 5/118paper, 1 fileA schedule of deeds (1575 – 1832) relating to the East Hyde Estate deposited with Messrs. Smith, Payne & Co. in the name of Rowland Burdon, n.d. [mid 19th Century]
D/CG 5/119-1254 papers, 3 filesSuccession Duty papers of Rowland Burdon deceased with valuations of property, assessments of duty, executors accounts, annual rental of the Castle Eden settled estates etc., 27 February 1876 – 22 February 1882
D/CG 5/126paper, 1 fileValuation of furniture and other effects of Rowland Burdon deceased at The Castle, Castle Eden, 20 June 1877
D/CG 5/127paper, 1 fileBill of costs of W.W. and J.P. Brunton, solicitors at West Hartlepool to the Revd. John Burdon concerning Rowland Burdon deceased, 1875 – 1876
D/CG 5/128-131John Burdon, deceased
D/CG 5/128-1312 papers, 2 filesBill of costs of Clayton and Gibson to the executor of the Revd. John Burdon deceased with related accounts and Estate Duty forms, 1893 – 1894
D/CG 5/132-1272Rowland Burdon the Last
D/CG 5/132-140Personal
D/CG 5/1321 paperNew Year Card, A goose step, sent to Capt. R. Burdon, 31 December 1878
D/CG 5/133paper, 1 fileExtracts from letters from Major the Hon. Walter Sclater Booth, R.H.A. at King Edward VII’s Hospital for Officers, London, [to his in laws the Burdons] discounting stories about German atrocities, description of fighting and author’s being wounded, critical of French, believes war will soon be over ‘I don’t believe in crushing Germany either, our best customer, and a good buffer for Russia’, 24-26 September 1914
D/CG 5/134-1407 photographs, black and whitePhotographs of Capt. Rowland Burdon [killed 1917] in the uniforms of the D.L.I. and R.F.C., n.d. [c.1916]
D/CG 5/141-198Public Life
D/CG 5/1411 paper, printedA page from The Times shewing the nomination of sheriffs, 13 November 1906
D/CG 5/1421 paperRoyal Warrant appointing Rowland Burdon High Sheriff of Durham, 1 March 1907
D/CG 5/143-18539 papers, 3 filesCorrespondence of J.G. Wilson, Ornsby and Cadle of Durham, Undersheriffs, with Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, High Sheriff concerning provision of the state carriage, liveries and ceremonial effects; appointment to the Standing Joint Committee; accommodating Assize Judges in the Castle, dealings with the college, arrangement of ceremonials; appointment of a Sheriff’s chaplain; the Jarrow election (with newspaper cutting); appointment of a foreman for the Grand Jury; payments of shrievelty accounts, 19 March 1907 – 24 March 1908
D/CG 5/186-187Numbers not used
D/CG 5/188paper, 1 fileAccount between Rowland Burdon as High Sheriff and the Under Sheriff, 1907 – 1908
D/CG 5/189parchment, 1 membraneLetter of appointment of Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire, as a Deputy Lieutenant by the Lord Lieutenant, The Earl of Durham, 10 November 1908
D/CG 5/1901 paper, printedDurham Diocesan Gazette, November 1908
D/CG 5/1911 paperLetter from J.A. Ornsby at the Sheriff’s Office, Durham to ‘Noddy’ re service on juries and private affairs, 9 April 1907
D/CG 5/192paper, 1 fileExtract from the Durham Chronicle and the Durham County Advertiser of 1 March 1872 concerning the liveries of the sheriff’s carriage and footmen, n.d. [1907]
D/CG 5/1931 envelope containing 16 buttonsHeraldic buttons, n.d. [early 20th century]
D/CG 5/1941 volume, paper boundMinute book of the County Battalion [18th Battalion], The Durham Light Infantry, 21 September 1914 – 7 May 1915
D/CG 5/1951 plan, 100cm x 68cm, paper, inkPlan of Standing Camp for one battalion of infantry, war strength, 19 August 1916 Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/1961 plan, 36cm x 58cm, paper, blueprintMap of railways in the Darlington and Durham area for the Durham County Volunteer Regiment, 23 October 1918 Scale: 1 inch to 1 mile[1:63360]
D/CG 5/1971 paper, printed form, embossed seal, Latin and EnglishUnited Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England. Certificate of membership of Rowland Burdon, 5 September 1924
D/CG 5/1981 cardCertificate of enrolment of Colonel R. Burdon as one of the Friends of Durham Cathedral, 23 October 1933
D/CG 5/199-206Business affairs
D/CG 5/199paper, 1 file, typescriptGeneral Law bill from Clayton and Gibson to Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, October 1895 – 30 June 1902
D/CG 5/200-20511 papersCorrespondence received from Clayton and Gibson of Newcastle upon Tyne and T.A. Meates at Hammond’s Place, Burgess Hill, Sussex by Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, discussing debts of Meates to Burdon, assignment of shares in the Cigarette Machine Co Ltd. to cover it, Meates’ bankruptcy etc., 5 November 1903 – 27 December 1903
D/CG 5/206Number not used
D/CG 5/207-310Estate Company
D/CG 5/207-9paper, 3 files, typescriptCastle Eden estate accounts for the year ending 13 May 1928 with a letter from J.H. Anderson & Co, chartered accountants at Middlesbrough to Col. Rowland Burdon explaining certain features of the accounts, 27 July 1928
D/CG 5/210paper, 1 file, typescriptCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson, Col. Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden and others regarding the advisability of establishing an estate company for tax purposes, May 1929
D/CG 5/211paper, 1 file, typescriptReport of a special committee of The Land Agents’ Society on the transfer of landed estates to estate companies, n.d. [c.1929]
D/CG 5/212paper, 1 file, typescriptExtract from the Estate Magazine issued by The Country Gentleman’s Association Ltd. regarding estate companies, May 1929
D/CG 5/213paper, 1 file, typescriptNotes on the formation of estate companies, 28 May 1929
D/CG 5/214paper, 1 file, typescriptCriticism of rough notes on estate limited companies, 28 May 1929
D/CG 5/2151 paper, typescriptAccount of Col. Rowland Burdon’s Surtax, 1934 – 1935
D/CG 5/216paper, 1 file, typescriptScheme for effecting a reduction in Surtax and Death Duties of Col. Rowland Burdon. Case for the opinion of counsel, n.d. [c.1935]
D/CG 5/217-30387 papersCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson, Col. Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden, William Armstrong and Sons at Newcastle upon Tyne, King, Wigg and Brightman at Clements Inn, London and others regarding the establishment of an estate company as part of a tax avoidance scheme, valuation of minerals, delays whilst digesting the 1936 Finance Act etc., 31 January – 2 December 1936
D/CG 5/3041 booklet, printedMemorandum and Articles of Association of Burdon Investment Trust Ltd., 1936
D/CG 5/3051 booklet, printedMemorandum and Articles of Association of Castle Eden Investment Trust, 31 October 1936
D/CG 5/3061 booklet, printedMemorandum and Articles of Association of Castle Eden Investment Trust, 1936
D/CG 5/3071 booklet, printedMemorandum and Articles of Association of Shotton Investment Trust Ltd., 31 October 1936
D/CG 5/3081 paper, printed formCertificate of Incorporation of Shotton Investment Trust Ltd., 31 October 1936
D/CG 5/309paper, 1 file, typescriptDraft letter of allotment, and related papers, of shares in Castle Eden Investment Trust to Col. Rowland Burdon, 31 December 1936
D/CG 5/310paper, 1 file, typescript1936 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) The Hon. Frances Mary Sclater Booth of Newnham House, Basingstoke (wife of Brigadier General the Hon. Walter Dashwood Sclater Booth, CB, C.M.G., D.S.O.) (3) Shotton Investment Trust Ltd. Draft agreement for the sale of 2195 P reference shares of £100 each in the Castle Eden Investment Trust
D/CG 5/311-50Sykes
D/CG 5/3111 paper, typescriptCopy of the will of Charles Percy Sykes of West Ella, Yorkshire, Esquire, (dated 11 July 1896) devising all real estate to the uses of a settlement of 28 April 1884, n.d. [c.1918]
D/CG 5/312paper, 1 file1918 (1) Rose Babington Sykes of West Ella, Yorkshire, widow (2) Nigel Charles Mark Sykes (son of (1)) Draft appointment by (1) to (2) of one third of the fortune of Charles Percy Sykes the late husband of (1) (specified in the within recited settlement of 28 April 1884)and half of her own fortune, subject to the life interest of (1) in both cases
D/CG 5/313paper, 1 file, typescript15 November 1918 (1) Rose Babington Sykes of West Ella, Yorkshire, widow (2) Nigel Charles Mark Sykes of West Ella aforesaid, a Captain in His Majesty’s Army (3) Joan Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, spinster (4) Reginald Thomas Ringrose of Tithe Farm, Ferriby, Esquire, and Henry Bucknall Betterton of —, Essex, Barrister at Law Draft settlement being a conveyance by (1) to (3) of West Ella Cottage (formerly Kirk Ella House) and 13.327 acres of land in West Ella and Kirk Ella, upon trust for (1) for life,thence to the use of (2) and (3) respecitively for life and their issue as specified
D/CG 5/314paper, 1 file, typescript1918 (1) Nigel Charles Mark Sykes of West Ella, Yorkshire, a Captain in His Majesty’s Army (2) Joan Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, spinster (3) Rose Babington Sykes of West Ella, widow (4) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (5) Reginald Thomas Ringrose of Tithe Farm, Ferriby, Yorkshire and Henry Bucknall Betterton, Barrister-at-Law Draft assignment by (1) and (2) to (5) of the trust funds to which they are respectively entitled,upon trust to pay over the income of the funds to (1) and (2) respectively for life, thence to pay all to the survivor of them and thence to their issue as specified (with remainders specified failing issue);covenant by (3) to pay £300 p.a. during the rest of her life and (4) covenants to pay £5000 (and interest until this sum is paid) to (5); schedule of stocks comprised in the various trust funds
D/CG 5/315paper, 1 file, typescript19 July 1918 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Joan Burdon of the same place, spinster (3) Wyndham Neave Slade of Montys Court, Taunton, Somerset, Esquire and Christopher Hildyard Ringrose of Rosebank, Middleton Tyas, Yorkshire, Esquire Draft settlement of £5000 stock as specified upon (2) on terms specified in D/CG 5/314
D/CG 5/316paper, 1 file, typescript14 November 1918 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire, and Mary Arundell Burdon his wife (2) Joan Burdon a child of (1) Draft appointment by (1) to (2) of one-third part of the trust fund specified in the Burdon’ s marriage settlement of 1887; notice of above to Edward Digby Hildyard and George Stapleton Barnes, the trustees of the 1887 settlement, 10 June 1919
D/CG 5/317paper, 1 file, typescript4 July 1930 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Joan Sykes Draft appointment by (1) to (2) of the remaining two-thirds part of the specified trust fund and release of life interest therein. Recites previous deeds; notice to Edward Digby Hildyard of Vivers Lodge, Kirby-Moor-Side, Yorkshire, and Sir George Stapylton Barnes, K.C.B., of Foxholm, Cobham, Surrey, of the above deed poll, 9 July 1930
D/CG 5/318paper, 1 file, typescript22 May 1935 (1) Wyndham Neave Slade of Montys Court, Taunton, Somerset, Esquire (the retiring trustee) (2) Christopher Hildyard Ringrose of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, Commander, R.N. (retired) (the continuing trustee) (3) Edward Gibson of 7 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, solicitor (new trustee) Draft deed of appointment of (3) as new trustee under the settlement of 19 July 1918 of Joan Burdon
D/CG 5/3191 fileLists of securities held, requests for verification of stock accounts at the Bank of England, transfers of stock to new trustees etc. under Mrs. Joan Sykes’ settlement etc., 1928 – 1935
D/CG 5/320-1033705 papers, 37 filesGeneral correspondence of Clayton and Gibson; Captain C.H. Ringrose-Wharton, R.N., of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire; Mrs. Joan Sykes; Rowland Burdon at Castle Eden; Evans, Barraclough and Company, solicitors of London; Allison and Coulson, stock brokers of Newcastle upon Tyne; the National Provincial Bank Ltd. and various other commercial and financial firms relating to the establishment, investments and reinvestment, dividends and taxes of Brigadier and Mrs Sykes’ Marriage Settlement, including occasional matters relating to the Horsley and Unthank settled estates, 15 August 1918 – 10 December 1962
D/CG 5/1034paper, 1 fileCorrespondence relating to Mrs. Joan Sykes’ 1918 settlement between Allison and Coulson, solicitors of Newcastle upon Tyne, Clayton and Gibson and Capt C.H. Ringrose-Wharton, R.N., of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, 22 December 1941 – 28 September 1949
D/CG 5/1035paper, 1 fileCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson, the National Provincial Bank Ltd. and Capt. C.H. Ringrose-Wharton of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, regarding conversion of 2 % National War Bonds (1946 – 1948) into Savings Bonds, (1964 – 1967) part of Mrs Joan Sykes’ settlement, 17 May – 19 August 1946
D/CG 5/103621 August 1928 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, gentleman (2) Susan Sykes (the grand-daughter of (1)) (3) Nigel Charles Mark Sykes of Riverside, Eccleston, Cheshire, a Captain in His Majesty’s Army and Joan his wife (trustees) Copy settlement by (1) of £2000 on (2) as specified as a discretionary trust (paper, 1 file, typescript)
D/CG 5/1037-5014 papersCorrespondence between Rowland Burdon, Clayton and Gibson, and the National Provincial Bank Ltd., West Hartlepool, discussing arrangements for settling £2000 on Burdon’s granddaughter Susan Sykes, 28 June 1928 – 23 January 1929
D/CG 5/1051-80Sclater-Booth
D/CG 5/1051paper, 1 file, typescript23 February 1926 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, gentleman (2) John Sclater-Booth of Newnham House, Hook near Basingstoke, Hampshire, an infant (3) The Hon. Walter Dashwood Sclater-Booth,C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., of Newnham House, Hook, a Brigadier-General in His Majesty’s Army (retired) and Frances Mary his wife Draft settlement for the maintenance and education etc. of (2)
D/CG 5/1052-8029 papersCorrespondence between Rowland Burdon the National Provincial Bank Ltd., Hartlepool, Mrs Sclater-Booth at Newnham House, Hampshire, and Clayton and Gibson regarding the establishment of a trust fund to benefit Burdon’s grandson, discussing stocks to be transferred, listing Burdon’s investments, payment of stamp duty, 19 January 1928 – 22 March 1929
D/CG 5/1081-9Tyringham
D/CG 5/1081paper, 1 file, typescript19 July 1918 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Lettice Burdon of the same place, spinster (3) George Duckworth Hale of Park Hotel, Preston, Lancashire, Esquire, and Lionel James Richardson Gardner of Sunnypatch, Druidstoke, Bristol (trustees) Draft settlement of £5000 stock as specified on (2),paying the income of the settled funds to her for life and after her decease to such of her issue as she shall appoint, with various remainders; power to trustees to raise up to one half of the capital of the trust fund to be applied in establishing any children of (2) in business etc.
D/CG 5/1082-110122 papersCorrespondence between Rowland Burdon, Clayton and Gibson, the National Provincial and Union Bank of England Ltd., Durham, and L. Richardson-Gardner at Bristol etc. and others, arranging for two trusts of £5000 each in favour of Burdon’s daughters Lettice and Joan and appointment of trustees, 3 February – 19 August 1918
D/CG 5/1102-1414 papersCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson, Rowland Burdon, G.W.D. Hale at Easton Manor, Aston-on-Clun, Shropshire, and L.J. Richardson-Gardner at the Cavalry Club, Piccadilly, regarding Miss Burdon’s having come of age and revising arrangements for the payment of trust money, including various draft authorisations for payment, 29 November 1923 – 12 January 1924
D/CG 5/1115-97 papers, typescriptLetters from Rowland Burdon, 44 Hans Place, London, to Clayton and Gibson requesting copies of various settlements in view of the forthcoming marriage of his daughter Lettice, 26 March – 5 June 1925
D/CG 5/1120-1244Mrs. Merta Burdon
D/CG 5/1120paper, 1 file, typescript23 December 1926 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) William Waymouth Gibson and Charles Osborne Provis Gibson of 7 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, solicitors Draft settlement by (1) upon (2) in trust for the settlor’s nephew Noel Edward Burdon of Collingham Gardens, London S.W., and his issue as specified of £2500 Union of South Africa Consolidated 4% Stock (1943 – 63)
D/CG 5/1121-1242122 papersPapers relating to the estate of Mrs. Merta Alexandrina Regina Burdon, deceased, and through her Noel Edward Burdon, deceased, [1928] (nephew of Col. Rowland Burdon) including correspondence between Clayton and Gibson; Griffith and Company, solicitors at Newcastle upon Tyne; The Accountant General of Inland Revenue at Somerset House; The Estate Duty Office; the Universal Permanent Building Society of Newcastle regarding sums due, insolvency of both estates, estate duty accounts; correspondence regarding the compulsory purchase of Mrs Burdon’s South African securities during the Second World War; Mr. & Mrs. John George Burdon’s marriage settlement [the parents of Noel; payments to Mrs. Merta Burdon, under a discretionary trust etc., 21 June 1926 – September 1960
D/CG 5/1243paper, 1 fileCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson and Mrs. Joan Sykes, 10 Culford Mansions, London S.W.3, regarding the affairs of Mrs. Merta Burdon, 21 – 22 June 1951
D/CG 5/12441 paperNotes on Mr. & Mrs. N.E. Burdon’s settlement and duties payable upon it, n.d. [post 1959]
D/CG 5/1245-1270Col. Burdon, deceased
D/CG 5/1245paper, 1 fileCorrespondence and accounts relating to the legacy of £3000 bequeathed by Col. Rowland Burdon to his daughter Joan Sykes, between Clayton and Gibson, J.H. & T. Richardson, stockbrokers of Newcastle upon Tyne and Capt. C.H. Ringrose-Wharton:, R.N., of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, (trustee), 29 November 1945 – 26 February 1958
D/CG 5/12461 file, typescript10 January 1946 (1) Frederick Scarth Beadon of Staindrop, land agent and Gilbert William Lloyd Darwin of Marsett House, Oxton Hill, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, a Squadron Leader, R.A.F. (2) Edward Gibson of 7 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, solicitor, and Christopher Hildyard Ringrose-Wharton of Skelton Castle, Skelton in Cleveland, Yorkshire, a Captain, R.N. (retired) Draft appointment of new trustees of Mrs. Sykes’ settled legacy
D/CG 5/1247-6923 papersNotes on legacies and annuities of Col. Rowland Burdon, deceased; correspondence between Clayton and Gibson, F. Scarth Beadon (agent of the Castle Eden Estate), the Estate Duty department and Smirk, Thompson and Craigs, solicitors of Newcastle upon Tyne; sale of timber; fate of family portraits, 1946 – 18 October 1954
D/CG 5/1270paper, 1 file, typescriptCorrespondence between Dickinson, Miller and Turnbull, solicitors, Newcastle upon Tyne, Capt. F. Scarth Beadon at the Estates Office, Staindrop, Clayton and Gibson and others re Col. Rowland Burdon deceased and the death of Miss S.J. Steele, an annuitant under his will, 30 June – 9 September 1959
D/CG 5/1271-1272Sykes
D/CG 5/1271paper, 1 fileCorrespondence between: Capt. F. Scarth Beadon at the Estate Office, Staindrop (agent to the Castle Eden Estate); Mrs. Joan Sykes at 10 Culford Mansions, London S.W.3; John Sclater Booth at Te Whare, Old Basing, Basingstoke, Hampshire; Lettice Tyringham at the Cottage, Castle Eden;and Clayton and Gibson regarding the proposed purchase of the garden at Castle Eden by Mrs. Joan Sykes upon the sale of the estate by the executors of the Hon. Mrs. L. M. Sclater-Booth, 23 December 1949 – 22 July 1950
D/CG 5/1272paper, 1 fileCorrespondence between Hyde, Mahan and Pascall (incorporating King, Wigg and Brightman), solicitors of 33 Ely Place, London, and Clayton and Gibson regarding the infidelities of Brigadier Sykes, his earnings as a starter at race meetings and general financial position, thoughts on advisability of divorce, 7 – 17 September 1953
D/CG 5/1273-1282General Richard Mathews
D/CG 5/12731 paperLetter of Col. R. Mathews at Whitford to Jeffrey Jackson at Woodford Bridge, Essex, regarding naval matters, news from India being misrepresented to serve government purposes, personal matters, 23 December 1781
D/CG 5/12741 paperLetter from Col. R. Mathews at Bombay, India, to George Jackson seeking his support for promotion to rank of brigadier general (a rank suited to his situation as commander-in-chief), naval matters, need to keep an eye on the H.E.I.C. (Honourable East India Company) directors, 8 October 1782
D/CG 5/12751 paperList of prices of foodstuffs prevailing in Bombay, India, 8 October 1782
D/CG 5/12763 papersReport by Col. L R. Mathews of his voyage to India and naval and military matters on arrival in Bombay, 9 October 1782
D/CG 5/12774 papersReport by Col. R. Mathews at Mangalore to the Court of Directors of the H.E.I.C. (Honourable East India Company) of the victories on the Malabar Coast, 16 March 1783
D/CG 5/1278-814 papersMiscellaneous bills for accommodation and schooling of Miss Mathews, 1783 – 1788
D/CG 5/1282parchment, 2 membranes, pendent seal24 October 1785 Probate of the will of Richard Mathews, Brigadier General in the service of the H.E.I.C. (Honourable East India Company), now of the island of Bombay (dated 2 December 1782) bequeathing an annuity of £100 to his mother Phillis Stiles and all other property to his daughter Cotsford Mathews on her majority or marriage, appointing Thomas Perring, William Cooke, Jeffery Jackson, Edward Saunders and James Henry Casamaisor guardians and executors; grant of probate of the deceased’s effects in Great Britain to three of the above executors being then resident in Great Britain
D/CG 5/1283-1504Estate
D/CG 5/1283-41Little Eden Deeds
D/CG 5/1283parchment, 1 membrane23 January 1726 / 1727 (1) John Middleton of Inner Temple, London, gentleman (2) Joseph Hall of Durham, Esquire Mortgage by demise of 1000 years by (1) to (2) of Black Hills or Little Eden Low Farm at Little Eden in the parish of Easington to secure £500 and interest Consideration: £500
D/CG 5/1284parchment, 2 membranes5 – 6 June 1730 (1) John Middleton of Durham, Esquire (2) Thomas Reed of Durham, apothecary Lease and release by way of mortgage by (1) to (2) of Black Hills to secure £500 and interest Consideration: £500
D/CG 5/1285parchment, 1 membrane26 November 1730 (1) Joseph Hall of Durham Esquire (2) John Middleton of Durham, Esquire, and Francis Brandling of Bilton Banks, Northumberland, gentleman (3) Thomas Reed of Durham, apothecary (4) Timothy Mauleverer of Durham, Esquire Assignment by (1) to (4) for the remainder of a term of 1000 years created by D/CG 5/1283 of Black Hills etc. in trust for (1), redeemable upon the payment of £600 by Brandling to (1) and £500 by Brandling to (3)
D/CG 5/1286parchment, 2 membranes27 – 28 November 1730 (1) John Middleton of Durham, Esquire and Thomas Reed of Durham, apothecary (2) Francis Brandling of Bilton Banks, Northumberland, gentleman (3) Joseph Hall of Durham, Esquire Lease and release by (1) to (3) of Black Hills upon trust to secure the repayment of £600 due to (3) and £500 due to Reed on mortgages and subject thereto upon trust for (2) Consideration: £915 (2) to Middleton
D/CG 5/1287parchment, 1 membrane8 January 1731/2 (1) Timothy Mauleverer of Durham, Esquire (2) Joseph Hall of Durham, Esquire, Thomas Reed of Durham, apothecary, and Francis Brandling of Little Eden Low Farm, gentleman (3) Henry Rawling of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire (4) William Davison of Beamish, Esquire Assignment by (1) to (4) in trust for (3) of Black Hill for the remainder of a term of 1000 years created by D/CG 5/1283 to secure £1100 and interest by way of mortgage. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £600 (3) to Hall, £500 to Reed
D/CG 5/1288parchment, 2 membranes, water damage7 – 8 January 1731/2 (1) Joseph Hall of Durham, Esquire and Thomas Reed of Durham, apothecary (2) Francis Brandling of Little Eden Low Farm, gentleman (3) Henry Rawling of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire Lease and release by (1) and (2) to (3) of Black Hills by way of a mortgage to secure £1100 and interest Consideration: £600 to Hall and £500 to Reed
D/CG 5/12891 paper, Latin and English8 January 1731/2 (1) Francis Brandling of Little Eden Low Farm, gentleman (2) Henry Rawling of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquire Bond of (1) to (2) in £2200 to secure the payment of £1100 and interest
D/CG 5/12901 paperCopy of the will of Francis Brandling of Little Eden, gentleman, devising his corn tithes in the parishes of Alnwick, Lesbury and Shillbottle, Northumberland, and all other real estate to his wife Abigail and son-in-law Thomas Ilderton,to the use of his wife for life, thence his son Francis with further remainders as specified, 23 April 1735
D/CG 5/1291parchment, 3 membranes9 – 10 January 1748/9 (1) Sir Benjamin Rawling of Greville Street, Middlesex, Knight (brother and heir of Henry Rawling) (2) Ralph Ferreyof Easington, gentleman and Abigale his wife (formerly wife of Francis Brandling deceased) and Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire (3) Parcivall Horsley of Cheesburn Grainge, Northumberland, gentleman Lease and release by (1) and (2) to (3) of Black Hills being an assignment of a mortgage to secure £1100 and interest Consideration: £1100 to (1)
D/CG 5/1292parchment, 2 membranes, water damage10 January 1748/9 (1) Morton Davison of Beamish, Esquire (administrator de bon. non of William Davison his late father) (2) Sir Benjamin Rawling of Grevill Street, Middlesex, Knight (3) Ralph Ferrey of Easington, gentleman and Abigall his wife and Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire (4) Parcivall Horsley of Cheesburn Grainge, Northumberland, gentleman (5) Arthur Storey of Snitter, Northumberland, gentleman Assignment by (1) to (5) of the remainder of a term of 1000 years created by D/CG 5/1283 as additional security for the sum of £1100 due on mortgage. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £1100 (4) to (2)
D/CG 5/1293parchment, 2 membranes31 August – 1 September 1750 (1) Percivall Horsley of Cheesburn Grainge, Northumberland, gentleman (2) Thomas Clennell of West Lilburn, Northumberland, Esquire (3) Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire Lease and release by (1) to (2) of Black Hills being an assignment of a mortgage to secure £1100. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £1100 (2) to (1)
D/CG 5/1294parchment, 1 membrane1 September 1750 (1) Thomas Clennell of West Lilburn, Northumberland, Esquire (2) Henry Collingwood of Cornhill, Esquire (3) Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire Declaration of trust by (1) and (2) that £1100 (the consideration money in D/CG 5/1293) is the property of (3)
D/CG 5/1295parchment, 1 membrane1 September 1750 (1) Arthur Story of Snitter, Northumberland, gentleman (2) Henry Collingwood of Cornhill, Esquire (3) Percival Horsley of Cheeseburn Grainge, Northumberland, gentleman (4) Thomas Clennell of West Lilburn, Northumberland, Esquire Assignment by (1) to (2) for the remainder of a term of 1000 years of Black Hills and the mortgage of £1100 secured thereupon Consideration: £1100 by (4) on behalf of Ilderton to (3)
D/CG 5/1296parchment, 3 membranes23 – 24 July 1755 (1) Thomas Clennell of West Lilburn, Northumberland, Esquire (2) Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire, (surviving executor of Francis Brandling) (3) Francis Ilderton and John Ilderton, the sons of (2) (4) John Fawcett of Durham, gentleman (5) Thomas Mills of Alnwick, Northumberland, merchant Lease and release by (1), (2) and (3) to (4) of Blackhills being a deed to lead the uses of a Common Recovery of the property as further security for £1100 due on mortgage to (2)
D/CG 5/1297parchment, 1 membrane24 July 1755 (1) Henry Collingwood of Cornhill, Esquire (2) Thomas Clennell of West Lilburn, Northumberland, Esquire (3) Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, Esquire (4) Francis Ilderton and John Ilderton, sons of (3) (5) John Forster of Alnwick, Northumberland, gentleman Assignment by (1) to (5), for the remainder of a term of 1000 years of the premises specified, upon trust for (3) thence upon trust for (4) to enjoy a moiety a piece
D/CG 5/1298parchment, 1 membrane, fragment of pendent seal10 October 1755 (1) Thomas Mills, Demandant (2) John Fawcett, gentleman, Tenant to the praecipe (3) John Ilderton, Vouchee Exemplification of a Common Recovery (dated 5 September 1755) of 4 messuages, 100 acres of land etc. in the parish of Easington
D/CG 5/12991 paperCopy of the will of Francis Ilderton, Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, devising an annuity of £20 to Elizabeth his sister charged upon his real estate which is devised to his brother John Ilderton, merchant, 13 February 1756
D/CG 5/13001 paperFurther copy of the will of Francis Ilderton, 1756
D/CG 5/13011 paperCopy of the will of Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton, Northumberland, charging his estate at Ilderton with his wife’s jointure and legacies to his daughters; devises the mortgage of Little Eden and debts due to him from the Brandlings to his two sons, 26 December 1761
D/CG 5/13021 paperReceipt of George Ilderton for £744 12s. from John Ilderton his brother for his moiety of the Little Eden estate, 1 July 1763
D/CG 5/1303parchment, 3 membranes10 – 11 May 1769 (1) John Ilderton of Alndike, Northumberland, gentleman (executor of Thomas Ilderton) (2) Thomas Ilderton of Hawkhill, Northumberland, Esquire (3) Ralph Lambton of Sunderland near the Sea, Esquire Lease and release by (1) and (2) to (3) of Black Hill as specified. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £3250 to (1)
D/CG 5/1304parchment, 1 membrane11 May 1769 (1) James Forster of Ingram, Northumberland, clerk (executor of John Forster his late brother) (2) John Ilderton of Alndike, Northumberland, gentleman and Thomas Ilderton of Lawkhill, Northumberland, Esquire (executors and sons of Thomas Ilderton, deceased) (3) George Sparrow of Murton House, Esquire (4) Ralph Lambton of Sunderland, Esquire Assignment by (1) to (4) of Blackhills for the remainder of a term of 1000 years upon trust to attend the freehold. Recites previous deeds Consideration: £3250 to J. Ilderton
D/CG 5/13051 paperCopy of the will of Ralph Lambton of Lambton Hall, Esquire devising real estate to his brother Lt. General John Lambton for life, with remainder to his nephew Ralph John Lambton; miscellaneous bequests, 12 September 1774
D/CG 5/13069 June 1801 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Rt. Hon. John, Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain; Charles Brandling of Gosforth House, Northumberland, Esquire; Jeffery Jackson of Woodford Bridge, Essex, Esquire Lease by (1) to (2) for one year of Little Eden Hall, the Manor of Little Eden and several parcels of land as specified, Blackhills or Little Eden Low Farm, Dean House at Little Eden with lands adjoining and a moiety of one fishery and the quarter part of another on the south of River Tweed in the Chapelry of Tweedmouth (parchment, 1 membrane) Factory
D/CG 5/1307parchment, 3 membranes29 September 1794 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) George Salvin of Castle Eden, Esquire Lease by (1) to (2) for 99 years of lands called North Hudworth, South Hudworth, South Mill Hill and North Mill Hill, all in the parish of Castle Eden; covenant against the sale of alcohol from any part of the demised premises and against (2) taking a lease etc. of tithes in the Castle Eden area; (2) covenants to build a house upon a plot 88 yards x 55 yards staked out from North Hudworth Rent: £54 p.awith supplementary rents as specified
D/CG 5/13081 paper3 February 1797 (1) George Salvin, late of Castle Eden, now of Durham, Esquire (2) Jefferey Salvin of Durham, Esquire, and Hugh Salvin of London, Student of Physic Assignment by (1) to (2) of all property comprised in the within recited lease D/CG 5/1307 by way of mortgage to secure £670
D/CG 5/1309parchment, 4 membranes22 October 1798 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Jeffrey Salvin of Durham, Esquire and Hugh Salvin of the Garden Court, Temple, London, Esquire Lease by (1) to (2) of lands on which (2) have erected several dwellinghouses, warehouses and workshops which are used as a manufactory of cotton goods,for a term of 92 years; power to modify, demolish and expand the buildings as specified; covenants on alchol and tithes. Plan in margin. Rent: £20 p.a. (plus 14s. p.a. to the Churchwardens for every person employed in the factory not a member of the Castle Eden Friendly Society who may become chargeable upon the parish)
D/CG 5/1310parchment, 4 membranesCopy of D/CG 5/1309
D/CG 5/1311parchment, 2 membranes13 May 1799 (1) Jeffrey Salvin of Durham, Esquire, and Hugh Salvin of the City of Edinbro’, Student of Physic (2) George Salvin of Durham, Esquire (3) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Surrender by (1) and (2) to (3) of the term created by D/CG 5/1307 Consideration: £400by (3) to (1) for the debt of (2)
D/CG 5/1312parchment, 1 membrane21 September 1799 (1) Anthony Salvin, George Salvin and Henry Salvin, all of Durham, Esquires, Aubone Surtees the younger and John Surtees, both of Newcastle upon Tyne, Esquires (2) Jeffrey Salvin of Durham, Esquire, and Hugh Salvin of Garden Court in the Temple, London, Esquire (3) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Surrender by (1) and (2) to (3) of the term created by D/CG 5/1309. Assignment of all furnaces and fixtures in the factory to (3). Recites previous deeds. Consideration: £1000 (3) to (1) and (2)
D/CG 5/1313parchment, 4 membranes31 December 1799 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Rowland Webster the younger of Stockton, gentleman; William Wilson of Great Ayton, Yorkshire, gentleman; and Michael Scarth of Castle Eden, gentleman Lease by (1) to (2) for 21 years of the property specified in D/CG 5/1309,and elsewhere at Castle Eden (91.5a.) as specified by plan in margin; covenant by (1) for water supply to the factory and for expenditure of up to £1000 on a steam engine Rent: £300 p.a.
D/CG 5/13147 January 1800 (1) Rowland Webster the younger of Stockton, gentleman; William Wilson of Great Ayton, Yorkshire, gentleman; and Michael Scarth of Castle Eden, gentleman (2) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Lease by (1) to (2) of the property specified in D/CG 5/1313 (excluding the south side of the factory) for 20 years 11 months 26 days from 22 November 1799; covenant against use of the premises for manufacturing cotton cloth etc. Plan of property with itemised list of rents payable for each part attached Rent: £290 p.a. (parchment, 3 membranes) Brewery
D/CG 5/13151 paper, printed form10 May 1871 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden, brewer and farmer Lease by (1) to (2) of Wellfield and Headshope farms in the parish of Castle Eden (312a) on an annual tenancy. Husbandry covenants. etc. Rent: £390 p.a.
D/CG 5/1316parchment, 2 membranes13 May 1872 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden, brewer and farmer Lease by (1) to (2) for 21 years of a brewery, buildings, fixtures, 6a.1r.13p. of land and a farm (66a.1r.30p.), as specified in the annexed plan and schedule, all at Castle Eden Rent: £463 p.a.
D/CG 5/13171 paper13 November 1875 (1) Revd. John Burdon of Castle Eden (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden Memorandum of agreement to lease the Bone Mill and a water supply to the brewery for 18 years from 13 May 1875 Rent: £25 p.a.
D/CG 5/13181 fileAbstract of a lease from Burdon to Nimmo of farms, brewery etc. at Castle Eden, 17 July 1877
D/CG 5/13191 paper, printed form31 December 1877 (1) Revd. John Burdon of Castle Eden (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden Agreement to let The Tile Sheds Farm at Castle Eden to (2) on an annual tenancy Rent: £97 p.a.
D/CG 5/13201 paper, printed form12 May 1884 (1) Revd. John Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden Agreement to let Bridge House Farm (70a) at Castle Eden to (2) on an annual tenancy Rent: £61 p.a.
D/CG 5/13211 file5 February 1889 (1) Revd. John Burdon of Castle Eden, Clerk in Holy Orders (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden, brewer and farmer Draft lease by (1) to (2) of a brewery, malt house, bone mill, messuages and lands with a branch railway giving access from the N.E.R. and water supply to the brewery, for 21 years from 13 May 1889 Rent: £543 5s. p.a.
D/CG 5/13221 file1897 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) William Nimmo of Castle Eden, brewer Draft lease by (1) to (2) of a brewery, malthouse, bone mill, messuages, lands, railway sidings and power to take water from a well, all at Castle Eden. [Re uses earlier draft]
D/CG 5/13231 fileSchedule of brewery rents, n.d. [c.1900]
D/CG 5/13241 fileCorrespondence between W.W. & T P. Brunton and Henry Ritson, all solicitors at Sunderland, regarding Burdon and Nimmo and valuation of fixtures at brewery, 22 December 1888 – 18 January 1889
D/CG 5/1325-4110 papers, 9 filesCorrespondence between: Clayton and Gibson; Rowland Burdon, The Castle, Castle Eden; W.J. Nimmo, Castle Eden; Newby, Robson and Robson, Stockton on Tees regarding lease of brewery from Burdon to Nimmo, terms and agreements with regard to the brewery water supply at the Winnings, Castle Eden and concern at proposed changes to licensing laws (1908). Also regarding leases to Horden Collieries Ltd., 1 September 1896 – 16 October 1908
D/CG 5/1342-1362Miscellaneous deeds, leases, tenancies
D/CG 5/13421 file12 September 1833 (1) Rowland Burdon the elder of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Rowland Burdon the younger of Castle Eden, Esquire (3) Revd. William Nicholas Darnell, clerk, Rector of Stanhope and Sir Thomas Henry Browne of Bronwyfla, Flint, Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order and a Lieutenant in His Majesty’s 23rd Regiment of Foot or Welsh Fusiliers (trustees of (2)’s marriage settlement) (4) The Company of Proprietors of the Hartlepool Dock and Railway Co. Draft appointment by (3) to (4) of several parcels of land in the township of Castle Eden (31a.1r.2p.) for the course of the said railway line Consideration: £2414 2s. (4) to (3)
D/CG 5/1343parchment, 1 membrane24 June 1844 (1) Revd. John Burdon of Castle Eden, clerk, and Cotsford Burdon of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, Esquire (2) Revd. William Hayes, Vicar of Hesleden Conveyance from (1) to (2) of a plot of land 44yds x 37yds in the parish of Hesleden, with the school buildings thereupon, as a school for the poor of the parish, to be open to inspection by H.M.I. and operated in accord with the practices of the National Society for promoting the Education of the Poor — Composition of governing body specified; note of enrolment in Chancery, 12 July 1844
D/CG 5/13441 file23 November 1846 [re used in 1867] (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) William Watson of Wingate, butcher Copy lease by (1) to (2) for 21 years of 270 sq yards of land at Wingate in the parish of Castle Eden as described on the attached plan Rent: £1 p.a.
D/CG 5/13451 fileOrder of the Court of Chancery allowing the sale of the Hesleden estate in the parish of Monk Hesleden and the Little Eden estate in the parish of Easington upon the petition of Rowland Burdon and others, 26 July 1867
D/CG 5/13461 file12 August 1876 (1) Revd. John Burdon of Castle Eden, clerk (2) Unspecified Draft conveyance of 3 roods of land to form part of the churchyard at Wingate Grange in the parish of Castle Eden Consideration: £37 10s.
D/CG 5/13471 paper18 August 1879 (1) Revd. John Burdon (2) Joseph Hill of Wingate Grange, shopkeeper Memorandum of agreement to let to (2) a parcel of ground with a gasometer thereupon at Wingate Grange for 21 years Rent: 10s.6d p.a.
D/CG 5/13481 paper8 June 1881 (1) Revd. John Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden (2) James Robert Good of Wingate Memorandum of agreement to let to (2) a messuage and 7 acres of grassland at Shotton on an annual tenancy commencing 13 May 1881 Rent: £36 p.a.
D/CG 5/13491 paper16 March 1883 (1) Revd. John Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden (2) William Henry Job of Nether Edge, Sheffield, Yorkshire Agreement to let a messuage and 7 acres of grassland at Old Shotton to (2) from 13 May 1883 on an annual tenancy Rent: £36 p.a.
D/CG 5/13501 paper24 October 1891 (1) Revd. John Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden (2) Andrew Towers of Castle Eden Agreement to let a messuage and garden at Castle Eden to (2) from 23 November 1891, and on an annual tenancy from 13 May 1892 Rent: £26 p.a.
D/CG 5/13512 papersLetter from John Stonehouse, Greatham to the Revd. J. Burdon, Castle Eden regarding unpleasantness with Mr. Towers and forwarding a draft notice to quit, 16 November 1891
D/CG 5/13521 file28 June 1893 (1) John Burdon of Castle Eden, Clerk in Holy Orders (2) The trustees etc. of Wingate Church Yard Draft conveyance by (1) to (2) of 4822 sq. yds. of land at Wingate as an extension to the church yard. Reserves minerals Consideration: £100
D/CG 5/13531 file, typescript1900 (1) Rowland Burdon of the Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Horden Collieries Ltd. Draft agreement for the sale of 30 acres of land to (2) for £4500 with various reservations and agreements for repurchase Draft lease by (1) to (2) of unspecified lands and minerals
D/CG 5/13541 file, printed24 April 1901 (1) Rowland Burdon of the Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) The Horden Collieries Ltd. Copy agreement to sell 31.34 acres of land to (2) for £5701 and to lease to (2) other lands specified on the map attached to the original (form of lease specified in annexed schedule); restrictive covenant against using any part of the property for the sale of alcohol
D/CG 5/13551 file, printed28 October 1904 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) The Horden Collieries Ltd. Copy of counterpart lease of coal under the Castle Eden (872a.), Little Eden (829a.) and Horden (950a.) estates in the parishes of Castle Eden and Easington (excepting barrier coals specified) for a term of 63 years from 15 September 1898 Rent: £400 p.a. during the first two years rising to £1800 p.a. in the fifth and subsequent years, with various additional royalty payments as specified
D/CG 5/1356parchment, 1 membrane26 October 1908 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) George Colwill of Wingate, builder and contractor Conveyance by (1) to (2) of a parcel of land 84 feet x 180 feet at Wingate Grange. Reserves minerals; covenants to protect the Sunderland and South Shields Water Company. Plan of property endorsed Consideration: £252
D/CG 5/1357parchment, 1 membrane12 March 1909 (1) George Colwill of Wingate, builder and contractor (2) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire Reconveyance of property specified in D/CG 5/1356 in exchange for land in North Road, Wingate
D/CG 5/13581 file, typescriptAbstract of D/CG 5/1356, n.d. [1909]
D/CG 5/13591 file, typescript14 June 1912 (1) Rowland Burdon of the Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) The Cleveland and Durham County Electric Power Company Copy lease by (1) to (2) for 42 years from 1 January 1911 of two parcels of land to be used as the sites for electric substations with power to erect electric overhead wires on routes specified Rent: £2 p.a. for each substation, 1s. p.a. for each pole erected and 3s. p.a. for each pole erected on the route coloured green in the original lease
D/CG 5/13601 file, typescript16 August 1923 (1) Rowland Burdon of Castle Eden, Esquire (2) Durham County Council Copy agreement for the sale to (2) of land for the construction of a new coast road from Horden to Hartlepool.Works to be completed within 3 years from July 1921 at a penalty of £20 per month payable to (1). Plan attached Consideration: £500 for crossing Castle Eden Dene, £30 per acre for all land required, £250 for timber
D/CG 5/13611 file, typescript17 February 1925 (1) Rowland Burdon of The Castle, Castle Eden, Esquire (2) The Cleveland and Durham County Electric Power Company Supplemental agreement extending the term of the original lease of 14 June 1912 from 42 to 56 years; company will provide free lighting for The Castle and Lodge, power to the saw mill at 1/2d. per unit and charge 1½d. per unit for other power supplied elsewhere at Castle Eden; covering letter from Clayton and Gibson to Col. R. Burdon forwarding the above, 21 May 1942
D/CG 5/13621 paper, typescript26 January 1941 (1) Colonel Rowland Burdon (2) Brigadier Yearsley (tenant) (3) Col. Tyringham (prospective tenant) Copy agreement for the tenancy of The Cottage, Castle Eden
D/CG 5/1363-1391Plans of estate buildings and fixtures
D/CG 5/13631 plan, 50cm x 32cm, ink and water colourPlan and section of a bacteria cultivation filter, by James Robinson, County Sanitary Inspector, 1898 Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/13641 plan 45cm x 32cm, ink and water colourPlan and section of Ducat’s Patent Sewage Filter by James Robinson, County Sanitary Engineer, 1898 Scale: 4 feet to 1 inch [1:48]
D/CG 5/13651 plan, 45cm x 34cm, printedPlan of the general arrangement of the ‘Garfield’ Filter-Coal, n.d. [c.1900’s] No scale
D/CG 5/13661 plan 48cm x 30cm, copyPlan and elevation of a pressure creosoting plant, by George Black and Sons, Berwick on Tweed, 1913 No scale
D/CG 5/13671 plan, 51cm x 37cm, blueprintPlans of proposed saw shed and creosoting plant at Castle Eden by George Black & Sons, Berwick on Tweed, n.d. [c.1913] Scale: 1/4 inch to 1 foot [1:48]
D/CG 5/13681 plan 25cm x 27cm, blueprintSection of shed at Castle Eden, 15 April 1914 No scale
D/CG 5/13691 plan, 64cm x 52cm, inksProposed arrangement of a Morris l ton runway for Col. Rowland Burdon, by Herbert Morris Ltd., Loughborough, 18 July 1925 Scale: 1/4 inch to 1 foot[1:48]
D/CG 5/13701 plan, 64cm x 51cm, pencil and water colourProposed arrangement of a Morris 1.5 ton runway for Col. Rowland Burdon, by Herbert Morris Ltd. of Loughborough, 18 July 1925 Scale: 1/4 inch to 1 foot [1:48]
D/CG 5/13711 file, typescriptLetter from Herbert Morris Ltd., Loughborough, to Col. Rowland Burdon regarding runway for sawmill, 10 August 1925
D/CG 5/1372-32 papersLetters from Herbert Morris Ltd., Caledonian Buildings, Newcastle upon Tyne, to Col. Rowland Burdon regarding conveyor for timber, 22 July 1925 and 25 September 1931
D/CG 5/13741 plan, 52cm x 35cm, blueprintPlan of general arrangement of a 1.5 ton ‘Morris’ Hand Overhead Runway, by Herbert Morris Ltd., Loughborough, 14 October 1931 Scales: 1/4 inch to 1 foot[1:48]; 1/2 inch to 1 foot[1:24]
D/CG 5/13751 plan, 71cm x 56cm, copy inkPlan of water tank and machinery by the Phoenix Ironworks, Stalybridge, 2 February 1926 Scale: 1 to 12
D/CG 5/13761 plan, 38cm x 29cm, tracing paper, pencilArrangement of ‘Itherium’ activators for the greenhouse, by Dinning and Cooke, Percy Ironworks, Newcastle upon Tyne, n.d. [1920s No scale
D/CG 5/13771 plan, 53cm x 32cm, tracing paper, water colourPlan and sectional elevation of proposed lily pool in the gardens at Castle Eden, by John W. English, architect, 3 April 1929 Scale: 1/8 inch to 1 foot [1:96]
D/CG 5/13781 file, typescriptSpecification by John W. English, architect, for the alteration to Fir Tree Farm, Wingate, for Col. Burdon, November 1929
D/CG 5/13791 plan, 40cm x 58cm, paper, inkPlan and elevation of Fir Tree Farm, Wingate, as existing, October 1929 Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/13801 plan 40cm x 58cm, ink and colouringPlan and elevation of Fir Tree Farm, Wingate, shewing proposed alterations, 6 November 1929 Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/13811 plan, 38cm x 32cm, copy inkPlan of proposed ‘H.W.A.’ for garage at The Castle, Castle Eden, 23 February 1931 Scale 1 to 8
D/CG 5/13821 plan, 49cm x 52cm, tracing paper, inkProposed alterations to hot water system at The Castle, Castle Eden, by Henry Walker and Son Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, 25 February 1931 No scale
D/CG 5/13831 fileRough plan of bungalows at Blackhall with covering letter from W.L. Grant of Easington, builder, to Col. Burdon, 24 February 1933
D/CG 5/13841 plan, 45cm x 23cm, oiled linen, inkPlan and elevation of bungalows at Castle Eden, 24 February 1933 Scale: 1/8 inch to 1 foot
D/CG 5/13851 plan, 51cm x 47cm, paper, blueprintPlan and section of a proposed timber framed pavilion, by David Rowell and Co. Ltd., 22 August 1933 Scales: 1/8 inch to 1 foot [1:96]; 3/8 inch to 1 foot [1:32]
D/CG 5/13861 fileLetter from David Rowell and Co. Ltd. of Westminster to Rowland Burdon with quotation for, and plan and details of, timber framed pavilion for the hockey ground, 22 August 1933
D/CG 5/13871 plan, 66cm x 41cm, linen, ink and water colourPlans, elevations and cross sections of a pair of cottages at Castle Eden, August 1939 Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/13881 plan, 79cm x 53cm, oiled linen, ink and water colourPlan of new iron shed, n.d. [c.1920’s – 1930’s] Scale: 1/4 inch to 1 foot [1:48]
D/CG 5/13891 plan, 48cm x 49cm, inkPlan of proposed alterations to three cottages at Castle Eden for Col. Burdon, n.d. [c.1920’s – 1930’s] Scale: 8 feet to 1 inch [1:96]
D/CG 5/13901 plan, 27cm x 62cm, oiled linen, inkMap of Hardwick Dene shewing boundary fences, n.d. [20th Century] No scale
D/CG 5/13911 plan, 25cm x 20cm, oiled linen, inkMap of the Horden Dene area, n.d. [c.1900 – 1920] No scale
D/CG 5/1392-1481Public works
D/CG 5/13921 fileMr. Burdon’s revision of the Sunderland and South Shields Water Company’s alterations in the draft heads of agreement, 24 June 1904
D/CG 5/1393-1463Correspondence between Clayton and Gibson, Longden, Mann and Longden, solicitors, Sunderland; the Sunderland and South Shields Water Company; C.K. Barrett, Whitehill Hall, Chester le Street; and Rowland Burdon regarding arrangements to leave coal un-mined in support of the plant of the water company, laying water mains, progress of Sunderland and South Shields Water Bill, diversion of footpath at New Winning and other general business of the time, 4 November 1904 – 1 December 1906 (71 papers)
D/CG 5/14641 plan, 43cm x 44cm, oiled linen, inkPlan shewing land to be purchased by the Sunderland and S. Shields Water Company at New Winning, 9 December 1904 Scale: 1 to 2500
D/CG 5/14651 plan, 72 cm x 61 cm, oiled linen, inkPlan of sidings at the New Winning Pumping Station of the Sunderland and South Shields Water Co, 28 September 1922 Scale: 30 feet to 1 inch [1:360]
D/CG 5/14661 fileNotice to treat from the Sunderland and South Shields Water Company to Rowland Burdon for an easement for a water main at Eastgate in the parish of Stanhope as specified on attached map, 7 September 1926
D/CG 5/14671 plan, 52cm x 39cm, tracing paper, inkPlan of streams to be piped as part of Easington R.D.C.’s Wingate to the Sea Sewerage Scheme, 20 March 1915 Scale: 40 ft to 1 in
D/CG 5/14681 plan, 58 cm x 70 Cm, ink and water colourPlan and section of Easington R.D.C.’s Eden Vale Sewerage Pumping Station, by D. Balfour & Sons of Newcastle upon Tyne, 11 November 1936 Scale: 2 ft to 1 in
D/CG 5/1469-745 papers, 2 filesCorrespondence between Cleveland and Durham Electric Power Ltd., The Cleveland and Durham County Electric Power Company, Newcastle upon Tyne Electric Supply Co. Ltd., and Col. Rowland Burdon regarding the erection of electricity lines, 30 June – 25 November 1924
D/CG 5/14752 plans, 74 cm x 32 cm, inkPlans of the Horden and Hesledon area shewing the Hesledon – North Tees Main Transmission Line, by Merz and McLellan, May 1924 Scale: 6 1 mile
D/CG 5/14761 plan, 121cm x 50cm, ink and partial colouringMap shewing proposed course of new coast road between Horden and Blackhall Colliery, 7 June 1921 Scale 1:2500
D/CG 5/14771 plan, 47cm x 31cm, inkPlan showing accommodation roads at Castle Eden Dene, n.d. [c1923] Scale: 1 to 2500
D/CG 5/14781 plan, 73cm x 43cm, ink and colourMap shewing proposed improvement to the Durham to Castle Eden Road by Easington R.D.C., March 1924 Scale: 1:2500
D/CG 5/14791 plan, 64 cm x 63 cm, inkSection of proposed improvement to accommodation road at Castle Eden Dene, September 1926 Scale: 20 ft to 1 in
D/CG 5/14801 plan, 37cm x 62cm, copyPlan of proposed recreation ground near Horden Station, by The Horden Collieries Ltd., 21 October 1922 Scale: 1 to 2500
D/CG 5/14811 filePlans of proposed bus shelter at Castle Eden with covering letter from May M. Head, Quinta Cottage, Normandy, Surrey, to Col. Burdon, n.d. [1930s]
D/CG 5/1482-1495Castle Eden, estate, miscellaneous
D/CG 5/14821 paperCopy of the will of John Clark of Cleydon, schoolmaster, devising his freehold estate at Blackhall and Easington to son John Clark subject to provision for testator’s wife Margaret, 10 June 1721
D/CG 5/14831 file, printedAbstract of title (1831 – 1893) of Rowland Burdon, Esquire, to lands and hereditaments in the township of Castle Eden, 1905
D/CG 5/1484-919 papers, 3 filesCorrespondence between Clayton and Gibson, Rowland Burdon, Castle Eden, the Office of Woods, Whitehall and others regarding ownership of Horden and Little Eden fore shore claimed by Burdon as Lord of the Manor (and the minerals thereunder, with various notes and queries regarding same), 23 June 1904 – 9 January 1905
D/CG 5/14921 paperLetter from the Wingate Coal Co. Ltd. to Col. Rowland Burdon, Castle Eden forwarding a section of Wingate Colliery Strata and discussing same, 2 March 1935
D/CG 5/14931 plan, 34cm x 79cm, oiled linen, inkSection of strata at Wingate Grange Colliery, n.d. [1935] No scale
D/CG 5/14941 fileCorrespondence between S. Hardy of The Horden Collieries Ltd., J.P. Hall, Hardwick Hall and Capt. F. Scarth Beadon at Staindrop regarding drainage at Little Eden Farm. Plan attached, 15 December 1942 – 4 May 1943
D/CG 5/14953 papersPapers concerning preservation order on trees at Castle Eden, by Easington R.D.C., 2 October 1947 – 13 July 1948
D/CG 5/1496-1501Estates, not Castle Eden
D/CG 5/14961 plan, 33cm x 23cm, oiled linen, ink and colourPlan of fields at Billingham Grange listing owners, tenants and acreages, n.d. [c.1910s] No scale
D/CG 5/14971 file, typescriptAmendments to the Compensation for Subsidence Bill (with explanation) favoured by the Mining Association of Great Britain, n.d. [early 1920s]
D/CG 5/14981 paperLetter from Revd. Thomas Huntley, The Rectory, Castle Eden to Colonel Burdon regarding the value of Pease and Partners’ wayleave at Bishop Middleham, 5 September 1937
D/CG 5/14991 paperLetter from W.J. Cochrane, land agent, surveyor and valuer, Sunderland to Col. Rowland Burdon, The Castle, Castle Eden regarding the low value of land, formerly a wagonway, at Bishop Middleham, 3 March 1938
D/CG 5/15001 plan, 16cm x 18cm, inkMap shewing wayleave over glebe lands at Bishop Middleham, taken from the Ordnance Survey, n.d. [c.1930s] Scale: 6 inches to 1 mile
D/CG 5/15011 plan, 41cm x 22cm, oiled linen, inkMap of Bishop Middleham Colliery and wagonway, n.d. [c 1930s] Scale 1 to 2500
D/CG 5/1502-1504Miscellaneous
D/CG 5/15021 paperCircular from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries with covering letter from the War Agricultural Executive Committee regarding grants for land drainage, 1 – 3 January 1940
D/CG 5/15032 papersMiscellaneous papers, advertising matter and annual report and accounts for 1932 – 1933 of The East Durham Permanent Building Society, 1933
D/CG 5/15041 paper, 27cm x 110cmOriental poster, n.d.

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