Greenwell Deeds

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Greenwell Deeds records

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D/GrGreenwell Deeds
D/Gr 168-468Deeds
D/Gr 168[D 45] Latin. 28 December 1342. Dated apud Lumley die Sabbati in festo Sanctorum Innocentium anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo quadragesimo secundo. Charter witnessing that Henricus dictus Kellawman, son and heir of Robert de Birden, has granted to William de Kellawe, junior, the homage and services of his tenants in the vill of Est Birden alike with the rents connected therewith. To have to William and heirs for ever. Henry and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Rogero filio [?] Nicholai de Birden, Johanne de Haddam [?], Willo. de Yeland, Willelmo Cortes [?], Stephano dictus [sic] Abel. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 169[C 29] Latin. 20 June 1343. Dated apud Fontem Clericorum [Clerkenwell] near London, vicesimo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo tercio, and 17th year of Edward III. Indenture witnessing that whereas William clerk de Foxdene holds of the prior and brothers of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England 2 messuages and 80 acres of land with appurtenances in Foxdene by fixed services, and for an unfixed portion of his goods to be rendered when he shall die, by way of obit, the same prior and brothers grant that the same William and any of his heirs and assigns, for 20s. rendered on entrance to or departure [from the property] to the prior and brothers, may be quit of the said portion of goods that by reason of his death they are held to pay. To the payment of which 20s. [as specified] William binds himself and heirs and all his goods. Seal, obverse and reverse, imperfect (Durham Seals, 3378)
D/Gr 170[C 10] Latin. 6 April 1344. Tuesday in Easter week in the 18th year of Edward III, and in the 11th of Richard de Bury [bishop]. Pleas of Jury and Assise taken at Durham in the presence of Richard de Aldeburgh, Roger cle Essh, Thomas de Fencotes, Roger de Blaykeston, justices of the bishop. Thomas de Eboraco and Agnes, his wife, seek against John de Thropton and Isabella, his wife, and William son of the said John a messuage and 10 acres of land [etc.], in Uffurton as inheritance of Agnes, and in which John, Isabella, and William had entry only after the disseisin which Thomas de Herington, chivaler, unjustly and without investigation made to John Marrays father of the said Agnes whose heir she is. Thomas and Agnes say John Marrays, father to Agnes, was seised of these tenements, etc., in his demesne as of fee in the time of Anthony [Bek] former bishop of Durham by taking thence rents, and the right descended from John to Agnes. John, Isabella, and William come and defend their right. William says he has nothing in the lands at present. John and Isabella say they are holders of the tenements [etc.]; and they say also that Agnes whilst still single, by deed, quit claimed every right she might have in the messuage and ten acres, to John and Isabella and the heirs of Isabella, and warranted to John and Isabella and heirs of Isabella. The deed is produced in court. Judgment is for defendants, and plaintiffs are in misericordia.
D/Gr 171[D 113] Latin. 10 March 1344/5. At Seham the Thursday next before the Feast of St. Gregory, Pope [as below]. Charter: William de Yelande confirms to Robert Punder de Daltun five acres of arable land at Seham called le Mairreflate for a sum of money paid in hand. To have to Robert, and to whom he may wish to assign [them], from the feast of St. Gregory, Pope, anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo quadragesimo quarto to the same day in the following year. [Endorsed:] de quinque acris Shehame vocatis Mosseflatte. Seal (Durham Seals, 2726)
D/Gr 172[A 44] Latin. 10 April 1345. Dated apud Mordone et Kellawe die Dominica proxima post festum Sancti Ambrosii, anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo quadragesimo quinto. Charter whereby Talbot de Northaluertoun, chaplain, confirms to John, son of Henry de Kellawe, and Elizabeth, sister of the same John, 3 parts of the manor of Mordone and a 3rd part of the manor of Magna Kellawe which he had of the gift of the same John, son of Henry de Kellawe. To have to John and Eliz. and heirs, of the chief lords, by the services due, with services of the free men, with suits and issue of villeins, with wards and reliefs [etc.]. Talbot and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Willelmo de Mordone, Johe. de Elstobb, Willelmo de Blaykestone tunc vicecomite Dunelm., Robto. Nellesone de Fyshburne, Johe. Harpyne[?], Waltero de Luddeworthe, Nicholao filio Symonis de Kellawe, Johe. Freman de Cassehoppe. Seal missing.
D/Gr 173[K 8] Latin. 13 June 1345. Dated apud Thornelawe die Lunae proxima post festum Sancti Barnabae Apostoli anno Domini millesimo cccxl quinto. Charter whereby John son of Henry de Kellawe confirms to Talbot de Northaluerton, chaplain, 2 messuages, 40 acres of arable land, and 2 acres of meadow in Thornelawe which John had of the gift of Richard Pigioun and John de Dalton; further, he confirms to the same a messuage and 4 bovates of land with 6 acres of meadow called le Meremedewe which meadow and land Thomas son of William de Thornelawe holds of John in Thornelawe for a term of years; with common of pasture and several pasture of the lord of Thornelawe for his animals at any time. To have to Talbot and heirs, of the chief lords. John and heirs warrant. Witnesses: [as in D/Gr 174]. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 174[K 7] Latin. 24 July 1345. Dated apud Thornelawe die Dominica proxima ante festum Beati Jacobi Apostoli anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo quinto. Charter whereby Talbot de Northaluerton, chaplain, confirms to John son of Henry de Kellawe and Eliz. his sister 2 messuages, 40 acres of arable land and 2 acres of meadow in Thornelawe; also a messuage and 4 bovates of land with 6 acres of meadow called le Meremedewe in Thornelawe which he had of the gift of the same John son of Henry. To have to John and Eliz. and heirs, with common of pasture and pastura separali of the lord of the vill of Thornlawe to all their animals in any time of the year, of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Johe. Harpyne, Waltero de Luddeworth, Nicholao filio Symonis de Kellawe, Gilberto filio Thome de Holum, Willo. filio Gilberti de Hotone, Willo. clerico. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 175[B 39] Latin. 7 July 1346. Dated apud Novum Castrum super Tynam die Veneris in festo translationis Sancti Thome Martiris anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu Anglie vicesimo, et Francie septimo. Chirograph witnessing that Robert Bertram, knight, has granted to Walleran de Lomley of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a messuage with appurtenances in Newcastle, in le Clos [situate] between the messuage of John de Frismareys and that of Thomas de Lomley and as it extends from the King’s highway of the Close to the water of Tyne, except the 2 big cellars and warehouses beneath them in the south part of the same messuage upon the quay of the Tyne. To have to the said Walleran for life only, of the said Robert and heirs by the service of a rose yearly, and also by doing to the chief lords the services due. Witnesses: Robto. de Shilvyngton tunc majore ville Novi Castri super Tynam, Willmo. de Acton, Hugoe. de Angreton, Johne. de Emeldon et Johne. de Wake tunc ballivis eiusdem ville Novi Castri, Johne. de Frismareys, Robto. de Angreton, Rico. de Cromclife, Thoma de Hexham, et aliis. [Transcribed in part in John Hodgson, A History of Northumberland, II, ii, 128]. Seal complete (Durham Seals, 225)
D/Gr 176[D 92] Latin. 25 May 1347. Dated at Northeaukeland the Friday in the week of Pentecost, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo quadragesimo septimo. Charter whereby Thomas de Abirforth confirms to Robert de Sutton a burgage at the south end of the vill of North Aukeland lying between Abirforth’s burgage and that of John Godale which burgage contains in front 7.5 feet and in length the sanie as his [Thomas’s] burgage. To have [etc.], to Robert, heirs, [etc.]; rendering yearly to the chief lord a farthing, and to Thomas and heirs a half-penny [yearly]. Thomas warrants. Witnesses: John de Thropton, John Pollard, William clerk, Simon de Schapp, William, son of Gilbert Fullon, Simon clerk, John de Norton, and many others. Seals missing.
D/Gr 177[K 41] Latin. 6 December 1347. Dated apud Thornelawe in die Sancti Nicholai anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo septimo. Quit claim by John Harpyn lord of Thornelawe to John, son of Henry de Kellawe, and to Eliz. his sister, heirs and assigns, of all right which he, Harpyn, had or has in homage and service and in 3 denarios of yearly rent arising from lands [etc.], which John de Maynisforth and William Oyewalle held of the aforesaid John, son of Henry, and Elizabeth in Thornelaw. Witnesses: Waltero de Luddeworth, Johne. Freman de Cashopp, Johne. de Parco de Wetelawe, Nicholao fil. Symonis de Kellawe, Gilberto fil. Thomae de Holum, Will. filio Gilberti de Hoton, Jurdano de Merley. Seal missing.
D/Gr 178[K 9] Latin. 26 December 1347. Dated apud Thornelawe die Mercurii in festo Sancti Stephani anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo septimo. Indenture made at Magna Kellawe Sunday in the octaves of St. Martin in winter 1347 whereby John, son of Henry de Kellawe, and Eliz. his sister, confirm to Thomas de Hoton, chaplain, 3 messuages, 64 acres of arable land, and 2 acres of meadow in Thornelawe, of which John de Maynesford holds at will 40 acres of land and 1 of meadow, and William O’ the Wall holds one messuage, 24 acres of land and 1 of meadow at will. To have to Thomas for life, doing service to the lord. Thomas during his life must celebrate divina in the church of Parva Kellawe for the souls of John and Eliz., of their father and mother, and of all the parishioners, living and dead, and of all the departed faithful. If he shall cease celebrating for 40 days through his own fault, non-celebration being excused if justified by ‘a healthy conscience’, e.g., going on pilgrimage, serious illness, etc., John and Eliz. may re-enter and retain. After Thomas’s decease the messuages [etc.], shall revert to John and Eliz. and heirs who warrant. Witnesses: Johne. Harpyne, Johe. Freman de Cassopp, Gilberto filio Thomae de Holum, Willo. filio Gilberti de Hoton, Nicholao filio Symonis de Kellawe. Two seals.
D/Gr 179[F 25] Latin. Five and a half rolls in one. First and fifth rolls slightly imperfect. 1347 and 1348. Account roll (compotus) of Thomas of Thrisk, collector in Chester Ward, from the feast of St. Michael in the 3rd year of the consecration of Thomas bishop of Durham until the morrow of the same feast in the 4th year of the same bishop.
D/Gr 180[B 49] Latin. 5 May 1348. Dated apud villam Novi Castri super Tynam die Lune proxima post festum Invencionis Sancti Crucis, anno Domini millesimo cccxl octavo. Robert de Wales gives power of attorney to Laur. de Hederington, John del Wra, and John de Wales his brother to deliver seisin to John, son of Thomas de Tyndale, cissorem, in two tenements in Nonwyk with six acres of land formerly held by Robert del Neufeld and with four acres formerly held by John Sutor in Nonwyk, as is set out in a former charter. Seal missing.
D/Gr 181[B 48] Latin. 9 May 1348. Dated apud Nonewyk die Veneris prox. post festum Invencionis Sancti Crucis anno Domini millesimo cccxl octavo. Indenture witnessing that since Robert de Wales has enfeoffed John, son of Thomas de Tyndale cissorem in two tenements in Nonwyk with six acres of land which Robert del Neufeld formefly held and with four acres which John Sutor formerly held in Nonwyk, having and holding to the said John de Tyndale, his heirs [etc.], as in a charter of feoffment is set out, the said John de Tyndale grants to the said Robert that after the end of six years commencing 1348 it shall be free to the said Robert [etc.] to enter and hold the 2 tenements [etc.]. Part of Seal (Durham Seals, 2554)
D/Gr 182[D 126] Latin. 9 May 1348. Dated at Sehame and Setone the Friday next after the feast of the invention of the Holy Cross, anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo octavo. Indenture between (1) Elias de Galuwaye de Sehame and (2) Robert de Coxside de Dunelmo witnessing that though Elias confirmed to Robert and heirs his lands and tenements [etc.], in Sehame and Setotic near Daldene, to have to Robert [etc.], for ever, as in the charter of Elias to Robert is set out, yet Robert grants, for himself [etc.], that if Elias pay to Robert £40 in 1360 at Sehame, Elias may re-enter into the lands. If Elias fail in payment then he shall have time for payment to 1372. If he still fail in payment Robert and heirs shall have jus et feodum in the lands for ever. If Elias pay the £40 at either of the times stated and entering into the lands alienate them to any other than Robert, and Robert be willing to pay as much as that other, Elias binds himself in 20 marks to be paid to Robert. Robert binds himself and heirs in £40 to Elias and heirs if Elias or heirs be ready to pay the £40 and Robert or heirs be unwilling to take the sum, or absent themselves so that Elias or heirs are unable to enter into the lands. Elias grants that if he or heirs be unable to pay the £40 the aforesaid charter of feoffment made by Elias to Robert shall remain in full strength. Witnesses: Dominus Jurdan de Daldene, knight, Thomas de Haddam, Roger de Birdene, William Cort and others. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 183[B 47] Latin. 26 August 1348. Dated apud Nunwyk vicesimo sexto die Augusti anno [as below]. Indenture witnessing that Robert de Wales [Wallis of Knarsdale] has demised ad firmam to Hugh de Sadelyngstanes his messuage [etc.], in Nunwyk. To have [etc.], from the feast of St. Martin anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum vicesimo secundo for 6 years, paying in the first year 20s., in the second 30s., and in the 3rd and following years 40s. Hugh shall make suitable and reasonable houses. For expenses incurred allowance shall be made to him from the rent in the 3rd year. If the lands [etc.], in part or in whole be destroyed or burned by the Scots, allowance in the rent aforesaid shall be made. Robert warrants. Witnesses: Alano de Belingeham, Willo. de Charleton, Willo. de Elryngton, Nicho. de Rideley, Willo. de Crawhall, et aliis. [Endorsed:] Carta de Nunwyk Rob. Wayles de Knarysdale. Seal. Armorial, a fess
D/Gr 184[K 10] Latin. 19 October 1348. Dated and made apud Hertilpulle die Dominica proxima post festum Sancti Luce Evangeliste anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo octavo. Indenture witnessing that although John son of Henry de Kellawe and Eliz. his sister confirmed 3 messuages, 64 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Thornelawe to Thomas de Hotone, chaplain, for life, to celebrate divina in the church of Parva Kellawe, now John, supplementing the previous endowment, grants to Thomas a yearly rent of 12s. arising out of a messuage in Hertilpulle in Soughgate which Nicholas Goldsmyth holds; also a yearly rent of 2s. from a tenement in Hertilpulle which Roger Markebroun formerly held in Fysshergate in Hertilpulle. To have these two rents for life. Power to distrain in both cases. On Thomas’s death estates shall revert to John and heirs. John and heirs warrant to Thomas during Thomas’s life. Seal missing.
D/Gr 185[D 93] Latin. 10 November 1348. Dated at Cletlum: Monday next after the feast of St. Leonard anno Domini mccc quadragesimo octavo. Charter whereby Adam, son of Peter de Cletlum, confirms to Roger de Raby and Emma his wife the messuage with garden adjacent and the piece of meadow at Flitbirzyn, adjacent to the said messuage, which William Lely formerly held, and an acre of land lying upon Ellirstob with appurtenances in Cletlum. To have [etc.] of the chief lord. Adam and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Willo. filio Hugonis de Stayndroppe, Roberto de Raby, Henrico filio Ricardi, Alano Testard, Johanne Stott [? Scott], et aliis. Seal missing.
D/Gr 186[B 50] Latin. 1 December 1348. Dated primo die Decembris anno regni regis Edwardi tercii … vicesimo secundo. Charter whereby Robert de Walys confirms to Hugh de Sadelyngstanes lands [etc.], within the liberty of Tyndale, viz. in Nunwyk, Midelburne, Blaclawe, and Greneheued. To have to the said Hugh and heirs of the chief lords. Robert also quit claims to Hugh all right and claim he had in lands in Nunwyk which Hugh has as a grant from Robert for a term of years. Robert warrants. Seal (Durham Seals, 2554)
D/Gr 187[B 51] Latin. 2 December 1348. Dated 2 December, 22nd year of Edward III. Robert de Walys gives power of attorney to William de Burnetone and William de Wydmerpole to deliver seisin to Hugh de Sadelyngstanes of lands in Nunwyk, Midelburne, Blaclawe, and Greneheued. Seal (Durham Seals, 2554)
D/Gr 188[K 12] Latin. 10 December 1348. Dated apud Thornelawe die Mercurii proxima post festum conceptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo octavo. Grant by John, son of Henry de Kellawe, and Eliz. his sister, to Thomas de Hotoun, chaplain, of a messuage and 2 bovates of land with meadow adjacent in Thornelawe: [these being] the dower of the Lady Isabella, wife of Richard Harpyn. To have to Thomas for life, of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Johanne Harpyne, Willelmo de Luddeworthe, Nicholao de Skeltone, Gilberto de Holum, Johanne Freman de Cassopp, Willelmo de Hotone. Seals missing.
D/Gr 189[B 52] Latin. 20 December 1348. Dated at London in the parish as below, 20 December, 22nd year of Edward III. Indenture witnessing that whereas Robert de Walys has confirmed to Hugh de Sadelyngstanes lands in Nunwyk, Midelburn, Blaclawe, and Greneheued, to have to himself and heirs as in a charter is set forth, yet Hugh grants for himself and heirs that if Robert will pay to Hugh 24 marks at London in parochia Sancti Johis. Zakarie in venella Sancti Vedasti in the feast of John the Baptist next following, the charter aforesaid shall be void and Robert may enter and retain the lands. Seal missing.
D/Gr 190[B 63] Latin. 11 January 1348/9. Dated at Edmansley the Sunday next after the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord anno Domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo octavo. Deed whereby William de Edmansley [‘In 1362 William de Edmansley died seized of the manor’ [of Edmondsley]. See Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, II, 198] binds himself to William de Swethop in £10 16s.8d. causa matrimonii contrahendi with Johanna, Edmansley’s daughter, to be paid to William de Swethope or his attorney at times specified. [Transcribed in A History of Northumberland, IV, 409]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 191[K 53] Latin. Paper. Foolscap folio, eight pages. 23 June 1349. Copy of Inspeximus, 9th Kalends of July, 4th year of bishop Hatfield and 23rd year of Edward III, by bishop Hatfield of bishop Puiset’s foundation of the hospital, or house of leprosy, of Sherburn. [Transcribed, with textual variations, in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 283-86].
D/Gr 192[D 47] Latin. 16 December 1350. Dated apud Dunelmum die Jovis proxima post festum Sanctae Luciae Virginis, anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo quinquagesimo. Indenture witnessing that Thomas de Cokside, cousin and heir of Robert de Cokside, has confirmed to John Fossour, cousin of the said Thomas, the half of all his lands [etc.], which Robert had of gift of Helyas [Elias] le Galeway, in Seham, and Setun, near Seham. To have to John for life under the form following: until John be preferred to a benefice of the value of 20 marks, and then Thomas and heirs shall be free to enter the lands and to dispose of them. Moreover, Thomas grants that when Helyas’s heirs pay to Thomas, or heirs, £40 for these lands, according to a certain indenture made between Robert and Helyas, then Thomas shall pay John £20 within 15 days after this payment made to Thomas or heirs. Moreover, John grants that he will not take steps to force the heirs of Helyas to make payment of the £40 to Thomas’s detriment. Thomas and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Willelmo de Walton, Johe. Haliden, Willo. de Stappeltone, Johe. Heberne, Rico. de Stafforde. [See D/Gr 182]. Seal in good condition (Durham Seals, 726)
D/Gr 193[D 74] Latin. 2 March 1350/51. Dated apud Dunelmum die cinerum anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo quinquagesimo. Quit claim to John Fossor, heirs and assigns, by Thomas, son of John de Wolveston, for himself and heirs of all his right and claim in two tenements and 16 acres of land lying in le Brome near Aldingridge between Richard de Witheparis’s on the one part and le Bromhalle on the other. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Ricardo de Aldewode, Johne. de Whelpedale, Johe. Palmanne, Willo. de Langly, Johe. Bille, Waltero Underside. Seal. Armorial, a bar gemell.
D/Gr 194[C 11] Latin. 10 January 1351/2. Tuesday next after the feast of the Epiphany in 25th year of Edward III, and 7th of Thomas, bishop of Durham, at Durham. Final concord made in the court of the bishop of Durham in the presence of Thomas Gray, Thomas de Seton, Roger de Blaykeston and Peter de Richemund, justices, and of others of the bishop’s faithful present, between (1) Richard de Scardeburgh, chaplain, plaintiff, and (2) John de Thropton and Isabella his wife, deforciants, concerning the manor of Uffretone with appurtenances, and a messuage and 116 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, and 5 acres of wood in Westheryngtone with free fishing in the Wear (cum libera piscaria in aqua de Were) in the same vill. John and Isabella acknowledged the said manor and tenements to be Richard’s as those which Richard had of gift of the said John and Isabella; and for this recognition Richard granted to John and Isabella the said manor [etc.], and he returned them to them in the said court. To have [etc.] the manor, of the chief lords, and all other tenements, of the bishop and his successors during the life of John and Isabella, and after their decease the manor and tenements shall remain to John de Coupeland and Joan his wife and the heirs of John, to be held thus: the manor, of the chief lords, and the other tenements, of the bishop and his successors. Richard and heirs warrant. For this recognition and warranty John and Isabella, John and Joan give to Richard a sore sparrow-hawk (espervarium sorum). This concord, as touching the lands in Westheryngtone, was made by order of the bishop.
D/Gr 195[K 11] Norman French. 25 September 1352. Escrit a Duresme Marsdy prochein devant la feste de Seint Michel l’Archangle lan du grace mille ccc synkant second. Indenture between (1) Elizabeth, sister of John, son of Henry de Kellaw, and (2) Thomas, son and heir of John Harpyn. Whereas Eliz. had granted and confirms to the said John Harpyn and to John his son those lands and tenements, rents and possessions which the said John son of Henry had of the gift of Sir Talbot de Northaluertone, chaplain, in the vills of Thornelawe and Mordon, excepting the lands [etc.], which Thomas de Hoton, chaplain, had of the gift of the said Eliz. and John son of Henry, for life in Thornlawe; to have and hold to the aforesaid John Harpyn and to John his son and to the heirs issuing of the body of the same John son of John, of the chief lords, so that if John son of John die without an heir of his body, the lands [etc.], shall remain to the right heirs of John Harpyn for ever; for this grant John Harpyn and John his son grant, for themselves, heirs [etc.], to pay to 3 chaplains singing mass yearly in the church of St. Elyn in Kellaw £10: Eliz. grants for herself and heirs that the said Thomas and heirs may not be impeached or molested on the ground that they have not paid £10 to the 3 chaplains nor found the said chaplains from time past until the Feast of St. Martyn last past, and that the said Thomas and heirs pay 5 marks from the term of St. Martyn aforesaid until the term of St. Martyn next to come to a chaplain singing mass in the same church, and from the term of St. Martyn next to come until the term of six years next following that the said Thomas and heirs pay yearly to 2 chaplains singing mass in the church aforesaid for the souls of the said John, son of Henry, and the souls of his father and mother and the souls of all Christians 10 marks, and after the six years the said Thomas and heirs pay yearly to 3 chaplains singing mass in the church aforesaid £10, according to the purport of the indenture aforesaid. [Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson supplied the translation of two passages in this deed]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 196[K 14] Latin. 14 October 1352. Dated apud Thornelawe die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Luce Evangelistae anno Domini mcccLII. Deed whereby Richard de Westminster, vicar of Kellawe and William de Norton vicar of Dalton confirm all their goods, movable and immovable, their animals, and all they have in the manor of Thornelawe on the day of the making of this deed to Thomas Harpyn de Thornelawe and Alianore his wife. To have to Harpyn and his assigns. Seals missing.
D/Gr 197[K 15] Latin. 14 October 1352. Dated apud Thornelawe die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Luce Evangeliste, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo quinquagesimo secundo. Charter whereby Richard de Westminster, vicar of Kellawe, and William de Norton, vicar of Dalton, confirm to Thomas Harpyn de Thornelawe and Alianore his wife and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten the manor of Thornelawe which manor Richard and William had of the feoffment of the same Thomas. To have to Thomas and Alianore and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, of the chief lords. If Thomas and wife die without such an heir the manor shall remain to the right heirs of Thomas. Witnesses: Dominis Radulpho de Nevill, Alexandro de Hilton, Marmeduco de Lomley et Willelmo de Wessington militibus, Willelmo de Daldene, Willelmo de Ludeworth, Gilberto de Hoolom et Johanne Freman de Cassop. Seals missing.
D/Gr 198[K 20] Latin. 2 April 1353. Dated at Mordon die Martis proxima post quindenam Paschae anno Pontificatus domini Thomae episcopi Dunelmi octavo. Assignment of the dower of lands, and tenements, once Thomas Harpyn’s, in Mordon, made to Alianora, formerly wife of the said Thomas, at Mordon by Robert de Bowes, sheriff of Durham, in virtue of a writ of the bishop of Durham sent to him. The messuages, tenements and rents left to Alianora are specified. Persons named are: John de Cestre, Thomas Crispyn, John Eliot, Robert Milner, John Bene, William de Mordon junior, Alexander de Balton [? Dalton]. Place names are: le Brewster place, Linglawe, Hagetmedowe, le Croft, Queddonhope, Aldcaltee, Lingetcroke. Seal missing.
D/Gr 199[K 40] Latin. 2 January 1354. Assisa capta apud Dunelmum coram Thoma Gray et sociis suis justiciariis dni. Episcopi assignatis die Jovis proxima post festum circumcisionis Domini anno Pontificatus domini Thomae episcopi nono Dunelmi. Exemplification of recovery by Nicholas de Kellawe from Matilda de Brunne, William her son, Ralph Harlot, and Robert de Croxdale, of 3 messuages and a carucate of land ut de libero tenemento suo in Thornlawe, and 7s.4d. damages.
D/Gr 200[D 44] Latin. 25 February 1353/4. Dated Apud Magnam Kellawe die Martis proxima post festum Sancti Petri in Cathedra, anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo quinquagesimo tercio. Charter whereby Nicholas, son of William de Kellawe, confirms to Elizabeth, daughter of Henry de Kellawe, all his lands [etc.], in the vills of Magna Kellawe, Hulome, Thornelawe and Plawesworth. To have [etc.], to Elizabeth, heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. Nicholas and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Roberto de Bowes tunc vicecomite Dunelmensi, Willo. de Ludeworth, Gilberto de Hulome, Willo. de Huton, Rogero de Newtone, Johanne filio Cuthberti de Newtone, Alano Taillour de Plawesworth. Seal missing.
D/Gr 201[D 50] Latin. 25 December 1354. Dated apud Lumley die Jovis in festo Nativitatis Domini, anno Domini milesimo [sic] trecentesimo quinquagesimo quarto. Deed whereby Alan de Walrygis grants to William de Kellawe all coals found under Alan’s selions upon Sulbradys. William and heirs may dig, take, and transport, and thence make profit (commodum). Seal missing.
D/Gr 202[C 3] Latin. Undated, but ante 1356. William Basset, knight, grants to John de Denum and his heirs [etc.], lands [etc.], in Uffurtone which Alice, daughter of Henry de Hornbi, and Peter, son of Alice, hold for life and which after their decease revert to the said William Basset; to hold of the chief lords. William Basset warrants. Witnesses: Domini Robert de Hilton, Walter de Wessington, knights, John de Bydyk, Roger de Esch, Robert de Lambton, Robert son of Henry de Lumley, William de Kineheley and others. [At the foot of the deed is written in another hand:] Hen. III. [See D/Gr 204]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 203[C 3*] Latin. Undated. A similar deed, worded slightly differently from D/Gr 202, but to the same effect. Same names and same witnesses. Endorsed in later hand: t[emp]ore Hen. III et Ed. I. Seal missing.
D/Gr 204[C 12] Latin. Undated, but c.August 1356. Quit claim by Hugh, son of William Basset, knight, to William, son of Robert de Denum, of all his, Hugh’s, right in lands, in woods, in rents, in services of free-men, in serfs (bondis, bondagiis, cum eorum sequelis et catallis suis omnibus) and in all things pertaining, once his father William Basset’s, in Uffertone and in Pencher, which the same William has by hereditary descent after the death of John de Denum his brother. Hugh warrants. William de Denum and heirs shall have full lordship in the vood of Pencher and the manor of Uffertone together with the reversion of lands [etc.], which Alice de Horneby and Peter, her son, hold for life in Uffertone. Witnesses: Dominus Thomas Surtays, steward of Durham, William de Walleworth, sheriff, John Davey, Stephen de Birdene, Symon de Esche, and others. [See D/Gr 202]. Part of seal.
D/Gr 205[D 78] Latin. 29 March 1357. Dated apud Gatesheued quarto Kal. Aprilis anno Domini millesimo ccc quinquagesimo septimo. Mandate whereby the official of the bishop of Durham proclaims to the chaplains of the parochial churches of the Blessed Nicholas [and other churches] in the city of Durham that John Fossour, kinsman of Robert de Coxhide, a citizen of Durham, makes complaint that certain persons, sons of iniquity, not having God before their eyes (iniquitatum filii, Deum prae oculis non habentes) maliciously impede the carrying out of the last will of the said Robert touching certain legacies to the said John, to the danger of their souls, and the injury of the said John; and incurring [thereby] sentence of greater excommunication. Wherefore he commands the chaplains, or any one of them, under penalty of excommunication if they are negligent in the execution of this mandate that they, with bells ringing, candles kindled and extinguished, and crucifix upraised, shall announce, on each Sunday and Feast-day at the solemnization of that mass which the people do most attend, those to be excommunicated who, as authors or accessories, have fallen under the sentence of greater excommunication [by reason of being participants in the crime of impeding the execution of the will of the said Robert. Excommunication is to be pronounced upon the delinquents if after three warnings within the space of twelve days they do not withdraw the impediments to the execution of the will. Absolution is reserved]. Remnants of oval seal on verso.
D/Gr 206[C 13] Latin. 29 July 1357. Dated at Uffretone, the Saturday next after the Feast of St. James the Apostle anno regni regis Edwardi tercii …. tricesimo primo. Deed whereby John de Couplande and Joan his wife demise ad firmam to Patrick Charters and Alice his wife and heirs their, Couplandes’, manor of Uffretone and the lands [etc.], they had of gift and feoffment of John de Thropton in the Bishopric of Durham. To have [etc.], for 100 years, to the aforesaid Patrick and Alice and heirs, rendering yearly to the said John and Joan and heirs one penny, if it be sought. John and Joan warrant. Seals missing. [On the tags to which the seals were attached are names as follows: 1st tag (left to right): [?]ryngtone, Rici. de Horsley, Hugonis Galound, Thome de Horsley, Willi. de la Vale, Willi. de Lilleborn, Willi. de By[?], Willi. de Rodom, Robti. de Esselingtone, Robti. de Ryhill; 2nd tag: octavo coram Gerardo de Widringtone, Johanne de Coupland et Willo. del Strother per commissionem domini regis assignatis ad inquirendum super certis articulis in predicta commissione contentis per sacramentum domini Johannis Heroun, domini Edmundi de Craucestre et domini Robti. de la Vale militum, Rogeri de Wyd].
D/Gr 207[B 46] Norman French. 10 December 1357 [if St. Lucy, virgin and martyr, is meant. If the other St. Lucy is intended, the date would be September 17]. Given a la vile del Nove Chastelle sur Tyne Dimaigne prochein devant la fest Seint Lucie lan de grace, mile troiz centz czinquant setisme. Indenture witnessing that Adam de Vaus and Alice his wife confirm to Roger de Woderington and William son of John de Meneville, lands [etc.] in Beaufrount, Boclif, Bingfeld, Portyhet, and Hexsam, on condition that Roger and William enfeoff John, son of Adam and Alice, and Barnabe, daughter of the said Roger, and their heirs, in the aforesaid lands [etc. Conditions and phraseology not unlike those of D/Gr 209 of date January 18, 1357 – 1358, of which see calendar]. Witnesses: Richard de Aske adonques baillif de Hexsam; Gilbt. de Vaus; Adam fitz Richard de Faloufeld; Robt. de Eryngton; Robt. Spenyn de Bingfeld, [etc.]. [Deed of same purport but of different date is mentioned, in A History of Northumberland, IV, 202]. Two seals in good condition: (1) Roger de Widdrington’s; (2) William de Meneville’s (Durham Seals, 2652, 1755)
D/Gr 208[B 62] Norman French. 21 December 1357. Done a la vile del Neufchastell sur Tyne en la fest de Seint Thomas Lapostoill lan du grace mille tres cenz sincquant setisme. Indenture whereby Roger de Wideryngtolle and John son of Adam de Meneville agree that they and their heirs [etc.], shall sue for 3 rent charges granted to the said John, his heirs [etc.], by Adam de Vans from lands [etc.], in the county of Northehumbreland and Hexamschir and will contribute their costs equally until the case shall be finally settled and after the recovery thereof the costs incurred by the two shall be raised and repaid to the two who have incurred them so that they be fully paid of tlieir expenses, and the remaining of the arrears shall be divided into three thirds [apparently deux troys; but is not deux in the deed all error for treies ?], that is to say one third part shall be given to John, the son of Adam de Vaus, and Barnabe his wife, one other third part shall be given to Adam de Vaus and Alice his wife, the third third part shall remain to Roger de Wideryngtone and John de Meneville for their labour. And the said John son of Adam de Meneville grants for himself and heirs that the 3 rent charges, viz. one of £30, one other of £30, the third of £60 granted to him and his heirs may be delivered to John son of Adam de Vaus and Barnabe his wife when they shall be of age [etc., etc.]. [Deed is transcribed in A History of Northumberland, IV, 201 F.], [The late William Brown, of Sowerby, assisted in the interpretation of this deed]. [See D/Gr 207]. Seals missing.
D/Gr 209[C 1] Norman French. 18 January 1357/8. Duresme Judy prochein apres la Seint Hillarie lan de grace mile troiz cent czinquant setisme. Charter indented whereby Adam de Vaux and Alice his wife confirm to Roger de Woderingtone and William de Meneville their heirs and assigns, all their, the Vaux’s, lands, tenements, rents, services [etc.], in Todehow, Gatisheued and elsewhere in the Bishopric of Durham, to hold to the said Roger and William and their heirs [etc.], of the chief lord, on condition that Roger and William make feoffment [of the lands, etc.] to John son of the said Adam and Alice, and to Barnaba, daughter of the said Roger and to the heirs issuing of the bodies of John and Barnaba, within 40 days after the feoffment to Roger and William, and that Barnaba will take to husband the said John and will assent to the marriage as soon as she shall be of age, [otherwise] the feoffment shall be of no value; paying to the said Adam and Alice 2 marks a year on condition that if the lands [etc.], are destroyed by war of the Scots or wasted by any charge (gastez par ascun charge a nulli fait) by Adam so that they be not of their value at the making of the present deed allowance shall be made of the detriment. If rent be in arrears, power to distrain or to re-enter. And if [after re-entering] Adam and Alice have made mayoure [work ?] in the lands, or corn of their maynoure [working ?] be growing, compensation for this also shall be made to them before Roger and William can re-enter. Adam and Alice warrant. One seal: Roger de Widdrington’s (Durham Seals, 2652)
D/Gr 210[A 48] Norman French. Deed damaged. 18 January 1357/8. Done a Duresme le Judy prochein apres la St. Hilarie lan de grace mile trois centz czinquant setisme. Charter indented whereby Roger de Woderingtone and William de Meneville confirm to John, son of Adam de Vaus, and to Barnaba, daughter of the said Roger, and to the heirs of John which he may beget of the body of Barnaba, all lands, rents, services [etc.], in the vills of Tuddhow, Gatesheued and elsewhere within the Bishopric of Durham which they had of the gift of Adam de Vaus and Alice his wife. If it happen that John and Barnaba die without such an heir, Roger wills that these lands [etc.], shall remain to Adam de Vaus and Alice his wife and to the heirs of the body Adam shall beget. If Adam and Alice die without such an heir the lands [etc.], shall remain to Gilbert de Vaus and the heirs male of his body. If Gilbert die without heirs male, half the lands [etc.], shall return to Roger de Woderingtone and his heirs, and the other half to William de Meneville and his heirs. Rendering to Adam and Alice for the term of their lives 2 marks a year on condition that if the lands are destroyed by the enemy or wasted by any charge a nuly fait by Adam, so that they be not of their value at the making of this deed, allowance from the rent may be made. If rent is in arrears Adam and Alice may re-enter and retain until satisfaction be made. If, having reentered and made work, or if corn of theirs or of their tenants be growing, satisfaction concerning these also shall be made by John and Barnaba before the latter can re-enter. If John and Barnaba be matched, and Barnaba assent not to the marriage when she shall be of age, or if she agree not to have John to husband when (el sol poet[?] a mariage assentir), then Adam and Alice may re-enter the lands, and the grants [etc.], be void. [Compare D/Gr209]. Two seals in good condition: (1) Roger de Widdrington’s; (2) William de Meneville’s (Durham Seals, 2652, 1755)
D/Gr 211[D 68] Latin. 28 September 1360. Dated apud Ogle die Lunae proxima ante festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno Domini millesimo ccc sexagesimo. Quit claim by Robert de Ogle to John son and heir of Thomas Fossour of all actions whether of debt or of account or of any other action real or personal whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the making of this deed. Seal in good condition (Durham Seals, 1918)
D/Gr 212[A 36] Latin. 7 December 1360. Dated apud Luddeworth die Lunae prox. post festum Sancti Andreae Apostoli anno Domini millesimo ccc sexagesimo. Indenture witnessing that although William de Luddeworthe has confirmed to John, son of William Scot of Hessewelle, a yearly rent of 20s. to be received from lands of the said William in the Bishopric of Durham, yet John grants for himself and heirs that if Margaret, wife of William aforesaid, or the issue of William and Margaret, shall not have regained by a plea against John the messuage and land which John has of the gift of William which were Galfrid de Hertilpulle’s in Luddworthe, that then the deed concerning the yearly rent of 20s. may lack in strength. And if John and heirs concerning the messuage and land shall be satisfied by Margaret and issue that these tenements may be regained, then the deed concerning the rent of 20s. shall remain in its strength. Witnesses: Gilbert de Hulon, William de Huton, Gilbert de Wessyngton, William de Hepdon, John de Shaldforth, William Grace, William de Sexsow de Luddeworth. Seal (damaged) of William de Ludworth (Durham Seals, 1648)
D/Gr 213[D 88] Latin. Writing of deed much faded. 10 January 1360/1. Datum apud Kellaw die Dominica prox. post festum Epiphaniae Domini anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo sexagesimo. Charter whereby Nicholaus, son of William de Kellaw, confirms to Talbot de Northallyrton and Peter de Heswell, chaplains, his lands and possessions in Magna Kellaw, Thornelaw, and Plausworth and in Durham. To have [etc.], to Talbot and Peter, their heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. Nicholaus aud heirs warrant. Witnesses: William de Claxton, knight, William de Luddeworth, Thomas Wayt, Gilbert de Hulem, William de Huton, and others. Seals missing. 1362: See D/Gr 230.
D/Gr 214[C 14] Latin. 29 January 1362/3. Dated at Newham the Sunday next after the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo sexagesimo secundo. Quit claim by Alicia, formerly wife of Patric Charters, to John de Coupelande and Joan his wife and heirs, of the manor of Uffretone and lands [etc.], called La Wodehall in Westheringtone. Seal missing.
D/Gr 215[D 57] Latin. 8 January 1363/4. Dated apud Thrustanton die Lunae proxima post festum Epiphaniae Dni. anno Domini millesimo ccclx tercio. Indenture witnessing that William son of Richard de Kellawe has confirmed to Peter de Fenewyk and to Nicholas de Kellawe, chaplain, his manor of Aldpark with his lands and tenements [etc.], in the vills of Thrustanton, Huthworthbryan, Corneford, Plausworth, and a field called Grymesclos in Hamsterley. To have to Peter and Nicholas and assigns, of the chief lords; paying yearly to William and heirs £20. Power to distrain and re-enter. Warrant clause. Wituesses: Robt. de Brakenbury, Willo. de Hett, Ricardo del Park, Ricardo de Hett de Fery, Robt. de Meryngton, Johne. fratre eius, Nicholao filio Simonis de Kellaw, Rogero de Whassyngton. One seal: St. Catherine.
D/Gr 216[D 73] Latin. 11 May 1364. Dated apud Gatisheued in vigilia Pentecostes anno Domini millesimo ccc sexagesimo quarto. Charter whereby Walran de Byrteley demises to fee farm to William de Bedungham [or Bedyngham] burgess of the vill of Gatesheited all his, Byrteley’s, land in Gatesheued in the street called Pipewellegate as it lies in latitude between the land formerly Gilbert de Mitford’s (west) and the land formerly Richard de Tesdale’s (east), and ill longitude from the ‘ground hebbe’ of the water of Tyne unto the ditch or dyke (fossatum) of the bishop of Durham. To have to William, heirs aud assigns, of the chief lords; paying yearly to Byrteley, heirs, and assigns 6s.8d. for all other services and demand. If rent be in arrears, power to distrain, and, if necessary, to re-enter. Byrteley and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Johe. Pelemor [Plummer], Waltero do Hesilden tunc ballivis de Gatesheued, William de Spyridene, Thoma Vescy, Johe. Gray, seniore, Johne. de Layeburn, Willo. de Hadyngton, Rogero [?]. [This deed is in poor condition: it is perforated, is stained in places, and the ink is faded. Moreover, the writing is small. The correct reading of some words in the body of the deed, and of some of the witnesses names, is doubtful]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 217[D 83] Latin. 30 June 1364. Datum apud Beaurepaire die Dominica proxima post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno Domini, millesimo [c]cc sexagesimo quarto. Agreement between John Fossour and William de Elmdene for the exchange of lands in common fields. Township not stated. Isabel de Hirtone and Alice de Allerdene named as former holders. Witnesses: Roberto de Brakynbery, Willelmo do Hete, Willelmo de Langley. Seals missing.
D/Gr 218[C 31] Latin. 16 December 1366. Apud Foxdene die Mercurii prox. ante festum Sti. Thomae Apostoli anno Domini millesimo ccc sexagesimo sexto. Charter whereby Sir Peter do Foxdene, chaplain, confirms to John de Elstobb, his brother, all lands and tenements which he has of gift of Dominus William de Foxdene, his brother, in the vill of Foxdene. To have [etc.], to the said John and his heirs of the House of St. John Baptist of Chyburne by service. Sir Peter, chaplain, warrants. Witnesses: William de Mordone, William Breton, Walter de Esingtone, John de Suaynnistone [? Swainston], John son of Walter, and others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 219[13 44] Latin. 1 August 1367. Dated apud Novum Castrum super Tynam in festo Sancti Petri quod dicitur ad Vincula anno Domini milesimo tricentesimo sexagesimo septimo. Indenture witnessing that Isabella, daughter and heir of Robert Darayns, chevaler, confirms to Roger de Woderington lands [etc.], in Ellington descended to her after the death of her father. To have to Roger and heirs [etc.], of the chief lords. Isabella for herself and heirs warrants. For this grant Roger agrees if Isabella on the day of St. Martin in winter 1368 pay to Roger £10, it shall be free to Isabella to enter into the lands without any alienation thereof to anyone; and Roger and heirs immediately after the entrance aforesaid shall, by virtue of this deed, hold the lands to himself and heirs to the end of ten years paying to Isabella 20s. yearly. If it happen the rent of 20s. in any year or term be in arrears by 40 days Isabella may distrain. If it happen Isabella fail in payment of the £10 she agrees for herself and heirs that if Roger or heirs pay to her 5 marks, then Roger and heirs may have and hold the lands to himself and heirs for ever. Isabella also agrees that if it happen that Roger and heirs hold the lands [etc.], at the end of the ten years Isabella and heirs are precluded, by this writing, from alienating them, or granting their reversion, to anyone other than Roger and heirs for their true value. Witnesses: Willo. de Hesilrigge, Willo. de Heppescott, Johe. de Woderington, Johe. de Midelton, Simone de Weltedene, Edmundo de Hesilrigge, Willo. de Schaftehow, et aliis. Seal of Roger Widdrington (Durham Seals, 2653)
D/Gr 220[D 72] Latin. Deed in bad condition. 1367 or rather, as has later become clear, 1377. Dated apud Branspeth die [damaged] proxima ante festum Sancti Georgii anno regni regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum [the badly written year should be 51st]. Deed whereby John de Neville, [John, third lord Neville of Raby, succeeded his father, Ralph, as lord of Raby in 1373 – 1374] lord of Raby, appoints Thomas de Bicheburne his attorney for the delivery of seisin of all his lands [etc.], in Magna Kellowe to John son of Laurence Seton and to Elianor his wife. [See note in D/Gr 255]. Seal of John de Neville (Durham Seals, 1873)
D/Gr 221[A 54] Latin. 29 March 1369. Dated apud Seton die Jovis proxima post Dominicam in Ramis Palmarum, anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo sexagesimo nono. Quit claim by John de Carrow, lord of Seton, to Thomas de Carrow, his brother, of an annual rent of 24s.1d. for the term of his, Thomas’s, life which John had from the lands, formerly John Peerismanson’s, in the vill of Seton. Seal of John Carrow (Durham Seals, 539)
D/Gr 222[D 66] Latin. 1 August 1369. Dated apud Novum Castrum in festo Sancti Petri ad vincula, anno Domini millesimo ccclxix. Quit claim by Isabella formerly wife of William Kellawe, de Magna Lumley, for herself and heirs, of all right and claim she had or has in the vill of Elyngton to Roger de Woderyngton, heirs, and assigns; he paying to Isabella during her life 10s., to be paid at the usual terms. Isabella warrants. Witnesses: Willo. de Hesylryge, Johe. de Elvet, Edmundo de Hesilrig et Roberto de Eland, et Willelmo de Menewil. Seal of Roger Widdrington, damaged.
D/Gr 223[D 54] Latin. 4 October 1370. Datum apud Kellow die Veneris proxima post festum sancti Mikaelis Archangeli, anno Domini millesimo ccc septuagesimo. Indenture witnessing that whereas Thomas Holtale is held by bond to John son of Laurence de Seton in £100, John grants that if Thomas and Joan his wife will make such security to John as John shall suggest, viz. of the 3rd part of the manor of Magna Kellow, of a messuage and 60 acres of land in Thornelaw, formerly Nicholas, son of William de Kellow’s; and also if Thomas will make John to have of Sir William Heron, Sir Thomas Hyldirdon, Thomas Wayete[?] and Robert Archer [? or] any of them, a release made to John of his, Thomas’s, right concerning these lands, then the bond shall be void. Seal defaced.
D/Gr 224[D 61] Latin. 11 November 1370. Dated apud Dunelmum die Lune in festo Sancti Martini in Yeme anno Domini millesimo ccc septuagesimo. Quit claim by Robert Archer for himself and heirs to John son of Laurence de Seton of all right which he, Robert, had in all the lands [etc.], in Kellawe and Thornlawe which he, Robert, had by demise of Joan formerly wife of Nicholas son of Simon de Kellawe, for the term of his life in these vills. [Apparently John’s life is meant; but the construction is not clear. See D/Gr 225]. Seal of Robert Archer (Durham Seals, 88)
D/Gr 225[D 70] Latin. 11 November 1370. Dated as D/Gr 224. Quit claim by William Heron, knight, for himself and heirs, to John son of Laurence de Seton of all right and claim he, William, has, or had, or may be able to have, in lands and tenements in Kellawe and Thornlawe which he, William, had by demise of Joan who was wife of Nicholas son of Simon de Kellawe, ad terminum vitae suae in villis predictis. [See D/Gr 224]. Part of seal.
D/Gr 226[K 42] Latin. 14 September 1371. Dated apud Thornlawe in festo Exaltacionis Sanctae Crucis anno Domini millesimo ccc septuagesimo primo. Quit claim by John son and heir of Laurence de Seton to Thomas de Lumley and heirs of his right in a toft and 2 bovates of land called Maltonland in Thornlawe. Also, he quit claims to Thomas aforesaid and to Katerina, Thomas’s wife, and heirs, his right in the manor of Thornlawe and Mordone, excepting a tenement and 60 acres of land and 2 of meadow in Thornlawe which came to him hereditarily after the death of Nicholas de Kellawe his kinsman. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Venerabilibus viris Domino Johanne de Nevill Domino Raby et Domino Alexandra de Neville fratre suo Archediacono Dunelmi, Johanne de Ogell, Willelmo de Meneville, Thoma fratre suo, Radulfo de Beaufowe, Willelmo de Bakworwe. Seal. The Holy Lamb, with banner.
D/Gr 227[K 13] Latin. 20 September 1371. Dated apud Thornlaw vicesimo die Septembris anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quadragesimo quinto. Quit claim by John son of Laurence de Seton to Thomas Wayte, Alianora wife of Wayte, Thomas de Lumbley and Katarina Lumbley’s wife, their heirs and assigns, of all right which he, Seton, has in lands and tene ments with appurtenances in Thorulawe and Mordun which were John Harpyn’s, and Harpyn’s son John’s, of the feoffment of Eliz. de Kellawe, with 2 bovates of land and a toft once John de Kellawe’s, ancestor of Seton, in Thornlaw, called Maltonland. Seal of Thos. Porter.
D/Gr 228[D 53] Latin. 28 September 1371. Apud Kellawe die Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, anno Domini mccclxxi. Indenture whereby John, son of Laurence de Kellaw, demises ad firmam to Thomas de Holtale and Joan his wife, all his lands [etc.], in Magna Kellaw which he, John, as kinsman and heir of Nicholas, son of William de Kellaw, entered into by inheritance. To have to Thomas and Joan for life and the life of the survivor of them; paying yearly to John 4 times twenty shillings. Power to distrain and re enter. Warrant clause. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 229[C 15] Latin. 17 December 1371:. Dated at London 17 December, 45th year of Edward III. Deed whereby Thomas de Middelton, parson of the church of Lythe [near Whitby], confirms to Alan del Strother and heirs a rent of ten marks [as below] together with the reversion of the manor of Uffirtone within the liberty of Durham with the services as well of free tenants as of neifs (nativorum), with meadows [etc.], now held by Thomas de Hexham, of Thomas de Middleton and heirs during the life of Joan, widow of John de Coupland, at a yearly rent of ten marks, which manor [etc.], at the death of Joan is to revert to Thomas de Middelton and heirs. To have of the chief lords. Witnesses: Robert de Wiclyfe, clerk; Willel. de Gascoyne; Willel. de Crayke, clerk; Ricard. de Middeltone; Sampson Hardyng, and others. Seal missing
D/Gr 230[B 45] Latin. ? A contemporary transcript. There is no slit for seal. Should septagesimo be read as sextagesimo ? If so, the date should be 1362, when the witness, Roger Widdrington, was sheriff of Northumberland. 20 May 1372. Dated at Denton 20th day of May anno gracie millesimo trescentesimo septagesimo [sic] secundo. Indenture witnessing that William de Heselrygg, and John de Ebor., vicar of Chollerton, have confirmed to John de Vaux and Mary his wife, the lands, rents [etc.], in Newcastle, Benton, Heton, Jesmuth, Bradford, Coupon, Wyndesladesouth, Schotton, and Ayden in Northumberland, and the manor of Beaufrount, and the lands [etc.], in Boclif, Byngfeld, Porteyhat, and Hexsam within the liberty of Hextildesham, together with lands in Todehow and Gatisheued and others within the liberty of Durham, which first they had of gift of the aforesaid John son of Adam in the vills and manor aforesaid. To have [etc.], to John son of Adam and Mary his wife and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, of the chief lords. If it happen that John, son of Adam, and Mary shall have died without legitimate heirs then the said lands [etc.], shall remain to the aforesaid John son of Adam and the legitimate heirs of his body; and if he die without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, after his decease a moiety of the lands shall remain to Roger de Wodryngton and his heirs, and the other moiety shall remain to William son of John de Menyvill and his heirs. Witnesses: Gerardo de Wodryngton, Willo. Heron, Johe. Heron, militibus; Rogero de Wodryngton tunc vicecomite Northumbriae, Roberto de Fenwik, Thoma de Fenwik, Willo. de Menevill, Johe. de Birtley, Willo. Heselrigg, Willo. de Hepescotes, et aliis.
D/Gr 231[A 17] Latin. 1 October 1372. Dated apud Herdewyk juxta Nortone die Veneris prox. post festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo septuagesimo secundo. Charter whereby John, son of Richard de Herdewyk, confirms to Alice Blaunke de [?] Brauncepath all the lands, rents [etc.], which he had in Herdewyk near Norton. To have [etc.], to Alice and heirs, of the chief lords. John and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Simone de Langtone, Alano de Fulthorpe, Willo. de Blaykestone, Thoma de Hexham, Willo. de Heworth de Brafferton. Seal, in good condition, of Roger de Wesingtone. Used by John of Hardwick (Durham Seals, 2605)
D/Gr 232[D 89] Latin. 1 May 1373. Dated at Durham die Dominica in festo Apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo septuagesimo tercio. Charter whereby John de Neuton, son of Simon de Neuton, confirms to John Fossour his [Neuton’s] burgage with appurtenances as it lies in Alvertonegate in Durham between the public lane of the same street on the one part and the burgage of the heirs of John de Hebern on the west side on the other part. To have [etc.], to the said John Fossour, heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. John de Neuton [etc.], warrant. Witnesses: John Short, John de Plompton, William de Chilton, William de Hareholm, John Porter, John Lamb, Thomas Hert Barker, and others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 233[D 82] Latin. 18 August 1373. Dated apud Herdwik die Jovis prox. post festum Assumptionis Dominae anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo septuagesimo tercio. Deed whereby Margaret formerly wife of John de Oggle and executor of his will acknowledges receipt from William de Kellow of 100s. in part payment of £10 in which the latter was held to the said John her husband. Seal missing.
D/Gr 234[K 19] Latin. 7 February 1375. Dated apud Dunelmum per manum Ricardi de Castro Bernardi clerici nostri septimo die februarii anno Pontiftcatus nostri tricesimo. Letters patent whereby Thomas, bishop of Durham, gives licence to Thomas de Lomley and Katerina his wife to enfeoff Will. de Brantyngham, chaplain, and John de Broughton, chaplain, of the manor of Mordon held of the bishop, so that William and John, full possession of the manor being had, may be able to re-enfeoff Lomley and wife in the same manor. To have to Lomley and wife [in tail], of the bishop and his successors; [remainder to the] right heirs of Katerina. [See D/Gr 236 and 241]. Chancery seal of Bishop Thomas of Hatfield (Durham Seals, 3138)
D/Gr 235[D 90] Norman French. 31 May 1375. Written at Lumley le Judy en la ascencion of our Saviour lan du grace mill. ccclxxv. Indenture witnessing that Robert de Kellow, son and heir of William de Kellow, leases to William de Castel of the same vill a coal mine a un. howert in 3 selions of land lying to the south of Withendene, of which selions two belong to (deuz sunt a) Isold Heyr and one to the said Robert, the first term commencing at the feast of Pentecost next after the date of this [deed], until the said feast in 1376; paying to Robert 11 marks sterling. Robert guarantees freedom to mine [etc.], to William against Isold Heyr and others, and all his reasonable profit. Seal missing.
D/Gr 236[K 18] Latin. 6 December 1375. Dated apud Mordon in festo Nicholai Episcopi anno Domini mille tricentesimo septuagesimo quinto. Charter whereby Thomas de Lumley and Katerina his wife confirm their manor of Mordon with all its appurtenances as well in demesne as in service to William de Brantyngham, chaplain, and to John de Broughton, chaplain. Lumley and wife also grant their lands and tenements in Thornlawe to William and John aforesaid. To have [etc.], of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Domino Willo. de Wessyngton, milite, Willelmo de Elmeden, tunc vicecomite Dunelmi, Simone de Langton, Waltero de Hauwyk, Waltero de Etherdakers. [See D/Gr 234 and 241]. Round seal (damaged), central annulet with six annulets round it. Second seal is missing.
D/Gr 237[C 32] Latin. 15 December 1375. Dated at Foxden die Sabati proxima post festum Scae. Luciae Virginis anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo septuagesimo quinto. Charter whereby John Elysson, living (manens) in Schotton, confirms to Thomas son of Walter de Foxdene and to Cecilia his wife, and to John, son of the same Thomas and Cecilia, his messuage in Foxdene lying between the messuage of John, brother of the said Thomas (west), and the place formerly Gilbert de Mordone’s (east), and 3 acres of land in Foxdene which he had of gift of Elizabeth his friend [or perhaps aunt, but see deed] of which a half acre lies upon Kerbery, and towards the end[?] of Schotton a rood, and behind Swaynestongarth a rood, with meadow, and upon Elstanwell a half acre, and upon Wysset a rood, and upon Petronodell a rood, and upon les flattes 3 roods, and a rood abutting upon la Bradekerre with meadow. To have [etc.], to Thomas and Cecilia and to John their son and heirs [etc.], of the chief lords. Elysson and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Symon de Langton, Thomas Chauncelere, Robert de Langley, John de Herdwyk de Maynesforth, Thomas de Cramelington, and many others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 238[B 33] Latin. 16 March 1375 – 1376. Dated at Corbrige the Sunday next before the feast of St. Cuthbert in March in the year millesimo ccc septuagesimo quinto. Agreement between (1) John Fayt and (2) John de Penereth [? John Musgrave of Penreth] witnessing an exchange of tenements [location and areas are stated] in Corbryg; the tenements to be held as before, i.e. of the chief lords of the fee; the said two Johns and their heirs guaranteeing the two tenements against all people. Witnesses: Johe. Forster de Corbryg, Willo. Ayryk, Robto. de Hudespeth, Willo. Hog, Johe. de Neuham, Johe. Calvehirde, et aliis. [Transcribed in A History of Northumberland, X, 438. See also Sur. Soc., 137, p. 214, sub anno 1343]. One seal in good condition (Durham Seals, 958)
D/Gr 239[C 16] Norman French. 18 April 1376. Escrite a Duresme le Vendredy apres le fest de Pasche lan le Roy qor[e] est L. Covenants between (1) Sir William de Wessyngtone, chivaler, and (2) William de Blakestone that the former will make feoffment to the latter and the heirs of his body of 8 marks from land of his [Wessyngtone’s] heritage in the Bishopric of Durham (de VIII marche de terre de son heritage en leuesche de Duresme), saving to himself and heirs by default of legitimate issue the reversion of such feoffment. William de Blakeston will assure to the said Sir William half of the manor of Heltonfletham et Bemton, in Westmorland, and the third part of the manor of Wessyngton with appurtenances, saving the reversion to himself of the said lands in default of issue of the body of the said Sir William. On completion of deed William de W. will pay to William de B. £20. Two seals in good condition (Durham Seals, 2609, 282)
D/Gr 240[C 17] Latin. 18 April 1376. At Durham die Veneris in septimana Pasche anno Domini millesimo ccc septuagesimo sexto. Charter whereby William de Blaykestone confirms to William de Wessyngtone, chivaler, an annual rent of £20 issuing from his [Blaykestone’s] lands [etc.], in the Bishopric of Durham. Witnesses: Thomas Surtays, Robert Coyngners et Robert de Umfrauville, knights, and others. Seal of Roger de Blaykiston used by William (Durham Seals, 282)
D/Gr 241[K 17] Latin. 15 February 1376/7. Dated apud Mordon die Dominica proxima anno festum Sancti Petri in Cathedra anno Domini millesimo trescentesimo septuagesimo sexto. Charter whereby William de Brantyngham and John de Broughton, chaplains, confirm to Thomas de Lumley and Katerina his wife, the manor of Mordon alike with lands and tenements in Thornlawe, which manor and lands they [the chaplains] had of the gift of the same Thomas and Katerina. To have to Thomas and wife [in tail], of the chief lords; [remainder] to the right heirs of Katerina. Witnesses: Dominis Willelmo de Claxton, Johanne Darcy, Willelmo de Wessyngton, militibus; Johanne de Hyndeley, vicecomite Dunelmi, Thoma Menyvell. Two seals, damaged. 1377: The entry for D/Gr 220, apparently of date 1377, should have been here. See under date 1367: D/Gr 220.
D/Gr 242[D 79] Latin. 17 May 1377. Dated apud Kyncheley die et anno, [as below]. Indenture whereby Robert de Kellow de Lomeley leases his manor of Kyncheley to Peter de Hedlame in like manner as Johannes Stobbes lately held it of Robert. To have [etc.], to Peter, heirs, and assigns from the day of the making of the present deed for 15 years, rendering yearly to Robert [etc.], 23s.4d. Power to distrain is granted. The manor is to be delivered back in better state than when leased, the first payment beginning at the feast of Pentecost anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo septuagesimo septimo. Robert and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Dominus Thomas Surteys, knight, Dominus Hugo de Redhughe, knight, John Roughheuyd, Peter de Heswell, Richard Aldwode, Robert de Taylour de Kyncheley, and many others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 243[D 71] Latin. 3 July 1378. Dated apud Hurworthbrian die Sabbati proxima post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie secundo. Indenture whereby William de Kellowe de Harbarows demises to farm to Thomas de Claxton his, Kellowe’s, messuage in Hurworthbryan and 4 bovates of land in the same vill. To have and hold to Claxton for life, of the chief lords; he paying yearly to Kellowe, heirs and assigns 8s. Kellowe and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Waltero de Hawik, Roberto de Karlele, Rado. de Beaufo, Rado. de Maltby, Johe. Bouer, Waltero de Ethyrdacres. Signet of Thomas Claxton (Durham Seals, 620)
D/Gr 244[D 94] Norman French. 21 J[?] 1379/80 [Many words of deed indecipherable]. Done a [Lemington ? near Newburn] le xxi jour de J[?] lan de [damaged] Richard second puisse la conquest tierce. Deed whereby Johanna who was wife of John de Hyndley and executrix of the same acknowledges to have received of William de Kellaw and Thomas de Claxton 2 marks sterling in part payment of £10 in which William and Thomas were held and bound to Hyndley. Seal defaced.
D/Gr 245[D 75] Latin. Writing of deed much faded. 20 February 1380. Datum Dunelm. die Lunae proxma ante festum Sancti Petri in Cathedra anno pontificatus nostri [trigesimo ?] quinto. Deed whereby Robert de Laton, sheriff of Durham, appoints Robert de Skelton, coroner, Thomas Russell de Kellawe, Alan Wyllyamson de Kellawe, John Russell as his sub-bailiffs, jointly and severally, to deliver to William de Kellawe his, Kellawe’s, horses, goods, or cattle, as often as these shall be taken at Harbarowes and Kellawe through the agency of (per) Peter Teillyoff, knight, his men or servants. Seal of Robert of Laton (Durham Seals, 1564)
D/Gr 246[K 21] Latin. 12 April 1310. Dated die Jovis duodecimo die Aprilis anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum tercio. Quit claim by Katerina de Lumley, daughter and heir of Thomas Harpyn, of her right in the manor of Thornlawe, to John de Notyngham and Alienora his wife during their lives or the life of the survivor. Katerina warrants. Seal damaged.
D/Gr 247[D 120] Latin. 26 March 1381. At Durham, 26th day of March in the 36th year of our Pontificate. Letters patent granting the pardon of Thomas bishop of Durham – a fine of 20 marks having been paid – to William Lambard and John de Claxtone, for their transgression in having acquired to themselves and heirs, of William de Claxtone, ‘chivaler’, the manor of Claxtone with appurtenances, the bishop’s licence thereto not having been asked. Licence is now given that the said Lambard and Claxtone may enfeoff Isabella, who was wife of William de Claxtone, in the said manor. To have [etc.], to Isabella for life, of the bishop [etc.]. After the death of Isabella the manor, with appurtenances, shall remain to the heirs of the said William de Claxtone. Seal, damaged, of Bishop Hatfield.
D/Gr 248[D 67] Latin. 5 August 1381. Dated apud Novum Castrum, super Tynam quinto die mensis Augusti anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae quinto. Quit claim by Agnes, relict of Hugh de Redehughe, knight, for herself and heirs, to Robert Kellow of all actions, real and personal, fines, debts, and demands which she had or has or shall be able to have against him by reason of any debt, action, transgression, or other thing whatsoever from the beginning of this world to the day of the making of this deed. Seal missing.
D/Gr 249[D 59] Latin. 9 November 1381. Datum Dunelm. per manus Hugonis de Westwyk cancellarii nostri Dunelmensis ix die Novembris anno regni nostri quinto. Charter whereby Richard, King of England, gives licence that William de Kellawe de Herbarowes may enfeoff John de Kellawe, cleric, and William Mawer, chaplain, in the manor of Herbarowes [and] 10 messuages, 200 acres of land, and 10 of meadow in Magna Kellawe [now] held of the King in chief by reason of the temporalities of the bishop of Durham being in the King’s hands, the see being vacant. To have of the chief lords. John Kellawe, and Mawer, peaceful possession of the manor and lands aforesaid being had, may grant them to William de Kellawe and Agnes his wife; to have to William and Agnes and the heirs of the bodies of William and Agnes, of the chief lords. If William and Agnes die without such an heir the manor shall remain to the right heirs of William de Kellawe. Seal missing.
D/Gr 250[D 60] Latin. 11 November 1381. Dated apud Herbarowes undecimo die Novembris A.D. millesimo trescentesimo octogesima primo et anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae quinto. Charter whereby William de Kellawe de Harbarowes confirms to John de Kellawe, clerk, and William Mawer, chaplain, the manor of Herbarowes with appertenanees, 10 messuages, 200 acres of land and 10 of meadow in Magna Kellawe. To have to John, and to Mawer, and the heirs of John, of the chief lords. William and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Domino Willo. de Wessingtone, milite; Thoma de Claxtone; Will. de Lamptone. Seal missing.
D/Gr 251[D 60*] Latin. 12 November 1381. Dated apud Herbarowes duodecimo die Novembris in the 5th year of the reign of Richard II. Charter whereby William Mawer, chaplain, and John de Kellawe, clerk, confirm to William de Kellawe and Agnes his wife, the manor of Herbarowes [as in D/Gr 250]. To have to William de Kellawe and Agnes and the heirs of the bodies of William and Agnes, of the chief lords. If William and wife die without such an heir, the manor shall remain to the right heirs of William de Kellawe. Mawer, and John and heirs warrant. Witnesses: [same as of D/Gr 250]. Two seals.
D/Gr 252[D 65] Latin. 26 February 1382/3. Dated apud Lomley die Jovis proxima post festum Sancti Mathiae Apostoli anno Domini millesimo ccc octogesimo secundo. Charter whereby Robert de Kellawe son of William de Kellawe de Lomley confirms to William de Kellawe de Harbarowes a yearly rent of 20 marks arising out of Robert’s lands and tenements in the vills [etc.], of Magna Lomley, Knytcheley, Grenecroft, and elsewhere in the Bishopric of Durham. To have of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Willelmo de Lambton, Thoma del Halle, Johanne de Kyrkbey. Seal of Robert de Kellawe (Durham Seals, 1481)
D/Gr 253[D 69] Norman French. 17 July 1383. A Hilton le xvii jour de Juyll lan du regne le Roy Richard second puis le conquest septisme. Deed whereby William Seignour de Hiltone acknowledges to have received, on the day of the making of this writing, from Robert de Kellowe of Graunt Lumle, le fermour de Piers Tyliolle, £10 sterling in part payment of his ferme of the term of Pentecost last past. Signet of William Hilton (Durham Seals, 1353)
D/Gr 254[K 22] Latin. 30 November 1383. Dated apud Thornlawe in festo Sancti Andree Apostoli anno r. r. Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie septimo. Indenture whereby John de Notyngham and Alienora his wife confirm, and deliver seisin of, the manor of Thornlawe to John de Mordone and Katerina his wife. To have to Mordon and Katerina and the heirs of Katerina, of the chief lords; paying yearly to Notyngham and Alienora during the life of Alienora 24 marks, and after the death of Alienora to Notyngham during his life 12 marks. Power to distrain. Witnesses: Willo. de Elmeden seniore, Waltero de Hawik, Radulo. de Beaufo, Thoma de Menvill, Johe. de Sadbergh. One signet.
D/Gr 255[D 76] Latin. 14 July 1384. Dated apud Brauncepath quarto decimo die mensis Julii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae octavo. Letter of attorney whereby John de Nevill, [He was Sir John Neville, K.G., third lord Neville of Raby, who served in the wars in France, and was later Admiral of the King’s fleet from the mouth of the Thames to the northward. Later he was Lieutenant of Aquitaine and Steward of Bordeaux. It is also said that for a time he was employed against the Turks. He died at Newcastle, October 17, 1388, and was buried in Durham Cathedral. [See D/Gr 220]] lord of Raby, appoints William de Hoton and Robert de Belasys his attorneys jointly and severally for livery of seisin in his name to John Fossour, of all lands, tenements, rents, and services in the vill of Magna Kellow. Seal of Sir John Neville (Durham Seals, 1874)
D/Gr 256[D 77] Latin. 26 August 1384. Dated apud Brauncepath vicesimo sexto die mensis Augusti anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae octavo. Quit claim by John de Nevill lord of Raby for himself and heirs to John Fossour, heirs, and assigns, of all right which he, Nevill, has, or may be able to have, in lands, tenements, rents [etc.], in Magna Kellow. John de Nevill warrants. Witnesses: Walter de Hawyk, Thomas Menevill, Ralph de Malteby, and others. Seal same as D/Gr 255 (Durham Seals, 1874)
D/Gr 257[D 55] Latin. 20 February 1385. Dated apud Hureworth vicesimo die mensis Februarii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae octavo. Quit claim by William de Kellow to Thomas de Claxtone and heirs of all right [etc.], he had in lands, rents [etc.], in Hureworth near Kellow. William and heirs warrant. Seal in good condition: Virgin and child.
D/Gr 258[D 63] Latin. 8 January 1385/6. Dated Dunelm. die Lune proxima post festum Epiphaniae Domini millesimo ccclxxx quinto. Charter whereby Robert de Kellawe de Lomley confirms his manor commonly called Wastehall with appurtenances to William de Langchestre, chaplain. To have to William, heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. Kellowe and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Willmo. de Hollestruther tunc tenente predicti manerii, Johe. de Berwyke, Willmo. de Hull [?] et Robt. Barkere. Seal of Robt. de Kellawe (Durham Seals, 1481)
D/Gr 259[B 59] Latin. 7 February 1385/6. At Westminster xxvii die Februarii anno regni nostri nono. Letters patent whereby Richard king of England revokes letters of protection for one year granted 12 January last to John Vaus whom the king believed to be about to set out on his dutifttl service beyond the seas in the company of John Roche, knight, warden of the Castle of Brest, because he has not set out, nor, on trustworthy information, prepares to set out. Seal missing.
D/Gr 260[D 62] Latin. 6 May 1386. Dated apud Dunelmum die Sabbati [sic] Dominica in festo Sancti Johannis ante portam latinam. 1386, regni vero regis Ricardi secundi nono. [There are signs of a stroke of the pen through Sabbati]. Letter of attorney whereby Robert de Kellawe of Magna Lumley appoints John Fossour and John de Bealassise, junior, singly and jointly, to deliver, in his name, seisin of his manor called le Wasthalle, near Langley, to Thomas de Claxtone. To have to Thomas, heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. Seal of Robt. de Kellawe (Durham Seals, 1481)
D/Gr 261[D 64] Latin. 6 May 1386. Dated apud le Wasthalle die Dominica in festo Sancti Johannis ante portam latinam A.D. millesimo trescentesimo octogesimo sexto regni vero regis Ricardi secundi nono. Charter whereby Robert de Kellawe de Magna Lumley confirms to Thomas de Claxton the manor called le Wasthalle near Langley. To have to Thomas, heirs and assigns, of the chief lords. Robt. and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Gilberto Eglyn, Johe. Rougheued, Johe. de Gildforth, Willo. de Goureley, Willo. del Stobbes. Seal of Robt. de Kellawe (Durham Seals, 1481)
D/Gr 262[D 95] Latin. 3 January 1386/7. Tercio die Januarii anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Angliae decimo. Quit claim by Edmund de Claveryng to William de Kellaw, of Herberhowces, of whatever rights of trespass or of account he has, had or may be able to have against the said William from the beginning of the world to the date of the present deed. Part of one seal.
D/Gr 263[C 19] Latin. 1389/90. Dated at Beautroue [Butterby] the Sunday next after the feast [not legible] of the Blessed Mary Virgin in the 13th year of Richard II. Deed whereby Ralph de Lomeley, knight, acknowledges to have received from Thomas de Claxton £50 in part payment of £200 in which the latter is held to the former by written bond. Seal missing.
D/Gr 264[D 56] Latin. 24 June 1392. Dated apud Magna Kellawe in festo Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistae anno Dontini millesimo trescentesimo nonogesimo secundo. Writing whereby Joan, widow of Nicholas, son of Symon de Kellawe, Thomas son arid heir of the same, and John Harrpyn de Welbyr confirm to Henry Pillok de Seggesfeld a messuage and 2 bovates of land in Magna Kellawe. To have of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Johe. de Kellawe de Setone, Willmo. de Brantyngham tunc vicario de Kellawe, Willo. Smyth de Kellawe, John. de Mordone et Waltero de Hethirdakers. One seal missing. Part of second remains; third, bearing R, is sound.
D/Gr 265[K 24] Latin. 10 April 1393. Dated apud Thornelawe decimo die mensis Aprilis anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie sextodecimo. Writing indented whereby John Fulloure, John de Egesclyffe, chaplains, and Robert Hunter, clerk, confirm to Alienore wife of John de Notyngham all their lands, tenements, rents [etc.], in Thornelawe. To have [etc.], to Alienore and the heirs begotten of her body by Thomas Harpin lately her husband, of the chief lord. If Alienore die without such an heir the lands remain to the right heirs of the said Thomas. Witnesses: Waltero de Hawik, Thoma Menville, Willo. de Kellawe. Three seals: (1) Human head; (2) Bird on bush; (3) Fleur-de-lys, damaged.
D/Gr 266[K 25] Latin. Same date and place as D/Gr 265. Warrant of attorney given by John Fulloure and John de Egesclyff chaplains, and Robert Hunter, clerk, to John de Mordon to deliver seisin to Alienore wife of John de Notingham in all their lands [etc.], in Thornelawe. Seals missing.
D/Gr 267[K 23] Latin. 10 May 1393. Dated apud Thontelawe decimo die mensis Maii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi sextodecimo. Quit claim by Ralph de Lumley, knight, of his right in lands, tenements, rents [etc.], in Thornelaw to Alienora wife of John de Notingham, and the heirs begotten of the body of the same Alienora by Thomas Harpin lately her husband, lands [etc.], which Alienora has of the gift of John Fulloure, John de Egesclyff, chaplains, and Robert Hunter, clerk. Witnesses: Waltero de Hawyk, Thoma Menville, Alano Lambarde, Willo. de Kellowe. Seal missing.
D/Gr 268[13 64] Latin. 10 August 1393. Dated decimo die mensis Augusti anno domini millesimo trecentesimo nonagesimo tercio. Deed whereby Robert Spenser and Richard de Herbotill acknowledge themselves bound in payment to Thomas de Blakedene, burgensi ville Berewici super Twedam in 103s.6d. to be paid to the said Thomas or his attorney at times specified. Parts of two seals. Et quia ego Ricardus non habui sigillum, sigillum Thomae Barker [or Birker] tunc clericus ville Berewici nomine meo apponi procuravi [sic].
D/Gr 269[D 84] Latin. 4 February 1398/9. Dated iv die mensis Febr. A.D. millesimo ccc nonagesimo octavo. Indenture between (1) John [de Hemingburg], prior of the church of Durham [1391 – 1416], and (2) John Fossour and Richard Couhird whereby the latter bind themselves that they at their own expense will produce and deliver for the use of the said prior [etc.], at le Brome, near Aldyngrige, all coal reasonably to be used as well within the abbey of Durham as at the manor of the said prior at Beaurepaire. The prior [etc.] to have and receive the said coal from the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary Virgin last past for 7 years, paying yearly to Fossour and Coahird 100s. The coal shall be gained at the expense of Fossour and Couhird in their own ground, and, from pits constructed by them at their cost upon land in the same ground, shall be carried to Durham at the cost of the prior [etc.]. Fossour and Couhird during the 7 years shall have passage granted by the prior [etc.], through the field of Aldyngrige for carriage of the coal of flossour and Couhird to be delivered and sold at Brome for which passage they shall give to the prior [etc.], 4 chaldrons of coal, each chaldron containing 6 quarters. The prior grants that if Fossour and Couhird shall have supplied coal to the prior, as set out above, he, the prior, will not cause to be won or sold coal in the ground and mine within the boundaries of Aldyngrige and Bakstanforthwod, provided that the aforesaid mine of the prior is preserved whole, without damage to the mine or to the level [?] (passagio aquae) in the mine. Fossour and Couhird agree that if, through failure on their part to supply coal as above, the prior [etc.] are put to expense in getting other coal, Fossour and Couhird shall make satisfaction. Seal missing.
D/Gr 270[A 18] Latin. 10 February 1399. Datum decimo die Februarii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi vicesimo secundo. Charter whereby William son of Jon confirms to Thomas de Weston, clerk, Robt. de Wycliffe, clerk, and Peter de la Hay all lands [etc.], which he had in Herdewyk near Stoktone. To have [etc.], of the chief lord. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Willo. de Blaykestone, Alano de Fulthorpe, Johe. de Mordon, Gilberto de Hotone. Signet.
D/Gr 271[A 18*] Latin. Same date as D/Gr 270. Gilbert de Hoton and William Fitz Jon de Stoktone confirm to Weston, Wycliffe, as above, and Peter del Hay, lands, as in D/Gr 270. Warrant clause. Witnesses: as above and John de Kellow. ()ne signet.
D/Gr 272[A 13] Latin. Undated. ? Fourteenth century. Charter whereby Roger de Grenewell confirms to William de Wallewrth a plot of cultivated land with appurtenances in Grenewelle which is called le Morefeld. To have to William and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, freely in woods [etc.], paying yearly 3d. to Robert and heirs. If William die without such an heir the land shall remain to his appropriate heirs. To hold of the chief lords. Roger and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Nicholas de Thornileye, Will. de Wyluby, Thomas Bernard, John son of Nigell, Laurence Hamund. Seal illegible (Durham Seals, 1127)
D/Gr 273[A 14] Norman French. Undated. ? Fourteenth century. Confirmation by Robert lord of Hilton of a grant made by his grandfather (aiel) Sir Robert de Hilton, to John de Alaynschelles of a rent of 40s. yearly; to have during John’s life for loyal service, from lands which William son of Piers, and John Baite, husbandmen of the said Sir Robert, hold in the vill of Grendon near Uffirton (queux WilIiam le fuitz Piers et Johan Baite husbaundes le dit Monsire Robert teneynt en la ville de Grendone). Robert, lord, and heirs warrant to John, and Isold his wife, and their heirs. Witnesses: Johannes de Denum Seignur de Uffirton, Walter de Ludworth, Piers de Trillesden, Robt. de Lampton, Robert son of Henry de Lumley, Thomas du Boys. No slit for seal.
D/Gr 274[C 30] Latin. Undated. ? Fourteenth century. Probably c.1324. Charter whereby William clerk de Foxden confirms to William Actionus[?] de Laton 3 acres of land in Foxden of the land of William de Foxden, his uncle, of which an acre lies west upon le Langrap, cast in a certain selion, and an acre lies north upon le Swtherflat on the north in 2 selions, and a 1/2 acre lies east upon Baggeflet with a meadow extending in 2 selions, and a 1/2 acre lying south of Baggflet in 2 selions. To have [etc.], to the said William Actionus[ ?] and heirs of his body by the service of one rose per annum paid at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, freely [etc.], with all liberties [etc.], in commons, moors, marshes [etc.]. William clerke de Foxden and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Walter de Elstob, William Bretoti, Gilbert de Wyndelsdone, John son of Thomas de Schottone, and others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 275[F 26] Latin. One long roll. Damaged. 1402 – 1404. Manor of Esh, Durham, Court Roll. Court of Thomas Colvell, clerk, held the last day of January in the 3rd year of the reign of Henry IV, in the presence of Robert de Belasys, sen. Court of Thomas Colvell, clerk, held 17 May in 3rd year of Henry IV in the presence of the same. Court of Thomas Colvell, clerk, held 13 [?] February in the 4th year of Henry IV. Court of Thomas Colvell, clerk, held 8th day of January in the 5th year of Henry IV.
D/Gr 276[D 110] Latin. 25 May 1404. Dated at Grencroft in the feast of the Holy Trinity anno regni Regis Henrici quarti … quinto. Charter whereby Symon Gray, Burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, confirmed to John Rughead, lord of Grencroft, the tenement in Grencroft with appurtenances which he, Symon, had of Joan, daughter and heir of Walter Gybouson, viz: a toft with croft and 9 acres of land lying at Lydyate on the one part and on the other part [at?] Tyndale land, and 40 acres of land and meadow in Grencroft. To have [etc.], to the said John and heirs [etc.], of the chief lords. And all the lands [etc.], aforesaid are held of John Rughead lord of Grencroft by service. Warranty. Witnesses: William Sawer, Thomas de Coffngham, John Dygbelle, and Thomas Semer, and others. [Endorsed:] In the High Court of Chancery, between Sir Thomas Clavering, baronet, and others, complainants, and the Right Revd. Father in God Richard Lord Bishop of Durham and others, defendants, 24 August 1757. This deed was shown unto Robert Hull, gentleman, a witness produced, sworn, and examined on the part of the complts. at the time of his examination before us – David Hilton, John Widdrington, Jno. Mann, Geo. Cuthbertson. Seal missing.
D/Gr 277[E 8] Latin. 12 February 1404/5. Datum Dunelm. sub sigillo officii nostri xii die mensis Februarii predicti anno Domini supradicto. Declaration by the official of the archdeacon of Durham that Sir (Dominus) John de Huntle, perpetual vicar of Kellaw, being cited in the church of the Blessed Nicholas in Durham 12 February 1404 for having, according to public report, caused to be solemnized a clandestine marriage between John Megson and Mariota Huntle in his church of Kellow, denies the charge (articulum), and that he is purged and freed from impeachment. Seal missing.
D/Gr 278[D 85] Latin. 1 February 1407/8. Datum in vigilia purificationis Beatae Mariae Virginis anno Domini millesimo cccc septimo. Indenture between John, prior of the Church of Durham, and John Fossour, whereby for the purpose of working and winning coal at le Brome they agree to cause to he worked and won for one year from the date of this deed as much coal within the mine of the said prior in the said place as within the land and mine of the said John, at the cost equally of the prior and John, and with such workers as the two shall deem expedient. Neither the prior nor John shall sell separately by their servants or agents any coal from these mines without the consent of the other. The profit from the said mines during the said term shall be halved between them, for which agreement John Fossour grants that the prior shall receive freely during the period 7 score chaldrons of coal by the old measure, in English [called] Grovemett [Grovemett has been defined: ‘measure at the mine’: Notes and Queries, 13th Series, Vol. I, pp. 371, 435] (de mensura veteri Anglice Grovemett) from the mine of John Fossour and won at the cost of John Fossour. One signet.
D/Gr 279[D 99] Latin. Deed repaired in January 1924. 1 May 1409. Dated at Schirburne primo die Maii anno Domini millesimo cccc nono. Indenture of lease from Alan de Newerk, master of the hospital of Schirburne, and the brothers of the same hospital, to John Boterell of a toft with garden in the vill of Gatesheuede lying between Colierchare on the one part and the tenement of John of the Bank (‘John del Bank’) on the other; also of a toft with croft in the same vill containing an acre of land in four seliones lying between the tenement of William de Langton and that of Robert de Baumeburgh; also of a toft with croft in the same vill containing an acre of land in six seliones between the tenement of William Gategange on both sides, with all its appurtenances. To have [etc.], to the said John, heirs [etc.], from the feast of Pentecost 1409 for the term of 47 years, rendering yearly to the said master, brothers, and their successors, 13s.2d., the first term of payment beginning at the feast of St. Martin in winter next to come after the date of the present [deed], and to the chief lord of the fee yearly 10d. pro landemale for all other services. The said John at his own cost shall build new and sufficient buildings, on the two tofts first named, as habitations for the tenants of the same, and shall maintain them for the period aforesaid, and lie shall leave them in gcod state at the end of the period, and he shall maintain the outside of the third toft during the same period. John [etc.], shall not make in the said tofts, crofts, or gardens [sic] a shaft or shafts, or a mine (minuram) for the searching of coal, or dig or search for coal, or do anything of the kind whatsoever. If the rent of 14s. be in arrears, in part or in whole, for 40 days, power to distrain is given to the master, brothers, etc. If the aforesaid master [etc.], be impeded by John Boterell, his heirs [etc.], or his tenants in distraining or in retaining distraint, or if the tofts [etc.], provide insufficient distraints, or if John Boterell [etc.], or his tenants, by themselves or others, make shafts or a mine (minuram) for the seeking of coal or shall seek coal in the said places, then the said master [etc.], may enter and possess the tofts [etc.]. Further, within the period aforesaid they, the master and brothers, may dig for, or make shafts for the search of, coal within the said tofts [etc.], if they wish, provided always that [if ?] they in the said 4 or 6 seliones or in the gardens aforesaid shall dig for coal, [then,] for the rent of any selion by reason of the loss caused by the mine made therein, or of damage done to crops, they shall allow to John [etc.] 12 pence yearly in payment of his rent. If in the gardens they wish to make a mine [satisfaction shall be made], according to the survey of 4 good men of the county of Durham chosen by the parties aforesaid, to John [etc.] to the extent that his holding be injured by reason of the mine. If these four shall not agree, the prior of Durham for the time being shall be judge, in accordance with whose decision the said master and brothers shall make satisfaction. Witnesses: John [?] Dolfanby; William Gategange de Gatesheuede; Thomas Corper, and William Bisshopton, bailiffs of Durham [but see deed]; and William de Leventon, then steward of the said hospital. [It is not clear whether the 4 persons mentioned were bailiffs, or tlie last 2 only.] Seal missing.
D/Gr 280[D 111] Latin. 16 June 1414. At Herdewyk sextodecimo die Junii anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum secundo. Charter confirming a grant to Henry, King of England [etc.], from John Neuton, clerk, and John Thoralby, clerk, of a messuage, six tofts and six bovates of land with appurtenances in Herdewyk near Norton, within the County and Liberty of Durham, formerly belonging to Roger, son of Alan Fulthorp, of two tofts and two bovates of land with appurtenances in the same vill, formerly belonging to William, son of John, of one messuage and sixty acres of land with appurtenances in Ryton, formerly belonging to William, son of Thomas Categang [? Gategang], of forty-six acres of land [etc.], in Boldon, called Faderlesfeld, of one toft and sixty acres of land [etc.], in Whitbern, formerly belonging to Stephen Whitgray and Thomas Potter, and of one messuage four bovates of land and two pennyworths of rent [etc.], in Cashope, formerly belonging to Thomas clerk de Elvet, also of one toft [etc.], in the bailey of Durham near the north gate in Owengate, and of the advowson of a chantry, called the chantry of the Blessed Mary and St. Cuthbert of Durham [? in Durham] by them lately founded. To have [etc.], to the same king and his heirs so that the same king shall give the same messuages, tofts, land and rent, with appurtenances, and the advowson aforesaid to the Venerable Father Thomas bishop of Durham, to have [etc.] to the same bishop and his successors in pure and perpetual alms together with the lordship and liberties of the County Palatine and the lordships, liberties, franchises, rights, profits, pleas, jurisdictions and royal prerogatives of every sort in the same messuages, tofts, and land, and as the same bishop and his predecessors had in the same messuages, tofts and land before they had come to the hands of the King, and as freely as the same bishop has and holds his other lands and tenements within the County and Liberty aforesaid; paying yearly to Master William Broun and John Clayton, chaplains of the chantry aforesaid, and to their successors, chaplains of the same chantry, a yearly rent of six marks to be received from the messuages, tofts, land, and the rent of two pence aforesaid with appurtenances at the Feast of St. Michael, the Nativity of the Lord, Easter, and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, by equal portions. Witnesses: Ralph de Eure, knight, William Chaunceller esquire, John Mordone, and others. [Endorsed:] Charter of John Neuton, clerk, and John Thoralby, clerk, made to the king Henry V concerning certian lands within the liberty of Durham. Two seals: (1) An eagle displayed; (2) A bird.
D/Gr 281[K 26] Latin. 24 October 1414. Dated xxiiii die Octobris anno regni regis Henrici quinti post Conquestum Angliae secundo. Charter whereby John Trollope confirms to Thomas de Cleseby, esquire, John de Cleseby, clerk, Robt. Playce, David Trollope, and John de Mordon all his lands, tenements, rents [etc.], in the vills of Mordone and Thornelawe; to have on condition that these shall re-enfeoff in the lands John Trollope and his heirs or any others to whom he may wish to assign them. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Johe. Clervaux, Rogero de Ask, et Rogero Puddesay. Signet.
D/Gr 282[K 27] Norman French. 4 December 1414. Escript le quart jour de Decembre lan le regne le Roy Henry quint puis le Conquest second. A personal letter [Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson says ‘An indenture in the form of a personal letter is not a very common type of document’.] whereby John Trolhope empowers Thomas Cleseby, David Trolhop, John Mordon, John Cleseby, parson of the church of Mersk, and Robt. Playce, who had been enfeoffed in John Trolhope’s lands in the vills of Mordon and Thornlawe by John Trolhope himself, to make feoffment, when required to do so by John Trolhope, of these lands and tenements to John Trolhope and Agneys his wife. If Trolhope die before he requires these [his trustees] to do this his said will, he pravs that his wife be enfeoffed in the lands for life, with remainder to John’s right heirs. If he and his wife die before his said will be perfotmed he wills that Cleseby [etc.] make feoffment of the lands and tenements to John Trolhope’s right heirs. Witnesses: John Strech, Robt. Skerne, Henry Lamanby, Thomas Bridsalle, Roger Crome, Richard Ledes. Signed: John Trolhope. [See D/Gr 285-6]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 283[C 36] Latin. 8 May 1415. Dated octavo die Maii anno regni regis Henrici quinti … tercio. Letter of attorney by which John de Lumley and Ralph de Eure, knights, Robert de Wyclyff, clerk, and William Mayhu, assign William Mylot to deliver seisin to John de Dalton, esquire, and William de Paxton, chaplain, of the manor of Morton near Hesilden with all rents, services [etc.], and of lands [etc.], in Hawthorn, according to the form and effect of a charter made by them. Four seals; the fifth is missing (Durham Seals, 1658, 932 and 2716)
D/Gr 284[C 37] Latin. 10 May 1415. Dated decimo die Maii anno regni regis Henrici quinti … tercio. Indenture witnessing that although John de Lumley and Ralph de Eure, knights, Robert de Wyclyff, clerk, and William Mayhu have confirmed to John de Dalton, esquire, and William de Paxton, chaplain, the manor of Morton near Hesilden with all rents [etc.], and all lands [etc.], which the said [four] had in the vill [etc.], of Hawthorne as is set forth in a charter; nevertheless John de Dalton and William de Paxton grant for themselves and heirs [etc.], that when the said John de Lumley [etc.] shall pay or cause to be paid to the said John de Dalton and William de Paxton or to either of them, their heirs [etc.], 200 marks sterling at Wyttone in Werdale, then the charter and seisin handea over ‘for null shall be had’, and it shall be free to John de Lumley, heirs [etc.], ad comodum et proficuum of the same John de Lumley and heirs, in the said manor to enter and in his possession to retain to himself and heirs. Four seals; the fifth is missing. Seals are the same as D/Gr 283 (Durham Seals as D/Gr 283)
D/Gr 285[K 28] Latin. 19 August 1415. Dated die Luite proxiiua post festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis anno regni regis Henrici quinti post Conquestum Angliae tercio. Deed whereby Thomas de Cleseby, John de Cleseby, clerk, Robert Playce, Davyd Trolhope, and John de Mordon appoint John de Cleseby esquire, William de Dent, and John Burgh de Gillynge to be their attorneys for delivery of seisin to John Trolhope and Agnes, his wife, of and in all lands [etc.], in Mordon and Thornelawe. Seals: (1) Thomas Cleseby’s (damaged); 2 and (3) fragments only (Durham Seals, 635A)
D/Gr 286[K 29] Latin. 19 August 1415. Dated as D/Gr 285. Charter whereby Thomas de Cleseby, John de Cleseby, clerk, Robert Playce, Davyd Trolhope and John de Mordon confirm to John Trolhope and Agnes his wife, lands, tenements, rents [etc.], in the vills of Mordon and Thornelaw which lately they, Cleseby [etc.], had of the gift of the said John Trolbope. To have [etc.] to John and Agnes and the heirs of the body of John, of the chief lords. If John die without such an heir, the lands shall remain to the right heirs of John. Witnesses: Johanne Clervax, Rogero de Ask, Rogero Pudsay, Johne. Kelyngale, Nicholao de Heworthe. [See D/Gr 290-1]. Five signets, of which three are in fair condition.
D/Gr 287[C 38] Latin. 8 October 1416. Dated octavo die Octobris anno regni Regis Henrici quinti [damaged] quarto. Letter of attorney by which John de Lumley, Ralph de Eure, knights, Robert Wyclyf, clerk, and William Mayhu appoint William Mylot and Robert de Dalton to deliver seisin to John de Dalton and William de Dalton, esquires, and to William de Paxton, chaplain, of the manor of Hesilden, near Morton, with all rents [etc.]. Four seals, all imperfect.
D/Gr 288[C 39] Latin. 10 October 1416. Dated 10 October anno regni regis Henrici quinti post Conquestum quarto. Indenture witnessing that although John de Lumley and Ralph de Eure, knights, Robert de Wyclyff, clerk, and William Mayhu have granted to John and William de Dalton, esquires, and to William de Paxton, chaplain, the manor of Hesilden, near Morton, with all rents [etc.], as is set forth in a charter, yet the said John and William de Dalton and William de Paxton grant for themselves and heirs [etc.], that if the aforesaid John de Lumley or heirs [etc.], pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Ralph de Eure [etc.], 200 marks sterling at Wytton in Wardalle, then the charter and seisin delivered may be void (pro nullo habeantur) and John de Lumley or heirs may re-enter and enjoy. Four seals (Durham Seals, 1658, 932, 2716)
D/Gr 289[M 17] Undated. 1416. Copy in French of the letter of Poggio Bracciolini to Lionardo Aretino, or Bruni, concerning the trial of Jerome of Prague [1416] at which he was present.
D/Gr 290[K 30] Latin. 30 March 1417. Dated apud Thonelawe penultimo die mensis marcii, 1417, regni vero Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Anglie quinto. Charter whereby John Trolhope confirms to John Clesseby, rector of the church of Mersk in Richemondschire and to Robert Plais the manor and vill of Thornelawe within the parish of Kellowe in the Bishopric of Durham, with all lands, rents [etc.], which he, Trolhope, has in the said vill. To have to John Clesseby and Robert, heirs and assiglis, of the chief lords. Trolhope and heirs warrant. Witnesses: Thoma Surteys, Robto. Conyers, Willo. Lumley, militibus, Robt. Conyers, Johe. Mordon, Robto. Beleseys, armigeris. Signet: R.B.
D/Gr 291[K 31] Latin. 1 April 1417. Dated apud Thornelawe prima die Aprilis anno Domini millesimo ccccxvii regni vero Regis Henrici quinti post Conquestum Anglie quinto. Charter whereby John Clesseby, rector of the church of Merske, and Robert Plais confirm the manor and vill of Thornelawe, and lands and tenements which they had in the said manor to John Trolhope and Agnes his wife. To have to Trolhope and wife and the heirs of Trolhope, of the chief lords. If Trolhope without an heir of his body should die, which God forbid, then after the decease of Trolhope and wife the manor and vill shall remain to the right heirs of Trolhope. Witnesses: Thoma Surteys, Roberto Conyers, Willo. Lumley, militibus; Roberto Conyers, Johe. Mordon, et Roberto Beleseis, armigeris. Two signets.
D/Gr 292[E 19] Latin. 18 March 1419/20. Datum in Vico Sancti Egidii in Dunelm. die lunae in festo Sancti Cuthberti in martio anno regni regis Henrici V post conquestum Anglie septimo. Charter whereby Robert Walker of Gilesgate, Durham City, confirms to John Mykley of the same place, tailor [cissor] a burgage and an acre of meadow lying in campo Sancti Egidii (south) between the meadow of the prior of Durham (east) and that of William Palman, chaplain, formerly Thomas de Seton’s of Hertilpulle (west), and abutting on the king’s highway to the wood of Pellow. To have [etc.], of the chief lord. Robert warrants. Witnesses: Will. Karr; Henry Hunter; John Smyth; John Shakelok; John Bull; and others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 293[K 32] Latin. 20 January 1428. Dated apud Richemond in festo Sancti Sabastiani anno regni regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum Anglie sexto. Charter whereby Harsculfus son of Thomas de Clesby de Merske confirms 3 tofts, 64 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow and 1/2 acre of marsh in Thronlaw which he had of the gift of Dame Elienora de Notynggame, to John Trolhope de Thronlaw, esquire. To have to John Trolhope and his assigns, of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Willo. Franke, Johe. Clesby rector. de Merske, Robto. Clesby domino de Merske, et Thoma Langton de Wynzerde. Part of seal.
D/Gr 294[D 98] Latin. 5 September 1431. Dated apud Kellowe quinto die Septembris, A.D. millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo primo. Charter whereby John Fossour, senior, confirn s to his son John Fossour aud Elizabeth Hesilrig two messuages and 140 acres of land with appurtenances in Kellow. To have [etc.] to them and the heirs between them lawfully begotten, of the chief lords. Should John Fossour, son, and Elizabeth die without such an heir the messuages [etc.] shall revert to John Fossour, senior, and heirs. Warranty. Witnesses: John Trollope, esquire, Thomas Cook de Fysshburn, esquire, William Mordon, coroner of Esyngton, Robert Loweson. Seal defaced.
D/Gr 295[K 33] English. 23 March 1443. Indenture between (1) William Bowes, squyer, of [erased] and (2) John Trolhope of Thornlawe, squyer, the 23rd day of Marce, 21st yere of the regne of Kynge Henry sext that the saide John Trolhop sall wedd and take to wyfte Isabell the doghter of the saide William before whiche mariage John Trolhope sall make a sufficient estate [to certain men] in certeine landes [etc.] in Mordone to the yerely value of £10 over all maner of charges and reprises [deductions]. To have to thame, theire heires [so that] the feffes shall make estate again to the saide John Trolhope and Isabell after the saide espouselle so hadd betwix thame; to have landes [etc.] to the value of ten marks to the saide John Trolhope and Isabell his wyffe and to his heires of his body comyng; and landes [etc.] remanant of the saide £10, worth of land to the value of V. marks to be gyven to the saide John Trolhope and Isabell and to the heires of ther two bodyes comyng. For defaute of such issue the saide £10 worth of land to remaigne to the right heires of Trolhope. Trolhope sall take ane estate and be soule seised the day of the said espousells of all the lands and tenementes, rentes [etc.] the whiche that he hase or any man or men to his behove; [and] possessions that the saide John Trolhope sall purches he sall take estate therein soule to that extent that the saide Isabell may have hir dower. [For the] mariage the saide William all pay £100. Seal missing.
D/Gr 296[K 34] English. 14 January 1447. Mariage agreement ‘Wryten the morne efter the fest of Seint Hillary the yere of Kynge Henry the sext eftere the conquest xxv’. Endenture betwene (1) Rauf Pudisay, esquiere, and (2) John Trolhope, esqwyer, that John son and here apparant of the said John schall wed and tak to wife one of the doghters of the said Rauf at thelection of the said John the fadire als hym thynke thaire age will best acord, the mariage to be made in all gudly hast that kan be had efter the fest of Pasch next comyng, the said Rauf to make the costage of the said mariage, for the whilk mariage the said Rauf schall paye to the said John the fadire four score marc and five for the whilk mone the said John the fadire schall gyf to the said John the son and to his wife landis and tenements to the value yerly of X marc over all charges, to have to thayme and to theres of thair two bodies lawfully begotyne. John the fadire schall alene no landis nor tenements that come or schall come to him be any of his auncestres and also he byndis hym to the said Rauf be this writyng that his lifelod [livelihood] is nowe of yerly value of XL marc over the reprisez [deductions], beside the manere of Thornlawe. If it happen John the son and his wife to dye wit out issue of thaire bodis begetyn, that God defend, the said landis and tenements to thayme so gefen schal revert to the said John the fadire and to his heire for evermore (‘and if it happen the wyfe of the said John the son to die before the age of XIII yere that then the said John the son schall wedd anoder of the doghters of the said Rauf’). Note: This clause in parentheses is struck through. There are other clauses. [This and some other Thornley deeds are quoted in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 85-6]. Signet: a molet.
D/Gr 297[D 97] Latin. 17 May 1456. Dated at Durham decimo septimo die Maii anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo sexto. Charter whereby Johanna flossour in pure widowhood confirms to Thomas Whorton and his wife Johanna, daughter of William Fossour, her son, a tenement with appurtenances as it lies in the North Bailey, Durham, between the hospicium of the archdeacon of Durham and the tenement of the prior of Fynkall. To have of the chief lords. Johanna and heirs warrant. Moreover, she wishes that should Thomas and Johanna or their heirs be expelled from, or dispossessed of, the tenement by her heirs or by any other in their name it shall be free to Thomas, and wife and heirs to enter and enjoy for ever her manor of Herberhous, holding of the chief lords. Witnesses: Thomas Glasier, chaplain, Johannes Beke, Henry Lieuchid and others. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 298[D 96] Latin. 16 October 1456. Dated sextodecimo die Octobris anno regni regis Henrici sexti tricesimo quinto. Charter whereby Thomas Whorton and Johanna his wife, daughter of William Fossour, after their decease and the decease of their children give and confirm to John Fossour, son and heir of John Fossour, and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, a messuage, with appurtenances in the North Bailey, Durham, situate between the tenement of the archdeacon of Durham and that of the prior of Fenkall. To have [etc.] of the chief lords. Thomas and Johanna warrant. Witnesses: Robert Hawetliorn, chaplain, Thomas Middilham gentleman, Henry Lewchild and many others. Seal imperfect.
D/Gr 299[D 122] Latin. 14 August 1466. Dated apud eandem villam Novi Castri quartodecimo die Augusti anno regni regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Anglie sexto. Writing indented whereby Thomas Ilderton, esquire, confirms to Robert Harden 2 inessnages of waste land (mesuagia vasta) with appurtenances in Newcastle-upon-Tyne-one lying in the street called ‘le Clos’ between the tenement formerly Thomas Castell’s, east, and that which Alan Birde holds, west, extending from the street named, north, to the Tyne, south; the other messuage lying in Pilgrem Strete between the tenement formerly William Grome’s, south, and that of the vicar of Wodhorne, north, extending from the same street, west, to the stream called Arikburn, east. To have [etc.] to Robert, his heirs [etc.] of the chief lords. Rendering yearly to the said Thomas, his heirs [etc.] for each of the said messuages [etc.], 12 pence. Power to distrain, to re-enter and re-hold. Warranty. Witnesses: John Nikson, Robert Baxter, John Baxter, aldermen of Newcastle; Robert Brigham, William Undrewood, and others. Signature at bottom of deed: tomas ilderton. Signet, a bouget.
D/Gr 300[K 35] English. 21 July 1472. 12th year of King Edward IIII. Marriage agreement between (1) John Trolhope, the elder, esquier, and (2) John Sayer, esquier, that John, son of the former, shall marry Katerin, daughter of the latter. Settlement of lands in Mordon. [Phraseology and conditions more or less like those of D/Gr 296]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 301[K 36] Latin. 30 October 1476. Dated apud Hertilpole. Penultimo die mensis Octobris anno Domini millimo. cccclxxvi. Will of John Trollope senior of Thornelaw esquire. He gives his body to be buried within the church of the Friars Minor at Hertilpole; his mortuaries to his own vicar of Kellaw. He gives for tapers to be burned at his exequies [blank]; to the priest appearing in his exequies [blank]; four marks to brother John Fery and to brother William Durham who shall celebrate for 2 years within the church of the Friars Minor of Hertilpole (where he was to be buried) for his soul, for the souls of his wife and his parents, and for the soul of Sir John Clesby, formerly Rector of Marske: and to the Convent of the same place ten marks. He bequeaths to a secular priest who shall fittingly celebrate within the church of the parish of Kellow for one year for his soul and the souls of those aforesaid and of all the faithful departed, 7 marks. He bequeaths to his brother Robert 4 marks yearly for life out of his farm of Litill Edene; to his son Thomas Trollope for life yearly 5 marks from [the same source]; to his son Andrew yearly for life 4 marks; to Thomas Groudy his servant for life for his office as bailiff of Thornelawe, 13s.4d.; to Thomas Richardson, his servant for good service, yearly for life 20s.; to Agnes, Katerina, Anne, daughters, £20 each at marriage; to John son and heir 4 silver spoons (coclearia), a large brazen pot called Olde Thornelaw, a red antique bed with hangings; to Thomas Trollope his son 4 silver spoons, and a whole bed: 1 federbed, 1 pare sheites, 1 pare blanketes, a big coverlet with hangings, a cloth de twilde and 1 towaylle et 1 franche bille. He bequeaths to Andrew his son 4 silver spoons, 3 mattresses, 1 pare sheites, a plain cloth, unum le towaille planum sericatum in finibus. He leaves all his arma excepto mortuario meo to his sons Thomas and Andrew equally, together with all his vasis de stanno [pewter]; to the Guild of Holy Trinity, Durham, 6s.8d.; to both convents of the Friars Minor of Hertilpol and Richemond, 20s., and to both convents of the same order of Newcastle and Carlisle, 10s.; to brother William Durham for the Trental of St. Gregory 10s.; his vestments to Thomas and Andrew his sons; to Jacob Forster a cow value 6s.8d. He gives money, ponnds of wax, and torches to altars at Kellow. He wishes that his executors receive yearly from his estate of Thornelaw 20 marks and that they pay his debts. He leaves to the Priory de Monte Gracie, 6s.8d.; to the brethren of St. Robert of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 3s.4d. He leaves to Robert Crawfurth, 13s.4d. The residue of his goods he leaves to John Trollope his son and heir and to Robert Trollope his brother who are executors and as such get 40s. between them. Witnesses: Ricardo Wavesoure, majore de Hertilpole; Lionello de Claxton; Thoma Morley. [Mentioned in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 85]. Signet damaged.
D/Gr 302[C 33] Latin. 1478. Indenture made Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo octavo witnessing that William Elstob, gentleman, lets to Robert Talzor, yeoman, a toft, now in decay, for 21 years next following, and that Robert shall build upon this toft, and William shall find timber necessary for the building, and also that Robert in common pasture shall have a horse or a mare, 2 cows, 20 sheep, a hog or a sow with litter, a gander, and a goose with goslings, and a cock with hens, Robert rendering 12d. for rent per annum. And the pact between them is that he [presumably Robert] shall have licence for a tavern (habebit licentiam tabernandi). Robert Talzor at the end of the 21 years shall give up the building, suitably and substantially built. Seals missing.
D/Gr 303[K 7] English. 28 November 1479. Indenture made 28 November, 19th year of King Edward IV, between (1) Jon Trowloppe, esquier, and heres and (2) Richarde Baynbryg and Alleys hys wyffe concerning a division of lands and tenements between the town and lordship of Thornlaywe and the lands and tenements off the grange place called Qwetlawy; and agreements as to cost of repairs, and impounding and distraining of cattle. [See Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 100]. Seals missing.
D/Gr 304[K 38] Latin. 30 April 1480. Dated apud Thornelawe ultimo die Aprilis 1480 regni vero Regis Edwardi quarti post Conquestum Angliae vicesimo. Charter whereby John Trolhope de Thornelawe esquire, confirms to Robert Sotheron clerk and John Sayer, esquire, the manor and vill of Thornelawe, in Kellowe, and the lands, rents [etc.], which John has in the same place. To have of the chief lord. Warrant clause. Signet.
D/Gr 305[K 9] Latin. 15 May 1480. Dated apud Thornelawe quinto decimo die Maii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo octogesimo, and 20th year of Edward IV. Charter whereby Robert Sotheron, clerk, and John Sayer, esquire, confirm to John Trolhope, esquire, and Katerina his wife the manor and vill of Thornelawe, and lands [etc.], which they have within the said vill, of the feoffment of the said John Trolhope. To have to John and Katerina and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, of the chief lord. If John and Katerina die without such an heir then the lands remain to the right heirs of John. Warrant clause. One damaged signet.
D/Gr 306[M 4] Latin. 9 November 1482. Dated apud Haveryng nono die mensis Novembris anno regni regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Angliae vicesimo secundo. Quit claim by Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, and Thomas Calvard, gentleman, to Alberedus Cornburgh, esq., of all right and claim they have or had in the manors of Dagenham and Cokerelle and 500 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 100 acres of wood, and 66s.8d. rent in Haveryng at Bowre, Essex, which jointly they had with the said Cornburgh [and others named] by demise of Richard Illyngworth, knight, [and others named]. Warrant clause. Witnesses: Thoma Mountgomery, milite pro corpore domini Regis ac Senescallo Domine Elizabeth Regine Anglie manerii de Haveryng, Rico. Isham subsenescallo manerii predicti, Johe. Kyng ballivo predicte Domine regine ibidem, Rico. Barley, armigero, Philippo Coke, armigero, Thoma Herde, Johe. Piers de Haveryng. Part of the seal of Henry Percy, fourth earl of Northumberland.
D/Gr 307[M 24] English. Paper, four pages, foolscap folio. 1483 to c.1680. Inventory of the lands of the Featherstonhaughs in Stanhope [Stanhope Hall and other tenements named. Personal names mentioned: Sir Thomas Tempest, Ralph Hedworth, Henry Follanceby, Thomas Appleyard, Thomas Dearry or Darry]. Signed: ‘All these particulers within mentioned were examined by the records remaininge in chancerie per me Jo. Heath’.
D/Gr 308[E 9] Latin. 1 November 1495. Dated primo die Novembris anno regni regis Henrici septimi … undecimo. Charter whereby Robert Lambton, esq., son and heir of Richard Lambton, esq., grants and confirms to Thomas Lambton, esq., to Robert Heghyngton, clerk, to John Rakell, gentleman, and to Percival Lambton, brother of the said Robert, all the lands [etc.], he has in Magna Kellaw, Durham, which belonged to Richard Lambton, his father. To hold to the use of the said Percival and heirs, of the chief lords. Robert Lambton warrants. He appoints Thomas Smyth and John Smyth his attorneys to take and to deliver seisin. Seal missing.
D/Gr 309[E 15] Latin. Deed damaged badly. 5 September 1498. At Norwich quinto die mensis Septembris anno … regni regis Henrici septimi post conquestum quartodecimo. Indenture between (1) John Neel, dean of the Collegiate Church of the Blessed Mary in the Fields in Norwich, and the secular canons thereof, and (2) Thomas Smert, citizen of Norwich, shoemaker, by which the former let ad firmam to the latter an orchard in the parish of St. George ad portas Christi lying between another garden (north) lately rented by Robert Hagoner, and another now rented by John [?], chaplain (south), abutting upon the enclosure now rented by Robert Broken, bocher [butcher ?] (west) and the common way (east). To have from Michaelmas 149[8] for [?] paying yearly 2s. Seal missing.
D/Gr 310[C 34] Latin. 11 February 1501. Dated 11 February in the year of the translation of the lord Richard [Fox] bishop of Durham, the 7th. Deed whereby Robert Elstobhe de Foxtene in the parish of Seggefeld in the county of Durham, gentilman, and William Elstobbe, of the same place, gentilman, are bound to Roger Layburne, clerk, archdeacon of Durham, in £4 [to be paid at a time stated. There is in English a condition to be void:] if Robert Elstobbe and his executors [etc.], pay or cause to be paid 6s.8d. [at times fixed] towards ‘the sustentacione and fyndyng of the Gilde prest of our blessed ladye within the parisshe church of Seggefeld the which 6s. & 8d. the seid Robert of his goode disposicione and free will hath graunted towardes the fyndyng of the seid prest … and also if the seid Robert delyver or cause to be delyvered x [? xi] ewes of lawefull geode and merchauntable, that is to say neyther roten scabbed croxe ner pelters to the iiii masters … of the seid Gilde’ or ‘ failyng of eny of them for everye pece to paye xiijd’. Seals missing.
D/Gr 311[B 60] Latin. 20 March 1505/6. Dated 20 March in the 21st year of Henry VII. Charter whereby Thornas Ilderton, of Ilderton, Northumberland, knight, son and heir of Thomas Ilderton, lately deceased, confirms to Edward Shafftow, gentleman, the messuage called Twestreg, with meadows [etc.], lying between Magna Hetone and Kirk Hetone, Northumberland; also lands [etc.], in the vill of Cald Stroder in the same county which lands of Twestreg and Cald Stroller descended to him by hereditary right after the decease of the said Thomas Ilderton. To have [etc.], to the said Edward, his heirs [etc.], of the chief lords. William Musgrave, junior, and George Anderson of Kirk Hetone, yeoman, were appointed attorneys for delivery of seisin. He adds his seal with a clause to this effect: and because my seal to many is unknown the seal of the office of mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to my present charter I have taken care to be added. Witnesses: Humfrido Lysle, tunc vicecomite Northumbriae, milite, Roberto Anesly, Roberto Ilderton, Roberto Johnson, capellano, et aliis. One seal (Durham Seals, 1427). The second seal, that of the mayoralty, is missing.
D/Gr 312[K 43] English. 9 October 1509. Indenture made 9 October, 1st year of Henry VIII. Jointure for life settled by John Trollope upon Alice Morland, whom he intends to take ‘to wyff’ within 8 days: viz. the chief house of Litill Eden with half of all the other lands and tenements in Litill Eden [amounting to] the yearly value of 10 marks over all charges. Other personal names: William Blaxton, Sir Willyam Bulmer, Willyam Bulmer, esquyer, John Rakett, Rouland Tempest, Thomas Tempest. Place names: Thornlawe, Mordon. Seal missing.
D/Gr 313[D 100] Latin. 26 January 1520/21. 26 January in the 12th year of the reign of the kitig Henry VIII. Quit claim by Nicholas Hare of Norwich ‘gentylman’, an executor of the will of Thomas Hare, doctor of laws, lately dean of the Collegiate church of the Blessed Mary in the Fields in Norwich, for himself and heirs [etc.], to Nicholas Carre, doctor of laws, now dean of the same church, and to the chapter and canons secular of the same and their successors, of all rights, suits, fines, debts, trespasses, contracts, covenants, arrears, surpluses and demands which against the same dean [etc.], or any one of them whether in his name alone or in his name with that of others, he has, or may have, equally in respect of the execution of the testament and last will or of the administration of the goods of the aforesaid Thomas Hare, as in respect of any other thing or act from the beginning of the world to the day of the present deed. Seal.
D/Gr 314[K 44] English. 10 April 1522. ‘The Xth day of Aprell the yere of our Lord God a thousand fyve hundreth and XXII’. Will of John Trollop of Thorneley, esquyer. He makes various bequests: to altars and churches: Kellowe, Esyngton, Petyngton, Segefeld; to a priest, Sir Thomas Cotnay, to sing services for his soul for 2 years. Sums are left to the Friars of Hartilpole ‘to synge a trentall’ for his soul; to the Observants of Newe Castell, and to the other three houses of Friars of Newe-Castell. He bequeaths to every one of his servants, men and women, 12d.; to John Cowndon and Richard Fissheborne either of theym a colt stagge. Bequests are made to John Trollop of Newcastell and to Jane Robynson of Durham; to his daughter Eliz. 20s ‘to bye houshold stuffe with’; to his daughter An Spence 10s.; to his bedeman [beadsman] Roger Rede of Eden Chapell 6s.8d. who is also to hold that office for life and to have the ‘gate of two kye and a horse in somer and sufficient hey for theym in wynter with the garthynges and orchard perteyneng therto’. His sons Lawrence and Roger are to receive a yearly rent of £3 6s.8d. and, in the event of the death of either, his son Francis receives’ a share. He bequeaths to his wife ‘suche goodes within the house as she brought frome Petyngton for her parte of insighte. If soo bee that hir nappery or beddyng be decaied that then I will they be amended with as good. Also, I bequeath to my wife a cadron that I bought of John Blaxton with a fetherbed that she and I lieth upon, and the bolster therwith with a covering of a bed that I bought of John Blaxton with trees and bestis theruppon of tapstre warke with all the yarne and lyne that she hathe under hande with a spruse coffer with all thynges belonigeing to hir body with a copborde in my chambre with all such other stuffe as she bought with hir money’. His son John receives ‘two silver saltes with a bordcloth and two towels, a dozen napkyns of diaper warke with a stepelede, and an oche of golde with a chayne of gold and a signet of gold, and the seale of myne harmes [arms] with the evidence chest, the brewe house as it stondeth that is to say a brewelede with a masshefat and a tapstone with a bolteng arke, and two bras pottes called Thorneley pot and Herry pot atid all these to be ayrelomes to the place. Also I bequeth to my said son and heire my best gowne except my corsprisand, with a dublet of blak velvet’. His wife is to have her 3rd part of all his goods, one other part is to be divided amongst his children ‘not promoted’, the other 3rd part goes for the performance of this his will. ‘Also though by the auctorite of the law I may bequeath diverse thynges to be doone of my londes and profettis therof yet for the entier favor which I bere to my son John Trollop I will not by commandement soe charge hym’; yet the father requires his son John to give his, John’s, sisters not married 40 marks. Witnesses: Master Thomas Tenipest, squyer, Sir John Elleson, vicar of Kellowe, John Hull and Thomas Whymes. [There are many other clauses in this deed.] Seal missing.
D/Gr 315[E 7] Latin. 10 September 1527. 10 September in the 19th year of Henry VIII. Quit claim by Edward Dent, subdeacon, to Cristofer Carre ville Novicastri super tinam, merchant, of all actions, real and personal, suits, fines [etc.], which he had, has, or may have against the said Cristofer. Signet, a cross paty.
D/Gr 316[M 49] Latin. Deed in poor condition. 12 July 1531. Tested at Westminster, 12 July, 23rd year of reign of Henry VIII. Precept to the sheriff of Berks and Oxfordshire to distrain the executors of the will of John Lytell [etc.], and to have their bodies [etc.], on the morrow of St. Michael to render account of the issues forthcoming from the farm of 10 acres of land, 3 roods, and 5 perches of arable land in New Wyndesore at 15d. an acre per annum, viz. from 22 August, 1 Hen. VIII. to Michaelmas 3 Hen. VIII. whereof account has been not yet rendered. [Deed D/Gr 316 was shown to Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson, whose full translation is with the deed itself. See D/Gr 334].
D/Gr 317[K 45] English. 20 July 1542. 34th year of Henry VIII. Marriage settlements. Indenture between (1) Henry Pudsay of Barfurthe, county of Yorkshire, and (2) John Trolloppe of Lyttle Eden, Durham, and Thomas Trolloppe, son and heir apparent of the said John, by which settlements are made on the marriage of Thomas Trolloppe to Grace Metham, sister of Henry Pudsay, and on the marriage of John Trolloppe, son and heir of Thomas Trolloppe, to Maud Metham, daughter of Grace. John Trolloppe agrees to make an estate to Grace Metham for her life of the yearly value of 10 marks over all charges, the land to be discharged of all forms, feoffments [etc.]. He also agrees to make to Grace an estate of the yearly value of £3 6s.8d. over and above all charges, for the term of her life immediately after his death. John Trolloppe the elder, and Thomas his son, agree to make to John Trolloppe and Maud a good estate for the term of their two lives, and the survivor of them, of the messuage in Thorneley, now in the holding of William Bell, of the yearly value of £11 over all charges. They also agree that all their lands shall descend to the said John the younger and his heirs, except such lands as Anthony Trolloppe, Roger Trolloppe, and Laurence Trolloppe, brother [sic] of the said John Trolloppe the father, have for the term of their lives, and also except such lands as Margerye now the wife of John the elder has for her life, and except [certain other lands]. For the marriage between, and the estate to be made to, John Trolloppe, the younger, and Maud Metham, Henry Pudsay grants to pay to Thomas Trolloppe 200 marks. Part of one signet.
D/Gr 318[D 101] Latin. 20 December 1550 [or 1549: the regnal and episcopal years do not concord]. At Durham, 20 December in the year of the reign of Edward VI. Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, et Hiberniae regis fidei defensoris et in terra Ecclesiae Anglicanae et Hiberniae supremi capitis quarto, et anno translationis nostrae vicesimo. Letters patent of Cuthbert [Tunstall] bishop of Durham pardoning [etc], in consideration of a fine paid into the bishop’s chancery, Ralph Dalton, gentleman, who had lately acquired to himself and heirs, from Marmaduke Lambton gentleman, and had entered into possession of, a third part of the manor and vill of Kellow, Durham, with appurtenances, without having obtained the bishop’s licence, the 3rd part of the manor being held of the bishop in chief by the service of the 20th part of a knight’s fee: the bishop wishing that neither by himself nor his successors, justices, sheriffs [etc.], should Ralph qui modo seisitus existit de predicta tercia parte manerii, or his heirs, be annoyed or burdened. Witness: Robert Hyndmer, clerk of the chancery of Durham. ‘Executed by me Robert Meynell’. Bishop Tunstall’s seal in chancery, imperfect (Durham Seals, 3170)
D/Gr 319[C 35] Latin. 14 July 1551. Dated quartodecimo die Julii anno regni Edwardi sexti, Dei Gratia [as in D/Gr 318] quinto. Deed whereby Lancelot Nevell de Headlam, Durham, esquire, is bound to John Elstobe de Foxstone, gentleman, in £100 to be paid at the Feast of St. James the Apostle next. There is in English a condition to be void: if Nevell obey [etc.], and keep the award of Sir William Babthorpe and Sir Thomas Gargrave, knights, and of Robert Mennell, serjeant at law, and of Robert Challoner, esquire, arbitrators chosen to arbitrate and ‘juge all maner of maters, suytes, quarrels, trespasses, dettz, debaytes, and demaundes, had, movid or stirryd’ between the sayd Lancelot Nevell of the one partie and the [said] John Elstob of the other partie as well for and concerning the right tytill use and possession of the manor of Foxstone and all other the landes of the said John Elstob as also of all goods and catalls clamyd by the said John Elstob as all other maters and causes between the said parties Frome the begingng of the world to the day of the makyn of this presente obligacion. [Signature] Lanslot Nevylle. Signet (Durham Seals, 1875)
D/Gr 320[K 46] English. 16 January 1552. 5th year of Edward VI. Covenant between Robert Meynell, sergeant-at-law, and Thomas Troloppe, gentleman, as executors of Margaret Pudsey, late of Barfurth, Yorkshire. [Names mentioned:] John, lait lord Scrope, Thomas Rokebye, William Wycliff, Sir Christofer Metcalfe, Mathewe Phillopp. Signet.
D/Gr 321[E 11] Latin. 25 September 1553. Halmot held at Chester 25 September, 6th vear of the translation of Cuthbert [Tunstall] bishop of Durham. By leave of the Court Richard Dounsforth let to Edward Leper half a husband land (dimidiam terram husbandi) in Chester with meadows and pastures to the same belonging, and half an acre of land lying within the field called Newbrigfelde and another half acre lying in the Southfelde; with eatage (cum oris morsu) for the cattle of the said Edward within le Kell [?]. To have to Edward and assignes from the feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary next [for] 6 years without payment to Richard other than the rent due to the lord, viz. 4s.8½d.
D/Gr 322[B 61] Latin. 3 February 1555/6. Dated tertio die Februarii anno regnorum Philippi et Marie Dei gratia regis et regine Anglie Francie Neapolis Jherusalem et Hibernie fidei defensorum principum Hispaniarum et Sicilie Archeducum Austrie ducum Mediolani Burgundie et Brabantie comitum Haspurgi Flandrie et Tirolis secundo et tertio. Indenture whereby John Kyllyngworth of Kyllyinworth, Northumberland, gentleman, for 26s.8d., grants to fee farm to John Hayton, of Newcastle, maryner, and his heirs, 2 selions called tuo leasses, in Gesimonde lying between the land of William Carr, of Newcastle, gentleman, north, and Sandeforde Deane, south, and the lands of the Hospital of the Blessed Marie Magedeline, east, and the King’s highway, leading to Gesimonde, west. To have [etc.], to the said John Hayton, his heirs [etc.], of the chief lords; rendering yearly to the said John Kyllyngworth and his heirs a grain of pepper if it be sought. William Lawson, of Newcastle, merchant, and John Pereson of Benton, yeoman, are appointed attorneys for delivery of seisin. [Signed] by me John Kyllngworthe. [Endorsed:] ‘2d. Phil: and Mar: 1555 – 1556 Newcastle’. [Abstract of deed is translated, Arch. Ael., 2nd Ser., I, 32]. Part of seal (Durham Seals, 1511)
D/Gr 323[K 47] English. The writing is in parts obscure and defaced. 29 August 1558. [Transcript of a will, the spelling being modernized, and doubtful words or parts abbreviated being enclosed in parentheses]. In the name of God, amen, the 29th day of the month of August in the year of our Lord God Almighty, 1558. I Thomas Trollope of Thornley in the parish of Kellowe within the County of Duresme, esq., being at this present time, thanks to our lord God, in good health of body ‘not crased nor seke’, and in good and peaceful remembrance, calling to memory the frailty of this vain and transitory world, considering also how that we for our sins and misery are daily plagued with war and sickness, that death to every living creature is certain, the hour and time thereof most uncertain, minding therefore and willing by God’s grace not to depart out of this world intestate, do constitute, ordain, and make this my present testament containing therein my last will. First of all I declare and confess to be a true Christian man holding all the articles of our Catholic faith and all other ceremonies as our mother Holy Church doth observe and keep. My soul I bequeath to Almighty and Saviour Jesu Christ who renewed and bought the same with his most precious blood beseeching the most Holy and pure Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Jesu Christ and all the saints of Heaven to pray for me, willing also that my corpse shall be buried within my porch in the parish Church of Kellowe aforesaid if it shall please God that I depart within the same parish, and if I shall depart [in] any other parish then to be buried in that parish church where I shall so depart, and to have solemn mass and dirige with all other obsequies as becometh a man of my (behaviour ?) at the discretion of my executors. Also, I give to the high altar, for tithes negligently forgotten, in discharge of my conscience 20s. Also I give to amending of the church of Kellowe and ornaments of the same 20s. (Also, whereas God hath given unto me ?) an honest part in his world, which is a good wife who hath been and is not only much comfortable to me but also much profitable, knowing also that her mind atid will is that I shall be good father to my children, not only with those whom I have had with her but also with my children of my first wife, and that she will keep herself content and pleased with the third of all my goods and chattels, therefore I give and bequeath to my 3 daughters, that is to say, Dorothy, Elizabeth, and Margaret, to every of them towards their advancement in marriage £100 a piece in full payment of other portions filial and children [sic] parts of my goods and chattels, and besides this I give to Margaret my daughter £6 13s.4d. which was legate and bequeathed to her by her late grandmother mistress Pudsey. Also for as much as my son Robert is young, and if I should leave a sum of money or goods which might be soon consumed and wasted without good governance, therefore I am thus minded towards him that wherein [by] the last covenant of marriage made between me and my wife I reserved 20 marks to declare my will and testament, of the which 20 marks I do give and bequeath to my said son Robert one annuity or yearly rent of £6 13s.4d. during his life natural to be taken forth of the said 20 marks to be paid yearly by the hands of my son John or other my heirs whom it shall please God to succeed. (If annuity is not paid, power is given to distrain, and if Robert will not be content with this annuity but will have his filial portion of goods, his annuity shall be void. Twenty shillings yearly are left to his base gotten son John Trollope). Also, I give to my daughter Ann Metcalf £6 13s.4d. for a token of remembrance. Also I give and bequeath to mine Uncle Roger Trollope a horse or a mare worth 40s. Also I give to my servant Richard Thompson a whye with calf and to every of my other servants a quarter’s wages beside the due wages as well men servants as women. Also I give and bequeath to Thomas Trollope, son to my son John Trollope, my chain of gold and my brooch of gold. Also, I give and bequeath to every one of my wife’s sons a French crown a piece except Sir Thomas Metham, knight; to my mother an ambling mare or an ambling nagg and to my uncle William Blaxton a French crown for a token. Also, I give to my brother John Trollope, of Mordon, a cow, and to his son Thomas, my godson, a stol [stool]. The residue of my goods, chattels and leases I give unto my son and heir John Trollope whom I ordain, constitute and make sole and full executor of this my testament and last will, trusting that he shall pay my debts and dispose the same to the glory of God, my soul, health, and his profit. And I require my dear friends Sir Thomas Metham, knight, and my cousin Robert Tempest, esq., to be supervisors of this my said will and testament to see the same truly performed and fulfilled in every article, legacy and clause thereof as my trust is in them; and for their pains therein I give to either of them 5 marks. In witness hereof to this my testament I have subscribed my name and put my seal the day and year above written in the presence of Anthony Preston, esq., Cristofer Hall, and Roger Trollope, gentlemen, and Cristofer Chaytor, notary. Probate seal very imperfect, shield of royal arms.
D/Gr 324[K 48] Latin. Paper. 6 May 1559. Copy of the Inquisitio post mortem of Thomas Trollop of Thornely, taken at Durham 6th day of May, 1st year of Elizabeth, made by Daniel Richardson, deputy clerk to the Court of Chancery, Durham, 12 November 1684. Mentions lands in the manors of Little Eden, Thorneley, Mordon, viz.: 12 messuages, 10 cottages, 500 acres of land, 500 acres of meadow, 800 acres of pasture, 500 acres of heath, and lands in Seaton Karewe, viz.: 2 messuages, 7 cottages, 90 acres of land, 10 of meadow, 20 of pasture. Little Eden, Mordon, and Seaton Karewe were held of the bishop by knights’ service and suit of court; the manor of Thorneley was held of the earl of Westmorland in socage.
D/Gr 325[F 18] Latin. 2 October 1560. Dated secundo die Octobris anno regni dominae nostrae Elizabeth … secundo. Charter whereby Robert Dalton, of West Aukeland, Durham, esquire, confirms to William Hylton, junior, John Hedworthe and Marmaduc Thirkelde, esquires, and Thomas Layton, gentleman, and heirs, his messuages, lands [etc.], in Aukeland alias St. Ellene Aukeland, and the messuage in Kellowe, now (modo) in the tenure of Christopher Hall, yeoman, and another in Kirke Sedeham in Cleveland now in the tenure of Thomas Ellyot, yeoman; [another] messuage in Newbye, in Cleveland, now in the tenure of Richard Harding, yeoman; [another] in the Northe Bayllie in the city of Durham now in the tenure of Cuthbert Sympson yeoman. To have of the chief lords ad opus et usum of Dorothee Dalton (modo) wife of the said Robert Dalton, for life, and after her death ad opus et usum of the said Robert Dalton and heirs. Warranty. John Heydon and William Cooke are appointed attorneys. Signature: Robert Dalton. Fragment of signet.
D/Gr 326[K 49] English. Paper. 16 March 1563/4. ’16th day of March the year of our Lord God, 1563′. Will of Dorothy Trollop daughter of the late Thomas Trollop, esq., of Thornley. [In addition to members of the Trollop family, including her married sister Ann Metcalf, named in the deed, Sir John Thompson, priest, and Sir John Stephenson, curate, are also named. Endorsed, with a pedigree].
D/Gr 327[D 123] English. 2 May 1567. Deed of sale, 2 May, 9th year of Elizabeth, between (1) Richard Bellasses of Jerrowe, countie of Durham, esquier, and (2) Margaret Wall of Stanhoppe in the said countie, wedowe, and Christopher Wall of the same ye[o]man witnesseth that Richard Bellasses for £22 to himself in hande before the seallinge hereof by the sayde Margaret Wall and Christopher Wall well and truelie contented [sic. ? counted] and payde whiche £22 the said Richard knowelegeth himselfe to have resaved and hadd, and therof and everie parte therof clearlie acquiteth [etc.] Margaret Wall and Ch. Wall [etc.], by these presentes haithe geven [etc.], and fullie sold and fullie sellth unto the said Margaret Wall and Ch. Wall and their assigns one messuage and a close and 11 acres of land withe appurtenntes [in] Stanhoppe nowe in the tenures of the sayd Margaret and Christopher Wall and of one Michael Fetherstonhaugh, esquier, also the messuages, landes, tenementes, meadowes, moores, pastures, commons, rentes, reversions, suites, woodes, and underwoodes arid all other his hereditamentes with all and singular the appurtenntes to the said messuages [etc.], belonging, and also all providences, chartores, dedes [etc.], whiche concerne the premisses onelie; withe a true coppie of [certain other] writinges now in the possession of the said Richard Bellasses [etc.]. To have unto the said Margaret Wall and Ch. Wall [etc.]. Warranty. Signature of Richard Belassis. Witnesses to sealing and delivery: John Gailfar, sen., Richard Hevyside, George Stobbes, Robert Ricarbie, William Wilkinson, Thomas Wilkinson and John Gailfar, jnr., withe others moo. Signet.
D/Gr 328[D 124] Latin. 4 May 1367. Dated 4 May, 9th year of Elizabeth. Confirmation of sale [as in D/Gr 327], and conveyance from Richard Bellasses to Margaret Wall and Christopher Wall of the messuage [etc., named in that deed]. To have to the said Margaret and Christopher of the chief lords. Warranty. Richard Bellasses appoints Robert Garthewhayte de Bradelyburn and Richard Heveside de Jerrowe his proxies jointly and separately. [Signature] per me Richarde Belassys. Witnesses as in D/Gr 327. In a memorandum that peaceful possession was enjoyed on the 13 May, the following witnesses’ names appear: Richard Wall, Richard Atkinson, Thomas Robinson, John Richardson, Radulph Stobbes, George Wall, Richard [Lerg ?], Robert Wrighte. Signet.
D/Gr 329[K 50] English. Paper. 3 January 1569. ‘The third day of Jan. 1569 and in the eleaventh yere of the reigne of onr Sovereigne lady Elizabeth the Quene’s Majestic reigne that now ys’. Will of John Trollop, of Thorneley, esquyer [‘who lived 40 years after and died February in the 9th year of James’. The Maud of deed D/Gr 317 was his wife. One clause of this very long document may be given:] ‘Also I do wyll that my neighbors shall have an honest dyner the day of my buryall att the discretion of my executors. [Some personal details of this John, and extracts from his will, are given in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 86-88]. [Endorsed with a pedigree]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 330[K 51] Latin. 12 March 1570. Survey, by virtue of a commission dated 12th day of March, 12th year of Elizabeth [but see deed] showing that Grace, [Is there an error in this deed ? Should this name be Maud ? Grace was the wife of Thomas (this John’s father), and mother-in-law of John. See D/Gr 317, 329 and 350] wife of John Trolloppe, held the capital messuage of Thorneley with all its buildings and appurtenances, with closes of pasture named as follows: Cadwell close, Moore close, Gibson’s close, the Carre and Eldercarre, Pondeclose, Ley Fylde, and half a croft; containing in all 400 acres which were in the hands of the said John at the time of the Rebellion. These premises came to the Crown by the attainder of John Trollope and so continued until the 11th year of the reign of James I. [Endorsed:] ‘Survey of part of Thorneley held in joynture by Grace Trolopp. Certificate of ye recovery thereof from ye Crown anno II Jacobi’. [1613 – 1614].
D/Gr 331[K 52] Latin. 23 June 1574. Apud West. vicesimo tertio die Junii anno regni nostri sextodecimo. Elizabeth by the grace of God. Deed endorsed: ‘A pardon to John Trollop of Thorneley esq. for the rebellion with the earles of Northumberland and Westmorland anno II Eliz.’ Seal missing.
D/Gr 332[M 3] Latin. 1 March 1576. Dat. apud London primo die Martii anno regni dominae nostrae Elizabeth … decimo octavo. Presentation by Henry, earl of Northumberland, to the Dean and Chapter of York, of Edward Cowston to the vicarage of Chatton, Northumberland, vacant by the death of Hugh Erington. Signature: Northumberland. Signet of the earl.
D/Gr 333[M 18] English. Large foolscap sheet, much frayed. Book of depositions ab anno 15 … ad 1576. No. 46 fol. 133. Evidence of John Johnson, of Durham, yeoman, aged 35, concerning the burial of a child by the father in Sedgefield churchyard, the curate being absent. Signed John Johnson.
D/Gr 334[M 50] Latin. Deed damaged. 20 May 1577. 19th Eliz. Westminster. Precept to the sheriff of Warwickshire to distrain John Wirley and Dorothy his wife by all their lands and chattels in his bailiwick, and to have their bodies before the barons of the Exchequer at Westminster to do homage and fealty for the manor of Rokeby [i.e., Rugby] with the appurtenances in the aforesaid county, and 100 messuages, 60 cottages, 20 tofts, 4 windmills, 2 watermills, 100 gardens, 1,000 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 200 of pasture, 40 of furze and heath, £10 rent with the appurtenance in Rokeberye [sic], also the advowson of the church of Rokeberye aforesaid, and two fairs and markets in Rokeberye, held of the Queen in chief; and which the aforesaid John and Dorothy his wife lately held to themselves and the heirs of the same John of the grant of Ambrose Dudley and Eliz. his wife. [Deed D/Gr 334 was shown to Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson, whose full translation is with the deed itself. See D/Gr 316].
D/Gr 335[D 128] Latin. 25 September 1577. 25th of September in the 19th year of the reign of Elizabeth. Certificate that John Eden de Belsys in the parish of Byllyngham in the county of the Bishopric of Durham, gentleman, and Robert Eden de West Auckland son of the above John are held and bound to John Forser de Herberhouse, gentleman, in £600. [There is a condition of obligation in English]. Signatures of John and Robert Eden. Witnesses: And. Trollopp, Thomas Salven, Ant. Garfurth [?], Robert Huton, Nicholas Johnson, Wm. Blacoff [?]. Two signets.
D/Gr 336[K 54] Latin and English. 26 June 1585. Apud Westm. vicesimo sexto die Junii anno regni nostri vicesimo septimo. Exemplification of an Act of Parliament defining the incorporation [etc.], of the Hospital of Sherburn: the name shall be ‘the master and bretheren of Christes Hospytall in Sherbourne nere Durham’. The then master and brethren are named. The Bishop of Durham shall nominate the master. [?] Trollop and heirs [of Thorneley] shall have the nomination of a brother. First great seal of Elizabeth, as used 1559 – 1586. (Slightly imperfect).
D/Gr 337[L 1] English. 7 April 1586. 28th year of reign of Elizabeth. Whereas Queen Elizabeth had granted and to farm let to James Dale, of Stanthrope, Durham, the tenement [etc.], in Langton in the Bishopric of Durham, now or late in the tenure of Cuthbert Potter, and part of the possession of Charles, late earl of Westmorland, attainted, for 21 years at the yearly rent of 31s.3d.; [now] Dale sells his interests in the tenement to John Bathe of the city of Durham, gentleman, [for the remainder of the 21 years]. Witnesses to sealing [etc.]: John Comandell, William Rydlye, George Freend. Seal missing.
D/Gr 338[K 55] English. Paper. 14 October 1588. Memorandum that Ralph Bowes, esq., one of Her Majesty’s gentlemen pensioners, has received payment of £100 due to him from John Trollopp, esq. Memorandum that Richard Greshame, servant unto Ralph Bowes, has received, the day and year above written, of Anthony Trolloppe, gent., the sum of £100 to the use of Ralph Bowes. Witnesses: Anth. Dixson, Cuthbert Meynell, Robt. Meynell, Roger Gibson.
D/Gr 339[F 17] English. 20 January 1593/4. Indenture made 20 January, 36th year of Elizabeth whereby Fraunces Troulhope of Lytle Eden, Durham, gent., for £4 to him payd by Phillyppe Tayler of Hurworth on the moore, alias Hurworthe Bryan, Durham, blackesmyth, doth graunt unto the said P. Tayler and Margret his wife one cottage in Towne Kellowe, now in the occupation of Eliz. Tayler of Towne Kellow, widow, together with the 8th part of one close called the Midle Moore and also the 8th part of 2 parcels of ground as they are now dowled and set fourth, the one knowne by the name of Ravens Peace and the other by the name of thre Roodes with all th apptenantes, wayes [etc.] belonging. To have [etc.], to Tayler and wife [etc.], from the feast of the Invention of the Holie Crosse next ensuing the date of thesse presents unto tlie full end of thre score yeares if they so long do leyve, paying yearlie the rent of 6s.8d., and also one henne. Signed: ‘Phillip Tailer’. Fragment of signet.
D/Gr 340[D 102] English. 24 November 1594. November 24 in the yeare of the reigne of our Soveraine Lady Quene Elizabeth that now is, the 37th. Deed of bargain, sale, and assignment by and from Francis Trollopp of Little Eden in the countie of Durham, gentleman, to John Trollopp, of Thorneley, in the ‘countie of Durham, esquier, Francis Metham of Wigginthorpe in the countie of Yorke, gentleman, William Hodgsone of the mannour house and Anthony Welberie of Castle Eden in the countie of Durham gentlemen’, their executors [etc.], of 2 parts, in 3 parts to be divided, ‘of the mannour or fermes, landes and tenementes called Harborhouse, Kellow and Northwaistes’, with appurtenances ‘of the landes and tenementes of Thomas Forser gentleman and Margaret Forser, wedow, late wife of John Forser gentleman deceased’. To have [etc.], ‘the state, right, interest, clame and demand whatsoever of the said Francis Trollopp of in and to the aforesaid mannour, landes, tenementes and hereditameuts to the said John Trollopp’ [and the others named] in as large, ample and benieficial manner as the same was conveyed to Francis Trollopp by letters patent [wherein more is set forth], of Queen Elizabeth bearing date 17 September 1593. [The lands had been in the hands of the Queen because of the recusancy of Thomas and Margaret Forser]. Witnesses to sealing and delivery: William Widrofes, (his mark); Robert Wilson, (his mark); Lanslet Potter, (his mark); Robert Clarke, (his mark). Signet.
D/Gr 341[E 16] Latin. 18 June 1597. Datum Dunelm. … xviii die mensis Junii anno domini millesimo quingentesimo nonogesimo septimo. Deed whereby Clement Colmor, Doctor of Laws, vicar general et officialis principalis legitime fulcitus of Tobias [Matthew] Bishop of Durham, appoints as tutors and guardians of the 4 children of Ralph Billingham late of ‘Crokehall’, [?] chaplain of St. Margaret’s, Durham city, deceased, during their minority and not beyond, their kinsmen Anthony Hutton, esq., and Thomas Laiton, gentleman, who are also appointed trustees of the property involved. Fragment of seal.
D/Gr 342[M 52] Latin. Bishopric of Durham. In the pell of receipts. [The following ten entries are on one roll]. 3 May 1599. Easter term, 41st year of Elizabeth; Thursday, 3 May. From Thomas Wright, gentleman, farmer of two parts of the manor of Hardwick and from parcel of the land of Robert Mayer, of John Swinborne, and of Thomas Forcer, recusants, £24 7s.6d., due for half year ending at the feast of the Annunciation, 41st year of Elizabeth. 8 November 1599. Michaelmas term, 41 and 42 Elizabeth, Thursday, 8 November. From Thomas Wright, gentleman, farmer of two parts of the manor of Hardwick and from parcel of the land of Robert Mayer and Thomas Forcer, recusants, £15 14s.3d., due for half year ended at Michaelmas, 41st of Elizabeth. 7 November 1601. Michaelmas term, 43 and 44 Elizabeth, Saturday, 7 November. From Ralph Downes, from the farm of two parts of the capital messuage called Harberhouse, and from lands and tenements in Magna Kelloe, and from parcel of the possessions of Thomas Forcer and Robert Mayer, recusants, £15 13s.11½d., due for half year ended at Michaelmas, 43rd Elizabeth. 3 May 1602. Easter term, 44th Elizabeth, Monday, 3 May. Same details as in preceding entry. Money due for half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 44th of Eliz. 8 November 1602. Michaelmas term, 44 and 45 of Elizabeth, Monday, 8 November. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at Michaelmas, 44th of Elizabeth. 30 May 1603. Easter term, 1st year of James [I.]. Monday, 30 May. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 1st of James [I.]. 7 November 1603. Michaelmas term, 1st of James [I.], Monday, 7 November. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at Michaelmas, 1st year of James [I.]. 4 May 1604. Easter term, 2nd year of James [I.], Friday, 4 May. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 2nd year of James. 20 October 1604. Michaelmas term, 2nd year of James [I.], Saturday, 20 October. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at the feast of St. Michael, 2nd year of James. 4 May 1605. Easter term 3rd year of James [I.], Saturday, 4 May. Same details as in 3rd entry. Money due for half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 3rd year of James.
D/Gr 343[M 16] English. Paper. 18 October 1601. At Auckland. Certificate from Jo. Marshe [steward] to Simon Comin, auditor, of amounts due to the tenants of Auckland for carriage of wood and coals for his Lordship’s provision.
D/Gr 344[M 27] English. Four pages of foolscap, and one piece of a fifth. 6 November 1603, and 12 May 1605. Will, ‘not formall and accordyng to law’ of George Bowes, of Biddick, Durham; with alterations made therein on 12 May 1605. [Part of this, or of a similar, document is transcribed in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 200-1. A close examination of the Library’s document shows that it lacks some words which Surtees gives in his partial transcript].
D/Gr 345[L 2] English. 15 November 1603. 1st year of James. Indenture between (1) James Dale, of Staindroppe, gentleman, (2) Fardinand Huddleston, of Thwayts, Yorkshire, esq.; Anthony Kathericke, of Stanwigge, Yorkshire, esq., and William Franke of Croswayte, Yorkshire, gent, and (3) Henry Dale, of Staindroppe, gentleman, witnesses that James Dale grants to Huddleston, Kathericke, and Franke, his messuage in Staindroppe, with closes as follows The House, The Broad, The Bottom, Cooke’s, The Mayster, The Great Water and Little Water Closes, The Crooke and Calf Closes, and also his messnage in Staindroppe in the occupation of Dale [himself], and also his tenement in Shotton, Durham, in the occupation of Peter Vickers; to hold to the uses of James Dale and Margaret his wife for life, and after their decease to the use of Anthony, son of James Dale, and to the heirs males of his body, and for default of such heirs males [several remainders]. Witnesses to livery of seisin, and to sealing: Richard Vaghan [?], Henry [?], John Hutton, Thomas Tod, Richard Jones, Robt. Carliell [?] (mark), John Humbey, Robt. Tode (mark), John Aykrigg, Tho. Smythe (mark), John Sparrow (mark), Tho. Lawson (mark), Chrfer. Robinson (mark). Two signets remain: Huddleston’s and Cathericke’s.
D/Gr 346[F 22] Latin. 19 December 1605. 3rd year of James [I.]. Charter whereby Radulph Maddeson, of Unthanke, Durham, esquire, confirms to Peter Blackett of Greneheade, near Stanhope, gentleman, and his heirs, that parcel of land containing about an acre in the Lowe Townefeilde near Stanhope adjoining Sturdieflatt (south), Friehill (west), Lowe Prie (north), and Cowlson’s Dale (east), together with the pastures and advantages pertaining thereto. To have of the chief lords [on terms not now legible]. Signature: Raph Maddeson. [Endorsement (1):] Signed and sealed in presence of: Cuthbert Morgan, Bryan [?], Alexander Fetherstonhalgh, [?] Blackett, William Westwood, Anthony Phillipson. [Endorsement (2):] Witnesses to livery of seisin: Cuthbert Morgon, Wyllm [?]ieff, John Fetherstonhalgh, Alexander Fetherstonhalgh, Thomas Phillipson, Richard Westwood, with others. Seal missing.
D/Gr 347[M 46] Latin. 1605/6. From roll of recusants, 3 James I., in [the membrane headed] Adhuc Item Ebor. Durham. John Welbery owes £40 per annum from the farm of all those two thirds of two thirds of two thirds of the manor of Great Kelloe with appurtenances in the Bishopric of Durham divided into 3 parts of the yearly value of £13 6s.8d. and of all those two thirds of two thirds of a capital messuage called Harberhouse in the Bishopric aforesaid divided into three parts, of the yearly value of £6 13s.4d. together with divers other messuages, lands [etc.], with appurtenances in the Bishopric aforesaid specified in the said roll of 3 James Adhuc Item Ebor, being parcel of the lands [etc.], in the possession of Thomas Forcer of Kelloe, gentleman, recusant viz. of the same farm from Michaelmas in the 3rd year of the lord king James that now is until the same feast in the fourth year, to wit, for one whole year. In the treasury £20, 3 May, 4 [James I.], of the same farm, by payment in the treasury £20, 6 November 4 [Jas. I.], for Martin Hardrell and others in regard. [Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson completed this translation, and added the following note: ‘The manor and capital messuage are each divided into three parts, of which Welbery had the lease of the fractions formed by subsequent tripartite divisions of two out of the three. I expect that the third was probably held entire as somebody’s dower’]. [See D/Gr 340].
D/Gr 348[M 45] Latin. 3 May 1606. In the pell of receipts of Easter term, 4th year of James [I.], Saturday 3 May. Durham. From John Welberie, gentleman, farmer of 2 parts of certain lands in Kellow and from parcel of the possessions of Thomas Forscer, gentleman, recusant, £20 due for the half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 4th James.
D/Gr 349[M 47] Latin. 6 November 1606. In the pell of receipts of Michaelmas term 4 James [I.], Thursday, 6 November. Durham. From William Constable, knight, farmer of two-thirds of certain lands in Kellow, parcel of the possessions of Dorothy Constable, widow, recusant, £7 10s. due for the half year ending Michaelmas, 4 James. £7 10s. for Martin and Abraham Harderell in regard. [Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson saw and revised this translation].
D/Gr 350[K 56] Latin and English. 18 May 1607. At Westminster 18 May, 5th year of James [I.]. Deed endorsed ‘An exemplification of depositions in the Exchequer Chamber, 29th Eliz., between Mr. [Ralph] Bowes [complainant] and Mr. [John] Trollope [defendant] concerning lands in Thornly and Little Eden’. Also endorsed, in another hand ‘Mr. Alexander Davison’s estate’. [No attempt has been made to read every word of this very long document of four large parchments; but the undermentioned personal names and names of closes have been extracted]: Thomas Bainbrigge, of Wheatly, Durham; Robt. Bowes, of Aske; William Carre, of Lytle Eden; Nicholas Deareham of Wingate; Sir William Druerie; John Fetherstonehagh, of Durham; John Foster; Percivall Gunston; Christopher Hall; Phillipp Hall of Wingate Grange, Durham; Frances, Rowland, and Thomas Metham; Anthony and Thomas Midleton; Isabel Morden; Michaell Percker, of Lytle Eden; Alex. Rigby; Ralph Scriddmore; William Selby; Henrie Spence, of Thornley; Andrew, Anthony, and Frances Trolloppe; Grace Trollope, widow, mother-in-law of defendant; John Trolloppe, of Mordon; Margerie Trolloppe, wife of John; Michaell Trolloppe, of Wardell. Closes as follows: Broome; Calfe; Carlowes; Carre, otherwise Eller Carre; Elder Carre; Cawewell; Cowe close; Dowcote Bank; Gibson’s close; The Gore; Great Meadow; Leyfeild; Malton and Manton Garthes; Meadow field; Milne Field; The Moore; The Pound; Wheatley Croft Leyes. The writ of Eliz. was addressed to: Ralph Talboys, esq., Nicholas Girlington, esq., William Wetenhall, esq., and Christopher Davyle, esq. The witness to making of letters patent at Westminster was Thomas Flemynge, knight. Seal broken.
D/Gr 351[F 1] Latin. 16 January 1609/10. Apud Dunelm. decimo sexto die Januarii anno regni domini nostri Jacobi dei gratia Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris et regnorum suorum Anglie Francie et Hibernie septimo; et consecrationis nostre anno quarto. Letters patent whereby William, bishop of Durham, of his special grace, and for a fine paid, gives licence to Thomas Forcer de Harberhouse, Durham, gent., to grant to John Claxton de Nettlesworth, knight, and William Carr, de Cocken, Durham, esquire, the capital messuage, manor [etc.], of Harberhouse and Kelloe with the northwaistes with appurtenances to the use of Thomas aforesaid for life and after his decease to the use of Peter, son of Thomas, or of the heirs male of his, Peter’s, body lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue to the use of the right heirs of the said Thomas which lands they hold in chief of him [the bishop]. Witness: Richard Hutton, serjeant at law, chancellor. Signature: W. Dunelm. Great seal, slightly damaged, of bishop James.
D/Gr 352[E 14] English. 10 July 1610. Indenture, 10 July, 8th year of James [I.], betwene (1) John Sayer of Workshall, Yorkshire, esq., and (2) William Lister, Marmaduke Wyld, esq., Anthony Metcalf, and Francys Sayer, gent.; whereby after reciting that the said John Sayer haith already estated a great part of his landes unto his heirs generall, viz. upon Dorathye Sayer, doughter and heire of George Sayer, deceased, brother of the said John Sayer, and upon Dorathye Errington wife of John Errington, gent., doughter and heire of William Sayer, deceased, one other of the brothers of the said John Sayer, and so to Lawrence Sayer, sonne and heire of Richard Sayer, deceased, one other of the bretheren also of the said John Sayer, he, the said John Sayer (beinge desirous to have his ancient landes he now standeth seased of so estated as the same may remaine in his name and blode): agrees to conveye before Michaelmas next, unto the said William Lister, Marmaduke Wyld, Anthony Metcalf, and Francys Sayer, or to some of them and their heires, the manor or lordship of Great Workshall with appurtenances, Yorkshire, with one messuage called Hillaye Leys, and also his messuages, landes [etc.], in Kirkby, Staynton, Staynsby, Maltbye and South Kilvington, Yorkshire, with their appurtenances, and also the demesne landes, messuages [etc.], in Coulborne, Yorkshire, with the tithes, also his lands [etc.], in Yarme, with the freradge of Yarme, with appurtenances, together with his messuages, tenements [etc.], in Faceby and Carleton, with appurtenances, Yorkshire, also his messuages, landes [etc.], in Preston on Tease, Norton, Seaton, Stockton, Hartlepole and Nesham, with 12 acres of meadowe called Elvett Myer in the towne feildes of Eglisclife, with appurtenances, Durham, together with courtes leetes, courtes baron, profittes and perquisites thereof, waifes, estrayes, goodes of felons and fugityves, liberties, franchises, and all meadowes, fedinges, commons, mylnes, rentes, services, [etc.], whatsoever belonging to the same. To have [etc.], to the said William, Marmaduke, Authony, and Franceys [as above], their heires [etc.], for ever, to the use of the said John Sayer and of the heires of his body lawfullie begotten, and for default of such issue to the use of the aforesaid Lawrence Sayer for life, then to the use of his first sonne and of the heires males of such first sonne, and for default of such issue to the use of his second sonne and of the heires males of such second sonne, and for default of such issue, to the use of the 3rd sonne and of his heires males, and for default of such issue to the use of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th sonnes of Lawrence and of the severall heires of each. And for default of such issue to the use of the heires of the bodye of the said Lawrence Sayer; and for default of such issue, to the use of the said Dorathye Sayer, doughter of the said George Sayer, for life, and then of her first [to 7th sonnes similarly as above]; and for default of such issue, to the use of the said Dorathy Errington, doughter of the said William Sayer, for life and then to the use of the first [to 7th] sonnes of the said Dorathye Errington [similarly as above]; and for default of such issue, to the use of the eight heires of the said John Sayer for ever. Provided … [There are several reservations. Endorsement:] Signed, sealed [etc.], in presence of Geo. Stockdaile, John Sayer, Jnr., James Grimie[?], Thomas Hakinge, Henry Clifton (his mark), Thomas Faucett (his mark), George Dent (his mark). Shown to John Errington, esqr. and Thomas Faucet before the courts 5 January 1652, [O.S., as certified by] Jo. Readinge, and to Richard [?] 4 March 1652 [as certified by] Jo. Readinge. One signet.
D/Gr 353[M 51] Latin. 29 April 1611. 9th year of James [I.]. In the pell of receipts of Easter term, 9th year of James, Monday, 29 April. Durham. From John Welbery, gentleman, farmer of two parts of certain lands in Kellowe and from parcel of the possessions of Thomas Forcer, recusant. £20 due for the half year ended at the feast of the Annunciation, 9th year of James.
D/Gr 354[M 26] English. Twenty-six folios with two preliminary leaves. 15 October 1614. Modern copy of ‘Conimission and inquisition touching the manor of Brancepeth in the county of Durham, taken 12 James 1st’. [Brancepeth was one of the estates forfeited through the attainder of Charles, earl of Westmorland, for his part in the rebellion of 1569].
D/Gr 355[F 23] Latin. 8 July 1615. 13th year of James [I.]. Quit claim by Ralph Walle, Riding House, Stanhope, yeoman, and his wife Elizabeth for £100 paid by Peter Blacket of Greenhead, Stanhope, gentleman, to the latter, of all right, claim [etc.], which they have or had in a messuage, a close and 11 acres of land with appurtenances in Stanhope. Warrant clause. [Signatures:] Radulphi Walle, Elizabethe Walle. Witnesses to sealing and delivery: George Hall Clarke, Wyllm. Blackatt, Robert Chapman, Mark Atkinsen, And. Geo. Applebie, et aliis. Two signets (imperfect).
D/Gr 356[M 33] Latin. A long roll. 19 April 1615. List of recusants in the county of Durham indicted in the 13th year of James I. [The roll begins:] Durham. Extract from the peace session held at Durham, 19th day of April, 15th year of James, in the presence of William, bishop of Durham, George Frevile, knight, Henry Anderson, knight, Charles Wrenn [?], knight, Clement Colmor, doctor of laws, John Calverley, esq., Christopher Place, esq., Ralph Conyers, esq., William Bellasys, esq., John Fetherstonhalgh, esq., Robt. Cooper, esq., and their associates, custodians of the peace in the county of Durham and Sedberg; and also of the justices of the king.
D/Gr 357[E 17] Latin. 3 March 1615/16. 13th year of James [I.]. Bond from Hugh Pattison of Witton Gilbert, Durham, gentleman, to Dorothy Pattison, of the same place, spinster, in £6. There is a condition of obligation in English. Witnesses: Croferi (mark) Hopper; Jo. Lithophale[?]; Edward Lilfare[?]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 358[L 4] English. 6 September 1616. 14th year of James [I.]. Indenture between (1) Anthony Dale of Staindroppe, and (2) Ambrose Apelbye of Clove Lodge, Yorkshire, gent., and Francis Apelby, of Greye’s Inne, Middlesex, gent., witnesseth that Dale in consideration of the marriage solemnized between him and Mary his wife, sister of Ambrose and Francis, and for a joynture for the said Mary, grants to the said Ambrose and Francis his, Dale’s, messuage [etc.], in Staindroppe [lands as in D/Gr 345, with additional lands, viz.:] in Cleatlam, Long Newton, and Wakerfield, Durham. To have to the use of Anthony and Mary for life and after their decease to the use of their first son and the heirs males of the first son, and failing such issue [several remainders]. Witnesses to sealing: Cuthbert Thoresbye, Gab. Apelbye, Reignold Brunskell, Ambrose Brunskell, Thomas Apelby, George Copperthwate (mark). Witnesses to livery: Hen. Dale, Gab. Apelbye, Reignold Brunskell, Charles Brabant, John Appleby of Staindrop, William Watson (mark), Robart Naitby[?], Charles Wattson, Thomas Apelby. One signet remains: Amb. Apelby’s.
D/Gr 359[L 6] English. 9 September 1616. 14th year of James [I.]. Indenture between (1) Anthony Dale of Staindroppe and Margaret Dale widow, mother of Anthony Dale and (2) Ambrose Apelby of Clove lodge, Yorkshire, and Francis Apelby, of Grayes Inne, Middlesex: whereas the said Anthony and Margaret be feied for life in a farmhold called Gilfield als. Guildfield in Hunderthwaite, Rombaldkirke, Yorkshire, and in 2 messuages called Carnygill and Maybutts, both in Baldersdale, Rombaldkirke, and in a tenement called Gillhouse, in parish of Rombaldkirke, and in a watercornemilne [etc.], in Baldersdale, under leases from Anthony and Fardinand Huddleston: now Anthony and Margaret grant unto Ambrose and Francis the said messuages [etc., so that] Anthony Dale shall have the rents [etc.], for his life, and after his decease they be employed to the use of the heirs of the body of the said Anthony issuing of the body of Mary his wife, and for default of such issue to the right heirs of Anthony Dale [and under certain conditions to Mary, his wife, for life]. Witnesses to sealing: Cuthbert Thoresbye, Gab. Apelbye, Reignold Brunskell, Robart Naetby[?], Thomas Apelby. Witnesses to livery of seisin: Gab. Apelbye, Cuthbert Thoresbye, Reignold Brunskell, Robart Naetby[?], Thomas Apelby. Two armorial signets, six martlets; Ambrose and Francis Apelby.
D/Gr 360[F 4] Latin. 17 August 1618. 6th year of James [I.]. Indenture whereby Robert Millott de Whittell in the county of Durham, gent., is bound to John Tailor de Raerden in the same county, yeoman, in £[?]. [Several words in this deed are not now legible. There is a condition of obligation in English]. Signature: Robert Mylott. Witnesses: William Lambton the elder, Jo. Mylott, Chr. Barnes, Thomas Taylor, William Lambton, the younger. Signet.
D/Gr 361[F 5] English. 17 August 1618. 16th year of James [1.]. Indenture of confirmation by Robert Millott of Whittell, Durham, gent., of bargain and sale of land in Satley, Durham, to John Tailer of Raerden in the same county, yeoman, as follows: Whereas William Lambton, of Lambton, knight, William Wray, of Beamish Park, knight, and Rauffe Lambton, of Tribley, Durham, gent., by indenture of 10 August 1618 did sell unto John Tailer messuages and houses in Satley on the north side of the street leading through Satley and now in the occupation of the said John Tailer and of one William Beamont, with a croft in the possession of the said William Beamont near to one of the said messuages, and also the closes [etc.], in Satley hereafter mentioned [some of the names are not now legible], ‘the milne and grounds to it belonging excepted’, which messuages and closes do amount by estimation to the full half of Satley, and have granted to John Tailer and heirs a free liberty of passage, on the west part of the other ground of Satley not thereby granted, to and from and between the ground granted and Raerden, with all houses, common of pasture, rents, [etc.], pertaining: now Robert Millott confirms the sale and quit claims his estate, right title [etc.], in the said messuages, [etc.]. It is agreed between the parties to these presents that the curate’s wage of the parish church of Satley be proportionally borne amongst all the inhabitants of the parish, everyone according to his rate and proportion of land. Tailer and heirs shall at all times pay, and contribute to all cessements, largesses and taxes to be imposed upon the said premises above mentioned for the church, his Majesty’s service, or the country, after the rate and proportion of 29s.8d. of old rent of assise. Signature: Robert Mylott. Witnesses: William Lambton the elder; Jo. Mylett; Chr. Barnes; Thomas Tayller; William Lambton, the younger. Seal missing.
D/Gr 362[E 18] Latin. 25 March 1619. 17th year of James [1st]. Bond from Hugh Pattinson of Witton Gilbert, Durham, yeoman, to John Snaith, junior, of the same place, yeoman, in £40. There is a condition of obligation in English. Witnesses: Wm. Snaith, John Walton; [for] Robert Watson; [for] John Watson; [for] John Sander; [for] Richard Wheatley. Part of signet.
D/Gr 363[E10] English. 4 September 1619. 17th year of James [I.]. Award: Whereas wee whose names are underwritten and John Booth late of the cittie of Durham, deceased, were chosen by the inhabitants of Hetton in the Hole, Durham, to make partition of the lands belonging to the said township, and whereas the said neighbours were agreed to stand to our awarde: we certifie that our awarde concerning William Todd’s parte and portion was and is that the hedges, ditches, and fences that were to be made for that parcell of ground and close which was assigned to the said William Todd of Hetton, and his heires, lying and adjoining on the south side of the ground called the Lady Meadow assigned to John Robinson, should be cast, made, repaired and maintayned with good repairs by William James late lord bishop of Durham, his heires and assignes at their coste and charges. In witness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and seales. Geo. Collingwood, Robt. Robson, William [?]. Witnesses: Ra: Rokeby, Robt. Collingwood, Robert Megson (mark), [and other names not legible]. Seals missing.
D/Gr 364[K 76] English. 20 May 1625. 1st Charles [I.]. Indenture between (1) Robt. Collingwood of Hetton on the Hill, Durham, gent., and (2) Thomas Davyson, son of Alex. Davyson of Newcastle, merchant and alderman, after reciting that John Trollopp of Thornley by indenture of demise dated 31 July [1615] did to farm let, unto John Baynbrygg of Wheatley Hill, gent., Robt. Eden, of West Aukland, gent., and John Watson of Sheraton, Durham, gent., the closes called Thorneley Gore, then divided into tillage, meadow, and pasture, one close called the East Fence, then in the occupation of John Welburye, gent., and a meadow with some tillage in it in the occupation of Rauffe Rede, to hold to Baynbrygg [etc.], for 21 years paying yearly to Trollopp 4d. if demanded, and again reciting that Baynbrygg [etc.], did [in November 1615] sell to the said Robt. Collingwood the said closes, to hold for the residue of the said term: now witnesses that Collingwood [in turn] conveys the closes to Thomas Davyson for the residue of the 21 years. Signature: Robt. Collingwood. Witnesses to sealing: J. Swynburn, William Power [and others as in D/Gr 365]. Signet.
D/Gr 365[K 57] English. 23 May 1625. Indenture, made 23 May, 1st year of Charles [I.], between (1) William Poore, of Farnton Hall, Durham, gent., Edward Dale, of Dalton, and Nicholas Todd of Eppleden in the same county, yeomen, and (2) Alexander Davyson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant and alderman: Whereas John Trollopp of Thorneley did grant to Poore [etc.], the messuage and lands known as Thornley Gore, excepting the north meadowfield, to have to Poore [etc.], upon consideration that if Trollopp pay to Poore [etc.], the sum of £660 at the house of George Collingwood of Dalden, Durham, the grant be void, and whereas Davyson having bought the said premises of John Trollopp for £660 to be paid to Poore [etc.]: now this indenture witnesses that Poore [etc.], in consideration of £660 do, with the consent of Trollopp, sell to Davyson the said messuage. Sealed and delivered in the presence of J. Swynburn, Geo. Collingwood, Robt. Collingwood, Geo. Martyn, Rauffe Cocke, Lan[celot] Holtby, Henrie Cocke, Tho. Richardson, Tho. Blenkinsopp, Geo. Clerk, Thomas Jackson. Two signets.
D/Gr 366[K 58] Latin. 25 May 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Charter whereby John Trollopp of Thornley confirms to Alexander Davyson of Newcastle, merchant and alderman, those closes and lands in Thornley called Thornley Gore now divided into 7 several closes with the house called Le Gore House, and all houses, buildings [etc.], with the meadows Le East Fence, North Meadow field, West Meadow field. To have of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses to sealing as in D/Gr 365 with the addition of William Power. Seal missing.
D/Gr 367[K 60] English. 25 May 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Indenture between John Trollopp of Thornley, and Alexander Davyson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant and alderman, witnesseth that Trollopp for £2,470 paid by Davyson confirms unto Davyson the closes and grounds in Thornley named Thornley Gore divided into 7 several closes with the house called the Gore House and all other buildings, and meadows, viz.: East Fence, North Meadow field, West Meadowfleld, on the north side of the street there; with all commons, common of pasture [etc.]. There are conditions concerning a highway from the north west corner of the west field parcel of the ground belonging to Wysidgate over and through the ground belonging to Thornley called the Newmilne field unto the East Fence; and concerning a rent of 33s.4d. yearly to Sherburn Hospital. Signed: John Trollopp. Witnesses to sealing same as in D/Gr 365 with the addition of William Power. Signet.
D/Gr 368[K 61] English. 27 May 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Assignment by William Poore, E. Dale, and N. Wood to A. Davyson, of the remainder of a lease for 12 years granted [in 1622] by John Trollopp, esq., of premises then in the possession of Anne Trollopp, widow, and Robt. Wilson, viz.: Newmilnefield, South Meadowfield, the pasture called Cawdwell, the ground called Maultongarthes, Westmeadow field, in the occupation of Anthony Busby, of Cassopp, Wheatley Croft leazes, Pondclose, The Hawefield, 2 closes in the possession of Christopher Chilton, The Horseclose. Parts of two signets.
D/Gr 369[K 62] English. 1 June 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Bargain and sale by John Trollopp of Thornley, esq., to Alexander Davyson, of Newcastle,merchant and alderman, of the close in Thornley called The South Meadow field [its locale is defined]. Signed: John Trollopp. Sealed and delivered, etc.: Thomas Lambert, George Winters (mark), John Winters (mark), George Clerk. John Bowland gave 2d. in name of attornment. Witnesses: Tho. Richardson, Samuel Robinson. Part of signet.
D/Gr 370[K 63] Latin. 1June 1625. 1st year of Charles I. Confirmation by John Trollopp of Thornley, esq., to Alex. Davyson, of Newcastle, of that close called Southmeadowfield [as in D/Gr 369]. Signed: John Trollopp. Part of signet.
D/Gr 371[K 65] English. 10 June 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Indenture: John Trollopp is bound to Alex. Davyson in £5,000. To be void if articles in indentures, dated 25 May and 1 June [1625], be performed. Signed: John Trollopp. Witnesses: Tho. Heathe, William Smyth [and others]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 372[K 68] Latin. 10 June 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Bond from John Trollopp, of Thorneley, esq., to Alex. Davison, merchant and alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in £5,000. Witnesses: William Hall, W. Jackson, clr. Seal missing.
D/Gr 373[K 67] Latin. Two strips of parchment. 15 August 1625. Final concord made at Durham 15 August, 1st year of Charles [I.] in the presence of John Denham, knight, and Francis Harvy, justices. Alex. Davison, merchant, plaintiff; John Trollopp and his wife, deforciants. Concerns one messuage, 4 cottages a garden, an orchard, 300 acres of land, 200 of meadow, 300 of pasture, and 20 of wood, which deforciants recognize to be plaintiff’s who gives £2,000 to Trollopp and wife.
D/Gr 374[K 70] Latin. Two strips of parchment. 15 August 1625. Final concord made at Durham 15 August, 1st year of Charles [I.]: John Denham, knight, and Francis Harvy, justices. Alex. Davison, merchant, plaintiff; John Trollopp, esq., and Isabella his wife, deforciants. Concerns 20 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow in Thornley, which Trollopp and wife recognize to be Davison’s who gives £200 to Trollopp and wife.
D/Gr 375[K 69] Latin. 16 August 1625. At Durham 16 August, 1st year of Charles [I.]. From Pleas enrolled at Durham at the Court held there 15 August, 1st year of Charles I. John Denham and others unnamed, justices. Exemplification of a recovery of one messuage, a garden, 300 acres of land, 200 of meadow, 300 of pasture, and 20 of wood in Thornley: Ralph Cocke and Thomas Richardson: demandants. Alexander Davison, merchant: tenant. John Trollopp: vouchee. Seal missing.
D/Gr 376[K 71] Latin. 16 August 1625. Apud Dunelmum xvi die Augusti regni nostri primo [Charles I.]. From Pleas enrolled at Durham at the court held there 15 August [1625]. Exemplification of a recovery of 20 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow in Thornley. Ralph Cocke and Thomas Richardson: demandants. Alex. Davison, merchant: tenant. John Trollopp: vouchee. Seal missing.
D/Gr 377[K 72] English. 2 December 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Quit claim by John Trollopp of Thornley to Alex. Davison, of Newcastle, of Trollopp’s right in a messuage, a garden, 300 acres of land, 200 of meadow, 300 of pasture and 20 acres of wood in Thornley purchased by Davison from Trollopp. Witnesses: Richard Belt, Ralph Metcalfe, and 2 others. [See also D/Gr 373, 15 August 1625; D/Gr 375, 16 August 1625] Seal missing.
D/Gr 378[K 73] English. 2 December 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Quit claim by John Trollopp of Thornley, to Alex. Davison, of Trollopp’s right in a close called Southmeadow field containing 20 acres of land and 40 of meadow, more or less, in Thornley, purchased by Davison from Trollopp. Witnesses as of D/Gr 377. [See also D/Gr 369-370, 1 June 1625; D/Gr 374, 15 August 1625; D/Gr 376, 16 August 1625.] Part of signet.
D/Gr 379[K 74] English. 6 December 1625. 1st year of Charles [I.]. Bargain and sale by John Trollopp, of Thornley, to Alex. Davison, of Newcastle, of a close in Thornley called Newmilne Close or Leafield containing 50 acres more or less. [Boundaries are set forth]. To be void if £105 be paid to Davison. Witnesses to sealing: Geo. Martyn, Thomas Lambert, William Andrewe (mark), Geo. Clerk. Signet.
D/Gr 380[K 75] Latin. 6 December 1625. Dated sexto die Decembris anno regni domini nostri Caroli … regis primo. John Trollopp of Thornley confirms to Alex. Davyson of Newcastle Newmilne Close, of 50 acres. To have of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Witnesses to sealing and delivery of seisin: as of D/Gr 379. Part of signet.
D/Gr 381[F 19] English. 20 March 1626/7. 2nd year of Charles 1626. Deed poll of Sir Thomas Tempest of Stelley, Durham, baronett, whereby, after reciting that Richard, bishop of Durham, did, at the request of Sir Thomas Riddell, of Gateshead, knight, by letters patent bearing date 11 October in the 2nd year of Charles, confirm unto him, Tempest, the wardship and custodie of the mannors, landes [etc.], which lately did belong unto Peter Forcer, gentleman, deceased, which he held of the bishop in chief by knightly service at the time of his death and which after his death and by reason of the minoritie and nonage of John Forcer his sonne and heire came unto the bishop; and after reciting also that the said bishop did confirm unto him, Tempest, the wardship of the body of the said John Forcer together with his marriage, he, Thomas Tempest, granted unto the said Thomas Riddell and his assignes the wardshipp and custodie of the said mannors, and wardship and custodie of the body of the said John Forcer, and his marriage. Signature Tho. Tempest. Armorial signet.
D/Gr 382[K 79] English. 18 June 1627. 3rd year of Charles [I.]. Bargain and sale by John Trollopp, of Thornley, to Alex. Davyson, mayor, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, of lands in Thornley, viz.: the close called the Moor bordering upon Kellow (west and south) and upon Cassopp (north), and 2 closes, called Judson’s closes, abutting upon the moor (south) and upon Busbye’s Milnefield (north) to secure £600. Proviso for redemption. Witnesses to sealing: Geo. Meynell, Ralph Calverley, Robt. Myrremann, Thomas Hobsoun [and others]. Signet.
D/Gr 383[K 80*] Latin. 18 June 1627. Dated decimo octavo die Junii anno regni domini nostri Charoli … tertio. John Trollopp confirms to Alex. Davyson, mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the closes [as in D/Gr 382]. To have to Davyson and heirs: to hold of the chief lords. Trollopp and heirs warrant against himself and heirs. Part of signet.
D/Gr 384[K 83] English. 20 June 1627. 3rd year of Charles [I.]. George Mennell [Meynell] of Dalton, Yorkshire, gent., releases all his interest in lands in Thornley, i.e. the moor and 2 closes: Judson’s Closes, unto Alex. Davyson, now mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. To have to Davyson. Witnesses: J. Swynburn, Geo. Martyne, Ralphe Calverley, Geo. Clerk. Seal missing.
D/Gr 385[K 81] English. Paper. 20 June 1627. Deed poll whereby Alex. Davyson covenants with John Trollopp that if the latter does not reclaim within 5 years a mortgage of £600 granted on lands in Thornley [i.e., the moor and Judson’s closes, as in D/Gr 382], or if Trollopp be content to release his absolute interest in the lands to Davyson then he, Davyson, will pay to Trollopp six score pounds. Witnesses: as of D/Gr 384, Geo. Meynell being additional.
D/Gr 386[K 82] Latin. 24 July 1627. At Durham, 24 July, 3rd year of Charles [I.]. From Pleas enrolled at Durham at a session held there, 23 July, 3rd year of Charles I in the presence of James Whitelocke, justice. Exemplification of a recovery of 80 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 50 acres of pasture, and 100 of moor in Thornley. Ralph Cocke and Thomas Richardson demandants. Alexander Davison, merchant: tenant. John Trollopp: vouchee. Part of signet.
D/Gr 387[L 7] English. 24 April 1628. 4th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture between (1) Henry Dale of Beverley, Yorkshire, gent., son of Henry Dale, late of Staindropp, Durham, deceased, which said Henry Dale, deceased, was son of James Dale, late of Staindropp, and (2) Ambrose Apelbie, of Lartington, Yorkshire, and Francis Apelbie, his brother, of Lartington: witnesseth that the said Henry Dale for a sum of money hath confirmed unto Ambrose and Francis his messuages [etc.], in Staindropp, Shotton, Cleatlam, Wakerfield, and Long Newton, Durham, now in the occupation of Anthony Dale, of Staindropp, to have for ever. Witnesses to sealing: Thos. Rosse, Michaell Tinckler, John Hudsonne, Francis Walker, sell. Witnesses to delivery of possession: William Johnson, Robert Temple, William Appleby, Anthony Watson, John Simpson. Signet of Henry Dale.
D/Gr 388[K 77] English. 5 June 1628. 4th year of Charles [I.]. John Trollopp, of Thornley, bargains and sells to Alex. Davison, of Newcastle, lands in Thornley, viz.: [as in D/Gr 382] the moor, and Judson’s closes; to secure £720, for £600 whereof the premises above specified were mortgaged by Trollopp to Davison, and £120 whereof were lent to Trollopp by Davison after the sealing of the mortgage deed. Witnesses to sealing: Cliburne Kirkbryd [and 2 others]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 389[K 84] English. 1 August 1628. 4th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture witnessing that Alex. Davison, of Newcastle, alderman, for £179 paid to him by John Trollopp, the younger, gent., son and heir of John Trollopp, the elder, of Thornley, esq., bargains and sells to Trollopp the younger New Mylne Close in Thornley. To have to Trollopp the younger and heirs. Sealed [etc.], in the presence of: Hen. Lawson, Geo. Martyne, Thomas Trollopp. Seal missing.
D/Gr 390[K 85] English. 25 August 1631. 7th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture witnessing that John Trollopp, the elder, of Thorneley, esq., and his son John, for £450, have bargained, sold and confirmed to Alex. Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant adventurer, one close of pasture and one of meadow known by the name of the 2 Carlowes, bordering (south) upon Kellow moor and (west) upon Thorneley Moor, containing about 40 acres, and a close of 30 acres, called The Lowe Field bordering upon (north) Busbis’ Close and (west) Judson’s Close. To have to Davison. Witnesses to signing, sealing and delivery: Lancelot Dawson, Cliburne Kirkbrid, George (mark) Jopling. Seal missing.
D/Gr 391[K 86] English. 26 August 1631. 7th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture Alex. Davison for a yearly rent of £30 leases to John Trollopp, the elder, of Thorneley, the 2 closes Carlowes, and the close Lowefield [as in D/Gr 390], for 7 years. Power to re-enter. He covenants also to make void the lease and to convey the closes to Trollopp upon payment of £450, and any arrears of rent. Witnesses as of D/Gr 390. Seal missing.
D/Gr 392[K 87] English. 24 January 1631/2. 7th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture between (1) Alex. Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant adventurer, and (2) Ralph, one of Alex.’s sons, witnessing that Alex. is seized of closes and grounds in Thornley, viz.: Thornley Gore, Gore House, the field East Fence, the closes North Meadowfield, West Meadowfield, the 2 Carlaws, Lowefield, the Moor, Judson’s Closes, South Meadow Field, New Milne Close; to the use of Alex., then to the use of Ralph and heirs of his body; failing such issue, then successively to Alex.’s other sons: Edward, Samuel, Joseph, and Thomas. Void if Alex. should pay to the mayor of Newcastle 10s. for the poor. Witnesses to signing, sealing [etc.], Francis Tempest, Thos. Riddell, junior, Thomas Lambert, Samuel Robinson, Thomas Vertue, Richard Fawdon. Deed is endorsed to the effect that Alex. Davison has tend[er]ed and paid to John Marley, esq., now mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the sum of 10s. for the use of the poor, and declares his meaning is to revoke and make void the deed within written. 13 January [1638]. Signed: John Marlay, maior. Witnesses: Henrie Cocke, Nicholas Cole, William Cocke, Henrie Brabant. Seal missing.
D/Gr 393[F 20] Latin. 20 December 1632. Dated apud Dunelm. vicesimo die Decembris anno regni domini nostri Caroli … octavo et translationis nostrae ad Episcopatum Dunelm. anno primo. Letters patent whereby in consideration of a fine paid Thomas [Morton] bishop of Durham pardons Peter Blackett of Grenehead [Stanhope], Durham, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, for having purchased, by indenture bearing date 21 7November 1596, to themselves and heirs of Christopher Wall of Grenehead, yeoman, a messuage with appurtenances and a close and 11 acres of land in Stanhopp now, [or lately] (modo) in the occupation of the said Christopher Wall or his assigns, license thereto not having been obtained, the messuage [etc.], being held of the bishop in chief in his right of bishop of Durham. Fragment of bishop Morton’s great seal.
D/Gr 394[F 24] English. 4 July 1633. 9th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture whereby Elizabeth Wall of Brownehouse in Wardale, widow, in performance of an award made 22 May last, grants to Elizabeth Blackett of Greenehead, Wardale, widow, that Farmehould with appurtenances, at Greanehead; also a close and 11 acres of land reputed part and parcel of the same tenement in Stanhopp in Wardale before in the possession of Christopher Wall. To have [etc.], of the chief lord and lords. [Endorsement (1):] Signed and sealed in presence of Ra. Fetherstonhalgh, Rowland Thompson, George Baxter’s marke. [Endorsement (2):] Witnesses to livery of seisin: Thomas Johnson, Rap. fatherstonhalgh’s marke, Robert Steveson his marke. Seal missing.
D/Gr 395[K 8] English. 4 December 1633. 9th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture witnessing that John Trollopp the elder, of Thornley, for £500 has bargained and sold to Alex. Davison, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the closes: the two Carlawes, and the Lowefield, all now in the occupation of Trollopp. To have [etc.] to Davison and heirs. Witnesses to sealing [etc.]: Nicholas Hull, Nicholas Wake, Martyn Cumyne (marks), Thomas Vertue. Signet: eagle displayed.
D/Gr 396[K 90] English. 11 December 1633. Indenture made 11 December, 9th year of Charles [1st] whereby Alex. Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant, let to farm unto John Trollopp the closes: the 2 Carlawes and the Lowefleld, in Thornley. To have for 9 years, paying £33 yearly. This deed to be void if Trollopp within 9 years pay to Davison £500, and any charges due. Davison will then re-assure the land to Trollopp. Sealed and delivered: J. Swinburn, Geo. Malton, Geo. Malton, A. Calverly. Endorsed to the effect that if the rent be in arrears: power to re-enter, and this deed be of non-effect. Seal missing.
D/Gr 397[K 89] Latin. 6 August 16. At Durham: 6 August, 10th year of Charles [I.]. From Pleas enrolled coram George Vernon, knight, at Durham at the session held there 4 August, 10th year of Charles. Exemplification of a recovery of 36 acres of land, 26 acres of meadow, and 26 of pasture in Thornley. Thomas Riddell, esq., and Ralph Cock, merchant: demandants. Alex. Davison, merchant: tenant. John Trollopp, esq.: vouchee, called to warranty, 5 August. Part of palatinate seal for briefs, etc. (Durham Seals, 3062)
D/Gr 398[K 92] English. 12 December 1655. 11th year of Charles [I.]. Deed whereby John Trollopp, of Thorneley, quit claims to Alex. Davison, for £1050, the power of redeeming lands in Thorneley [as in D/Gr 382]. Witnesses to sealing: Francis Tempest, Geo. Martyn, Thomas R. Horalie [or Thomas Thorabie], Frances Taylor. Seal missing.
D/Gr 399[K 91] English. Paper. Undated, but after 1636. Petition to the King from John Trolope, esq., for a pardon for his only surviving son, 2 other sons having been lost in the King’s service, who had slain Mr. William Selby in a duel, the result of a quarrel at a horse race in 1636. [See Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 80].
D/Gr 400[K 93] English. 1637/8. 15th day of [not stated], 13th year of Charles [I.]. Indenture between (1) Alex. Davison, of Newcastle, and (2) William Bellasis, of Morton, Durham, knight, high sheriff of the county, and (3) Ralph Davison, gent., one of the sons of Alex. Davison, and Tymothea Bellasis, one of the daughters of Sir W. Bellasis, witnessing that the said Alex. in consideration of a marriage intended between the said Ralph Davison and the said Tymothea, covenants to convey unto Sir W. Bellasis, Ralph, and Tymothea, their heirs [etc.], the closes in Thornley viz.: Thornley Gore and Gore House, and the meadows: East Fence, North meadow field, West meadow field, The Two Carlowes, Lowefield, The Moor, Judson’s Closes and South meadowfield, to the uses hereafter expressed viz.: The High Gore and The Low Gore in the possession of Robt. Peacock and Thomas Corneforth, yearly value £69, [and certain closes, the names of which have been omitted in the deed though space has been reserved for them, in the possession of William Busby, William Huntley, and John Trollopp] to the use of Ralph and Tymothea for their lives and for the life of the survivor of them for her joynture; and after their deaths to the use of the heirs of the body of Ralph; and in default of such issue, to Edward, Samuel, Joseph, and Thomas [sons of Alex.] successively. Concerning the lands not formerly limited: to the use of Alex. for and during his life, and after his death to the use of Ralph and of the heirs of the body of Ralph, then to Edward [and so on]. Reservation, if covenant be not completed. Witnesses to sealing: J. Swinburn, Jarrard Salvin, Henry Simpson, William Cock, James Dobson. Two signets. Signed: Alexander Davyson (damaged) and Will. Belasys.
D/Gr 401[K 94] English. 15 January 1638. 13th year of Charles [I.]. Deed of same import as D/Gr 400: almost word for word, the one being a copy of the other. D/Gr 400 is in the hand of one scribe, D/Gr 401 in the hand of three scribes. Same witnesses to sealing. Three armorial signets: (1) Ralph Davison; (2) Timothea Belasys; (3) Will. Belasys.
D/Gr 402[K 96] Latin. 18 February 1641/2. Decimo octavo die Februarii anno regni Domini nostri Caroli … decimo septimo, 1641. Bond in £1100 from John Trollopp of Thornley, esq., to Alex. Davyson, Newcastle, knight, to pay £550. Witnesses to signing, etc. Raiphe Haswell, Simon Comyn. Seal missing.
D/Gr 403[M 22] English. Twelve pages, foolscap folio, six being blank. 1644/5. ‘Antient rents due and arreared to the late Deane and Chapter of Durham from the 25th of March 1644 to the 25th of March 1645’. The rents were due from lands as named below, and were received by Gilbert Marshall and Anthony Smith of the city of Durham. The names of the tenants at the respective places are stated; but for these see the document itself. Aickliff (bis), Aldinridge, Allerton, Allertongate, Bearparke, Belsis, Billingham (ter), Blakiston, Broome, Broomehall, Bruntoft, Burnhopp, Bursblades, Claipath, Copelaw [? Copclaw], Crookehall, Crossgate (ter), Croxdayle, Dalden, Edesbridge, Edmundbyers (bis), Ellingham (bis), Elvet (bis), Elvett Baronie (ter), Framwelgate (bis), Fullwell (bis), Gateside (ter), Gilligate (bis), Great Chilton, Hartinpoole (bis), Hartlepoole, Harton (bis), Hedworth, Heseldon, Hunterbanks, I[s]landshire, Ketton, Mainsforthe, Merrington (bis), East Merrington, Milburngate, Moorehouse, Morton, Muggleswick (ter), Munckwearmouth, Netherheworth, Newcastle – Cuthbert Close, Newton Beawly, North Baylie (bis), North Pittington (bis), Pittington, Parve, Pruddo, Rellywalkmilne, Sadberge, Sadlergate (his), Sheraton, Shinkley (ter), Shinkliff, Silksworthe (bis), Southsheeles (sexies), Stotfeildburne, Southstreete (quater), Underside, West Rainton (bis), West Thickley, Westoe (ter), Wolveston (quater), Woodham.
D/Gr 404[M 23] English. Eight pages, foolscap folio. 1644 – 1648. Stipetids and wages ‘paid and disbursed out of the receipts of the Deane and Chapters rents of Durham from the 25th of March, 1644, to the 25th of March, 1648’.
D/Gr 405[M 14] English. Paper. 1646 – 1745. Printed statement of the market-price of wheat and malt at Windsor from 1646 to 1745.
D/Gr 406[F 7] English. 20 May 1647. 23rd year of Charles [I.]. Indenture whereby Robert Taylor, of Raerden, Durham, yeoman, for £150 received from Richard Wilkinson, of the same place, yeoman, confirms to the latter [certain] messuages, buildings, lands, [etc.], in Satley, Durham, now in the occupation of Taylor. For the consideration aforesaid Taylor also grants to Wilkinson and heirs, passage and way-leave for drift of goods and cattle to go and be driven over or through a close at Satley of the said Robert not hereby sold, from any part of the ground sold, unto the common, and from the common to the said ground. To have [etc.], unto the said Richard Wilkinson and heirs, of the chief lords. Names [not clearly legible] of closes and fields mentioned are: Broad Meadows, Spring Broome [?], Langdaileriggs, Lintlandes [?], Stringers [?] Feild. [Signature:] Robert Taylor. [Endorsement (1):] Signed and delivered in the presence of: George Kirkby, Henry Brigges, Alexander Shaide [or Shande], John Wilkinson. 20 May 1647. [Endorsement (2):] Witnesses to livery of seisin: Thomas Grinwell, Willyam Mason, Willyam Hoodspeth, Willyam Byerley, John Wilkinson, Rowland Wilkinson, Thomas Grinwell, the younger, Thomas Rippon. Seal missing.
D/Gr 407[F 3] English. 22 May 1647. 23rd year of Charles [I.]. Indenture whereby Robert Taylor of Raerden, of Durham, yeoman, sells to Richard Wilkinson and his heirs, of the same place, yeoman, the tithe of corne and graine [etc.], yearly comeing, [etc.], in and upon the land in Satley, same county, with all oblations and Easter reckonings in respect of the said premises. Wilkinson promises for himself and heirs to pay all equal part with Taylor of the curate’s wages of the church of Satley, and to pay all equal part of all cesses and taxes laid upon their respective lands in Satley for the church, His Majesty’s service, and the country, or otherwise. [Signature:] Robert Tayler. [Endorsed:] Sealed and delivered in the presence of: George Kirkby, Henry Brigges, Alexander Shaide [or Shande], John Wilkinson. Seal missing.
D/Gr 408[K 95] Latin. 31 May 1647. Apud Westmonasterium tricesimo primo die Maii anno regni nostri vicesimo tertio [of Charles I. presumably]. Letters patent granting pardon to Ralph Davison of Wyneard, Durham, gentleman, for treasons committed from May 1642, and before the date of the present [deed]. Seal missing.
D/Gr 409[M 21] English. Paper. Eight pages, foolscap folio, five being blank. 1647/8. ‘Rents received out of certaine lands late belongeing to the Deane and Prebends of Durham comonly called the Deane and Prebends Corps’. The lands were at Finckley, Sacristonheughe, Beauleygrainge, Billingham, Pump closes, Ravensflatts, Saltholme, Hallgarthe, Houghall, Southe Pittington, Newton Archdeacon. See document for names of tenants, which are stated.
D/Gr 410[F 14] English. 1 March 1648/9. Indenture, ‘made 1st day of March 1648’, whereby John Morgan of Milnehouses, Durham, gent., and Mary his wife confirmed to Robert Morgan, son and heir of the said John, their ‘capitall messuage and tenements [etc.], called Millnehouses’ in Stanhopp of the ancient yearly rent of 13s.4d. together with all houses, buildings [etc.], belonging thereto. To have [etc.] to the said Robert. [Signatures:] John Morgan; Mary Morgan, her mark. [Endorsed:] memo: ‘that livery, seisin, and possession was given by the within named John Morgan and Mary his wife to the within named Robert Morgan of one pcell of ground called longflatt by the delivery of a clodd or peace of earth in the name of all the rest of the ground according to the terms and effect of this present deed’ in the presence of us Tho. Birckebecke; Arthur Morgan, his mark; Christopher Morgan; John Madgen; Geo. Mowbrey. Seals missing.
D/Gr 411[F 15] English. 9 March 1648/9. Indenture, ‘9th day of March, 1648’, between (1) Robert Morgan of Milnehouses, Durham, gent., son and heir of John Morgan of the same place, gent., and (2) Thomas Birkebecke of Morton Tynmoth in the same county, gent., and Robert Ayseley of Coweshouses, in the same counti, gent. and Christofer Mickleton in the citty of Durham, gent. Robert Morgan grants [to the three named] a yearly sum of £20 issuing from that messuage in the parish of Stanhopp known as Milnehouses and the lands thereof. To have [etc.] the said £20 unto [the three named] their heirs [etc.], for and during the life natural of Mary Morgan, Robert’s mother-in-law, and after her death for and during the life natural of John Morgan of Milnehouses; to the use of the said Mary for life, and after her decease to the use of the children of the said Mary begotten by the said John Morgan, for and during the life natural of the said John Morgan, for their better education and advancement. Power to distrain. Signature: Thomas Birckebeck. Witnesses to delivery: John Morgan; John Madgeon; Christopher Morgan; George Mowbrey. Seals missing.
D/Gr 412[M 5] English. Paper. 29[?] December 1652. Letter from John Fetherstonhalgh, of Stanhope Hall, to his cousin Jarrarde Sellvine at Croxdaile [?] offering £20 for cousin Bryan’s mare.
D/Gr 413[M 6] English. Paper. 1 January 1652/3. Letter from the same to the same: ‘I thanke yow hertely for your maire’.
D/Gr 414[K 97] English. 13 December 1654 Indenture made ’13th day of December in the yeare of our Lord God accordinge to the computacon of the Church of England’, 1654, witnessing that John Trollopp, of Thorneley, Durham, esq., for £550 paid to him by Ralph Davison of Wynnyard, gent., grants to the latter and heirs the yearly rent of £20 payable out of closes in Thomeley, viz.: Gibson’s close, Meadowallars, Caldwell, Lee Field, The Bancks and Allars called the Hore Close, the Pound Close, and out of the lands whatsoever of Trollopp in Thorneley. To have, from and after the death of Trollopp. Void if Trollopp pays £250. Witnesses to sealing: Will. Blakiston, William Hall, Ralph Urween. Seal missing.
D/Gr 415[F 2] English. 24 June 1657. Deed whereby Thomas Rippon of Satley, Durham, acknowledges himself bound in £50 to John Taylor, of Burnopside, yeoman, John Ornesby, of Lanchester, yeoman, John Plumpton of Grenecroft, yeoman, and William Atkinson of Hookerhouse, yeoman, [all in the county of Durham]. [Signature:] Tho. Rippon. There is a condition of obligation. Witnesses to sealing and delivery: Josias Pockray, Michaell Thomyson, Lanclott Marley (mark), Cuthbert Handon. Fragment of signet. On the outside [the verso] of the above deed is written: ‘Mr. Atkinson’s will leaving £3 a year out of Woodside farm to the poor of the parish of Lanchester’.
D/Gr 416[M 36] English. 24 May 1664. 16th year of Charles II. Indenture whereby Richard Willey of Pittington, Durham, yeoman, for £36, bargains and sells to Henry Eden of Shinckley, Durham, his heirs and assigns, 2 cottages [etc.], in Shinckley in the possession of the said Richard Willey [and 2 others], and also that house in Shinkley late in the occupation of James Steele. To have, to Henry Eden and heirs. Seal missing.
D/Gr 417[F 12] English. 26 September 1664. 16th year of Charles II. Marriage settlement between (1) Edward Richardson, of Wolveston, Durham, gent., and (2) Daniel Gill, of Houghton, near Darlington, gent., concerning the marriage of Flora, sister of the said Daniel, to the said Edward Richardson. Gill is to pay as marriage portion of Flora £200. This sum of £200, together with a further sum of £200 due to the said Edward Richardson from Clement Fulthorpe, of Tunstall, Durham, esq., and his eldest son John Fulthorpe, are to go to the use and behoof of the several child or children which the said Edward Richardson shall beget of the body of her the said Flora, and shall be paid to them at the several respective ages of 21 years or marriage. Edward Richardson shall ‘in his life time build or provide a house fitting and convenient for her the said Flora to live in and inhabit after the death of the said Edward Richardson, in the building whereof he shall bestow the full sum of £20 at the least’. If he shall ‘dy’ before a house be built then he shall, by his will or otherwise, give or bequeath a like sum for the providing of such a house. [Signature:] Dan. Gill. [Endorsed:] Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Ja. Mickleton; Frances Mickleton; Dorothy R. Ripton; Anthony Lodge. Signet.
D/Gr 418[M 28] English. Paper. Eight pages, foolscap folio, three being blank. 23 November 1664. 16th year of Charles II. Copy of the will of Anthony Hall, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, shipwright. He bequeaths his messuage, and the wharfe thereto belonging, in Sandgate, without the walls but within the liberties of the town, and his other messuages situate in Sandgate, and elsewhere, unto his friend Thomas Belley and heirs. He gives to his 2 brothers £10 a piece, also his bedding, linen, [etc.]. To Bartram Nicholson he gives ‘one booke of the carpintere’. There are other small bequests. Witnesses: Thomas Lee, John Smith, Peter Wilson.
D/Gr 419[M 29] English. Two pages of script and two blank. 19 February 1664/5. Copy of an inventory of the goods and chattels of Anthony Hall, [above], taken and apprised the 19th day of February 1664 [O.S.]. Interesting as recording the contents of the house of a presumably prosperous master shipwright of the time.
D/Gr 420[K 98] English. 3 February 1666/7. Will, [etc.], of Sir Thomas Davison, of Blakiston, Durham. ‘In the great name and with the good will of God who is sole proprietor of all to whome onely belongs the direct dominion and whose bare usufructuary I am, I, Sr. Thomas Davison of Blakiston, Durham, knight, doo thus dispose of what the world calls mine, and make this my last will and testament. I commend my soule into His hands who created it, and who I hope will have it, by and through the meretts of my blessed Saviour Jesue. I doe make my deare and truly worthy wife my sole executrix of this my last will’. [Other extracts from the will:] ‘I give to my excellent and old servant Isabell Nicholson £5 a yeare for her life and the house her mother lived in at Wineyard’. ‘I give £100 for a tombe or monument for the tenderest of fathers and the dearest of mothers with the inscription declaring his and my brother Joseph’s death for their incomparable and most loveing master Charles the First’. [Personal names mentioned other than that of Davison are:] William Bellasys; testator’s sister: The Lady Riddell. [Places mentioned:] ‘My colliery at Lumley Park’, Wineyard, Fulthrope, Thorpe Thewles. Witnesses: John Eden [and 3 others]. Codicil, dated 21 May 1667, by which £50 is given to the poor of Newcastle. Witnesses: Ra. Davison, Charles Bellasys. Probate: 8 July 1667. Seal missing.
D/Gr 421[F 16] English. 19 February 1666/7. 19th of Charles II. Indenture whereby William Hall the elder of Greencroft in the parish of Lanchester, Durham, esq., and Katherine his wife, and his sons Ralph, William, and George, for 5s. ‘a peece’ paid by Lancelot Hilton, of the city of Durham, gentleman, and John Dodshon, of Monkhesleden, Durham, gentleman, to them, i.e. the Halls, have sold to L. Hilton and J. Dodshon ‘the mannor, or mansion house with appurtenances called Greencroft, parish of Lanchester’, and the closes, called the Whitefeild, the Loaning, Halcroft, Furrdeane, Calfe close, Broomehill, the Parke and the Fencehill, and that colyerie and colemine, mines, and seames of coales situate at or in Greencroft aforesaid, with their and every of their rights [etc.], with all edifices, buildings’. To hold for one year paying the rent of one pepper corne. [Signatures:] Will. Hall; Catherin Hall; Ra. Hall; Will Hall; Geo. Hall. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Plumpton, Antho. Lodge, Rob. Mason. [Endorsed:] In the High Court of Chancery between Sir Thomas Clavering, bart. and others complainants and the Right Rev. Father in God Richard lord bishop of Durham and others defendants, 24 August 1757. This deed was shown to Robert Hull, gent., a witness produced, sworn, and examined, on the part of the complainants upon his examination before us: David Hilton, John Widdrington, Jno. Mann, Geo. Cuthbertson. Three signets.
D/Gr 422[E 6] Latin. Deed damaged. 20 May 1667. At Westminster, 20 May in the 19th year of Charles II. Exemplification of a Final concord made a die Sci. Hillarii in quindecim dies anno regni Caroli Scdi. … decimo octavo [27 January 1667, N.S.] in the presence of Orlando Bridgeman, Thomas [?] Tirrell, Samuel Browne, and John Archer, justices, and afterwards in crastimo Ascensionis Dni. anno eiusdem Regis Caroli decimo nono [17 May 1667] between Sir John Lawson, [The Lawsons were lords of Byker] baronet, plaintiff, and Sir John Swinburne, baronet, and Isabella his wife deforciants, whereby the latter quit claim to the former the manor of Brough ah as Burgh and 5 messuages, a mill (aquatico granatico), 200 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 350 acres of pasture, 300 acres of furze and bush, and 300 acres of moor with appurtenances in Brough alias Burgh, Richmond and Catericke in consideration of £460. The deforciants warrant. [Endorsed:] ‘This was sent by Mr. Wm. Errington to Mr. Thos. Swinburne in Nov., 1748, by Mr. Edward Selby’.
D/Gr 423[K 100] English. Paper. 26 June 1668. At Durham. Case and opinion concerning ‘the producing a certain settlement of Thornly by old Mr. Trollopp unto Mr. William Blakiston of Pittington Hall Garth in trust for Mr. Trollopp’.
D/Gr 424[K 102] English. 20 September 1668. 20th year of Charles II. Assignment, in consideration of an intended marriage between William Davyson and Joan Pennyman [see next deed], by Ralph Davison, of Layton, to William Davyson, of Grayes Inne, Middlesex, son of Ralph, of the yearly rent of £20 arising out of lands in Thornley. [See D/Gr 414]. Witnesses to signing: John Buckell, John Stockeld, Richard Grimston. Signet of Ralph Davison.
D/Gr 425[K101] English. 23 September 1668. Indenture between (1) Ralph Davyson, of Layton, Durham, and Timothea his wife, (2) John Gibson, of Welburne, Yorkshire, esq., and John Pennyman, of the city of London, draper, (3) Sir James Pennyman, of Ormsby, Yorkshire, knight and baronet, and Thomas Pennyman of Easby [Yorkshire] esq., and (4) William Davyson, of Grayes Inn, Middlesex, esq., son of Ralph Davyson, and Joan Pennyman, daughter of William Pennyman, late of Normanby, Yorkshire, esq., deceased: settlement by Ralph Davyson, on his son William Davyson’s marriage with Joan Pennyman, of lands in Thorneley, viz.: Gore House, Thorneley Gore, East Fence, North Meadowfield, West Meadowfield, The Two Carre Lawes, Low Field, Moore, Judson’s Closes, South Meadowfield then or late in the occupation of Robert Peacocke and Thomas Corneforth, William Busby, William Huntley, John Trolloppe. Witnesses to signing [etc.]: John Buckell, John Stockeld, Richard Grimston. [There are two lengthy endorsements]. [Mentioned in Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 90]. Six signets: of Ralph Davison, Timothea Davison, J. Gibson, one unsigned, James Pennyman, Tho. Pennyman.
D/Gr 426[K 99] English. Paper. 12 November 1668. Covenant from Ralph Davison, of Laton, Durham, esq., to deliver, if he have it, the orginal deed of the lordship of Thornly to John Trollopp of Thornly, esq., when it shall be demanded. Witnesses: John Buckell, Geo. Hutchinson. Armorial signet of Davison.
D/Gr 427[F 4] English. 2 April 1675. 27th year of Charles II. Indenture between (1) Thomas Robinson of King’s Lynne, mercer, an alderman of the said burgh, (2) Richard Salter of King’s Lynne, clerke, and Edmund Hamond of West Newton, Norfolk, clerke, and (3) Ame Hamond of King’s Lynne, widdow of John Hamond, an alderman of the said burgh, witnesseth that Robinson in consideration of a marriage to be solemnized betweene him and Ame and for a joynture to be settled upon Ame and for other considerations grants unto Salter and Edmund Hamond that messuage situate in King’s Lynne in Purfleet Street. To have [etc.] unto R. Salter and Edmund Hamond and heirs to the only use and behoof of T. Robinson and heirs until the said marriage shall be solemnized, and from and after the marriage to the use and behoof of the said T. Robinson and of Ame Hamond for and during the terme of their natural lives and that of the survivor of them for the joynture of the said Ame and in lieu of and in satisfaction for her dower, and after the decease of the survivor of them, then. … [Signature:] Tho. Robinson. Seal missing.
D/Gr 428[M 9] English. Paper. 19 August 1678. 30th year of Charles II. Articles of agreement between John Trollop of Thorneley, Durham, esq., and Thomas Pattison, of Hedworth, Durham, gentleman. Trollop agrees to sell to Pattison the manor of Thorneley and the messuage of Thorneley, with closes, as follows: [?] Batts, Banks and Allers, Low Allers, the 3 Cadwell closes, Gibson’s Close, the Leefield, Maltongarths, [?]Far Orchard, Pound Close, the Garths, the Crowtrees, Wheatley Croft Leazes, and all other his lands, cottages in Thorneley, with rights concerning Thomeley Porch, and Sherborne Hospital. Warranty against all men and charges, other than a yearly rent of 40s. payable to the King in right of St. John’s Chappell in Werdale. Pattison agrees to pay sums stated, and to confirm cottages to Hen. Smith, Jane Trollop, Eliz. Wilson, and Edward Comyn. Witnesses: Anth. Salvin, Jo. Spearman, John Lambe, Francis Smith, John Waistell (mark). Signed by the parties. Two signets.
D/Gr 429[M 10] English. 3 September 1678. Statement of account between John Trollop, the elder [vendor], and Mr. John Spearman [purchaser] for the purchase money of Thornley. Witnesses: Ric. Neile, Anth. Salvin, John Lambe, Thomas Smith. Signet.
D/Gr 430[M 7] English. Paper. 4 April 1679. 31st year of Charles II. Quit claim by John Trollopp the elder, of Thorneley, Durham, of all manner of actions, etc., to John Spearman of the city of Durham. Witnesses: John Lambe, Rob. Spearman, William Bell (mark). Signet.
D/Gr 431[E 1] English. 10 April 1679. Indenture made 10 April, 31st year of Charles II. [Apart from the signatures this deed is the same as D/Gr 432]. [Signatures:] James Halman, Joshua Basset Two signets (imperfect).
D/Gr 432[E 3] English. 10 April 1679. Indenture tripartite witnessing that Thomas Robinson, the elder, of King’s Lynn, gent, and Amie his wife, and Joshua Basset, B.D., Fellow of Gonvile ond Caius College, Cambridge, for themselves and either of them, and their heirs, covenant and grant to and with James Halman, M.A., Fellow of Gonvile and Caius College, and his heirs that they (i.e. Robinson, wife, and Basset) will before the end of Easter term next acknowledge and levy unto Halman and heirs one fine sur conusans de droit come ceo q’ils ant de lour douer, of that messuage [etc.], situate in King’s Lynn abutting upon the street called Purfleet Street (south) and upon a common Fleet there (north), and also of that other messuage wherein the said Thomas Robinson dwelleth, situate in King’s Lynn, being a corner house between Bridgegate Street now called High Street (east) and Windgate Street now known by the name of Bakers Land (north), and also of 3 other messuages now divided into 4 dwelling houses near Baxter’s Bridge and also that other yard near Baxter’s Bridge; as to the messuage abutting upon Purfleet Street and also the messuage wherein the said Thomas Robinson dwelleth, to the only use and behoof of James Halman; and as to the 3 other messuages and the yard near Baxter’s Bridge, to the only use and behoof of the said Joshua Basset, and his heirs. [Signatures:] Thos. Robinson, senr., Amie Robinson, Joshua Basset. Two signets.
D/Gr 433[E 5] English. 10 April 1679. Indenture [similar to D/Gr 432]. [Signatures:] Tho. Robinson, senr., Amy Robinson, James Holman. One signet.
D/Gr 434[E 2] English. 19 July 1679. 31st year of Charles II. Declaration of use: Whereas Thomas Robinson, the elder, and Amy his wife and Joshua Bassett did levy and acknowledge unto James Holman a fine sur conusans de droit [see D/Gr 432] of five messuages [etc.], in Kings Lynn, and whereas by an indenture of 10 April last past between the parties [as above] the use of the fine as to one messuage, situate [as in D/Gr 432], and also as to one other messnage wherein the said Thomas Robinson now dwelleth, was declared to be to the use of James Holman and heirs: now the said James Holman declares that the use of the said fine as to the said messuage was declared to the use of James Holman at the desire of Thomas Robinson and Amy his wife and was and is for the sole use of the said Thomas Robinson the elder, his heirs and assigns, out of which the said Amy is not to have or claim any title of dower. [Signature:] James Holman. One signet.
D/Gr 435[M 8] English. Paper. c.1679. Letter from George Baker to ‘John Spearman in Durham’ concerning rights [probably in Thorneley] claimed by Thomas Trollop next kinsman to Mr. Trollop of whom John Spearman had purchased the estate.
D/Gr 436[M 40] English. 15 November 1680. Indenture made 15 November, 32nd year of Charles [II.], 1680, between (1) Thomas Barrett of Blakemore, Essex, gent., and Sarah, his wife, and (2) Gilbert Lacey of Rumford, Essex, inholder, witnessing that for 5s. paid by Lacey, the Barretts bargain and sell unto Lacey the messuage called Fennings [? Jennings], and one other messuage adjoining, and also parcels of land called Grove’s Feild, Maple Croft, or Netherland’s Long Croft, and Pitfeild abutting upon the comon called Navestock comon otherwise Frithwood and parcel of the lands belonging to the tenement Fennings [and other pieces of land, named, in Navestock, Essex]: all in the occupation of John Dousell. To have for one year. One signet remains: Sarah Barrett’s.
D/Gr 437[M 30] French. 26 December 1680. At Paris. Congé signed by Le Prince Eugene de Sauoye, Comte de Soissons, Duc de Carignan, Colonel General des Suisses et Grisons, to Sr. Beleben, captain of a company of Franco Swiss, to visit his country on the plea of urgent private affairs, provided the permission of his commanding officer be obtained. [Signed:] Eugene de Sauoye. Armorial signet.
D/Gr 438[K 103] English. Paper. 12 April 1682. 34th year of Charles [II.]. Order by John Trollope [John Trollope ultimus suorum died apud domum Johannis Lambe, gen., in West Herrington, 15 January 1682[/3]. See Robert Surtees, The History and Antiquities of … Durham, I, 89.] to Anthony Salvin and John Spearman, his trustees, to deliver to his cousin John Lambe the security for £500 [lent]. Witnesses to signing [etc.], Tho. Lambe, Elizabeth (mark) Hodshon, Magdalen (mark) Smith. Signet. With the above deed, though not a part of it, is a slip headed ‘A copy of Mr. Trollope’s legacies’. It records a sum of £187 bequeathed, and the names of the several recipients.
D/Gr 439[M 37] English. 24 August 1682. 34th year of [Charles II.]. Bargain and sale by Henry Whinfeild of Batlebrough, Westmorland, yeoman, and Margaret, his wife, to Robert Boulton of Bongate, Westmorland, yeoman, £20 having been paid, of the close called Haborbutts Close in Bongate. To hold to Boulton and heirs for ever, paying to Richard, earl of Thannett [de jure lord Clifford] the yearly tent of 8d. One signet: Margaret Whinfeild’s.
D/Gr 440[K 104] English. Paper. Four pages. 14 July 1683. 35th year of Charles II. Release from Thomas Lamb, the younger, of Butterwicke, Durham, yeoman, and Mary, his wife (lately called while sole Mary Brough) to John Spearman of the city of Durham, gentleman, of a cottage in Thornely, for £3. Witnesses to signing [etc.] Geo. Shaw, Rob. Spearman, Mich. Spearman. Also receipt for the £3 on third page of D/Gr 440. Two signets.
D/Gr 441[M 15] Latin. Paper. Post 1683. MS. copy of Polemo-Medinia inter Vitarvam et Nebernam. Auctore Gulielmo Drummondo de Hawthornden, Scoto.
D/Gr 442[K 105] English. Paper. Two leaves. 20 October 1684. Copy of ‘inquisitions post mortem for the manuor of Thornelaw in ye Cursitor’s office at Durham 20 Octob. 1684’, extracted from the old Booke of Inquisitions called The Booke of Tenures. From 5th year of bishop Hatfield [1349/50] to 1st year of Eliz. [1558/9]. [Most of the information recorded in these inquisitions has been used by Robert Surtees in his History and Antiquities of … Durham, I., 84-6, or is given in the preceding deeds. Two entries are, however, reproduced here as they do not seem to have been used:] [1352/3] ‘Thomas Harpin holds the tower there (with Eleanor his wife) of the Lord Willaby by knight’s service, and value 40s. per annum (besides the charge of one priest to perform divine service), and Joanna his sister and heir 20 years old’. [1399 – 1400] ‘William of Wessington, knight, holds one messuage, 60 acres of land, and 20 acres of meadow, at Thornelaw of the heires of Thomas Harpin, value 30s. per annum’. [On second leaf is a Harpin – Lumly – Trollop pedigree.]
D/Gr 443[L 8] English. 14 November 1684. Will of John Dale, rector of Standlake, Oxfordshire, who leaves to his son John his land, estate, and books, and other goods. Proved 13 December 1684. Seal missing.
D/Gr 444[M 34] English. 9 April 1685. Indenture made 9 April, first year of James [II.] witnessing that John Mickleton of the city of Durham, esq., bargains and sells to Robt. Wilson, of Stranton, for £9 paid by Wilson, the messuage in Stranton with a garth thereto adjoining, abutting east and north on ground belonging to William Thomson, south on a yard belonging to Richard Norton, and west on the Towne Street. To have to Wilson of the chief lords. Warrant clause. Seal missing.
D/Gr 445[K 106] English. 28 April 1685. 1st year of James II. Quit claim by John Davison, of Blakeston, Durham, esq., of all actions, suits [etc.], unto William Davison, of New Elvett, Durham, esq., except one bond in £85 with condition for payment of £42 10s. Witnesses to signing [etc.]: Lancelott Cramlington, John Stockeld. Signet of Davison.
D/Gr 446[M 12] English. Undated. Originally one sheet of foolscap; now in two parts, torn and frayed. Evidence of 1687 and of later than 1702 concerning the custom of the province of York regarding the disposal of the estates of inhabitants of the province of York dying and leaving a widow and children.
D/Gr 447[M 19] English. Four pages foolscap folio, three being blank. 26 April 1693. 5th year of William and Mary. Quarter sessions held at Durham. Schedule of the prices and rates of the land carriage of any goods brought into, or carried from, the County Palatine of Durham by any common waggoner or carrier for the year ensuing.
D/Gr 448[M 1] English. 22 November 1700. 12th year of William III. Lease for one year by John Spearman of the city of Durham, gent., to Robt. Bromley, of Nesbett, Durham, and Robt. Spearman of the city of Durham, of the manor of Thornley with the capital messuage Thorneley Hall, and cottages in the occupation of John Garthwaite, Alex. Jackson Gardiner, Isabel Comyn, widow, Eliz. Wilson, William Megson, Mark Allenson; of the north porch in Kelloe Church; and of ‘his inn brother’s place in’ Sherburn Hospital, and of several closes in, or near, Thornley [the names of some of which are not mentioned in earlier Thornley deeds]; and also of Loaning House Farm. Signed and sealed: John Spearman. Witnesses to delivery of seisin: Jos. Bittleston, Wm. Jenison, Ro. Bell, Fra. Waton [i.e. Walton]. Part of signet.
D/Gr 449[M 2] English. 23 November 1700. 12th year of William III. John Spearman, of the city of Durham, in consideration of a marriage between Gilbert Spearman, younger son of the said John, and Mary Bromley, 4th daughter of Robt. Bromley, of Nesbett, releases and confirms to Robt. Bromley and to Robt. Spearman, of the city of Durham, the manor of Thorneley with Thorneley Hall [etc., as in D/Gr 448]. To have [etc.], to the said Robt. Bromley and Robt. Spearman for the use of John Spearman for life, and after his decease to his wife, Eliz., then to the use of Gilbert, then to the use of Mary, [several remainders]. Witnesses to delivery: Jos. Bittleston, Wm. Jenison, Ro. Bell, Fra. Walton. Three armorial signets.
D/Gr 450[M 38] English. Sixteen folios, imperial quarto. The first folio is missing. July 1707. ‘Proposalls by John Forcer, esq., for management of his mines [of lead ore, copper ore, and other minerals] att Kelloe’.
D/Gr 451[M 48] Latin. 20 August 1707. 6th year of Anne. Anne, by the grace of God, Queen. Injunction to John Forcer [?] to pay, or cause to be paid, to William [?] 66s.8d. adjudicated to him by the Court of Chancery.
D/Gr 452[F 6] English. Three large parchments. 29 June 1710. 9th year of Anne. Indenture of lease by James earl of Darwentwater viscount Radclyffe and Langley and baron Tyndale, to the hon. Thomas Radclyffe, esq., uncle of the said earl, and John Errington of Beaufront, esq., Northumberland, of the mines of lead and other ore and all other mines (coal excepted) at a place commonly known by the name of the north vein of Briggilburne within Alston Moor for 21 years, the lessees yielding and paying to the earl one fifth part of all ore gotten, which fifth part is to be well washed, cleansed and preserved and kept in separate bingsteads. [There are conditions as to washing, weighing, cartage]. The lessees shall not leave the mine unworked for more than 20 days in the year and shall employ at least 4 men. If requested by the earl they shall deliver in writing an account of all bings, horse loads, sacks and ‘poaks’ of ore got in, taken or carried from, the mines. The moormaster of the earl shall be free to descond into the shafts to inspect the working of the mines, and free also to inspect the account books of the mines. Once in every year the accounts of the two parties to the agreement shall be compared. At the expiration of the lease 2 shafts well timbered and in good order are to be left upon the forehead of the mine. [Signature:] Darwentwater. One armorial signet.
D/Gr 453[E 13] English. 6 October 1718. Letter to Mr. Tho. Wycliffe, attorney at law, Richmond, from G.S., Bishop Middleham, on legal business at Durham Chancery sittings, etc. The first sentence reads: ‘I was favourd with yours last weeke wch I had sooner answered but that my son was taken ill here wth ye small pox and I coud think of no busines till I saw him in a state of recovery and I thanke God he now is in a hopefull way’.
D/Gr 454[M 43] Latin. 23[?] April, and 5 June 1721. Final concord made at Westminster a die Pasche in quindecim dies anno regnorumn Georgii … septimo in the presence of Peter King, John Blencowe, Robt. Tracy, and Robt. Dormer [?], justices, et postea in crastino Sce. Trinitatis anno regnorum eiusdem regis Georgii supradicto. Thomas Carr, gentleman: plaintiff; John Ridley, Mary, his wife, and John Ridley junior: deforciants. Concerns 2 messuages, 2 cottages, and 60 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 200 acres of moor with appurtenances in Buywell St. Peter and Buywell St. Andrew, which deforciants recognize to be plaintiff’s who gives to deforciants £160.
D/Gr 455[E 12] English. 14 May 1722. Commission by the Right Hon. William Pulteney, esq., Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the East Riding, Yorkshire, to Ellerker Bradshaw, esq., to be Lieut. Colonel in the Regiment of Foot, commanded by the Hon. Sir William Strickland, bart., part of the militia of York. Signet.
D/Gr 456[NI 44] Latin. 4 March 1729. Final concord made at Durham 4 March, second year of George II., before Michael Brabin, esq., Giles Raine, esq., Henry Forster, esq., mayor of the city of Durham [etc.], justices in eyre; Henry Robson, plaintiff; Thomas Perkin and Isabella his wife, deforciants, concerning 6 messuages, 4 cottages, and 2 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, and 2 acres of pasture in the parish of St. Nicholas in the city of Durham, which deforciants recognize to be plaintiff’s, who gives to Thomas mid Isabella 100 marks.
D/Gr 457[F 8] English. Letter, dated 13 March 1743/4, at Durham Castle, from H. Williamson to bishop Edward Chandler, of Durham, concerning the making of returns of papists, and the summoning of papists to take the oath. Justices’ names mentioned are: Sir Robert Eden; Mr. Vane; Mr. Middleton; Mr. Bates; Mr. Wilkinson; Mr. Surtees; Mr. Lambton of Hardwick; Mr. Lambton of Biddick; the Rev. Mr. Ellison; Mr. Bowes of Bradley; Mr. Burden; Mr. Whitingham; Mr. Mylott, mayor of Stockton; Mr. Shepperdson; Mr. Hunter; the Rev. Mr. Lamb; Hedworth Williamson. [Action evidently anticipatory of the 1745 rebellion.]
D/Gr 458[F 11] English. 1768. A quarterly schedule for the poor of the township of Witton Gilbert for the year 1768: John Appleby, 2s.; Auth. Bunton, senr., 9d.; Antho. Bunton, junr., 9d.; Wm. Bell, 7½d.; Baisters Houses, 9d.; Mr. Bainbridge, 4s.; Wm. Burdon, 1s.; Geo. Cuming, 2s.1½d.; John Chambers, 4½d.; Stephen Clark, 6d.; Wm. Clark, 9d.; Bridget Clark, 1s.6d.; Richd. Crofton, 7s.3d.; Joseph Errington, 17s.10½d.; John Foggan, 10s.6d.; John Forster, 2s.3d.; Ralph Ferry, 4½d.; Robt. Grieveson, 7s.; Town-End fields, 2s.6d.; Hanh. Herring, 7½d.; Hugh Hopper, 5s.; John Hornsby, 2s.3d.; Thos. Hudson, 1s.3d.; Thos. Jopling, 8s.3d.; Mr. Kidson, 2s.4½d.; John Lawson, 1s.9d.; John Mason, 7s.; Jno. Pattinson, 11s.7½d.; Geo. Robinson, 5s.; Mr. Richardson, 1s.10½d.; Peter Stephenson, 1s.3d.; Mark Stephenson, 1s.6d.; John Smith, 24s.3d.; Ann Smith, 3s.10½d.; Elizth. Sanders, 6d.; Joseph Wright, 1s.; Mary Wright, 3d.; Hen. Wetherell, 10½d. Total: £7 3s.4½d. Thomas Herring, overseer. The names of the persons that receive alms in Witton Gilbert, to enter 1 May: Ann Pickering, 7s.; Wm. Mallom, 5s.; Marg. Cooper, 3s.6d. – p. month, 15s.6d. Ann Pickering’s house rent, 12s.; Mary Hull’s house rent, 12s.; John Curry by the year £1.
D/Gr 459[M 35] English. 1 June 1770. Licence of the Dean and Chapter of Durham to William Mills, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to ‘alien’, to John Bird of Sherburn House, Durham, the close called Cockshott ‘boundering’ with Haywing Wood (east), Coopeth Lane (south), Windmill Hill (west), and a close called the Lowfield (north), with a wayleave [etc.], from the river of Tyne to the close called Cockshott which said close is parcel of a tenement of Nether Heworth, Durham, late John Catcheside’s, and reputed to be the 5th part of the said tenement,the Dean and Chapter having in 1769 granted Mills a lease of the same for 21 years under the yearly rent of 10s.8d. Seal missing.
D/Gr 460[M13] English. Paper. 1774. Copy of Lord Chesterfield’s criticism, in a letter to his son, of Voltaire’s poem: La Henriade.
D/Gr 461[M 11] English. 19 May 1783. Letter from Charles Hutton, born at Newcastle, 1737, died 1823, professor of mathematics at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, to [?] in which mention is made of John Goodricke, the astronomer, 1764 – 1786, who was deaf and dumb, and of Thomas Braidwood, 1715 – 1806, a teacher of the deaf and dumb.
D/Gr 462[M 31] English. Paper. Eighteen pages, crown folio, three being blank. 13 June 1798. 38th year of George III. Indenture between (1) Richard Jefferson, of Ferryhill, Durham, butcher, and Lettice, his wife, (2) Thomas Clarke, Sedgfield, butcher, andd (3) Robt. Pattison, of Tudhoe, yeoman. Assignment by Jefferson and wife, and Clarke, to Pattison, for the remaining period of a lease, so made that the premises were in trust for Lettice Jefferson as devisee in the will of Edward Reah, of 21 years, granted in 1793 to the late Robt. Dunn, of Yarm, of Dean and Chapter premises in Ferryhill, including a close called Brecken Beds: being security for £310 lent by Pattison to Jefferson. A few months after the lease to Dunn, he and the Jeffersons had sub-leased to Clarke. [See D/Gr 466].
D/Gr 463[M 20] English. Paper. Four pages, foolscap folio, two being blank. Undated, ? Eighteenth century. Roll of the ‘names of the choyremen and other officers of the Church of Durham. Net liveing’ [i.e. amount of their stipends].
D/Gr 464[M 25] English. Paper. Four pages, foolscap folio. Undated, ? Eighteenth century. Classified list of the botanical names of plants. Source not stated.
D/Gr 465[M 41] English. 2 July 1803. ‘Deed of trust of lands in Weardale’. Indenture made 2 July, 43rd year of George III between (1) John Wren, Wolsingham, Durham, gentleman, and (2) Robt. Curry of Bishop Oak, parish of Wolsingham, esq., and Thomas Chapman of Wolsingham, gentleman, witnessing that Wren sells unto Curry and Chapman the messuage and closes called Low Rigg in Stanhope, Durham, with 3 allotments on Ireshope Moor: premises now in the occupation of Joseph Hodgson and John Whitfield. To have to Curry and Chapman subject to dues payable to the bishop of Durham, and also subject nevertheless upon trusts [set forth]. Signet of Wren.
D/Gr 466[M 32] English. A fragment of paper. 22 January 1821. Notes, presumably for counsel, concerning premises, at Ferryhill, left by Edward Reah to Mrs. Jefferson. The premises were held under lease to be granted to Mr. R. Mowbray who married Robt. Dunn’s daughter. [See D/Gr 462].
D/Gr 467[M 39] English. Paper. One page, folio. 13 February 1823. Proportions of fine and fees to be paid on renewal of Miss Boazman’s lease at Aycliffe.
D/Gr 468A Second Calendar of Greenwell Deeds, 1929. The second calendar consists of non-local deeds, deeds belonging to Canon Greenwell which have since been lost, and four deeds belonging to Mr. Aylwin Raimes of Yarm.
D/Gr 178*[K 9*] Counterpart. One seal.
D/Gr 195*[K 11*] Counterpart (with part of seal).
D/Gr 197*[K 15*] Duplicate of above. Seals missing.
D/Gr 215*[D 58] Latin. Counterpart to above. Two seals in fair condition: (1) Double-headed eagle on shield; (2) Pelican in her piety.
D/Gr 243*[D 71*] Latin. Counterpart to above. Seal.
D/Gr 284*[C 37*] Latin. Counterpart of D/Gr 284. Two seals (Durham Seals, 763A, 1738)
D/Gr 288*[C 39*] Latin. Counterpart of D/Gr 288. There have been three seals, of which the first remains: same as first on D/Gr 284*.
D/Gr 345*[L 3] Counterpart to L 2. Same signets remain.
D/Gr 358*[L 5] Counterpart to D/Gr 358. Signature and signet of Anthonye Dale.
D/Gr 367*[K 59] Counterpart to above. Signed: Alexander Davyson.
D/Gr 369*[K 64] English. 1 June 1625. 1st year of Charles. Counterpart of D/Gr 369 [above]. Signed: Alexander Davyson. Seal missing.
D/Gr 371*[K 66] Counterpart to D/Gr 371. Signed: Alexander Davyson.
D/Gr 382*[K 80] Counterpart to D/Gr 382. Part of signet.
D/Gr 388*[K 78] Counterpart to D/Gr 388.
D/Gr 469-470ManuscriptsManuscripts to Greenwell deeds were transferred to Durham County Record Office in October 2016 by Newcastle City Library, from where the original transfer of deeds was made. They contain transcripts of Greenwell deeds, including those missing from the collection. Volumes G-J, however, are not among the series and their whereabouts are unknown to us.
D/Gr 469/11 volumeManuscripts, vol. A
D/Gr 469/21 volumeManuscripts, vol. B
D/Gr 469/31 volumeManuscripts, vol. C
D/Gr 469/41 volumeManuscripts, vol. D1
D/Gr 469/51 volumeManuscripts, vol. D2
D/Gr 469/61 volumeManuscripts, vol. E – F
D/Gr 469/71 volumeManuscripts, vol. K – L
D/Gr 4701 volumeIndex to manuscripts, n.d. [c 1919]

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